module ("xiaoqiang.util.XQDownloadUtil", package.seeall) local XQFunction = require("xiaoqiang.common.XQFunction") local XQConfigs = require("xiaoqiang.common.XQConfigs") local XQPreference = require("xiaoqiang.XQPreference") local LuciJson = require("json") local LuciUtil = require("luci.util") local XQLog = require("xiaoqiang.XQLog") local XQCryptoUtil = require("xiaoqiang.util.XQCryptoUtil") local TMPFILEPATH = "/tmp/rom.bin" local UDISKFILEPATH = "/userdisk/rom.bin" PREF_DOWNLOAD_TYPE = "DOWNLOAD_TYPE" PREF_DOWNLOAD_FILE_PATH = "DOWNLOAD_FILE_PATH" local WGET_PIDS = [[ps w | grep wget | awk '{print $1}']] local WGET_FILESIZE_FILEDIR = "/tmp/" local WGET_CHECK_FILESIZE = "wget -t3 -T10 --spider '%s' -o %s" local GET_WGET_FILESIZE = "cat %s | grep Length | awk '{print $2}'" function wgetCheckDownloadFilesize(url) if XQFunction.isStrNil(url) then return nil end local LuciFs = require("luci.fs") local LuciSys = require("luci.sys") local random = LuciSys.uniqueid(8) local filepath = WGET_FILESIZE_FILEDIR..random local checkcmd = string.format(WGET_CHECK_FILESIZE, url, filepath) if os.execute(checkcmd) then local getcmd = string.format(GET_WGET_FILESIZE, filepath) local size = tonumber(LuciUtil.exec(getcmd)) LuciFs.unlink(filepath) if size then return size end end LuciFs.unlink(filepath) return nil end function _checkResource(downloadUrl) if XQFunction.isStrNil(downloadUrl) then return false end local check = os.execute(XQConfigs.DOWNLOAD_RESOURCE_CHECK..downloadUrl) if check ~= 0 then return false end return true end function _wgetDownload(downloadUrl) if XQFunction.isStrNil(downloadUrl) then return false end if not _checkResource(downloadUrl) then XQLog.log(6, "Wget --spider : Bad url "..downloadUrl) return false end XQPreference.set(PREF_DOWNLOAD_TYPE, 2) local XQSysUtil = require("xiaoqiang.util.XQSysUtil") local LuciFs = require("luci.fs") local filePath local filesize = XQPreference.get(XQConfigs.PREF_ROM_FULLSIZE, nil) if filesize then filesize = tonumber(filesize) if XQSysUtil.checkDiskSpace(filesize) then filePath = UDISKFILEPATH elseif XQSysUtil.checkTmpSpace(filesize) then filePath = TMPFILEPATH else return false end else return false end XQPreference.set(PREF_DOWNLOAD_FILE_PATH, filePath) if LuciFs.access(filePath) then LuciFs.unlink(filePath) end local download = "wget -t3 -T30 '"..downloadUrl.."' -O "..filePath LuciUtil.exec(download) return XQCryptoUtil.md5File(filePath), filePath end function _pauseDownload(ids) if XQFunction.isStrNil(ids) then XQPreference.set(XQConfigs.PREF_PAUSED_IDS, "") return end XQPreference.set(XQConfigs.PREF_PAUSED_IDS, ids) local payload = { ["api"] = 505, ["idList"] = ids } XQFunction.thrift_tunnel_to_datacenter(LuciJson.encode(payload)) end function _resumeDownload(ids) if XQFunction.isStrNil(ids) then return end local payload = { ["api"] = 506, ["idList"] = ids } XQFunction.thrift_tunnel_to_datacenter(LuciJson.encode(payload)) end function _deleteDownload(ids) if XQFunction.isStrNil(ids) then return end local payload = { ["api"] = 507, ["idList"] = ids, ["deletefile"] = true } XQFunction.thrift_tunnel_to_datacenter(LuciJson.encode(payload)) end --[[ DownloadStatusNone, Downloading = 1, DownloadPause = 2, DownloadCompleted = 4, DownloadStoped = 8, DownloadStatusFailed = 16, DownloadNotStart = 32 ]]-- function _xunleiDownload(downloadUrl, priority) local priority = priority or 1 XQPreference.set(PREF_DOWNLOAD_TYPE, 1) local payload = { ["api"] = 504, ["url"] = downloadUrl, ["type"] = 1, ["redownload"] = 0, ["hidden"] = true, ["path"] = XQConfigs.USERDISK_DOWNLOAD_DIR, ["dupId"] = "" } local ids = {} local clist = {} if priority == 1 then local dolist = XQFunction.thrift_tunnel_to_datacenter([[{"api":503,"hidden":true}]]) if dolist and dolist.code == 0 then table.foreach(dolist.uncompletedList, function(i,v) if v.downloadStatus == 1 or v.downloadStatus == 32 then table.insert(ids, end end ) clist = dolist.completedList else XQLog.log(6, "api 503 failed, will switch to wget") return false, false, 0 end end ids = table.concat(ids, ";") _pauseDownload(ids) local download = XQFunction.thrift_tunnel_to_datacenter(LuciJson.encode(payload)) if not download then return false, false, 0 end if download and download.code ~= 2010 and download.code ~= 0 then XQLog.log(6, "Xunlei download failed!") return false, false, 0 end if download.code == 2010 then local LuciFs = require("luci.fs") local localFileName for _, item in ipairs(clist) do if == then localFileName = item.localFileName end end if not XQFunction.isStrNil(localFileName) and LuciFs.access(localFileName) then download.code = 0 XQLog.log(6, "File exist (predownload hit)") else XQLog.log(6, "Retry !!!") payload.dupId = payload.redownload = 1 download = XQFunction.thrift_tunnel_to_datacenter(LuciJson.encode(payload)) end end local dId if not download then return false, false, 0 end if download and download.code ~= 0 then return false, nil, 0 else dId = end XQPreference.set(XQConfigs.PREF_ROM_DOWNLOAD_ID, dId) local nodata = 0 local nomatch = 0 local lastsize = 0 while true do local match = 0 os.execute("sleep 3") local dlist = XQFunction.thrift_tunnel_to_datacenter([[{"api":503,"hidden":true}]]) if dlist and dlist.code == 0 then local completedList = dlist.completedList local uncompletedList = dlist.uncompletedList table.foreach(uncompletedList, function(i,v) table.insert(completedList, v) end) for _,item in ipairs(completedList) do if (dId and == dId) or (not dId and item.address == downloadUrl) then match = 1 if not dId then dId = XQPreference.set(XQConfigs.PREF_ROM_DOWNLOAD_ID, dId) end if lastsize == item.fileDownloadedSize then nodata = nodata + 1 else lastsize = item.fileDownloadedSize nodata = 0 end if item.datacenterErrorCode ~= 0 then _resumeDownload(ids) _deleteDownload(dId) return false, nil, lastsize elseif item.downloadStatus == 4 then _resumeDownload(ids) return XQCryptoUtil.md5File(item.localFileName), item.localFileName, item.fileDownloadedSize elseif item.downloadStatus == 16 then _resumeDownload(ids) _deleteDownload(dId) return false, nil, lastsize elseif nodata > 60 then _resumeDownload(ids) _deleteDownload(dId) XQLog.log(6, "xunlei download timeout, will switch to wget") return false, nil, item.fileDownloadedSize end end end end if match == 0 then nomatch = nomatch + 1 end if nomatch > 60 then _resumeDownload(ids) _deleteDownload(dId) XQLog.log(6, "xunlei download error, will switch to wget") return false, nil, lastsize end end end function syncDownload(downloadUrl, priority, smart) if XQFunction.isStrNil(downloadUrl) then return false end local smart = smart == nil and true or smart XQLog.log(6, "Xunlei download start...") local md5, filepath, size = _xunleiDownload(downloadUrl, priority) if md5 and filepath then return md5, filepath end if smart and md5 == false and size and size == 0 then XQLog.log(6, "Xunlei download failed, start wget...") md5 , filepath = _wgetDownload(downloadUrl) if md5 then XQLog.log(6, "Wget finished") return md5, filepath else XQLog.log(6, "Wget failed") end end return false end function _xunleiDownloadPercent(downloadId) local dlist = XQFunction.thrift_tunnel_to_datacenter([[{"api":503,"hidden":true}]]) if dlist and dlist.code == 0 then local completedList = dlist.completedList local uncompletedList = dlist.uncompletedList table.foreach(uncompletedList, function(i,v) table.insert(completedList, v) end) for _,item in ipairs(completedList) do if == downloadId then if item.downloadStatus == 4 then return 100 elseif item.downloadStatus == 16 then return 0 else if item.fileTotalSize <= 0 then return 0 end local percent = 100*item.fileDownloadedSize/item.fileTotalSize if percent > 100 then return 100 else return math.floor(percent) end end end end return 0 else return 0 end end function _wgetDownloadPercent(downloadId) local filepath = XQPreference.get(PREF_DOWNLOAD_FILE_PATH, nil) local filesize = tonumber(XQPreference.get(XQConfigs.PREF_ROM_FULLSIZE, nil)) if filepath and filesize and filesize > 0 then local LuciFs = require("luci.fs") local NixioFs = require("nixio.fs") local percent if NixioFs.access(filepath) then local size = math.modf(LuciFs.stat(filepath).size) percent = math.modf(size/filesize*100) if percent < 1 and percent > 0 then percent = 1 elseif percent > 100 then percent = 100 end end return percent end return 0 end function downloadPercent(downloadId) local dtype = tonumber(XQPreference.get(PREF_DOWNLOAD_TYPE), nil) if dtype then if dtype == 1 then return _xunleiDownloadPercent(downloadId) elseif dtype == 2 then return _wgetDownloadPercent(downloadId) end end return 0 end function _cancelXunleiDownload(downloadId) _resumeDownload(XQPreference.get(XQConfigs.PREF_PAUSED_IDS, "")) if XQFunction.isStrNil(downloadId) then return false else local payload = { ["api"] = 507, ["idList"] = downloadId, ["deletefile"] = true } local result = XQFunction.thrift_tunnel_to_datacenter(LuciJson.encode(payload)) if result and result.code == 0 then return true else return false end end end function _cancelWgetDownload(downloadId) for _, wgetPid in ipairs(LuciUtil.execl(WGET_PIDS)) do if wgetPid then os.execute("kill "..LuciUtil.trim(wgetPid)) end end local LuciFs = require("luci.fs") local filePath = XQPreference.get(PREF_DOWNLOAD_FILE_PATH, nil) if filePath and LuciFs.access(filePath) then LuciFs.unlink(filePath) end return true end function cancelDownload(downloadUrl) local dtype = tonumber(XQPreference.get(PREF_DOWNLOAD_TYPE), nil) if dtype then if dtype == 1 then return _cancelXunleiDownload(downloadUrl) elseif dtype == 2 then return _cancelWgetDownload(downloadUrl) end end return false end