module("meizu.btfs", package.seeall) --network functions local cjson = require "cjson" local lfs = require "lfs" local bfs = require "meizu.bfs" local RC = require "meizu.r10config" local dbfs = require("meizu.dbfs") local posix = require("Posix") local bind_router = bfs.bind_router local data_to_json = bfs.data_to_json local exec_cmd_in_sh = bfs.exec_cmd_in_sh local exec_reboot = bfs.exec_reboot local get_device_SN = bfs.get_device_SN local get_device_version = bfs.get_device_version local get_https_data = bfs.get_https_data local rts_get_access_token = bfs.rts_get_access_token local set_passwd = bfs.set_passwd local silent_upgrade = bfs.silent_upgrade local strsplit = bfs.strsplit local b64dec = bfs.b64dec local b64enc = bfs.b64enc local lue = require("luci.util").exec ------------------------ bluetooth -------------------- ----------------------- receive data -------------------- function bluetooth_info() dbfs.initBluetoothTable() local value = luci.http.formvalue("data") require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, value) local ret = {} local types = string.sub(value, 1, 2) if types == "00" then local id = string.sub(value, 3, 4) local status = string.format("%d", "0x" .. string.sub(value, 5, 6)) local temp1 = string.sub(value, 7, 8) local temp2 = string.sub(value, 9, 10) local temp = temp2..temp1 temp = string.format("%d", "0x" .. temp) local rh1 = string.sub(value, 11, 12) local rh2 = string.sub(value, 13, 14) local rh = rh2..rh1 rh = string.format("%d", "0x" .. rh) local light1 = string.sub(value, 15, 16) local light2 = string.sub(value, 17, 18) local light = light2..light1 light = string.format("%d", "0x" .. light) local mac = dbfs.getBluetoothDevice(id) local TMP = "/tmp/"..mac.."0" ret["mac"] = mac ret["id"] = id if status == "1" then ret["onoff"] = "on" else ret["onoff"] = "off" end local timer_id = "" local flag = "" local start = "" local ends = "" local fd =, "r") if fd then local res = fd:read() fd:close() res = cjson.decode(res) timer_id = res.timerId flag = res.flag start = res.start ends = res.ends end ret["timerId"] = timer_id ret["flag"] = flag ret["start"] = start ret["ends"] = ends ret["temp"] = temp ret["hemi"] = rh ret["light"] = light ret["time"] = os.time() local result = data_to_json(ret) --[[ require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, id) require "MZLog".log(3, result) require "MZLog".log(3, ret) ]] local fd = assert(, "w")) fd:write(result) fd:close() elseif types == "01" then local id = string.sub(value, 3, 4) local voltage1 = string.sub(value, 5, 6) local voltage2 = string.sub(value, 7, 8) local voltage = voltage2..voltage1 voltage = string.format("%d", "0x" .. voltage) local electricity1 = string.format("%d", "0x" .. string.sub(value, 9, 10)) local electricity2 = string.format("%d", "0x" .. string.sub(value, 11, 12)) local electricity = electricity2..electricity1 electricity = string.format("%d", "0x" .. electricity) local power1 = string.sub(value, 13, 14) local power2 = string.sub(value, 15, 16) local power = power2..power1 power = string.format("%d", "0x" .. power) local electric1 = string.sub(value, 17, 18) local electric2 = string.sub(value, 19, 20) local electric = electric2..electric1 electric = string.format("%d", "0x" .. electric) local mac = dbfs.getBluetoothDevice(id) local TMP = "/tmp/"..mac.."1" local timer_id = "" local fd =, "r") if fd then local res = fd:read() fd:close() res = cjson.decode(res) timer_id = res.timerId end ret["timerId"] = timer_id ret["mac"] = mac ret["id"] = id ret["voltage"] = voltage ret["current"] = electricity ret["power"] = power ret["energy"] = electric local result = data_to_json(ret) local fd = assert(, "w")) fd:write(result) fd:close() elseif types == "02" then require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) local id = string.sub(value, 3, 4) local TYPE = string.sub(value, 5, 6) local mac1 = string.sub(value, 7, 8) local mac2 = string.sub(value, 9, 10) local mac3 = string.sub(value, 11, 12) local mac4 = string.sub(value, 13, 14) local mac5 = string.sub(value, 15, 16) local mac6 = string.sub(value, 17, 18) local mac = mac6..mac5..mac4..mac3..mac2..mac1 mac = string.upper(mac) local ID = "" local res = dbfs.fetchBluetoothDevice(mac) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, #res) require "MZLog".log(3, res) if #res > 0 then for k, v in pairs(res) do ID = end end if id ~= ID then dbfs.updateBluetoothDevice(id, "", "", "", mac) end local TMP = "/tmp/"..mac.."0" local fd =, "r") if fd then local res = fd:read() fd:close() res = cjson.decode(res) res["time"] = os.time() res = cjson.encode(res) local fd =, "w") fd:write(res) fd:close() end require "MZLog".log(3, id) require "MZLog".log(3, mac) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) elseif types == "09" then local deviceType = string.sub(value, 3, 4) local mac1 = string.sub(value, 5, 6) local mac2 = string.sub(value, 7, 8) local mac3 = string.sub(value, 9, 10) local mac4 = string.sub(value, 11, 12) local mac5 = string.sub(value, 13, 14) local mac6 = string.sub(value, 15, 16) local mac = mac6..mac5..mac4..mac3..mac2..mac1 mac = string.upper(mac) local res = dbfs.fetchBluetoothDevice(mac) local ret = nil local id = nil if #res > 0 then for k, v in pairs(res) do ret = v.mac id = end end if id then dbfs.updateBluetoothDevice("", "", "", "", mac) end if ret == nil then dbfs.addBluetoothDevice("", mac, "", "", deviceType, "") local TMP = "/tmp/"..mac local fd =, "w") fd:write(os.time()) fd:close() else local TMP = "/tmp/"..mac local fd =, "w") fd:write(os.time()) fd:close() end elseif types == "04" then local data = string.format("%d", "0x" .. string.sub(value, 3, 4)) ret["data"] = data elseif types == "03" then require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) local id = string.sub(value, 3, 4) local flag = string.sub(value, 5, 6) local timer_id = string.sub(value, 7, 8) local start = string.sub(value, 9, 16) local ends = string.sub(value, 17, 24) local mac = dbfs.getBluetoothDevice(id) local TMP = "/tmp/"..mac.."1" local fd =, "r") if fd then require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, timer_id) require "MZLog".log(3, flag) local res = fd:read() res = cjson.decode(res) if timer_id == res["timerId"] then local TMP = "/tmp/"..mac.."0" local fd =, "r") local res = fd:read() res = cjson.decode(res) res["flag"] = flag res["timerId"] = timer_id res["start"] = start res["ends"] = ends res = cjson.encode(res) local fd =, "w") fd:write(res) fd:close() end end elseif types == "06" then require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) local id = string.sub(value, 3, 4) local mac = dbfs.getBluetoothDevice(id) local len = tonumber(dbfs.getBleDeviceNameLength(id)) local str = string.sub(value, 5, len + 4) --local res = {} --[[ for i = 1, #str, 2 do res[#res + 1] = (tonumber(string.format("%d", "0x"..string.sub(str, i, i+1)))) end ]] local device_name = str --[[ if #res == 1 then device_name = string.char(res[1]) elseif #res == 2 then device_name = string.char(res[1], res[2]) elseif #res == 3 then device_name = string.char(res[1], res[2], res[3]) elseif #res == 4 then device_name = string.char(res[1], res[2], res[3], res[4]) elseif #res == 5 then device_name = string.char(res[1], res[2], res[3], res[4], res[5]) elseif #res == 6 then device_name = string.char(res[1], res[2], res[3], res[4], res[5], res[6]) elseif #res == 7 then device_name = string.char(res[1], res[2], res[3], res[4], res[5], res[6], res[7]) elseif #res == 8 then device_name = string.char(res[1], res[2], res[3], res[4], res[5], res[6], res[7], res[8]) elseif #res == 9 then device_name = string.char(res[1], res[2], res[3], res[4], res[5], res[6], res[7], res[8], res[9]) elseif #res == 10 then device_name = string.char(res[1], res[2], res[3], res[4], res[5], res[6], res[7], res[8], res[9], res[10]) end ]] require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, str) require "MZLog".log(3, device_name) dbfs.updateBluetoothDevice(id, "", device_name, len, mac) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) elseif types == "07" then local data = string.format("%d", "0x" .. string.sub(value, 3, 4)) ret["data"] = data elseif types == "0b" then local key_ack = string.sub(value, 3, 4) local TMP = "/tmp/0b0b" local fd =, "w") fd:write(key_ack) fd:close() elseif types == "0c" then local id = string.sub(value, 3, 4) local status = string.sub(value, 5, 6) local mac = dbfs.getBluetoothDevice(id) local TMP = "/tmp/"..mac.."0" local fd =, "r") local res = nil require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) if fd then res = fd:read() fd:close() res = cjson.decode(res) if status == "01" then res["onoff"] = "on" else res["onoff"] = "off" end res = cjson.encode(res) local fd =, "w") fd:write(res) fd:close() end require "MZLog".log(3, res) elseif types == "0d" then local id = string.sub(value, 3, 4) local led_light = string.sub(value, 5, 6) local temp1 = string.sub(value, 7, 8) local temp2 = string.sub(value, 9, 10) led_light = string.format("%d", "0x" .. led_light) local led_temp = temp2..temp1 temp = string.format("%d", "0x" .. temp) local TMP = "/tmp/"..mac.."0" local fd =, "r") local res = nil require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) if fd then res = fd:read() fd:close() res = cjson.decode(res) res["led_light"] = led_light res["led_temp"] = led_temp res = cjson.encode(res) local fd =, "w") fd:write(res) fd:close() end elseif types == "0e" then local id = string.sub(value, 3, 4) local wait_time = string.format("%d", "0x" .. string.sub(value, 5, 6)) --local mac = dbfs.getBluetoothDevice(id) local TMP = "/tmp/0e0e" local fd =, "w") fd:write(wait_time) fd:close() elseif types == "10" then local mac1 = string.sub(value, 3, 4) local mac2 = string.sub(value, 5, 6) local mac3 = string.sub(value, 7, 8) local mac4 = string.sub(value, 9, 10) local mac5 = string.sub(value, 11, 12) local mac6 = string.sub(value, 13, 14) local mac = mac6..mac5..mac4..mac3..mac2..mac1 mac = string.upper(mac) local res = dbfs.fetchBluetoothDevice(mac) if #res == 0 then dbfs.addBluetoothDevice("", mac, "0123", "", "", "") end --[[ if ret == nil then dbfs.addBluetoothDevice("", mac, "", "", deviceType, "") local TMP = "/tmp/"..mac local fd =, "w") fd:write(os.time()) fd:close() else local TMP = "/tmp/"..mac local fd =, "w") ]] end require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, ret) return ret end function nw_get_bluetooth_info() require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) local res = bluetooth_info() require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) luci.http.write_json(res) end function ww_get_bluetooth_info() require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) local res = bluetooth_info() require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) return res end ----------------------- scan_ble_device -------------------- function scan_ble_switch(status) local res = {} if status == "on" then local cmd = "bt_daemon -s ".."16".." 255" lue(cmd) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, cmd) posix.sleep(1) res["result"] = true elseif status == "off" then local cmd = "bt_daemon -s ".."18".." 255" lue(cmd) posix.sleep(1) res["result"] = false end return res end function nw_scan_ble_switch() local status = luci.http.formvalue("status") require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, status) local res = scan_ble_switch(status) require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) luci.http.write_json(res) end function ww_scan_ble_switch(status) local res = scan_ble_switch(status) require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) return cjson.encode(res) end ----------------------- get_ble_device_list -------------------- function get_ble_device_list() local res = dbfs.fetchAllBluetoothDevice() require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, res) local result = {} if #res > 0 then for k, v in pairs(res) do local TMP = "/tmp/"..v.mac local fd =, "r") if fd then local time = fd:read() fd:close() if tonumber(os.time()) - tonumber(time) < 5 then table.insert(result, v) end end end end return result end function nw_get_ble_device_list() local res = get_ble_device_list() require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) if #res == 0 then require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) luci.http.write("[]") else luci.http.write_json(res) end end function ww_get_ble_device_list() local res = get_ble_device_list() require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) if #res == 0 then return "[]" else return cjson.encode(res) end end ----------------------- add_ble_mesh_device -------------------- function is_receive_id(mac) local id = "" local ret = dbfs.fetchBluetoothDevice(mac) for k, v in pairs(ret) do id = end return id end function add_ble_mesh_device(mac) local res = {} local id = "" local mac1 = string.format("%d", "0x" .. string.sub(mac, 1, 2)) local mac2 = string.format("%d", "0x" .. string.sub(mac, 3, 4)) local mac3 = string.format("%d", "0x" .. string.sub(mac, 5, 6)) local mac4 = string.format("%d", "0x" .. string.sub(mac, 7, 8)) local mac5 = string.format("%d", "0x" .. string.sub(mac, 9, 10)) local mac6 = string.format("%d", "0x" .. string.sub(mac, 11, 12)) local macs = mac6.." "..mac5.." "..mac4.." "..mac3.." "..mac2.." "..mac1 require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, mac) local cmd = "bt_daemon -s ".."17 "..macs lue(cmd) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, cmd) for i = 1, 20 do posix.sleep(1) id = is_receive_id(mac) if id ~= "" then break end end if id ~= "" then res["result"] = true res["id"] = id res["mac"] = mac else res["result"] = false res["mac"] = mac end return res end function nw_add_ble_mesh_device() local mac = luci.http.formvalue("mac") local res = add_ble_mesh_device(mac) require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) luci.http.write_json(res) end function ww_add_ble_mesh_device(mac) local res = add_ble_mesh_device(mac) require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) return cjson.encode(res) end ----------------------- get_ble_device_detail -------------------- function get_ble_device_status(mac) local TMP1 = "/tmp/"..mac.."0" local TMP2 = "/tmp/"..mac.."1" local fd1 =, "r") local fd2 =, "r") if fd1 and fd2 then local res1 = fd1:read() local res2 = fd2:read() fd1:close() fd2:close() --require "MZLog".log(3, res1) --require "MZLog".log(3, res2) if res1 ~= nil and res2 ~= nil then res1 = cjson.decode(res1) res2 = cjson.decode(res2) res1["voltage"] = res2.voltage res1["current"] = res2.current res1["power"] = res2.power res1["energy"] = local ret = dbfs.fetchBluetoothDevice(mac) local deviceType = nil local name = nil for k, v in pairs(ret) do deviceType = v.deviceType name = end res1["name"] = name res1["type"] = deviceType res1["time"] = nil --require "MZLog".log(3, res1) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) end if res1 == "" then res1 = "{}" end return res1 else return "{}" end end function nw_get_ble_device_status() local mac = luci.http.formvalue("mac") local res = get_ble_device_status(mac) --require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) if res == "{}" then require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, res) luci.http.write(res) else require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, res) luci.http.write_json(res) end end function ww_get_ble_device_status(mac) local res = get_ble_device_status(mac) require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) if res == "{}" then return res else return cjson.encode(res) end end ----------------------- remove_ble_from_mesh -------------------- function is_remove_ble_from_mesh() local res = nil local TMP = "/tmp/0e0e" local fd =, "r") if fd then local ret = fd:read() fd:close() if ret ~= "" and ret ~= nil then return ret else return nil end else return nil end end function remove_ble_from_mesh(mac) local res = {} local ret = dbfs.fetchBluetoothDevice(mac) local id = nil for k, v in pairs(ret) do id = end if id ~= nil and id ~= "" then local cmd = "bt_daemon -s ".."3 "..string.format("%d", "0x" lue(cmd) local wait_time = nil for i = 1, 20 do posix.sleep(1) wait_time = is_remove_ble_from_mesh(mac) if wait_time ~= nil then break end end if wait_time then res["result"] = true res["waitTime"] = wait_time res["mac"] = mac res["id"] =id else res["result"] = false res["mac"] = mac res["id"] = id end else res["result"] = false res["mac"] = mac end return res end function nw_remove_ble_from_mesh() local mac = luci.http.formvalue("mac") local res = remove_ble_from_mesh(mac) require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) luci.http.write_json(res) end function ww_remove_ble_from_mesh(mac) local res = remove_ble_from_mesh(mac) require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) return cjson.encode(res) end ----------------------- get_mesh_device_list -------------------- function is_file_exist(TMP) local fd =, "r") if fd then return fd else require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) return false end end function get_mesh_device_list() local result = {} local ret = dbfs.fetchAllBleMeshDevice() if #ret > 0 then for k, v in pairs(ret) do local res = {} local TMP = "/tmp/" .. v.mac .."0" local fd = nil fd = is_file_exist(TMP) --[[ for i = 1, 5 do fd = is_file_exist(TMP) if fd then break else posix.sleep(1) end end ]] if fd then local value = fd:read() if value ~= nil then value = cjson.decode(value) end res["mac"] = v.mac --res["online"] = true res["name"] = res["type"] = v.deviceType if value["onoff"] == "on" then res["onoff"] = "on" else res["onoff"] = "off" end if tonumber(os.time()) - tonumber(value.time) > 60 then res["online"] = false else res["online"] = true end if res["online"] == false then res = nil end table.insert(result, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) else res["mac"] = v.mac res["name"] = res["type"] = v.deviceType res["onoff"] = "off" res["online"] = false table.insert(result, res) require "MZLog".log (3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) end end end return result end function nw_get_mesh_device_list() local res = get_mesh_device_list() --require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) if #res == 0 then luci.http.write("[]") else luci.http.write_json(res) end end function ww_get_mesh_device_list() local res = get_mesh_device_list() require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) if #res == 0 then return "[]" else return cjson.encode(res) end end ----------------------- dismiss_mesh -------------------- function dismiss_mesh() local res = {} local cmd = "bt_daemon -s ".."3 ".." 255" lue(cmd) res["result"] = true end function nw_dismiss_mesh() local res = dismiss_mesh() require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) luci.http.write_json(res) end ----------------------- set_mesh_device_attr -------------------- function is_switch_on(mac) local TMP = "/tmp/"..mac.."0" local fd =, "r") if fd then local res = fd:read() fd:close() res = cjson.decode(res) if res["onoff"] == "on" then return true else return nil end end end function is_switch_off(mac) local TMP = "/tmp/"..mac.."0" local fd =, "r") if fd then local res = fd:read() fd:close() res = cjson.decode(res) if res["onoff"] == "off" then return true else return nil end end end function is_set_name_ok(mac) local name = "" local ret = dbfs.fetchBluetoothDevice(mac) for k, v in pairs(ret) do name = end return name end function set_mesh_device_attr(mac, key, value) local res = {} require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, mac) require "MZLog".log(3, key) require "MZLog".log(3, value) local fd ="/tmp/meshDeviceFlag", "r") if fd then local time = tonumber(fd:read()) if os.time() - time < 50 then local res = {} res["result"] = true return res end end local ret = dbfs.fetchBluetoothDevice(mac) local id = nil if #ret > 0 then for k, v in pairs(ret) do id = end end --[[ local fd1 ="/tmp/tmp", "a") fd1:write(key) fd1:write(value) ]] if id ~= nil then --local cmd = "touch /tmp/flag" --lue(cmd) local fd ="/tmp/meshDeviceFlag", "w") fd:write(os.time()) fd:close() if key == "8" and value == "true" then local cmd = "bt_daemon -s ".."1 "..string.format("%d", "0x"" 1" lue(cmd) local flag = nil for i = 1, 10 do flag = is_switch_on(mac) if flag then break else posix.sleep(1) end end if flag then res["result"] = true res["mac"] = mac res["key"] = key res["onoff"] = " on" else res["result"] = false res["mac"] = mac res["key"] = key res["onoff"] = "off" end elseif key == "8" and value == "false" then local cmd = "bt_daemon -s ".."1 "..string.format("%d", "0x"" 0" lue(cmd) local flag = nil for i = 1, 10 do flag = is_switch_off(mac) if flag then break else posix.sleep(1) end end if flag then res["result"] = true res["mac"] = mac res["key"] = key res[ "onoff"] = "off" else res[ "result"] = false res["mac"] = mac res["key"] = key res["onoff"] = "on" end elseif key == "0" then require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, value) if #value > 20 then value = string.sub(value, 1, 20) end require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) local name = "" for i = 1, #value, 2 do name = name.." "..string.format("%d", "0x"..string.sub(value, i, i+1)) end require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, name) local len = #value if len > 20 then len = 20 end require "MZLog".log(3, len) dbfs.updateBluetoothDevice(id, "", "", len, mac) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) local cmd = "bt_daemon -s ".."13 "..string.format("%d", "0x"" " lue(cmd) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, cmd) local name = "" for i = 1, 10 do posix.sleep(1) name = is_set_name_ok(mac) if name ~= "" then break end end if name ~= "" and name ~= nil then res ["result"] = true res["mac"] = mac res["key"] = key else res[ "result"] = false res["mac"] = mac res["key"] = key end require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) end else res["result"] = false res["mac"] = mac res["key"] = key end --[[ fd1:write(cjson.encode(res)) fd1:write("\n") fd1:close() ]] return res end function nw_set_mesh_device_attr() local mac = luci.http.formvalue("mac") local key = luci.http.formvalue("key") local value = luci.http.formvalue("value") local res = set_mesh_device_attr(mac, key, value) require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) local cmd = "rm /tmp/meshDeviceFlag" lue(cmd) luci.http.write_json(res) end function ww_set_mesh_device_attr(mac, key, value) local res = set_mesh_device_attr(mac, key, value) require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) local cmd = "rm /tmp/meshDeviceFlag" lue(cmd) return cjson.encode(res) end ----------------------- reboot_mesh_device -------------------- function reboot_mesh_device(mac) local res = {} local ret = dbfs.fetchBluetoothDevice(mac) local id = nil for k, v in pairs(ret) do id = end local cmd = "bt_daemon -s ".."4 "..string.format("%d", "0x" lue(cmd) posix.sleep(2) res["result"] = true end function nw_reboot_mesh_device() local mac = luci.http.formvalue("mac") local res = reboot_mesh_device(mac) require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) luci.http.write_json(res) end function ww_reboot_mesh_device(mac) local res = reboot_mesh_device(mac) require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) return cjson.encode(res) end ----------------------- unmesh_all_device -------------------- function unmesh_all_device() local res = {} local cmd = "bt_daemon -s ".."3 ".."255" lue(cmd) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) local wait_time = nil for i = 1, 20 do wait_time = is_remove_ble_from_mesh() if wait_time ~= nil then break else posix.sleep(1) end end if wait_time then require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) res["result"] = true else res["result"] = false end require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) return res end function nw_unmesh_all_device() local res = unmesh_all_device() require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) luci.http.write_json(res) end function ww_unmesh_all_device() local res = unmesh_all_device() require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) return cjson.encode(res) end ----------------------- set_mesh_device_timer -------------------- function is_set_timer_ok(mac, timer_id) local TMP = "/tmp/"..mac.."0" local fd =, "r") if fd then local ret = fd:read() ret = cjson.decode(ret) fd:close() if ret["timerId"] == timer_id then return true else return nil end else return nil end end function set_mesh_device_timer(mac, timer_id, flag, start_time, end_time) local res = {} local ret = dbfs.fetchBluetoothDevice(mac) local id = nil for k ,v in pairs(ret) do id = end local ret = dbfs.getBleTimerId(id, timer_id) if ret == "" then dbfs.addBleTimer(id, timer_id, flag, start_time, end_time) end --[[ local start = start local ends = ends if string.len(start) == 6 then start = "00"..start elseif string.len(start) == 5 then start = "000"..start elseif string.len(start) == 4 then start = "0000"..start end if string.len(ends) == 6 then ends = "00"..ends elseif string.len(ends) == 5 then ends = "000"..ends elseif string.len(ends) == 4 then ends = "0000"..ends end require "MZLog".log(3, mac) require "MZLog".log(3, timer_id) require "MZLog".log(3, flag) require "MZLog".log(3, start) require "MZLog".log(3, ends) local TMP = "/tmp/"..mac.."1" local fd =, "r") if fd then local res = fd:read() res = cjson.decode(res) res["timerId"] = timer_id res = cjson.encode(res) local fd =, "w") fd:write(res) fd:close() end local start1 = string.sub(start, 1, 2) local start2 = string.sub(start, 3, 4) local start3 = string.sub(start, 5, 6) local start4 = string.sub(start, 7, 8) local end1 = string.sub(ends, 1, 2) local end2 = string.sub(ends, 3, 4) local end3 = string.sub(ends, 5, 6) local end4 = string.sub(ends, 7, 8) if id then local start = string.format("%d", "0x"..start1).." ".. string.format("%d", "0x"..start2).." ".. string.format("%d", "0x"..start3).." ".. string.format("%d", "0x"..start4) local ends = string.format("%d", "0x"..end1).." ".. string.format("%d", "0x"..end2).." ".. string.format("%d", "0x"..end3).." ".. string.format("%d", "0x"..end4) local cmd = "/root/spi_send ".."6 "..string.format("%d", "0x" " "..string.format("%d", "0x"..flag).." ".. string.format("%d", "0x"..timer_id).." "..start.." "..ends require "MZLog".log(3, cmd) lue(cmd) local times = tonumber(os.time()) - 1420041600 local res = string.format("%x", times) local time = "" for i = 1, #res, 2 do time = time.." "..string.format("%d", "0x"..string.sub(res, i, i+1)) end local cmd = "/root/spi_send ".."7 "..string.format("%d", "0x"" "..time lue(cmd) end local flag = nil for i = 1, 10 do posix.sleep(1) flag = is_set_timer_ok(mac, timer_id) if flag then break end end if flag then res["result"] = true res["mac"] = mac res["timerId"] = timer_id else res["result"] = false res["mac"] = mac res["timerId"] = timer_id end return res ]] end function nw_set_mesh_device_timer() local mac = luci.http.formvalue("mac") local timer_id = luci.http.formvalue("timerId") local flag = luci.http.formvalue("flag") local start_time = luci.http.formvalue("start") local end_time = luci.http.formvalue("ends") local timer = luci.http.formvalue("timer") local res = set_mesh_device_timer(mac, timer_id, flag, start_time, end_time) require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) luci.http.write_json(res) end function ww_set_mesh_device_timer(mac, timer_id, flag, start, ends) local res = set_mesh_device_timer(mac, timer_id, flag, start, ends) require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) return cjson.encode(res) end ----------------------- del_mesh_device_timer -------------------- function is_del_timer_ok(mac, timer_id) local TMP = "/tmp/"..mac.."0" local fd =, r) if fd then local ret = fd:read() ret = cjson.decode(ret) fd:close() if ret["timerId"] ~= timer_id then return true else return nil end else return nil end end function del_mesh_device_timer(mac, timer_id) local res = {} local ret = dbfs.fetchBluetoothDevice(mac) local id = nil for k ,v in pairs(ret) do id = end local ret = dbfs.getBleTimerId(id, timer_id) if ret ~= "" then dbfs.deleteBleTimer(id, timer_id) end --[[ local cmd = "/root/spi_send ".."10 "..string.format("%d", "0x" " "..string.format("%d", "0x"..timer_id) lue(cmd) local flag = nil for i = 1, 10 do posix.sleep(1) flag = is_del_timer_ok(mac, timer_id) if flag then break end end if flag then res["result"] = true res["mac"] = mac res["timerId"] = timer_id else res["result"] = false res["mac"] = mac res["timerId"] = timer_id end return res ]] end function nw_del_mesh_device_timer() local mac = luci.http.formvalue("mac") local timer_id = luci.http.formvalue("timerId") local res = del_mesh_device_timer(mac, timer_id) require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) luci.http.write_json(res) end function ww_del_mesh_device_timer(mac, timer_id) local res = del_mesh_device_timer(mac, timer_id) require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) return cjson.encode(res) end ----------------------- set_encry_info -------------------- function is_set_key_ok() local TMP = "/tmp/0b0b" local fd =, "r") require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) if fd then local file = fd:read() fd:close() if file == "00" then local cmd = "rm /tmp/0b0b" lue(cmd) return true elseif file == "01" then return false end end end function get_ble_device_key() local ret = dbfs.fetchBluetoothDeviceKey() if #ret > 0 then return ret else return nil end end function set_mesh_network_pwd(old_key, new_key) --local TMP = "/tmp/"..new_key --local fd =, "w") --fd:write(new_key) --fd:close() require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, old_key) local key = new_key require "MZLog".log(3, new_key) local cmd = "bt_daemon -s 21" lue(cmd) local ret = nil for i = 1, 10 do ret = get_ble_device_key() if ret then break else posix.sleep(1) end end if #ret > 0 then for k, v in pairs(ret) do if v.key ~= old_key then old_key = v.key end end end local res = {} require "MZLog".log(3, old_key) require "MZLog".log(3, new_key) local old_key1 = string.sub(old_key, 1, 1) local old_key2 = string.sub(old_key, 2, 2) local old_key3 = string.sub(old_key, 3, 3) local old_key4 = string.sub(old_key, 4, 4) local new_key1 = string.sub(new_key, 1, 1) local new_key2 = string.sub(new_key, 2, 2) local new_key3 = string.sub(new_key, 3, 3) local new_key4 = string.sub(new_key, 4, 4) require "MZLog".log(3, old_key1) require "MZLog".log(3, old_key2) require "MZLog".log(3, old_key3) require "MZLog".log(3, old_key4) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) --bt_daemon -s 21 local old_key = old_key1.." "..old_key2.." "..old_key3.." "..old_key4 local new_key = new_key1.." "..new_key2.." "..new_key3.." "..new_key4 local cmd = "bt_daemon -s ".."9 "..old_key.." "..new_key lue(cmd) require "MZLog".log(3, cmd) local flag = nil for i = 1, 10 do flag = is_set_key_ok() if flag ~= nil then break else posix.sleep(1) end end require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) require "MZLog".log(3, ret) if flag then if #ret > 0 then for k, v in pairs(ret) do local mac = v.mac dbfs.updateBluetoothDevice("", key, "", "", mac) end end end if flag then res["result"] = true res["newKey"] = key else res["result"] = false res["newKey"] = key end return res end function nw_set_mesh_network_pwd() local old_key = luci.http.formvalue("oldKey") local new_key = luci.http.formvalue("newKey") local res = set_mesh_network_pwd(old_key, new_key) require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) luci.http.write_json(res) end function ww_set_mesh_network_pwd (old_key, new_key) local res = set_mesh_network_pwd(old_key, new_key) require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) return cjson.encode(res) end function set_lamp_brightness() end function nw_set_lamp_brightness() local res = set_lamp_brightness() require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) luci.http.write_json(res) end function ww_set_lamp_brightness() local res = set_lamp_brightness() require "MZLog".log(3, res) require "MZLog".log(3, debug.getinfo(1).currentline) luci.http.write_json(res) end ------------------------ bluetooth --------------------