function wifi_reconnect_shutdown(shutdown, wnet) local netmd = require "".init() local net = netmd:get_wifinet(wnet) local dev = net:get_device() if dev and net then dev:set("disabled", nil) net:set("disabled", shutdown and 1 or nil) netmd:commit("wireless")"env -i /bin/ubus call network reload >/dev/null 2>/dev/null")"env -i /sbin/wifi reload >/dev/null 2>/dev/null") --luci.http.status(200, shutdown and "Shutdown" or "Reconnected") return end --luci.http.status(404, "No such radio") end function wifi_reconnect(wnet) wifi_reconnect_shutdown(false, wnet) end function wifi_shutdown(wnet) wifi_reconnect_shutdown(true, wnet) end function fork_smart_wifi_shutdown(switch, wnet, close_time, open_time) local close_interval = close_time - os.time() local open_interval = open_time - os.time() local cmd = string.format("/sbin/wifi down "..wnet.."; sleep 15; /sbin/wifi up "..wnet) require "MZLog".log(3, cmd) --local cmd = string.format("sleep %s; /sbin/wifi down; sleep %s; /sbin/wifi up;", tostring(close_interval), tostring(open_interval)) --local cmd = "/sbin/wifi "..switch.." "..wnet exec_cmd_in_sh(cmd) end function smart_wifi_shutdown() local wnet = "wl1" local info = {} local switch = luci.http.formvalue("switch") --get para --close_time = luci.http.formvalue("close_time") --open_time = luci.http.formvalue("open_time") --test normal close_time = os.time() + 2 restart_time = os.time() + 4 --test exception --close_time = os.time() - 5 --restart_time = os.time() - 10 --para err manage if close_time < os.time() or restart_time < close_time then info["SUCCESS"] = false else info["SUCCESS"] = true end fork_smart_wifi_shutdown(switch, wnet, close_time, restart_time) luci.http.write_json(info) end