module ("xiaoqiang.module.XQDDNS", package.seeall) local XQFunction = require("xiaoqiang.common.XQFunction") local XQConfigs = require("xiaoqiang.common.XQConfigs") --- noip --- oray 花生壳 local SERVICES = { ["noip"] = { ["service_name"] = "", ["ip_url"] = "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]" }, ["oray"] = { ["service_name"] = "", ["ip_url"] = "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]" }, ["pubyun"] = { ["service_name"] = "", ["ip_url"] = "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]" }, ["dyndnsorg"] = { ["service_name"] = "", ["ip_url"] = "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]" }, ["dyndnsfr"] = { ["service_name"] = "", ["ip_url"] = "http://[DOMAIN]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]" }, ["dyndnspro"] = { ["service_name"] = "", ["ip_url"] = "http://[DOMAIN]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]" }, ["dynamicdomain"] = { ["service_name"] = "", ["ip_url"] = "http://[DOMAIN]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]" }, ["dyndnsit"] = { ["service_name"] = "", ["ip_url"] = "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]" }, ["duckdns"] = { ["service_name"] = "", ["ip_url"] = "[DOMAIN]&token=[PASSWORD]&ip=[IP]" }, ["systemns"] = { ["service_name"] = "", ["ip_url"] = "[DOMAIN]&command=set&token=[PASSWORD]&ip=[IP]" } } --- id --- 1: noip --- 2: oray 花生壳 --- 3: 公云 --- ... local MAP = { "noip", "oray", "pubyun", "dyndnsorg", "dyndnsfr", "dyndnspro", "dynamicdomain", "dyndnsit", "duckdns", "systemns" } function _serverId(server) for id, ser in ipairs(MAP) do if ser == server then return id end end return false end function _ddnsRestart() return os.execute("/usr/sbin/ddnsd reload") == 0 end --- server: noip/oray --- enable: 0/1 function _saveConfig(server, enable, username, password, checkinterval, forceinterval, domain) local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() local service = SERVICES[server] if service and username and password and domain and checkinterval and forceinterval then uci:foreach("ddns", "service", function(s) if s[".name"] ~= server and tonumber(s.enabled) == 1 then uci:set("ddns", s[".name"], "enabled", 0) end end ) local section = { ["enabled"] = enable, ["interface"] = "wan", ["service_name"] = service.service_name, ["force_interval"] = forceinterval, ["force_unit"] = "hours", ["check_interval"] = checkinterval, ["check_unit"] = "minutes", ["username"] = username, ["password"] = password, ["ip_source"] = "network", ["ip_url"] = service.ip_url, ["domain"] = domain } uci:section("ddns", "service", server, section) uci:commit("ddns") return true end return false end function _ddnsServerSwitch(server, enable) local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() if XQFunction.isStrNil(server) then return false end uci:foreach("ddns", "service", function(s) if s[".name"] ~= server then if enable == 1 then uci:set("ddns", s[".name"], "enabled", 0) end else uci:set("ddns", s[".name"], "enabled", enable) end end ) uci:commit("ddns") if enable == 1 then return _ddnsRestart() else return true end end function ddnsInfo() local LuciJson = require("cjson") local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") local result = { ["on"] = 0, ["list"] = {} } local status = LuciUtil.exec("/usr/sbin/ddnsd status") if not XQFunction.isStrNil(status) then status = LuciJson.decode(status) if status.daemon == "on" then result.on = 1 end for key, value in pairs(status) do if key ~= "deamon" then local id = _serverId(key) if id then value.enabled = tonumber(value.enabled) = id value.servicename = SERVICES[key].service_name table.insert(result.list, value) end end end end return result end function ddnsSwitch(on) if on then os.execute("/usr/sbin/ddnsd start") else os.execute("/usr/sbin/ddnsd stop") end end function getDdns(id) if not tonumber(id) then return false end local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() local server = MAP[tonumber(id)] local result = {} local ddns = uci:get_all("ddns", server) if ddns then result["username"] = ddns.username or "" result["password"] = ddns.password or "" result["forceinterval"] = tonumber(ddns.force_interval) or 0 result["checkinterval"] = tonumber(ddns.check_interval) or 0 result["domain"] = ddns.domain or "" result["enabled"] = tonumber(ddns.enabled) or 0 return result end return false end function setDdns(id, enable, username, password, checkinterval, forceinterval, domain) if not tonumber(id) then return false end local server = MAP[tonumber(id)] if XQFunction.isStrNil(username) or XQFunction.isStrNil(password) or XQFunction.isStrNil(domain) or XQFunction.isStrNil(server) then return false end checkinterval = tonumber(checkinterval) forceinterval = tonumber(forceinterval) if not checkinterval or not forceinterval then return false end local denable = enable == 1 and 1 or 0 if _saveConfig(server, denable, username, password, checkinterval, forceinterval, domain) then return _ddnsRestart() end return false end function editDdns(id, enable, username, password, checkinterval, forceinterval, domain) if not tonumber(id) then return false end local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() local server = MAP[tonumber(id)] local ddns = uci:get_all("ddns", server) if ddns then if not XQFunction.isStrNil(username) and username ~= ddns.username then uci:set("ddns", server, "username", username) end if not XQFunction.isStrNil(password) and password ~= ddns.password then uci:set("ddns", server, "password", password) end if not XQFunction.isStrNil(domain) and domain ~= ddns.domain then uci:set("ddns", server, "domain", domain) end if tonumber(checkinterval) and tonumber(checkinterval) ~= tonumber(ddns.check_interval) then uci:set("ddns", server, "checkinterval", checkinterval) end if tonumber(forceinterval) and tonumber(forceinterval) ~= tonumber(ddns.force_interval) then uci:set("ddns", server, "forceinterval", forceinterval) end local enabled = enable == 1 and 1 or 0 if enabled ~= tonumber(ddns.enabled) then uci:set("ddns", server, "enabled", enabled) end uci:commit("ddns") if enabled ~= 0 or ddns.enabled ~= 0 then _ddnsRestart() end return true end return false end function deleteDdns(id) if not tonumber(id) then return false end local server = MAP[tonumber(id)] if XQFunction.isStrNil(server) then return false end local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() uci:delete("ddns", server) uci:commit("ddns") return true end --- id (1/2/3...) --- on (true/false) function ddnsServerSwitch(id, on) if id then return _ddnsServerSwitch(MAP[id], on and 1 or 0) end return false end function reload() return _ddnsRestart() end