module ("xiaoqiang.util.XQHttpUtil", package.seeall) local XQFunction = require("xiaoqiang.common.XQFunction") local XQConfigs = require("xiaoqiang.common.XQConfigs") local XQLog = require("xiaoqiang.XQLog") local Http = require("socket.http") local Https = require("ssl.https") local Ltn12 = require("luci.ltn12") function httpGetRequest(url, paramStr, cookies) local header = {} local cookieStr local httpHandler if cookies and type(cookies) == "table" then cookieStr = "" for key,value in pairs(cookies) do cookieStr = cookieStr..key.."="..value..";path=/;;" end header["Cookie"] = cookieStr end if url:match("^https://") then httpHandler = Https else httpHandler = Http end local result = { code = "", headers = "", status = "", res = "" } local res, code, headers, status if XQFunction.isStrNil(cookieStr) then if XQFunction.isStrNil(paramStr) then res, code, headers, status = httpHandler.request(url) else res, code, headers, status = httpHandler.request(url, paramStr) end else if not XQFunction.isStrNil(paramStr) then local tmpUrl = url..paramStr if tmpUrl:match("?") then url = tmpUrl else url = url.."?"..paramStr end end local t = {} res, code, headers, status = httpHandler.request{ url = url, sink = Ltn12.sink.table(t), headers = header } res = table.concat(t) end result.code = code or "" result.headers = headers or "" result.status = status or "" result.res = res or "" XQLog.log(7,result) return result end function httpPostRequest(url, paramStr, cookies) local header = {} local cookieStr local httpHandler if cookies and type(cookies) == "table" then cookieStr = "" for key,value in pairs(cookies) do cookieStr = cookieStr..key.."="..value..";path=/;;" end header["Cookie"] = cookieStr end header["Content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" header["Content-length"] = string.len(paramStr) if url:match("^https://") then httpHandler = Https else httpHandler = Http end local result = { code = "", headers = "", status = "", res = "" } local t = {} local res, code, headers, status = httpHandler.request{ url = url, method = "POST", source = Ltn12.source.string(paramStr), sink = Ltn12.sink.table(t), headers = header } res = table.concat(t) result.code = code or "" result.headers = headers or "" result.status = status or "" result.res = res or "" XQLog.log(7,result) return result end