module ("xiaoqiang.util.XQCameraUtil", package.seeall) local LuciProtocol = require("luci.http.protocol") local urlencode = LuciProtocol.urlencode local XQLog = require("xiaoqiang.XQLog") -- utils local XQDeviceUtil = require("xiaoqiang.util.XQDeviceUtil") local XQFunction = require("xiaoqiang.common.XQFunction") local XQHttpUtil = require("xiaoqiang.util.XQHttpUtil") local JSON = require("json") local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") local LuciFs = require("luci.fs") -- dirs config local DIR_NAME = "摄像机监控视频" local ANTS_HTTP_BASE_MAIN = "http://%s/sd/record/" local ANTS_HTTP_BASE_SUB = "http://%s/sd/record_sub/" local ANTS_HTTP_BASE = ANTS_HTTP_BASE_MAIN local MODEL = XQFunction.nvramGet("model") local UCI = require("luci.model.uci") local CONF = "record_camera" local CUR_FILE = "/tmp/crontab_record_camera.lua.FILE" local DEFAULT_CONF = {} DEFAULT_CONF.enable = "yes" DEFAULT_CONF.hd = "yes" DEFAULT_CONF.days = 1 local CURSOR = UCI.cursor() local BASE_PATH = CURSOR:get("misc", "hardware", "camera") function getModel() return MODEL end function chmod777() local chmodcmd = "/bin/chmod 777 -R %s%s" LuciUtil.exec(chmodcmd:format(BASE_PATH,DIR_NAME)) end function getCurrentDisk() local disk = XQFunction.thrift_tunnel_to_datacenter([[{"api":26}]]) if disk and disk.code == 0 then return math.floor(tonumber( / (1024*1024) ) else return 0 end end function getUid(did) _,_, uid = did:find("%w+-%w+-(%w+)-?%w*") return uid end function getConfig(did) local uid = getUid(did) if not LuciFs.access("/etc/config/record_camera") then LuciFs.writefile("/etc/config/record_camera","") end local c = UCI:cursor() local conf = c:get_all(CONF,uid) if not conf then return DEFAULT_CONF else conf.days = tonumber(conf.days) return conf end end function setConfig(did,config) local uid = getUid(did) local c = UCI:cursor() c:section(CONF,"camera",uid,config) c:save(CONF) c:commit(CONF) end function getDay(days) local d = tonumber(days)*24*60*60 if d < 86400 then d = 86400 end local cmd = "/bin/date \"+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M\" -D %s -d $(( $(/bin/date +%s) - " .. d .. " )) " local theday = LuciUtil.exec(cmd) local r = {} _,_,r.year,r.month,,r.hour,r.min = theday:find("(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)%s+(%d+):(%d+)") r.sec = "00" return r end function getCurrentPID() local stat = LuciFs.readfile("/proc/self/stat") local pid = "" if stat then _,_,pid = stat:find("^(%d+)%s.+") end return pid end function isRunning() local pid = LuciFs.readfile("/tmp/crontab_record_camera.lua.PID") if pid then return LuciFs.access("/proc/".. pid ) end return false end function writePID() local pid = getCurrentPID() if pid then LuciFs.writefile("/tmp/crontab_record_camera.lua.PID",pid) end end function getAntsCams() local res = {} local device_list = XQDeviceUtil.getConnectDeviceList() for key,value in pairs(device_list) do if value.ptype == 6 then table.insert(res,value) end end return res end function getFilesOnCam(item,afterDay) local res = {} local base = ANTS_HTTP_BASE:format(item.ip) local r = XQHttpUtil.httpGetRequest(base) if r.code == 200 then local list = string.gmatch(r.res," v2 then local r1 = XQHttpUtil.httpGetRequest(base .. w .. "/") if r1.code == 200 then local list1 = string.gmatch(r1.res,"[^\n]+") for w1 in list1 do local f = {} _,_,f.year,f.month,,f.hour = w:find("(%d+)Y(%d+)M(%d+)D(%d+)H") _,_,f.min,f.sec,f.size = w1:find(" 0 then for _,v2 in pairs(files) do local f = {} f.file = "/" .. v .. "/" .. v1 .. "/" .. v2 _,_,,f.year,f.month,,f.hour,f.min,f.sec = f.file:find("/(%S+)/(%d+)年(%d+)月(%d+)日(%d+)时/(%d+)分(%d+)秒.mp4") if LuciFs.access( BASE_PATH .. DIR_NAME .. f.file ) then local stat = LuciFs.stat(BASE_PATH .. DIR_NAME .. f.file ) f.size = stat.size table.insert(res,f) end end else XQLog.log(2,"XQCameraUtil:empty dir:" .. "/" .. v .. "/" .. v1 ) LuciFs.rmdir(BASE_PATH .. DIR_NAME .. "/" .. v .. "/" .. v1) end end end end end return res end function hasFile(f,fileList) if fileList ~= nil then for k,f1 in pairs(fileList) do if f.year == f1.year and f.month == f1.month and == and f.hour == f1.hour and f.min == f1.min and f.sec == f1.sec then if f.size == f1.size then XQLog.log(7,"XQCameraUtil:already download: " .. f1.file) return true end end end end return false end function mergeFiles(remotefiles,localfiles) local res = {} for k,f in pairs(remotefiles) do if not hasFile(f, localfiles) then table.insert(res, f) end end return res end function doDelete(localfiles,afterDay) for _,v in pairs(localfiles) do if v.year and v.month and and v.hour then local v1 = v.year .. v.month .. .. v.hour local v2 = afterDay.year .. afterDay.month .. .. afterDay.hour if v1 < v2 then XQLog.log(2,"XQCameraUtil:delete: " .. v.file) LuciFs.unlink(BASE_PATH .. DIR_NAME .. v.file) end end end end function doDownload(f) XQLog.log(2,"XQCameraUtil:downloading: " .. f.url) local cmd = "/usr/bin/curl \"%s\" -o \"%s\" --create-dirs --connect-timeout 3 -sS" local fname = "%s%s/%s/%s年%s月%s日%s时/%s分%s秒.mp4" local file = fname:format(BASE_PATH,DIR_NAME,,f.year,f.month,,f.hour,f.min,f.sec); LuciUtil.exec(cmd:format(f.url,file)) if LuciFs.access(file) then local stat = LuciFs.stat(file) if f.size ~= stat.size then XQLog.log(2,"XQCameraUtil:download error: expect " .. f.size .. " ,got " .. stat.size ) LuciFs.unlink(file) else local fname1 = "%s年%s月%s日%s时%s分" LuciFs.writefile(CUR_FILE,fname1:format( f.year,f.month,,f.hour,f.min ) ) chmod777() end end end -- function DoExec(cmd) -- local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") -- XQLog.log(7,cmd) -- local s = LuciUtil.exec(cmd) -- XQLog.log(7,s) -- return s -- end -- -- camera backup api -- -- local Errorm1 = "{ \"code\" : -1 , \"msg\" : \"api not exists\" }"; local Error3 = "{ \"code\" : 3 , \"msg\" : \"parameter format error\" }"; local OK0 = "{ \"code\" : 0 , \"msg\" : \"ok\" }"; function getAll(did) if not did then return Error3 end local res = {} local cfg = getConfig(did) res.config = cfg if isRunning() then res.isRunning = "yes" else res.isRunning = "no" end = getCurrentDisk() res.code = 0 if LuciFs.access(CUR_FILE) then res.file = LuciFs.readfile(CUR_FILE) end local p = "%s%s/%s/"; res.path = p:format(BASE_PATH,DIR_NAME,getUid(did)) return JSON.encode(res) end function setAllConfig(did,cfg) local _cfg = {} if cfg.enable == "yes" then _cfg.enable = "yes" else _cfg.enable = "no" end if cfg.days and tonumber(cfg.days) > 0 then _cfg.days = cfg.days else _cfg.days = 1 end if cfg.hd == "yes" then _cfg.hd = "yes" else _cfg.hd = "no" end if did and did ~= "" then setConfig(did,_cfg) end return OK0 end function runNow() XQFunction.forkExec("/usr/sbin/crontab_record_camera.lua") return OK0 end function request(payload) if payload == nil then return Error3 end local params = JSON.decode(payload) if params == nil then return Error3 end if params.command == "get_all" then return getAll(params.did) elseif params.command == "set_config" then return setAllConfig(params.did,params.config) elseif params.command == "run_backup" then return runNow() else return Errorm1 end end