module ("xiaoqiang.util.XQWifiUtil", package.seeall) local XQFunction = require("xiaoqiang.common.XQFunction") local XQConfigs = require("xiaoqiang.common.XQConfigs") local LuciNetwork = require("") local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") local UCI = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() local WIFI2G = UCI:get("misc", "wireless", "if_2G") local WIFI5G = UCI:get("misc", "wireless", "if_5G") local WIFI_DEVS = { WIFI2G, WIFI5G } local WIFI_NETS = { WIFI2G..".network1", WIFI5G..".network1" } function getWifiNames() return WIFI_DEVS, WIFI_NETS end function _wifiNameForIndex(index) return WIFI_NETS[index] end function wifiNetworks() local result = {} local network = LuciNetwork.init() local dev for _, dev in ipairs(network:get_wifidevs()) do local rd = { up = dev:is_up(), device = dev:name(), name = dev:get_i18n(), networks = {} } local wifiNet for _, wifiNet in ipairs(dev:get_wifinets()) do rd.networks[#rd.networks+1] = { name = wifiNet:shortname(), up = wifiNet:is_up(), mode = wifiNet:active_mode(), ssid = wifiNet:active_ssid(), bssid = wifiNet:active_bssid(), encryption = wifiNet:active_encryption(), frequency = wifiNet:frequency(), channel = wifiNet:channel(), cchannel = wifiNet:confchannel(), bw = wifiNet:bw(), cbw = wifiNet:confbw(), signal = wifiNet:signal(), quality = wifiNet:signal_percent(), noise = wifiNet:noise(), bitrate = wifiNet:bitrate(), ifname = wifiNet:ifname(), assoclist = wifiNet:assoclist(), country = wifiNet:country(), txpower = wifiNet:txpower(), txpoweroff = wifiNet:txpower_offset(), key = wifiNet:get("key"), key1 = wifiNet:get("key1"), encryption_src = wifiNet:get("encryption"), hidden = wifiNet:get("hidden"), txpwr = wifiNet:txpwr() } end result[#result+1] = rd end return result end function wifiNetwork(wifiDeviceName) local network = LuciNetwork.init() local wifiNet = network:get_wifinet(wifiDeviceName) if wifiNet then local dev = wifiNet:get_device() if dev then return { id = wifiDeviceName, name = wifiNet:shortname(), up = wifiNet:is_up(), mode = wifiNet:active_mode(), ssid = wifiNet:active_ssid(), bssid = wifiNet:active_bssid(), encryption = wifiNet:active_encryption(), encryption_src = wifiNet:get("encryption"), frequency = wifiNet:frequency(), channel = wifiNet:channel(), cchannel = wifiNet:confchannel(), bw = wifiNet:bw(), cbw = wifiNet:confbw(), signal = wifiNet:signal(), quality = wifiNet:signal_percent(), noise = wifiNet:noise(), bitrate = wifiNet:bitrate(), ifname = wifiNet:ifname(), assoclist = wifiNet:assoclist(), country = wifiNet:country(), txpower = wifiNet:txpower(), txpoweroff = wifiNet:txpower_offset(), key = wifiNet:get("key"), key1 = wifiNet:get("key1"), hidden = wifiNet:get("hidden"), txpwr = wifiNet:txpwr(), device = { up = dev:is_up(), device = dev:name(), name = dev:get_i18n() } } end end return {} end --[[ Get devices conneted to wifi @param wifiIndex: 1 (2.4G)/ 2 (5G) @return avaliable channel list ]]-- function getChannels(wifiIndex) local stat, iwinfo = pcall(require, "iwinfo") local iface = _wifiNameForIndex(wifiIndex) local cns if stat then local t = iwinfo.type(iface or "") if iface and t and iwinfo[t] then cns = iwinfo[t].freqlist(iface) end end return cns end local wifi24 = { ["1"] = {["20"] = "1", ["40"] = "1l"}, ["2"] = {["20"] = "2", ["40"] = "2l"}, ["3"] = {["20"] = "3", ["40"] = "3l"}, ["4"] = {["20"] = "4", ["40"] = "4l"}, ["5"] = {["20"] = "5", ["40"] = "5l"}, ["6"] = {["20"] = "6", ["40"] = "6l"}, ["7"] = {["20"] = "7", ["40"] = "7l"}, ["8"] = {["20"] = "8", ["40"] = "8u"}, ["9"] = {["20"] = "9", ["40"] = "9u"}, ["10"] = {["20"] = "10", ["40"] = "10u"}, ["11"] = {["20"] = "11", ["40"] = "11u"}, ["12"] = {["20"] = "12", ["40"] = "12u"}, ["13"] = {["20"] = "13", ["40"] = "13u"} } local wifi50 = { ["36"] = {["20"] = "36", ["40"] = "36l", ["80"] = "36/80"}, ["40"] = {["20"] = "40", ["40"] = "40u", ["80"] = "40/80"}, ["44"] = {["20"] = "44", ["40"] = "44l", ["80"] = "44/80"}, ["48"] = {["20"] = "48", ["40"] = "48u", ["80"] = "48/80"}, ["52"] = {["20"] = "52", ["40"] = "52l", ["80"] = "52/80"}, ["56"] = {["20"] = "56", ["40"] = "56u", ["80"] = "56/80"}, ["60"] = {["20"] = "60", ["40"] = "60l", ["80"] = "60/80"}, ["64"] = {["20"] = "64", ["40"] = "64u", ["80"] = "64/80"}, ["149"] = {["20"] = "149", ["40"] = "149l", ["80"] = "149/80"}, ["153"] = {["20"] = "153", ["40"] = "153u", ["80"] = "153/80"}, ["157"] = {["20"] = "157", ["40"] = "157l", ["80"] = "157/80"}, ["161"] = {["20"] = "161", ["40"] = "161u", ["80"] = "161/80"}, ["165"] = {["20"] = "165"} } function getDefaultWifiChannels(wifiIndex) if tonumber(wifiIndex) == 1 then return wifi24 else return wifi50 end end --[[ Get devices conneted to wifi @param wifiIndex: 1 (2.4G)/ 2 (5G) @return divices list ]]-- function getWifiConnectDeviceList(wifiIndex) local wifiUp local assoclist = {} if tonumber(wifiIndex) == 1 then wifiUp = (getWifiStatus(1).up == 1) assoclist = wifiNetwork(_wifiNameForIndex(1)).assoclist or {} else wifiUp = (getWifiStatus(2).up == 1) assoclist = wifiNetwork(_wifiNameForIndex(2)).assoclist or {} end local dlist = {} if wifiUp then for mac, info in pairs(assoclist) do table.insert(dlist, XQFunction.macFormat(mac)) end end return dlist end function isDeviceWifiConnect(mac,wifiIndex) local dict = getWifiConnectDeviceDict(wifiIndex) if type(dict) == "table" and #dict>0 then return dict[XQFunction.macFormat(mac)] ~= nil else return false end end --[[ Get devices conneted to wifi @param wifiIndex: 1 (2.4G)/ 2 (5G) @return divices dict{mac:1} ]]-- function getWifiConnectDeviceDict(wifiIndex) local wifiUp local assoclist = {} if tonumber(wifiIndex) == 1 then wifiUp = (getWifiStatus(1).up == 1) assoclist = wifiNetwork(_wifiNameForIndex(1)).assoclist or {} else wifiUp = (getWifiStatus(2).up == 1) assoclist = wifiNetwork(_wifiNameForIndex(2)).assoclist or {} end local dict = {} if wifiUp then for mac, info in pairs(assoclist) do if mac then dict[XQFunction.macFormat(mac)] = 1 end end end return dict end function _pauseChannel(channel) if XQFunction.isStrNil(channel) then return "" end if channel:match("l") then return channel:gsub("l","").."(40M)" end if channel:match("u") then return channel:gsub("u","").."(40M)" end if channel:match("\/80") then return channel:gsub("\/80","").."(80M)" end return channel.."(20M)" end function getWifiWorkChannel(wifiIndex) local channel = "" if tonumber(wifiIndex) == 1 then channel = LuciUtil.trim(LuciUtil.exec(XQConfigs.WIFI24_WORK_CHANNEL)) else channel = LuciUtil.trim(LuciUtil.exec(XQConfigs.WIFI50_WORK_CHANNEL)) end return _pauseChannel(channel) end --[[ Get device wifiIndex @param mac: mac address @return 0 (lan)/1 (2.4G)/ 2 (5G) ]]-- function getDeviceWifiIndex(mac) mac = XQFunction.macFormat(mac) local wifi1Devices = getWifiConnectDeviceDict(1) local wifi2Devices = getWifiConnectDeviceDict(2) if wifi1Devices then if wifi1Devices[mac] == 1 then return 1 end end if wifi2Devices then if wifi2Devices[mac] == 1 then return 2 end end return 0 end function getWifiDeviceSignalDict(wifiIndex) local result = {} local assoclist = {} if not (getWifiStatus(wifiIndex).up == 1) then return result end if wifiIndex == 1 then assoclist = wifiNetwork(_wifiNameForIndex(1)).assoclist or {} else assoclist = wifiNetwork(_wifiNameForIndex(2)).assoclist or {} end for mac, info in pairs(assoclist) do if mac then result[XQFunction.macFormat(mac)] = 2*math.abs(tonumber(info.signal)-tonumber(info.noise)) end end return result end --[[ Get all devices conneted to wifi @return devices list [{mac,signal,wifiIndex}..] ]]-- function getAllWifiConnetDeviceList() local result = {} for index = 1,2 do local wifiSignal = getWifiDeviceSignalDict(index) local wifilist = getWifiConnectDeviceList(index) for _, mac in pairs(wifilist) do table.insert(result, { ['mac'] = XQFunction.macFormat(mac), ['signal'] = wifiSignal[mac], ['wifiIndex'] = index }) end end return result end --[[ Get all devices conneted to wifi @return devices dict{mac:{signal,wifiIndex}} ]]-- function getAllWifiConnetDeviceDict() local result = {} for index = 1,2 do local wifiSignal = getWifiDeviceSignalDict(index) local wifilist = getWifiConnectDeviceList(index) for _, mac in pairs(wifilist) do local item = {} item['signal'] = wifiSignal[mac] item['wifiIndex'] = index result[XQFunction.macFormat(mac)] = item end end return result end --[[ Get wifi status @param wifiIndex: 1 (2.4G)/ 2 (5G) @return dict{ssid,up} ]]-- function getWifiStatus(wifiIndex) local wifiNet = wifiNetwork(_wifiNameForIndex(wifiIndex)) return { ['ssid'] = wifiNet["ssid"], ['up'] = wifiNet["up"] and 1 or 0 } end function channelHelper(channel) local channelInfo = {channel = "", bandwidth = ""} if XQFunction.isStrNil(channel) then return channelInfo end if string.find(channel,"l") ~= nil then channelInfo["channel"] = channel:match("(%S+)l") channelInfo["bandwidth"] = "40" elseif string.find(channel,"u") ~= nil then channelInfo["channel"] = channel:match("(%S+)u") channelInfo["bandwidth"] = "40" elseif string.find(channel,"/80") ~= nil then channelInfo["channel"] = channel:match("(%S+)/80") channelInfo["bandwidth"] = "80" else channelInfo["channel"] = tostring(channel) channelInfo["bandwidth"] = "20" end local bandList = {} if then local channelList = wifi24[] or wifi50[] if channelList and type(channelList) == "table" then for key, v in pairs(channelList) do table.insert(bandList, key) end end end channelInfo["bandList"] = bandList return channelInfo end function getBandList(channel) local channelInfo = {channel = "", bandwidth = ""} if XQFunction.isStrNil(channel) then return channelInfo end local bandList = {} local channelList = wifi24[tostring(channel)] or wifi50[tostring(channel)] if channelList and type(channelList) == "table" then for key, v in pairs(channelList) do table.insert(bandList, key) end end channelInfo["bandList"] = bandList return channelInfo end function _channelFix(channel) if XQFunction.isStrNil(channel) then return "" end channel = string.gsub(channel, "l", "") channel = string.gsub(channel, "u", "") channel = string.gsub(channel, "/80", "") return channel end function channelFormat(wifiIndex, channel, bandwidth) local channelList = {} if tonumber(wifiIndex) == 1 then channelList = wifi24[tostring(channel)] else channelList = wifi50[tostring(channel)] end if channelList and type(channelList) == "table" then local channel = channelList[tostring(bandwidth)] if not XQFunction.isStrNil(channel) then return channel end end return false end --[[ Get wifi information @return dict{status,ifname,device,ssid,encryption,channel,mode,hidden,signal,password} ]]-- function getAllWifiInfo() local infoList = {} local wifis = wifiNetworks() for i,wifiNet in ipairs(wifis) do local item = {} local index = 1 if wifiNet["up"] then item["status"] = "1" else item["status"] = "0" end local encryption = wifiNet.networks[index].encryption_src local key = wifiNet.networks[index].key if encryption == "wep-open" then key = wifiNet.networks[index].key1 if key:len()>4 and key:sub(0,2)=="s:" then key = key:sub(3) end end local channel = wifiNet.networks[index].cchannel local channelparseinfo = channelHelper(channel) item["ifname"] = wifiNet.networks[index].ifname item["device"] = wifiNet.device..".network"..index item["ssid"] = wifiNet.networks[index].ssid item["channel"] = item["bandwidth"] = wifiNet.networks[index].cbw or channelparseinfo.bandwidth or "0" item["channelInfo"] = getBandList(channel) item["channelInfo"]["channel"] = wifiNet.networks[index].channel item["channelInfo"]["bandwidth"] = wifiNet.networks[index].bw or "20" item["mode"] = wifiNet.networks[index].mode item["hidden"] = wifiNet.networks[index].hidden or 0 item["signal"] = wifiNet.networks[index].signal item["password"] = key item["encryption"] = encryption item["txpwr"] = wifiNet.networks[index].txpwr infoList[#wifis+1-i] = item end local guestwifi = getGuestWifi(1) if guestwifi then table.insert(infoList, guestwifi) end return infoList end function getWifiTxpwr(wifiIndex) local network = LuciNetwork.init() local wifiNet = network:get_wifinet(_wifiNameForIndex(wifiIndex)) if wifiNet then return tostring(wifiNet:txpwr()) else return nil end end function getWifiChannel(wifiIndex) local network = LuciNetwork.init() local wifiNet = network:get_wifinet(_wifiNameForIndex(wifiIndex)) if wifiNet then return tostring(wifiNet:channel()) else return nil end end function getWifiTxpwrList() local txpwrList = {} local network = LuciNetwork.init() local wifiNet1 = network:get_wifinet(_wifiNameForIndex(1)) local wifiNet2 = network:get_wifinet(_wifiNameForIndex(2)) if wifiNet1 then table.insert(txpwrList,tostring(wifiNet1:txpwr())) end if wifiNet2 then table.insert(txpwrList,tostring(wifiNet2:txpwr())) end return txpwrList end function getWifiChannelList() local channelList = {} local network = LuciNetwork.init() local wifiNet1 = network:get_wifinet(_wifiNameForIndex(1)) local wifiNet2 = network:get_wifinet(_wifiNameForIndex(2)) if wifiNet1 then table.insert(channelList,tostring(wifiNet1:channel())) end if wifiNet2 then table.insert(channelList,tostring(wifiNet2:channel())) end return channelList end function getWifiChannelTxpwrList() local result = {} local network = LuciNetwork.init() local wifiNet1 = network:get_wifinet(_wifiNameForIndex(1)) local wifiNet2 = network:get_wifinet(_wifiNameForIndex(2)) if wifiNet1 then table.insert(result,{ channel = tostring(wifiNet1:channel()), txpwr = tostring(wifiNet1:txpwr()) }) else table.insert(result,{}) end if wifiNet2 then table.insert(result,{ channel = tostring(wifiNet2:channel()), txpwr = tostring(wifiNet2:txpwr()) }) else table.insert(result,{}) end return result end function setWifiChannelTxpwr(channel1,txpwr1,channel2,txpwr2) local network = LuciNetwork.init() local wifiDev1 = network:get_wifidev(LuciUtil.split(_wifiNameForIndex(1),".")[1]) local wifiDev2 = network:get_wifidev(LuciUtil.split(_wifiNameForIndex(2),".")[1]) if wifiDev1 then if tonumber(channel1) then wifiDev1:set("channel",channel1) end if not XQFunction.isStrNil(txpwr1) then wifiDev1:set("txpwr",txpwr1); end end if wifiDev2 then if tonumber(channel2) then wifiDev2:set("channel",channel2) end if not XQFunction.isStrNil(txpwr2) then wifiDev2:set("txpwr",txpwr2); end end network:commit("wireless") network:save("wireless") return true end function setWifiTxpwr(txpwr) local network = LuciNetwork.init() local wifiDev1 = network:get_wifidev(LuciUtil.split(_wifiNameForIndex(1),".")[1]) local wifiDev2 = network:get_wifidev(LuciUtil.split(_wifiNameForIndex(2),".")[1]) if wifiDev1 then if not XQFunction.isStrNil(txpwr) then wifiDev1:set("txpwr",txpwr); end end if wifiDev2 then if not XQFunction.isStrNil(txpwr) then wifiDev2:set("txpwr",txpwr); end end network:commit("wireless") network:save("wireless") return true end function checkWifiPasswd(passwd,encryption) if XQFunction.isStrNil(encryption) or (encryption and encryption ~= "none" and XQFunction.isStrNil(passwd)) then return 1502 end if encryption == "psk" or encryption == "psk2" then if passwd:len() < 8 then return 1520 end elseif encryption == "mixed-psk" then if passwd:len()<8 or passwd:len()>63 then return 1521 end elseif encryption == "wep-open" then if passwd:len()~=5 and passwd:len()~=13 then return 1522 end end return 0 end function checkSSID(ssid,length) if XQFunction.isStrNil(ssid) then return 0 end if string.len(ssid) > tonumber(length) then return 1572 end if not XQFunction.checkSSID(ssid) then return 1573 end return 0 end function setWifiBasicInfo(wifiIndex, ssid, password, encryption, channel, txpwr, hidden, on, bandwidth) local network = LuciNetwork.init() local wifiNet = network:get_wifinet(_wifiNameForIndex(wifiIndex)) local wifiDev = network:get_wifidev(LuciUtil.split(_wifiNameForIndex(wifiIndex),".")[1]) if wifiNet == nil then return false end if wifiDev then if not XQFunction.isStrNil(channel) then wifiDev:set("channel",channel) if channel == "0" then wifiDev:set("autoch","2") else wifiDev:set("autoch","0") end end if not XQFunction.isStrNil(bandwidth) then wifiDev:set("bw",bandwidth) end if not XQFunction.isStrNil(txpwr) then wifiDev:set("txpwr",txpwr); end if on == 1 then wifiDev:set("disabled", "0") elseif on == 0 then wifiDev:set("disabled", "1") end end wifiNet:set("disabled", nil) if not XQFunction.isStrNil(ssid) and XQFunction.checkSSID(ssid) then wifiNet:set("ssid",ssid) end local code = checkWifiPasswd(password,encryption) if code == 0 then wifiNet:set("encryption",encryption) wifiNet:set("key",password) if encryption == "none" then wifiNet:set("key","") elseif encryption == "wep-open" then wifiNet:set("key1","s:"..password) wifiNet:set("key",1) end if wifiIndex == 1 then XQFunction.nvramSet("nv_wifi_ssid", ssid) XQFunction.nvramSet("nv_wifi_enc", encryption) XQFunction.nvramSet("nv_wifi_pwd", password) XQFunction.nvramCommit() else XQFunction.nvramSet("nv_wifi_ssid1", ssid) XQFunction.nvramSet("nv_wifi_enc1", encryption) XQFunction.nvramSet("nv_wifi_pwd1", password) XQFunction.nvramCommit() end elseif code > 1502 then return false end if hidden == "1" then wifiNet:set("hidden","1") end if hidden == "0" then wifiNet:set("hidden","0") end network:save("wireless") network:commit("wireless") return true end --[[ Turn on wifi @param wifiIndex: 1 (2.4G)/ 2 (5G) @return boolean ]]-- function turnWifiOn(wifiIndex) local wifiStatus = getWifiStatus(wifiIndex) if wifiStatus['up'] == 1 then return true end local network = LuciNetwork.init() local wifiNet = network:get_wifinet(_wifiNameForIndex(wifiIndex)) local dev if wifiNet ~= nil then dev = wifiNet:get_device() end if dev and wifiNet then dev:set("disabled", "0") wifiNet:set("disabled", nil) network:commit("wireless") XQFunction.forkRestartWifi() return true end return false end --[[ Turn off wifi @param wifiIndex: 1 (2.4G)/ 2 (5G) @return boolean ]]-- function turnWifiOff(wifiIndex) local wifiStatus = getWifiStatus(wifiIndex) if wifiStatus['up'] == 0 then return true end local network = LuciNetwork.init() local wifiNet = network:get_wifinet(_wifiNameForIndex(wifiIndex)) local dev if wifiNet ~= nil then dev = wifiNet:get_device() end if dev and wifiNet then dev:set("disabled", "1") wifiNet:set("disabled", nil) network:commit("wireless") XQFunction.forkRestartWifi() return true end return false end function wifiScanList(wifiIndex) local LuciSys = require("luci.sys") local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") local scanList = {} local iw = LuciSys.wifi.getiwinfo(_wifiNameForIndex(wifiIndex)) if iw then for i, wifi in ipairs(iw.scanlist or { }) do local wifiDev = {} local quality = wifi.quality or 0 local qualityMax = wifi.quality_max or 0 local wifiSigPercent = 0 if wifi.bssid and quality > 0 and qualityMax > 0 then wifiSigPercent = math.floor((100 / qualityMax) * quality) end wifi.encryption = wifi.encryption or { } wifiDev["ssid"] = wifi.ssid and LuciUtil.pcdata(wifi.ssid) or "hidden" wifiDev["bssid"] = wifi.bssid wifiDev["mode"] = wifi.mode wifiDev["channel"] = wifiDev["encryption"] = wifi.encryption wifiDev["signal"] = wifi.signal or 0 wifiDev["signalPercent"] = wifiSigPercent wifiDev["quality"] = quality wifiDev["qualityMax"] = qualityMax table.insert(scanList,wifiDev) end end return scanList end function wifiBridgedClientId() local LuciNetwork = require("").init() local wifiDevs = LuciNetwork:get_wifidevs(); local clients = {} for i, wifiDev in ipairs(wifiDevs) do local clientId for _, wifiNet in ipairs(wifiDev:get_wifinets()) do if wifiNet:active_mode() == "Client" then clientId = wifiNet:id() end end if not XQFunction.isStrNil(clientId) then table.insert(clients,i,clientId) end end return clients end --[[ @param wifiIndex : 1(2.4G) 2(5G) function getWifiBridgedClient(wifiIndex) local LuciNetwork = require("").init() local client = {} local clientId = wifiBridgedClientId()[wifiIndex] if clientId then local wifiNet = LuciNetwork:get_wifinet(clientId) if wifiNet:get("disabled") == "1" then return client end client["ssid"] = wifiNet:get("ssid") client["key"] = wifiNet:get("key") client["encryption"] = wifiNet:get("encryption") client["channel"] = wifiNet:get("channel") end return client end ]]-- --[[ @param wifiIndex : 1(2.4G) 2(5G) function setWifiBridgedClient(wifiIndex,ssid,encryption,key,channel) local LuciNetwork = require("").init() local XQLanWanUtil = require("xiaoqiang.util.XQLanWanUtil") -- Set wifi local clientId = wifiBridgedClientId()[wifiIndex] local wifiDev = LuciNetwork:get_wifidev(LuciUtil.split(_wifiNameForIndex(wifiIndex),".")[1]) local wlanX = string.format("wlan%d",wifiIndex+1) if not wifiDev then return false end if XQFunction.isStrNil(clientId) then local network = {ifname = wlanX,ssid = ssid,mode = "sta",encryption = encryption,key = key,network = "",disabled = "0"} wifiDev:add_wifinet(network) else local wifiNet = wifiDev:get_wifinet(clientId) wlanX = wifiNet:get("ifname") wifiNet:set("ssid",ssid) wifiNet:set("key",key) wifiNet:set("encryption",encryption) wifiNet:set("network","") wifiNet:set("disabled","0") end wifiDev:set("channel",channel) -- Set wan local wanMac = XQLanWanUtil.getWanMac() local wanNetwork = {ifname = wlanX, macaddr = wanMac, proto = "dhcp"} LuciNetwork:del_network("wan") LuciNetwork:add_network("wan",wanNetwork) -- Save and commit LuciNetwork:save("wireless") LuciNetwork:save("network") LuciNetwork:commit("wireless") LuciNetwork:commit("network") end ]]-- --[[ @return 0:close 1:start 2:connect 3:error 4:timeout ]] function getWifiWpsStatus() local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") local status = LuciUtil.exec(XQConfigs.GET_WPS_STATUS) if not XQFunction.isStrNil(status) then status = LuciUtil.trim(status) return tonumber(status) end return 0 end function getWpsConDevMac() local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") local mac = LuciUtil.exec(XQConfigs.GET_WPS_CONMAC) if mac then return XQFunction.macFormat(LuciUtil.trim(mac)) end return nil end function stopWps() local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") LuciUtil.exec(XQConfigs.CLOSE_WPS) return end function openWifiWps() local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") local XQPreference = require("xiaoqiang.XQPreference") LuciUtil.exec(XQConfigs.OPEN_WPS) local timestamp = tostring(os.time()) XQPreference.set(XQConfigs.PREF_WPS_TIMESTAMP,timestamp) return timestamp end --[[ WiFi Bridge ]]-- --local WIFI_LIST_CMD = [[iwpriv wl1 set SiteSurvey=1;iwpriv wl1 get_site_survey | awk '{print $2"|||"$3"|||"$4"|||"$5}']] --[[ function _parseEncryption(encryption) if XQFunction.isStrNil(encryption) then return nil end encryption = string.lower(encryption) if encryption:match("none") then return "NONE" end if encryption:match("wpa2psk") then return "WPA2PSK" end if encryption:match("wpapsk") then return "WPAPSK" end if encryption:match("wpa2") then return "WPA2" end if encryption:match("wpa1") then return "WPA1" end return "NONE" end function getWifiScanList() local wifilist = {} local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") for _, line in ipairs(LuciUtil.execl(WIFI_LIST_CMD)) do local item = LuciUtil.split(line, "|||") if tonumber(item[4]) then local wifi = {["ssid"] = "", ["encryption"] = "", ["bssid"] = "", ["signal"] = 0} local enc = _parseEncryption(item[3]) if enc then wifi.encryption = enc end wifi.ssid = item[1] wifi.bssid = item[2] wifi.signal = tonumber(item[4]) table.insert(wifilist, wifi) end end return wifilist end ]]-- --[[ @param wifiIndex:1/2 2.4G/5G ]] function setWifiBridge(wifiIndex, ssid, password, encryption) local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") local LuciNetwork = require("").init() local wifiDev = LuciNetwork:get_wifidev(LuciUtil.split(_wifiNameForIndex(wifiIndex),".")[1]) local clients = {} local key if encryption == "none" then key = "" else key = password end if wifiDev then local clientId for _, wifiNet in ipairs(wifiDev:get_wifinets()) do if wifiNet:active_mode() == "Client" then clientId = wifiNet:id() end end if XQFunction.isStrNil(clientId) then local iface = { device = wifiDev:name(), ifname = "apcli0", ssid = ssid, mode = "sta", encryption = encryption, key = key, network = "wan", disabled = "0" } wifiDev:add_wifinet(iface) else local wifiNet = wifiDev:get_wifinet(clientId) wifiNet:set("ssid", ssid) wifiNet:set("key", key) wifiNet:set("encryption", encryption) end LuciNetwork:save("wireless") LuciNetwork:commit("wireless") end end --- model: 0/1 black/white list function getWiFiMacfilterList(model) local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() local config = tonumber(model) == 0 and "wifiblist" or "wifiwlist" local maclist = uci:get_list(config, "maclist", "mac") return maclist end --- model: 0/1 black/white list --- option: 0/1 add/remove function editWiFiMacfilterList(model, mac, option) if XQFunction.isStrNil(mac) or XQFunction.isStrNil(option) then return else mac = XQFunction.macFormat(mac) option = tonumber(option) end local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() local config = tonumber(model) == 0 and "wifiblist" or "wifiwlist" local maclist = uci:get_list(config, "maclist", "mac") or {} if option == 0 then for _, macaddr in ipairs(maclist) do if mac == macaddr then return end end table.insert(maclist, mac) else local pos = -1 for i, macaddr in ipairs(maclist) do if mac == macaddr then pos = i end end if pos >= 0 then table.remove(maclist, pos) else return end end if #maclist > 32 then return 1 end if #maclist > 0 then uci:set_list(config, "maclist", "mac", maclist) else uci:delete(config, "maclist", "mac") end uci:commit(config) end --- model: 0/1 black/white list function getWiFiMacfilterInfo(model) local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") local LuciNetwork = require("").init() local wifiNet = LuciNetwork:get_wifinet(_wifiNameForIndex(1)) local info = { ["enable"] = 0, ["model"] = 0 } if wifiNet then local macfilter = wifiNet:get("macfilter") if macfilter == "disabled" then info["enable"] = 0 info["model"] = 0 elseif macfilter == "deny" then info["enable"] = 1 info["model"] = 0 elseif macfilter == "allow" then info["enable"] = 1 info["model"] = 1 else info["enable"] = 0 info["model"] = 0 end end if model then info["maclist"] = getWiFiMacfilterList(model) else info["maclist"] = getWiFiMacfilterList(info.model) end return info end --- model: 0/1 black/white list function setWiFiMacfilterModel(enable, model) local macfilter local maclist if enable then if tonumber(model) == 1 then macfilter = "allow" maclist = getWiFiMacfilterList(1) else macfilter = "deny" maclist = getWiFiMacfilterList(0) end else macfilter = "disabled" end local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") local LuciNetwork = require("").init() local wifiNet1 = LuciNetwork:get_wifinet(_wifiNameForIndex(1)) local wifiNet2 = LuciNetwork:get_wifinet(_wifiNameForIndex(2)) if wifiNet1 and wifiNet2 then wifiNet1:set("macfilter", macfilter) wifiNet2:set("macfilter", macfilter) if maclist and #maclist > 0 then wifiNet1:set_list("maclist", maclist) wifiNet2:set_list("maclist", maclist) else wifiNet1:set_list("maclist", nil) wifiNet2:set_list("maclist", nil) end LuciNetwork:save("wireless") LuciNetwork:commit("wireless") end end function getGuestWifi(wifiIndex) local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() local index = tonumber(wifiIndex) local status if index then status = getWifiStatus(index) if index == 1 then index = "guest_2G" elseif index == 2 then index = "guest_5G" else index = nil end end local guestwifi if index and status then guestwifi = uci:get_all("wireless", index) if guestwifi then local enabled if status.up == 1 and tonumber(guestwifi.enabled) == 1 then enabled = "1" else enabled = "0" end return { ["ifname"] = guestwifi.device, ["ssid"] = guestwifi.ssid, ["encryption"] = guestwifi.encryption, ["password"] = guestwifi.key, ["status"] =, ["enabled"] = enabled } end end return guestwifi end function setGuestWifi(wifiIndex, ssid, encryption, key, enabled, open) local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() local wifinetid, ifname local enabled = tonumber(enabled) == 1 and 1 or 0 local open = tonumber(open) == 1 and 1 or 0 if tonumber(wifiIndex) == 1 then wifinetid = "guest_2G" ifname = uci:get("misc", "wireless", "ifname_guest_2G") elseif tonumber(wifiIndex) == 2 then wifinetid = "guest_5G" else return false end guestwifi = uci:get_all("wireless", wifinetid) if guestwifi then guestwifi["ifname"] = ifname if not XQFunction.isStrNil(ssid) and XQFunction.checkSSID(ssid) then guestwifi["ssid"] = ssid end if encryption and string.lower(tostring(encryption)) == "none" then guestwifi["encryption"] = "none" guestwifi["key"] = "" end if open then guestwifi["open"] = open end if encryption and string.lower(tostring(encryption)) ~= "none" and not XQFunction.isStrNil(key) then local check = checkWifiPasswd(key,encryption) if check == 0 then guestwifi["encryption"] = encryption guestwifi["key"] = key else return false end end else if XQFunction.isStrNil(ssid) or XQFunction.isStrNil(encryption) then return false end guestwifi = { ["device"] = WIFI_DEVS[wifiIndex], ["ifname"] = ifname, ["network"] = "guest", ["ssid"] = ssid, ["mode"] = "ap", ["encryption"] = encryption, ["key"] = key, ["open"] = open, ["enabled"] = enabled } end uci:section("wireless", "wifi-iface", wifinetid, guestwifi) uci:commit("wireless") return true end function delGuestWifi(wifiIndex) local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() local wifinetid if tonumber(wifiIndex) == 1 then wifinetid = "guest_2G" elseif tonumber(wifiIndex) == 2 then wifinetid = "guest_5G" else return false end uci:delete("wireless", wifinetid) uci:commit("wireless") return true end