
309 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2015-05-11 03:05:24 +00:00
module("luci.controller.api.index", package.seeall)
local bfs = require "meizu.bfs"
local cjson = require "cjson"
local disk = require "meizu.disk"
local dlfs = require "meizu.dlfs"
local lfs = require "lfs"
local lue = require("luci.util").exec
local nwfs = require "meizu.nwfs"
local RC = require "meizu.r10config"
local sipfs = require "meizu.sipfs"
local upgdfs = require "meizu.upgdfs"
local btfs = require "meizu.btfs"
b64dec = bfs.b64dec
batchfile_checklist = bfs.batchfile_checklist
batchfile_compare_upload = bfs.batchfile_compare_upload
bind_router = bfs.bind_router
data_to_json = bfs.data_to_json
exec_cmd_in_sh = bfs.exec_cmd_in_sh
exec_reboot = bfs.exec_reboot
findInDir = bfs.findInDir
get_device_SN = bfs.get_device_SN
get_device_version = bfs.get_device_version
get_https_data = bfs.get_https_data
getFilesList = bfs.getFilesList
factory_reset = bfs.factory_reset
rts_get_access_token = bfs.rts_get_access_token
set_passwd = bfs.set_passwd
silent_upgrade = bfs.silent_upgrade
nw_get_disk_info = disk.nw_get_disk_info
disk_formatting = disk.disk_formatting
sip = sipfs.sip
pysip = sipfs.pysip
upload_router_log = sipfs.upload_router_log
nw_check_sys_password = nwfs.nw_check_sys_password
nw_get_connect_device_list = nwfs.nw_get_connect_device_list
nw_get_device_details = nwfs.nw_get_device_details
nw_get_wan_type = nwfs.nw_get_wan_type
nw_get_smbswitch = nwfs.nw_get_smbswitch
nw_get_wifi_settings = nwfs.nw_get_wifi_settings
nw_set_device_name = nwfs.nw_set_device_name
nw_set_disk_access = nwfs.nw_set_disk_access
nw_set_wan_switch = nwfs.nw_set_wan_switch
nw_set_wan_type = nwfs.nw_set_wan_type
nw_set_smbswitch = nwfs.nw_set_smbswitch
nw_wifi_settings = nwfs.nw_wifi_settings
nw_get_tx_power_mode = nwfs.nw_get_tx_power_mode
nw_set_tx_power_mode = nwfs.nw_set_tx_power_mode
nw_get_wireless_channel = nwfs.nw_get_wireless_channel
nw_set_wireless_channel = nwfs.nw_set_wireless_channel
get_connect_info = nwfs.get_connect_info
get_net_device = nwfs.get_net_device
real_time_net_speed = nwfs.real_time_net_speed
nw_scan_ble_switch = btfs.nw_scan_ble_switch
nw_get_ble_device_list = btfs.nw_get_ble_device_list
nw_add_ble_mesh_device = btfs.nw_add_ble_mesh_device
nw_get_ble_device_status = btfs.nw_get_ble_device_status
nw_get_mesh_device_list = btfs.nw_get_mesh_device_list
nw_remove_ble_from_mesh = btfs.nw_remove_ble_from_mesh
nw_dismiss_mesh = btfs.nw_dismiss_mesh
nw_set_mesh_device_attr = btfs.nw_set_mesh_device_attr
nw_reboot_mesh_device = btfs.nw_reboot_mesh_device
nw_unmesh_all_device = btfs.nw_unmesh_all_device
nw_set_mesh_device_timer = btfs.nw_set_mesh_device_timer
nw_del_mesh_device_timer = btfs.nw_del_mesh_device_timer
nw_set_mesh_network_pwd = btfs.nw_set_mesh_network_pwd
nw_set_lamp_brightness = btfs.nw_set_lamp_brightness
check_upgrade = upgdfs.check_upgrade
do_upgrade = upgdfs.do_upgrade
local_upgrade = upgdfs.local_upgrade
nw_download_task_operate = dlfs.nw_download_task_operate
nw_get_active_list = dlfs.nw_get_active_list
nw_get_history_list = dlfs.nw_get_history_list
--nw_get_pause_list = dlfs.nw_get_pause_list
nw_thunder_get_bind_code = dlfs.nw_thunder_get_bind_code
nw_download_task_start = dlfs.nw_download_task_start
function index()
--nw: abridged for "Nei Wang"; ww abridged for "Wai Wang"
local root = node()
if not then = alias("api")
root.index = true
local page = node("api") = firstchild()
page.title = _("api")
page.order = 10
page.index = true
page.sysauth = "root"
page.sysauth_authenticator = "htmlauth"
--page = entry({"api", "getUserAccessToken"}, call("get_user_access_token"), nil, nil)
--page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "bindRouter"}, call("bind_router"), nil, nil)
page.leaf = true
--page = entry({"api", "unbindRouter"}, call("unbind_router"), nil, nil)
--page.leaf = true
--page = entry({"api", "getDeviceAccessToken"}, call("rts_get_access_token"), nil, nil)
--page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "sip"}, call("sip"), nil, nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "pysip"}, call("pysip"), nil, nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "getconnectinfo"}, call("get_connect_info"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "getWifiSettings"}, call("nw_get_wifi_settings"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "getConnectDeviceList"}, call("nw_get_connect_device_list"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "getdevicedetails"}, call("nw_get_device_details"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "getNetDevice"}, call("get_net_device"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "getWanType"}, call("nw_get_wan_type"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "realtimenetspeed"}, call("nw_real_time_net_speed"), nil, nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "setWanType"}, call("nw_set_wan_type"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "setDeviceName"}, call("nw_set_device_name"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "setDiskAccess"}, call("nw_set_disk_access"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "setWanSwitch"}, call("nw_set_wan_switch"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "wifiSettings"}, call("nw_wifi_settings"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "gettxpowermode"}, call("nw_get_tx_power_mode"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "settxpowermode"}, call("nw_set_tx_power_mode"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "getWirelessChannel"}, call("nw_get_wireless_channel"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "setWirelessChannel"}, call("nw_set_wireless_channel"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "diskinfo"}, call("nw_get_disk_info"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "diskformat"}, call("disk_formatting"), nil, nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "factoryreset"}, call("factory_reset"), nil, nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "reboot"}, call("nw_exec_reboot"), nil, nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "localupgrade"}, call("local_upgrade"), nil, nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "silentupgrade"}, call("silent_upgrade"), nil, nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "checkSysPassword"}, call("nw_check_sys_password"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "setpasswd"}, call("set_passwd"), nil, nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "downloadstart"}, call("nw_download_task_start"), nil, nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "getActiveList"}, call("nw_get_active_list"), nil, nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "getHistoryList"}, call("nw_get_history_list"), nil, nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "operateTask"}, call("nw_download_task_operate"), nil, nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "getPauseList"}, call("nw_get_pause_list"), nil, nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "thunder_get_bind_code"}, call("nw_thunder_get_bind_code"), nil, nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "batchFileCompareUpload"}, call("batchfile_compare_upload"), nil, nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "batchFileCheckList"}, call("batchfile_checklist"), nil, nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "getFilesList"}, call("getFilesList"), nil, nil)
page.leaf = true
--page = entry({"api", "setPPPoE"}, call("set_pppoe"), nil)
--page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "checkupgrade"}, call("nw_check_upgrade"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "doupgrade"}, call("nw_do_upgrade"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "setsmbsingleswitch"}, call("setsmbsingleswitch"),nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "setsmbswitch"}, call("nw_set_smbswitch"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "getsmbsingleswitch"}, call("getsmbsingleswitch"),nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "getsmbswitch"}, call("nw_get_smbswitch"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "scanBleSwitch"}, call("nw_scan_ble_switch"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "getBleDeviceList"}, call("nw_get_ble_device_list"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "addMeshDevice"}, call("nw_add_ble_mesh_device"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "removeBleFromMesh"}, call("nw_remove_ble_from_mesh"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "getMeshDeviceDetail"}, call("nw_get_ble_device_status"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "getMeshDeviceList"}, call("nw_get_mesh_device_list"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "dismissMesh"}, call("nw_dismiss_mesh"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "setMeshDeviceAttr"}, call("nw_set_mesh_device_attr"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "rebootMeshDevice"}, call("nw_reboot_mesh_device"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "unmeshAllDevice"}, call("nw_unmesh_all_device"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "setMeshDeviceTimer"}, call("nw_set_mesh_device_timer"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "delMeshDeviceTimer"}, call("nw_del_mesh_device_timer"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "setMeshNetWorkPassword"}, call("nw_set_mesh_network_pwd"), nil)
page.leaf = true
page = entry({"api", "setLampBrightness"}, call("nw_set_lamp_brightness"), nil)
page.leaf = true
function nw_check_upgrade()
local ret = check_upgrade()
function nw_do_upgrade()
local ret = {}
luci.http.status(200, "upgrading....")
ret["code"] = 2004
ret["result"] = "upgrading...."
function nw_real_time_net_speed()
local result = real_time_net_speed()
function setsmbsingleswitch()
--local mac = luci.http.formvalue("mac")
--generate a white/black list to store this mac.
--if you want a mac not rw hdd, then write his mac into deny list.
--if you want a mac rw hdd, write his mac into allow list.
--modify smb.conf to ban this user's access.
--restart samba service
function setsmbswitch()
local result = {}
local code = false
local onoff = luci.http.formvalue("smbswitch")
if (tonumber)(onoff) == 1 then
exec_cmd_in_sh("sleep 1")
if luci.sys.init.enabled("samba") == true then
code = true
code = false
elseif (tonumber)(onoff) == 0 then
exec_cmd_in_sh("sleep 1")
if luci.sys.init.enabled("samba") == true then
code = false
code = true
result["result"] = code
function getsmbsingleswitch()
function getsmbswitch()
local smbswitch = {}
local code = false
code = luci.sys.init.enabled("samba")
smbswitch["smbswitch"] = code
function nw_exec_reboot()
local ret = {}
ret["result"] = true