def GetAddr(func_name): func_list = Functions() for func in func_list: name = GetFunctionName(func) if func_name == name: print(name,hex(func)) func_addr=func return func_addr
import idautils for seg in idautils.Segments(): if SegName(seg) == '.data': start = idc.SegStart(seg) end = idc.SegEnd(seg) print idc.SegName(seg),start,end while(start!=end): key = GetString(Dword(start)) if key != None and key != '0': start += 4 val = GetString(Dword(start)) if 'upnp' in key: print('%s=%s'%(key,val)) start += 4
import itchat from datetime import datetime import time import re import threading from itchat.content import TEXT from itchat.content import * from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler
@itchat.msg_register([TEXT], isFriendChat=True, isGroupChat=True, isMpChat=True) def getContent(msg): global g_msg groups = itchat.get_chatrooms(update = True) for g in groups: #print(g['NickName']) if g['NickName'] == '被转发的群名': from_group = g['UserName'] if '每日安全简讯' in msg['Content']: print("get message from " + msg['FromUserName']) if msg['FromUserName'] == from_group: g_msg = msg['Content'] print('成功获得群消息,等待转发') print(int(time.strftime("%H%M%S"))) while(1): if int(time.strftime("%H%M%S")) > 80000: SendMessage(g_msg,'发送的对象群名') g_msg = '' break
# coding=utf-8 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import wave import struct import math from pydub import AudioSegment import
IMEI = '867179032952446' conn = sqlite3.connect('2685371834.db') c = conn.cursor()
def _decrypt(foo): substr = '' #print(len(foo)) for i in range(0,len(foo)): substr += chr(ord(foo[i]) ^ ord(IMEI[i%15])) return substr
#rem = c.execute("SELECT uin, remark, name FROM Friends") Msg = c.execute("SELECT msgData, senderuin, time FROM mr_friend_0FC9764CD248C8100C82A089152FB98B_New")
for msg in Msg: uid = _decrypt(msg[1]) print("\n"+uid+":") try: msgData = _decrypt(msg[0]).decode('utf-8') print(msgData) except: pass
import itchat from datetime import datetime import time import re import threading from itchat.content import TEXT from itchat.content import * from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler
@itchat.msg_register([TEXT], isFriendChat=True, isGroupChat=True, isMpChat=True) def getContent(msg): global g_msg groups = itchat.get_chatrooms(update = True) for g in groups: #print(g['NickName']) if g['NickName'] == '被转发的群名': from_group = g['UserName'] if '每日安全简讯' in msg['Content']: print("get message from " + msg['FromUserName']) if msg['FromUserName'] == from_group: g_msg = msg['Content'] print('成功获得群消息,等待转发') print(int(time.strftime("%H%M%S"))) while(1): if int(time.strftime("%H%M%S")) > 80000: SendMessage(g_msg,'发送的对象群名') g_msg = '' break
# coding=utf-8 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import wave import struct import math from pydub import AudioSegment import
def GetAddr(func_name): func_list = Functions() for func in func_list: name = GetFunctionName(func) if func_name == name: print(name,hex(func)) func_addr=func return func_addr
import idautils for seg in idautils.Segments(): if SegName(seg) == '.data': start = idc.SegStart(seg) end = idc.SegEnd(seg) print idc.SegName(seg),start,end while(start!=end): key = GetString(Dword(start)) if key != None and key != '0': start += 4 val = GetString(Dword(start)) if 'upnp' in key: print('%s=%s'%(key,val)) start += 4
IMEI = '867179032952446' conn = sqlite3.connect('2685371834.db') c = conn.cursor()
def _decrypt(foo): substr = '' #print(len(foo)) for i in range(0,len(foo)): substr += chr(ord(foo[i]) ^ ord(IMEI[i%15])) return substr
#rem = c.execute("SELECT uin, remark, name FROM Friends") Msg = c.execute("SELECT msgData, senderuin, time FROM mr_friend_0FC9764CD248C8100C82A089152FB98B_New")
for msg in Msg: uid = _decrypt(msg[1]) print("\n"+uid+":") try: msgData = _decrypt(msg[0]).decode('utf-8') print(msgData) except: pass
Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- RHOSTS yes The target address range or CIDR identifier RPORT 445 yes The SMB service port (TCP) SMB_FOLDER no The directory to use within the writeable SMB share SMB_SHARE_NAME no The name of the SMB share containing a writeable directory
Payload options (generic/shell_reverse_tcp):
Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- LHOST yes The listen address (an interface may be specified) LPORT 4444 yes The listen port
Exploit target:
Id Name -- ---- 7 Linux MIPSLE
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on [*] - Using location \\\data\ for the path [*] - Retrieving the remote path of the share 'data' [*] - Share 'data' has server-side path '/tmp [*] - Uploaded payload to \\\data\ [*] - Loading the payload from server-side path /tmp/ using \\PIPE\/tmp/ [-] - >> Failed to load STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND [*] - Loading the payload from server-side path /tmp/ using /tmp/ [-] - >> Failed to load STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND [*] Exploit completed, but no session was created.
Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- RHOSTS yes The target address range or CIDR identifier RPORT 445 yes The SMB service port (TCP) SMB_FOLDER no The directory to use within the writeable SMB share SMB_SHARE_NAME no The name of the SMB share containing a writeable directory
Payload options (generic/shell_reverse_tcp):
Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- LHOST yes The listen address (an interface may be specified) LPORT 4444 yes The listen port
Exploit target:
Id Name -- ---- 7 Linux MIPSLE
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on [*] - Using location \\\data\ for the path [*] - Retrieving the remote path of the share 'data' [*] - Share 'data' has server-side path '/tmp [*] - Uploaded payload to \\\data\ [*] - Loading the payload from server-side path /tmp/ using \\PIPE\/tmp/ [-] - >> Failed to load STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND [*] - Loading the payload from server-side path /tmp/ using /tmp/ [-] - >> Failed to load STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND [*] Exploit completed, but no session was created.
UPnP和NAT-PMP用于改善NAT路由器后面的设备的互联网连接。 诸如游戏,IM等的任何对等网络应用可受益于支持UPnP和/或NAT-PMP的NAT路由器。最新一代的Microsoft XBOX 360和Sony Playstation 3游戏机使用UPnP命令来启用XBOX Live服务和Playstation Network的在线游戏。 据报道,MiniUPnPd正在与两个控制台正常工作。 它可能需要一个精细的配置调整。
给定一个IP地址(通过DHCP获得),UPnP网络中的第一步是发现。 当一个设备被加入到网络中并想知道网络上可用的UPnP服务时,UPnP检测协议允许该设备向控制点广播自己的服务。通过UDP协议向端口1900上的多播地址239.255.255.250发送发现消息。此消息包含标头,类似于HTTP请求。此协议有时称为HTTPU(HTTP over UDP):
某个设备的UPnP描述是 XML 的方式,通过http协议,包括品牌、厂商相关信息,如型号名和编号、序列号、厂商名、品牌相关URL等。描述还包括一个嵌入式设备和服务列表,以及控制、事件传递和存在相关的URL。对于每种设备,描述还包括一个命令或动作列表,包括响应何种服务,针对各种动作的参数;这些变量描述出运行时设备的状态信息,并通过它们的数据类型、范围和事件来进行描述。
And this is just the official specs All our devices can talk to each other! Brave new worlds of remote control and automation! Have your toaster turn on the lights, set the TV to the news channel, and send you a text message when breakfast is ready! The future is now! Nothing could possibly go wrong!
Miranda v1.3 The interactive UPnP client Craig Heffner,
Binding to interface wlx44334c388fbd ...
Verbose mode enabled! upnp> msearch
Entering discovery mode for 'upnp:rootdevice', Ctl+C to stop...
**************************************************************** SSDP reply message from XML file is located at Device is running MiWiFi/x UPnP/1.1 MiniUPnPd/2.0 ****************************************************************
upnp> host get 0
Requesting device and service info for (this could take a few seconds)...
Device urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANDevice:1 does not have a presentationURL Device urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANConnectionDevice:1 does not have a presentationURL Host data enumeration complete!
START=95 SERVICE_USE_PID=1 upnpd_get_port_range() { local _var="$1"; shift local _val config_get _val "$@" case "$_val" in [0-9]*[:-][0-9]*) export -n -- "${_var}_start=${_val%%[:-]*}" export -n -- "${_var}_end=${_val##*[:-]}" ;; [0-9]*) export -n -- "${_var}_start=$_val" export -n -- "${_var}_end=" ;; esac } conf_rule_add() { local cfg="$1" local tmpconf="$2" local action external_port_start external_port_end int_addr local internal_port_start internal_port_end
config_get action "$cfg" action "deny" # allow or deny upnpd_get_port_range "ext" "$cfg" ext_ports "0-65535" # external ports: x, x-y, x:y config_get int_addr "$cfg" int_addr "" # ip or network and subnet mask (internal) upnpd_get_port_range "int" "$cfg" int_ports "0-65535" # internal ports: x, x-y, x:y or range
# Make a single IP IP/32 so that miniupnpd.conf can use it. case "$int_addr" in */*) ;; *) int_addr="$int_addr/32" ;; esac
echo "${action} ${ext_start}${ext_end:+-}${ext_end} ${int_addr} ${int_start}${int_end:+-}${int_end}" >>$tmpconf } upnpd_write_bool() { local opt="$1" local def="${2:-0}" local alt="$3" local val
config_get_bool val config "$opt" "$def" if [ "$val" -eq 0 ]; then echo "${alt:-$opt}=no" >> $tmpconf else echo "${alt:-$opt}=yes" >> $tmpconf fi }
boot() { return 0 }
start() { config_load "upnpd" local extiface intiface upload download logging secure enabled natpmp local extip port usesysuptime conffile serial_number model_number local uuid notify_interval presentation_url enable_upnp local upnp_lease_file clean_ruleset_threshold clean_ruleset_interval
UPnP和NAT-PMP用于改善NAT路由器后面的设备的互联网连接。 诸如游戏,IM等的任何对等网络应用可受益于支持UPnP和/或NAT-PMP的NAT路由器。最新一代的Microsoft XBOX 360和Sony Playstation 3游戏机使用UPnP命令来启用XBOX Live服务和Playstation Network的在线游戏。 据报道,MiniUPnPd正在与两个控制台正常工作。 它可能需要一个精细的配置调整。
给定一个IP地址(通过DHCP获得),UPnP网络中的第一步是发现。 当一个设备被加入到网络中并想知道网络上可用的UPnP服务时,UPnP检测协议允许该设备向控制点广播自己的服务。通过UDP协议向端口1900上的多播地址239.255.255.250发送发现消息。此消息包含标头,类似于HTTP请求。此协议有时称为HTTPU(HTTP over UDP):
某个设备的UPnP描述是 XML 的方式,通过http协议,包括品牌、厂商相关信息,如型号名和编号、序列号、厂商名、品牌相关URL等。描述还包括一个嵌入式设备和服务列表,以及控制、事件传递和存在相关的URL。对于每种设备,描述还包括一个命令或动作列表,包括响应何种服务,针对各种动作的参数;这些变量描述出运行时设备的状态信息,并通过它们的数据类型、范围和事件来进行描述。
And this is just the official specs All our devices can talk to each other! Brave new worlds of remote control and automation! Have your toaster turn on the lights, set the TV to the news channel, and send you a text message when breakfast is ready! The future is now! Nothing could possibly go wrong!
Miranda v1.3 The interactive UPnP client Craig Heffner,
Binding to interface wlx44334c388fbd ...
Verbose mode enabled! upnp> msearch
Entering discovery mode for 'upnp:rootdevice', Ctl+C to stop...
**************************************************************** SSDP reply message from XML file is located at Device is running MiWiFi/x UPnP/1.1 MiniUPnPd/2.0 ****************************************************************
upnp> host get 0
Requesting device and service info for (this could take a few seconds)...
Device urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANDevice:1 does not have a presentationURL Device urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANConnectionDevice:1 does not have a presentationURL Host data enumeration complete!
START=95 SERVICE_USE_PID=1 upnpd_get_port_range() { local _var="$1"; shift local _val config_get _val "$@" case "$_val" in [0-9]*[:-][0-9]*) export -n -- "${_var}_start=${_val%%[:-]*}" export -n -- "${_var}_end=${_val##*[:-]}" ;; [0-9]*) export -n -- "${_var}_start=$_val" export -n -- "${_var}_end=" ;; esac } conf_rule_add() { local cfg="$1" local tmpconf="$2" local action external_port_start external_port_end int_addr local internal_port_start internal_port_end
config_get action "$cfg" action "deny" # allow or deny upnpd_get_port_range "ext" "$cfg" ext_ports "0-65535" # external ports: x, x-y, x:y config_get int_addr "$cfg" int_addr "" # ip or network and subnet mask (internal) upnpd_get_port_range "int" "$cfg" int_ports "0-65535" # internal ports: x, x-y, x:y or range
# Make a single IP IP/32 so that miniupnpd.conf can use it. case "$int_addr" in */*) ;; *) int_addr="$int_addr/32" ;; esac
echo "${action} ${ext_start}${ext_end:+-}${ext_end} ${int_addr} ${int_start}${int_end:+-}${int_end}" >>$tmpconf } upnpd_write_bool() { local opt="$1" local def="${2:-0}" local alt="$3" local val
config_get_bool val config "$opt" "$def" if [ "$val" -eq 0 ]; then echo "${alt:-$opt}=no" >> $tmpconf else echo "${alt:-$opt}=yes" >> $tmpconf fi }
boot() { return 0 }
start() { config_load "upnpd" local extiface intiface upload download logging secure enabled natpmp local extip port usesysuptime conffile serial_number model_number local uuid notify_interval presentation_url enable_upnp local upnp_lease_file clean_ruleset_threshold clean_ruleset_interval