module ("xiaoqiang.util.XQLanWanUtil", package.seeall) local XQFunction = require("xiaoqiang.common.XQFunction") local XQConfigs = require("xiaoqiang.common.XQConfigs") function getDefaultMacAddress() local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") local mac = LuciUtil.exec(XQConfigs.GET_DEFAULT_MACADDRESS) if XQFunction.isStrNil(mac) then mac = nil else mac = LuciUtil.trim(mac):match("(%S-),") end return string.upper(mac) end function getLanLinkList() local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") local lanLink = {} local cmd = "et robord 0x01 0x00" for _, line in ipairs(LuciUtil.execl(cmd)) do local port,link = line:match('port (%d):(%S+)') if link then if tonumber(port) == 0 then lanLink[1] = link == 'up' and 1 or 0 end if tonumber(port) == 2 then lanLink[2] = link == 'up' and 1 or 0 end end end return lanLink end function getLanIp() local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() local lan = uci:get_all("network", "lan") return lan.ipaddr end --[[ @return WANLINKSTAT=UP/DOWN @return LOCALDNSSTAT=UP/DOWN @return VPNLINKSTAT=UP/DOWN ]]-- function getWanMonitorStat() local NixioFs = require("nixio.fs") local content = NixioFs.readfile(XQConfigs.WAN_MONITOR_STAT_FILEPATH) local status = {} if content ~= nil then for line in string.gmatch(content, "[^\n]+") do key,value = line:match('(%S+)=(%S+)') status[key] = value end end return status end function getAutoWanType() local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") local result = LuciUtil.execi("/usr/sbin/wanlinkprobe 1 WAN pppoe dhcp") local link,pppoe,dhcp if result then for line in result do if line:match("^LINK=(%S+)") ~= nil then link = line:match("^LINK=(%S+)") elseif line:match("^PPPOE=(%S+)") ~= nil then pppoe = line:match("^PPPOE=(%S+)") elseif line:match("^DHCP=(%S+)") ~= nil then dhcp = line:match("^DHCP=(%S+)") end end end if pppoe == "YES" then return 1 elseif dhcp == "YES" then return 2 elseif link ~= "YES" then return 99 else return 0 end end function ubusWanStatus() local ubus = require("ubus").connect() local wan = ubus:call("network.interface.wan", "status", {}) local result = {} if wan["ipv4-address"] and #wan["ipv4-address"] > 0 then result["ipv4"] = wan["ipv4-address"][1] else result["ipv4"] = { ["mask"] = 0, ["address"] = "" } end result["dns"] = wan["dns-server"] or {} result["proto"] = string.lower(wan.proto or "dhcp") result["up"] = wan.up result["uptime"] = wan.uptime or 0 result["pending"] = wan.pending result["autostart"] = wan.autostart return result end function _pppoeStatusCheck() local LuciJson = require("json") local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") local cmd = "lua /usr/sbin/pppoe.lua status" local status = LuciUtil.exec(cmd) if status then status = LuciUtil.trim(status) if XQFunction.isStrNil(status) then return false end status = LuciJson.decode(status) return status else return false end end --- type --- 1:认证失败(用户密码异常导致) --- 2:无法连接服务器 --- 3:其他异常(协议不匹配等) function _pppoeErrorCodeHelper(code) local errorA = { ["507"] = 1,["691"] = 1,["509"] = 1,["514"] = 1,["520"] = 1, ["646"] = 1,["647"] = 1,["648"] = 1,["649"] = 1,["691"] = 1, ["646"] = 1 } local errorB = { ["516"] = 1,["650"] = 1,["601"] = 1,["510"] = 1,["530"] = 1, ["531"] = 1 } local errorC = { ["501"] = 1,["502"] = 1,["503"] = 1,["504"] = 1,["505"] = 1, ["506"] = 1,["507"] = 1,["508"] = 1,["511"] = 1,["512"] = 1, ["515"] = 1,["517"] = 1,["518"] = 1,["519"] = 1 } local errcode = tostring(code) if errcode then if errorA[errcode] then return 1 end if errorB[errcode] then return 2 end if errorC[errcode] then return 3 end return 1 end end --- status --- 0:未拨号 --- 1:正在拨号 --- 2:拨号成功 --- 3:正在拨号 但返现拨号错误信息 --- 4:关闭拨号 function getPPPoEStatus() local result = {} local status = ubusWanStatus() if status then local LuciNetwork = require("").init() local network = LuciNetwork:get_network("wan") if status.proto == "pppoe" then if status.up then result["status"] = 2 else local check = _pppoeStatusCheck() if check then if check.process == "down" then result["status"] = 4 elseif check.process == "up" then result["status"] = 2 elseif check.process == "connecting" then if check.code == nil or check.code == 0 then result["status"] = 1 else result["status"] = 3 result["errcode"] = check.msg or "" result["errtype"] = _pppoeErrorCodeHelper(tostring(check.code)) end end else result["status"] = 0 end end local configdns = network:get_option_value("dns") if not XQFunction.isStrNil(configdns) then result["cdns"] = luci.util.split(configdns," ") end result["pppoename"] = network:get_option_value("username") result["password"] = network:get_option_value("password") result["peerdns"] = network:get_option_value("peerdns") else result["status"] = 0 end local device = network:get_interface() local ipaddress = device:ipaddrs() local ipv4 = { ["address"] = "", ["mask"] = "" } if ipaddress and #ipaddress > 0 then ipv4["address"] = ipaddress[1]:host():string() ipv4["mask"] = ipaddress[1]:mask():string() end result["ip"] = ipv4 result["dns"] = status.dns result["proto"] = status.proto result["gw"] = network:gwaddr() or "" return result else return false end end function pppoeStop() os.execute("lua /usr/sbin/pppoe.lua down") end function pppoeStart() XQFunction.forkExec("lua /usr/sbin/pppoe.lua up") end --[[ @param interface : lan/wan ]]-- function getLanWanInfo(interface) if interface ~= "lan" and interface ~= "wan" then return false end local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") local LuciNetwork = require("").init() local info = {} local ipv6Dict = getIPv6Addrs() local network = LuciNetwork:get_network(interface) if network then local device = network:get_interface() local ipAddrs = device:ipaddrs() local ip6Addrs = device:ip6addrs() if interface == "wan" then local mtuvalue = network:get_option_value("mtu") if XQFunction.isStrNil(mtuvalue) then mtuvalue = "1480" end info["mtu"] = tostring(mtuvalue) info["details"] = getWanDetails() -- 是否插了网线 local cmd = 'et robord 0x01 0x00' local data = LuciUtil.exec(cmd) if not XQFunction.isStrNil(data) then local linkStat = string.match(data, 'port 4:([^%s]+)') info["link"] = linkStat == 'up' and 1 or 0; end end if device and #ipAddrs > 0 then local ipAddress = {} for _,ip in ipairs(ipAddrs) do ipAddress[#ipAddress+1] = {} ipAddress[#ipAddress]["ip"] = ip:host():string() ipAddress[#ipAddress]["mask"] = ip:mask():string() end info["ipv4"] = ipAddress end if device and #ip6Addrs > 0 then local ipAddress = {} for _,ip in ipairs(ip6Addrs) do ipAddress[#ipAddress+1] = {} ipAddress[#ipAddress]["ip"] = ip:host():string() ipAddress[#ipAddress]["mask"] = ip:mask():string() if ipv6Dict[ip] then ipAddress[#ipAddress]["type"] = ipv6Dict[ip].type end end info["ipv6"] = ipAddress end info["gateWay"] = network:gwaddr() if network:dnsaddrs() then info["dnsAddrs"] = network:dnsaddrs()[1] or "" info["dnsAddrs1"] = network:dnsaddrs()[2] or "" else info["dnsAddrs"] = "" info["dnsAddrs1"] = "" end if device and device:mac() ~= "00:00:00:00:00:00" then info["mac"] = device:mac() end if info["mac"] == nil then info["mac"] = getWanMac() end if network:uptime() > 0 then info["uptime"] = network:uptime() else info["uptime"] = 0 end local status = network:status() if status=="down" then info["status"] = 0 elseif status=="up" then info["status"] = 1 if info.details and info.details.wanType == "pppoe" then wanMonitor = getWanMonitorStat() if wanMonitor.WANLINKSTAT ~= "UP" then info["status"] = 0 end end elseif status=="connection" then info["status"] = 2 end else info = false end return info end function getWanEth() local LuciNetwork = require("").init() local wanNetwork = LuciNetwork:get_network("wan") return wanNetwork:get_option_value("ifname") end function getWanMac() local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") local ifconfig = LuciUtil.exec("ifconfig " .. getWanEth()) if not XQFunction.isStrNil(ifconfig) then return ifconfig:match('HWaddr (%S+)') or "" else return nil end end --[[ @param interface : lan/wan ]]-- function getLanWanIp(interface) if interface ~= "lan" and interface ~= "wan" then return false end local LuciNetwork = require("").init() local ipv4 = {} local network = LuciNetwork:get_network(interface) if network then local device = network:get_interface() local ipAddrs = device:ipaddrs() if device and #ipAddrs > 0 then for _,ip in ipairs(ipAddrs) do ipv4[#ipv4+1] = {} ipv4[#ipv4]["ip"] = ip:host():string() ipv4[#ipv4]["mask"] = ip:mask():string() end end end return ipv4 end function checkLanIp(ip) local LuciIp = require("luci.ip") local ipNl = LuciIp.iptonl(ip) if (ipNl >= LuciIp.iptonl("") and ipNl <= LuciIp.iptonl("")) or (ipNl >= LuciIp.iptonl("") and ipNl <= LuciIp.iptonl("")) or (ipNl >= LuciIp.iptonl("") and ipNl <= LuciIp.iptonl("")) then return 0 else return 1527 end end function setLanIp(ip,mask) local XQEvent = require("xiaoqiang.XQEvent") local LuciNetwork = require("").init() local network = LuciNetwork:get_network("lan") network:set("ipaddr",ip) network:set("netmask",mask) LuciNetwork:commit("network") LuciNetwork:save("network") XQEvent.lanIPChange(ip) return true end function getIPv6Addrs() local LuciIp = require("luci.ip") local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") local cmd = "ifconfig|grep inet6" local ipv6List = LuciUtil.execi(cmd) local result = {} for line in ipv6List do line = luci.util.trim(line) local ipv6,mask,ipType = line:match('inet6 addr: ([^%s]+)/([^%s]+)%s+Scope:([^%s]+)') if ipv6 then ipv6 = LuciIp.IPv6(ipv6,"ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::") ipv6 = ipv6:host():string() result[ipv6] = {} result[ipv6]['ip'] = ipv6 result[ipv6]['mask'] = mask result[ipv6]['type'] = ipType end end return result end function getLanDHCPService() local LuciUci = require "luci.model.uci" local lanDhcpStatus = {} local uciCursor = LuciUci.cursor() local ignore = uciCursor:get("dhcp", "lan", "ignore") local leasetime = uciCursor:get("dhcp", "lan", "leasetime") if ignore ~= "1" then ignore = "0" end local leasetimeNum,leasetimeUnit = leasetime:match("^(%d+)([^%d]+)") lanDhcpStatus["lanIp"] = getLanWanIp("lan") lanDhcpStatus["start"] = uciCursor:get("dhcp", "lan", "start") lanDhcpStatus["limit"] = uciCursor:get("dhcp", "lan", "limit") lanDhcpStatus["leasetime"] = leasetime lanDhcpStatus["leasetimeNum"] = leasetimeNum lanDhcpStatus["leasetimeUnit"] = leasetimeUnit lanDhcpStatus["ignore"] = ignore return lanDhcpStatus end --[[ Set Lan DHCP, range = start~end ]]-- function setLanDHCPService(startReq,endReq,leasetime,ignore) local LuciUci = require("luci.model.uci") local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") local uciCursor = LuciUci.cursor() if ignore == "1" then uciCursor:set("dhcp", "lan", "ignore", tonumber(ignore)) else local limit = tonumber(endReq) - tonumber(startReq) + 1 if limit < 0 then return false end uciCursor:set("dhcp", "lan", "start", tonumber(startReq)) uciCursor:set("dhcp", "lan", "limit", tonumber(limit)) uciCursor:set("dhcp", "lan", "leasetime", leasetime) uciCursor:delete("dhcp", "lan", "ignore") end uciCursor:save("dhcp") uciCursor:load("dhcp") uciCursor:commit("dhcp") uciCursor:load("dhcp") LuciUtil.exec("/etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart > /dev/null") return true end function wanDown() local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") LuciUtil.exec("env -i /sbin/ifdown wan") end function wanRestart() local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") LuciUtil.exec("env -i /sbin/ifup wan") XQFunction.forkExec("/etc/init.d/filetunnel restart") end function dnsmsqRestart() local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") LuciUtil.exec("ubus call network reload; sleep 1; /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart > /dev/null") end --[[ Get wan details, static ip/pppoe/dhcp/mobile @return {proto="dhcp",ifname=ifname,dns=dns,peerdns=peerdns} @return {proto="static",ifname=ifname,ipaddr=ipaddr,netmask=netmask,gateway=gateway,dns=dns} @return {proto="pppoe",ifname=ifname,username=pppoename,password=pppoepasswd,dns=dns,peerdns=peerdns} ]]-- function getWanDetails() local LuciNetwork = require("").init() local wanNetwork = LuciNetwork:get_network("wan") local wanDetails = {} if wanNetwork then local wanType = wanNetwork:proto() if wanType == "mobile" or wanType == "3g" then wanType = "mobile" elseif wanType == "static" then wanDetails["ipaddr"] = wanNetwork:get_option_value("ipaddr") wanDetails["netmask"] = wanNetwork:get_option_value("netmask") wanDetails["gateway"] = wanNetwork:get_option_value("gateway") elseif wanType == "pppoe" then wanDetails["username"] = wanNetwork:get_option_value("username") wanDetails["password"] = wanNetwork:get_option_value("password") wanDetails["peerdns"] = wanNetwork:get_option_value("peerdns") wanDetails["service"] = wanNetwork:get_option_value("service") elseif wanType == "dhcp" then wanDetails["peerdns"] = wanNetwork:get_option_value("peerdns") end if not XQFunction.isStrNil(wanNetwork:get_option_value("dns")) then wanDetails["dns"] = luci.util.split(wanNetwork:get_option_value("dns")," ") end wanDetails["wanType"] = wanType wanDetails["ifname"] = wanNetwork:get_option_value("ifname") return wanDetails else return nil end end function generateDns(dns1, dns2, peerdns) local dns if not XQFunction.isStrNil(dns1) and not XQFunction.isStrNil(dns2) then dns = {dns1,dns2} elseif not XQFunction.isStrNil(dns1) then dns = dns1 elseif not XQFunction.isStrNil(dns2) then dns = dns2 end return dns end function checkMTU(value) local mtu = tonumber(value) if mtu and mtu >= 576 and mtu <= 1498 then return true else return false end end function setWanPPPoE(name, password, dns1, dns2, peerdns, mtu, service) local XQPreference = require("xiaoqiang.XQPreference") local LuciNetwork = require("").init() local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() local macaddr = uci:get("network", "wan", "macaddr") local iface = "wan" local ifname = getWanEth() local oldconf = uci:get_all("network", "wan") or {} local wanrestart = true local dnsrestart = true if oldconf.username == name and oldconf.password == password and tonumber(oldconf.mtu) == tonumber(mtu) and ((XQFunction.isStrNil(oldconf.service) and XQFunction.isStrNil(service)) or oldconf.service == service) then wanrestart = false end local dnss = {} local odnss = {} if oldconf.dns and type(oldconf.dns) == "string" then odnss = {oldconf.dns} elseif oldconf.dns and type(oldconf.dns) == "table" then odnss = oldconf.dns end if not XQFunction.isStrNil(dns1) then table.insert(dnss, dns1) end if not XQFunction.isStrNil(dns2) then table.insert(dnss, dns2) end if #dnss == #odnss then if #dnss == 0 then dnsrestart = false else local odnsd = {} local match = 0 for _, dns in ipairs(odnss) do odnsd[dns] = 1 end for _, dns in ipairs(dnss) do if odnsd[dns] == 1 then match = match + 1 end end if match == #dnss then dnsrestart = false end end end local wanNet = LuciNetwork:del_network(iface) local mtuvalue if mtu then if checkMTU(mtu) then mtuvalue = tonumber(mtu) else return false end else mtuvalue = 1480 end wanNet = LuciNetwork:add_network( iface, { proto ="pppoe", ifname = ifname, username = name, password = password, dns = generateDns(dns1,dns2,peerdns), peerdns = peerdns, macaddr = macaddr, service = service, mtu = mtuvalue }) if not XQFunction.isStrNil(name) then XQPreference.set(XQConfigs.PREF_PPPOE_NAME,name) XQFunction.nvramSet("nv_pppoe_name", name) end if not XQFunction.isStrNil(password) then XQPreference.set(XQConfigs.PREF_PPPOE_PASSWORD,password) XQFunction.nvramSet("nv_pppoe_pwd", password) end XQFunction.nvramSet("nv_wan_type", "pppoe") XQFunction.nvramCommit() if wanNet then LuciNetwork:save("network") LuciNetwork:commit("network") os.execute(XQConfigs.VPN_DISABLE) if dnsrestart then dnsmsqRestart() end if wanrestart then wanRestart() else local pppoestatus = getPPPoEStatus() if pppoestatus and pppoestatus.status == 4 then pppoeStart() end end return true else return false end end function checkWanIp(ip) local LuciIp = require("luci.ip") local ipNl = LuciIp.iptonl(ip) if (ipNl >= LuciIp.iptonl("") and ipNl <= LuciIp.iptonl("")) or (ipNl >= LuciIp.iptonl("") and ipNl <= LuciIp.iptonl("")) then return 0 else return 1533 end end function setWanStaticOrDHCP(ipType, ip, mask, gw, dns1, dns2, peerdns, mtu) local LuciNetwork = require("").init() local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() local macaddr = uci:get("network", "wan", "macaddr") local oldconf = uci:get_all("network", "wan") or {} local iface = "wan" local ifname = getWanEth() local dnsrestart = true local wanrestart = true local dnss = {} local odnss = {} if oldconf.dns and type(oldconf.dns) == "string" then odnss = {oldconf.dns} elseif oldconf.dns and type(oldconf.dns) == "table" then odnss = oldconf.dns end if not XQFunction.isStrNil(dns1) then table.insert(dnss, dns1) end if not XQFunction.isStrNil(dns2) then table.insert(dnss, dns2) end if #dnss == #odnss then if #dnss == 0 then dnsrestart = false else local odnsd = {} local match = 0 for _, dns in ipairs(odnss) do odnsd[dns] = 1 end for _, dns in ipairs(dnss) do if odnsd[dns] == 1 then match = match + 1 end end if match == #dnss then dnsrestart = false end end end local wanNet = LuciNetwork:del_network(iface) local dns = generateDns(dns1, dns2, peerdns) local mtuvalue if mtu then mtuvalue = tonumber(mtu) end if ipType == "dhcp" then if oldconf.proto == "dhcp" then wanrestart = false end local network = { proto = "dhcp", ifname = ifname, dns = dns, macaddr = macaddr, peerdns = peerdns } if mtu then network["mtu"] = mtuvalue end wanNet = LuciNetwork:add_network(iface, network) elseif ipType == "static" then if oldconf.proto == "static" and oldconf.ipaddr == ip and oldconf.netmask == mask and oldconf.gateway == gw and oldconf.mtu == mtuvalue then wanrestart = false end if not dns then dns = gw end local network = { proto = "static", ipaddr = ip, netmask = mask, gateway = gw, dns = dns, macaddr = macaddr, ifname = ifname } if mtu then network["mtu"] = mtuvalue end wanNet = LuciNetwork:add_network(iface, network) end XQFunction.nvramSet("nv_wan_type", ipType) XQFunction.nvramCommit() if wanNet then LuciNetwork:save("network") LuciNetwork:commit("network") if dnsrestart then dnsmsqRestart() end if wanrestart then wanRestart() end return true else return false end end function setWanMac(mac) local LuciNetwork = require("").init() local LuciDatatypes = require("luci.cbi.datatypes") local network = LuciNetwork:get_network("wan") local oldMac = network:get_option_value("macaddr") local succeed = false if oldMac ~= mac then if XQFunction.isStrNil(mac) then local defaultMac = getDefaultMacAddress() or "" network:set("macaddr",defaultMac) succeed = true elseif LuciDatatypes.macaddr(mac) and mac ~= "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff" and mac ~= "00:00:00:00:00:00" then network:set("macaddr",mac) succeed = true end else succeed = true end if succeed then LuciNetwork:save("network") LuciNetwork:commit("network") wanRestart() end return succeed end function _checkIP(ip) if XQFunction.isStrNil(ip) then return false end local LuciIp = require("luci.ip") local ipNl = LuciIp.iptonl(ip) if (ipNl >= LuciIp.iptonl("") and ipNl <= LuciIp.iptonl("")) or (ipNl >= LuciIp.iptonl("") and ipNl <= LuciIp.iptonl("")) then return true else return false end end function _checkMac(mac) if XQFunction.isStrNil(mac) then return false end local LuciDatatypes = require("luci.cbi.datatypes") if LuciDatatypes.macaddr(mac) and mac ~= "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff" and mac ~= "00:00:00:00:00:00" then return true else return false end end function _parseMac(mac) if mac then return string.lower(string.gsub(mac,"[:-]","")) else return nil end end function _parseDhcpLeases() local NixioFs = require("nixio.fs") local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() local result = {} local leasefile = XQConfigs.DHCP_LEASE_FILEPATH uci:foreach("dhcp", "dnsmasq", function(s) if s.leasefile and NixioFs.access(s.leasefile) then leasefile = s.leasefile return false end end) local dhcp =, "r") if dhcp then for line in dhcp:lines() do if line then local ts, mac, ip, name = line:match("^(%d+) (%S+) (%S+) (%S+)") if name == "*" then name = "" end if ts and mac and ip and name then result[ip] = { mac = string.lower(XQFunction.macFormat(mac)), ip = ip, name = name } end end end dhcp:close() end return result end -- -- Event -- function hookLanIPChangeEvent(ip) if XQFunction.isStrNil(ip) then return end local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() local lan = ip:gsub(".%d+$","") uci:foreach("macbind", "host", function(s) local ip = s.ip ip = lan.."."..ip:match(".(%d+)$") uci:set("macbind", s[".name"], "ip", ip) end ) uci:foreach("dhcp", "host", function(s) local ip = s.ip ip = lan.."."..ip:match(".(%d+)$") uci:set("dhcp", s[".name"], "ip", ip) end ) uci:commit("dhcp") uci:commit("macbind") end --- Tag --- 0:未添加 --- 1:已添加 --- 2:已绑定 function macBindInfo() local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() local info = {} uci:foreach("macbind", "host", function(s) local item = { ["name"] =, ["mac"] = s.mac, ["ip"] = s.ip, ["tag"] = 1 } info[s.mac] = item end ) uci:foreach("dhcp", "host", function(s) local item = { ["name"] =, ["mac"] = s.mac, ["ip"] = s.ip, ["tag"] = 2 } info[s.mac] = item end ) return info end --- 0:设置成功 --- 1:IP冲突 --- 2:MAC/IP 不合法 function addBind(mac, ip) local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() if _checkIP(ip) and _checkMac(mac) then local dhcp = _parseDhcpLeases() mac = string.lower(XQFunction.macFormat(mac)) local host = dhcp[ip] if host and host.mac ~= mac then return 1 end local name = _parseMac(mac) local options = { ["name"] = name, ["mac"] = mac, ["ip"] = ip } uci:section("macbind", "host", name, options) uci:commit("macbind") else return 2 end return 0 end function removeBind(mac) local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() if _checkMac(mac) then local name = _parseMac(mac) uci:delete("macbind", name) uci:delete("dhcp", name) uci:commit("macbind") uci:commit("dhcp") return true else return false end end function unbindAll() local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() uci:delete_all("dhcp", "host") uci:delete_all("macbind", "host") uci:commit("dhcp") uci:commit("macbind") end function saveBindInfo() local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() uci:delete_all("dhcp", "host") uci:foreach("macbind", "host", function(s) local options = { ["name"] =, ["mac"] = s.mac, ["ip"] = s.ip } uci:section("dhcp", "host",, options) end ) uci:commit("dhcp") end