module ("meizu.dbfs", package.seeall) local sqlite3 = require("lsqlite3") local r10db = "/etc/r10db" function database_busy() return true end function updateDeviceNickname(mac, nickname) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("update maclist set devicename = '%s' where mac = '%s'", nickname, mac) db:busy_handler(database_busy) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function get_dev_nick_name(mac) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select devicename, orgname from maclist where mac like '%s'", mac) db:busy_handler(database_busy) local nickname = "" for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row[1] ~= "" then nickname = row[1] else if row[2] ~= "" then nickname = row[2] end end end db:close() return nickname end function initSmbBanTable() local db = local sqlStr = string.format("create table if not exists SmbBanTable(mac varchar(100), smb_ban varchar(100))") db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function addSmbBanList(mac, smb_ban) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("insert into SmbBanTable values('%s', '%s')", mac, smb_ban) db:busy_handler(database_busy) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function fetchSmbBanList() local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select * from SmbBanTable where smb_ban = 'true'") db:busy_handler(database_busy) local result = {} for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row then table.insert(result,{ ["mac"] = row[1] }) end end db:close() return result end function deleteSmbBanList(mac) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("delete from SmbBanTable where mac = '%s' and smb_ban = 'true'", mac) db:busy_handler(database_busy) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function fetchDenyDeviceInfo(mac) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select * from maclist where mac = '%s'", mac) db:busy_handler(database_busy) local result = {} for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row then table.insert(result,{ ["mac"] = row[1], ["orgname"] = row[2], ["devicename"] = row[3], ["ip"] = row[4] }) end end db:close() return result end function change_maclist_table() local db = local sqlStr = string.format("ALTER TABLE maclist ADD COLUMN ip varchar(100)") db:busy_handler(database_busy) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function fetchAllDeviceInfo() local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select * from maclist") db:busy_handler(database_busy) local result = {} for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row then table.insert(result,{ ["mac"] = row[1], ["orgname"] = row[2], ["devicename"] = row[3] }) end end db:close() return result end function updateDeviceOrgname(mac, orgname) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("update maclist set orgname = '%s' where mac = '%s'", orgname, mac) db:busy_handler(database_busy) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function saveDeviceInfo(mac, orgname, devicename, deviceip) local db = local fetch = string.format("select * from maclist where mac = '%s'", mac) db:busy_handler(database_busy) local exist = false for row in db:rows(fetch) do if row then exist = true end end local sqlStr if not exist then sqlStr = string.format("insert into maclist values('%s','%s','%s', '%s')", mac, orgname, devicename, deviceip) else sqlStr = string.format("update maclist set mac = '%s', orgname = '%s', devicemame = '%s', ip = '%s' where mac = '%s'", mac, orgname, devicename, deviceip, mac) end db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function initBatchFileTable() local db = local sqlStr = string.format("create table if not exists batchFilesTables(hashCode varchar(100), IMEI varchar(100))") db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function fetchAllFilesIndex(ID, path) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select * from FilesListTable where ID = '%s' and path = '%s'", ID, path) db:busy_handler(database_busy) local result = {} for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row then table.insert(result,{ ["name"] = row[3] }) end end db:close() return result end function fetchAllFilesList(ID, start, fetchEnd, path) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select * from FilesListTable where ID = '%s' and path = '%s' ORDER BY isfile, name limit '%s' offset '%s' ", ID, path, fetchEnd, start) db:busy_handler(database_busy) local result = {} for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row then table.insert(result,{ ["name"] = row[3], ["isfile"] = row[4], ["size"] = row[5], ["time"] = row[6] }) end end db:close() return result end function addBatchFile(hashCode, IMEI) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("insert into batchFilesTables values('%s', '%s')", hashCode, IMEI) db:busy_handler(database_busy) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function fetchAllBatchFile(IMEI) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select * from batchFilesTables where IMEI = '%s'",IMEI ) db:busy_handler(database_busy) local result = {} for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row then table.insert(result,{ ["hashCode"] = row[1] }) end end db:close() return result end function fetchBatchFileEndFlag(flag, IMEI) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select * from batchFilesTables where hashCode = '%s' and IMEI = '%s'", flag, IMEI) db:busy_handler(database_busy) local result = {} for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row then result = { ["hashCode"] = row[1] } end end db:close() return result end function deleteBatchFileEndFlag(flag, IMEI) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("delete from batchFilesTables where hashCode = '%s' and IMEI = '%s'", flag, IMEI) db:busy_handler(database_busy) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function deleteBatchFile(IMEI) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("delete from batchFilesTables where IMEI = '%s'", IMEI) db:busy_handler(database_busy) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function init_arp_table() local db = local sqlStr = string.format("create table if not exists arp(mac varchar(18), ip varchar(16))") db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function fetch_arp_mac(mac) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select * from arp where mac like '%s'", mac) db:busy_handler(database_busy) local result = "" for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row then result = row[1] end end db:close() return result end function insert_arp_macip(mac, ip) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("delete from ") sqlStr = string.format("insert into arp values('%s', '%s')", mac, ip) db:busy_handler(database_busy) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function delete_arp_all_mac() local db = local sqlStr = string.format("delete from arp") db:busy_handler(database_busy) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function init_wireless_device_table() local db = local sqlStr = string.format("create table if not exists wireless_table(mac varchar(100))") db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function fetch_wireless_device_mac(mac) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select * from wireless_table where mac = '%s'", mac) db:busy_handler(database_busy) local result = "" for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row then result = row[1] end end db:close() return result end function fetch_all_wireless_device() local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select * from wireless_table") db:busy_handler(database_busy) local result = {} for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row then table.insert(result,{ ["mac"] = row[1] }) end end db:close() return result end function insert_wireless_device_mac(mac) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("insert into wireless_table values('%s')", mac) db:busy_handler(database_busy) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function init_wire_device_table() local db = local sqlStr = string.format("create table if not exists wire_table(mac varchar(100), ip varchar(100))") db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function fetch_wire_device_mac(mac) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select * from wire_table where mac = '%s'", mac) db:busy_handler(database_busy) local result = "" for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row then result = row[1] end end db:close() return result end function fetch_all_wire_device() local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select * from wire_table") db:busy_handler(database_busy) local result = {} for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row then table.insert(result,{ ["mac"] = row[1], ["ip"] = row[2] }) end end db:close() return result end function insert_wire_device_mac(mac, ip) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("insert into wire_table values('%s','%s')", mac, ip) db:busy_handler(database_busy) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function update_wire_device_ip(mac, ip) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("update wire_table set ip = '%s' where mac = '%s'", ip, mac) db:busy_handler(database_busy) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function delete_wire__device(mac) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("delete from wire_table where mac = '%s'", mac) db:busy_handler(database_busy) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function init_access_token_table() local db = local sqlStr = string.format("create table if not exists accessTokenTable(token varchar(100), expireTime bigint)") db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function add_access_token(token, expireTime) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("insert into accessTokenTable values('%s', %d)", token, expireTime) db:busy_handler(database_busy) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function fetch_access_token() local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select * from accessTokenTable") db:busy_handler(database_busy) local result = {} for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row then table.insert(result,{ ["token"] = row[1], ["expireTime"] = row[2] }) end end db:close() return result end function update_access_token(oldToken, newToken, expireTime) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("update accessTokenTable set token = '%s', expireTime = %d where token = '%s'", newToken, expireTime, oldToken) db:busy_handler(database_busy) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function delete_access_token() local db = local sqlStr = string.format("delete from accessTokenTable") db:busy_handler(database_busy) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function initBluetoothTable() local db = local sqlStr = string.format("create table if not exists blemeshtable(id varchar(100), mac varchar(100), key varchar(100), name varchar(100), deviceType varchar(100), len varchar(100))") db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function addBluetoothDevice(id, mac, key, name, deviceType, len) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("insert into blemeshtable values('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", id, mac, key, name, deviceType, len) db:busy_handler(database_busy) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function fetchAllBluetoothDevice() local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select * from blemeshtable") db:busy_handler(database_busy) local result = {} for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row then table.insert(result,{ ["mac"] = row[2], ["deviceType"] = row[5] }) end end db:close() return result end function deleteBluetoothDevice(mac) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("delete from blemeshtable where mac = '%s'", mac) db:busy_handler(database_busy) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function updateBluetoothDevice(id, key, name, len, mac) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("update blemeshtable set id = '%s', key = '%s', name = '%s', len = '%s' where mac = '%s'", id, key, name, len, mac) db:busy_handler(database_busy) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function fetchBluetoothDevice(mac) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select * from blemeshtable where mac = '%s'", mac) db:busy_handler(database_busy) local result = {} for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row then table.insert(result,{ ["id"] = row[1], ["mac"] = row[2], ["deviceType"] = row[5], ["name"] = row[4] }) end end db:close() return result end function fetchBluetoothDeviceKey() local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select * from blemeshtable where key != ''") db:busy_handler(database_busy) local result = {} for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row then table.insert(result,{ ["mac"] = row[2], ["key"] = row[3] }) end end db:close() return result end function getBluetoothDevice(id) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select * from blemeshtable where id = '%s'", id) db:busy_handler(database_busy) local result = "" for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row then result = row[2] end end db:close() return result end function fetchAllBleMeshDevice() local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select * from blemeshtable where id !=''") db:busy_handler(database_busy) local result = {} for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row then table.insert(result,{ ["mac"] = row[2], ["deviceType"] = row[5], ["name"] = row[4] }) end end db:close() return result end function getBleDeviceNameLength(id) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select * from blemeshtable where id = '%s'", id) db:busy_handler(database_busy) local result = "" for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row then result = row[6] end end db:close() return result end --[[ function initBleTimerTable() local db = local sqlStr = string.format("create table if not exists bletimertable(id varchar(100), timer_id varchar(100), flag varchar(100), start_time varchar(100), end_time varchar(100))") db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function addBleTimer(id, timer_id, flag, start_time, end_time) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("insert into bletimertable values('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", id, timer_id, flag, start_time, end_time) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function deleteBleTimer(id, timer_id) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("delete from bletimertable where id = '%s' and timer_id = '%s'", id, timer_id) db:exec(sqlStr) return db:close() end function getBleTimerId(id, timer_id) local db = local sqlStr = string.format("select * from bletimertable where id = '%s' and timer = '%s'", id, timer_id) local result = "" for row in db:rows(sqlStr) do if row then result = row[2] end end db:close() return result end ]]