mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 19:31:43 +00:00
412 lines
12 KiB
412 lines
12 KiB
local ver = require("xiaoqiang.XQVersion").webVersion
local XQSysUtil = require("xiaoqiang.util.XQSysUtil")
local XQLanWanUtil = require("xiaoqiang.util.XQLanWanUtil")
local hardwareVersion = XQSysUtil.getHardware()
local romVersion = XQSysUtil.getRomVersion()
local sysInfo = XQSysUtil.getSysInfo()
local router_name = XQSysUtil.getRouterName() or "我"
local sysCore = (sysInfo.core == 2 and '双核') or '单核'
local sysCpu = sysCore .." ".. sysInfo.hz
local sysDisk = XQSysUtil.getDiskSpace()
local remote_addr = luci.http.getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")
--local mac = string.upper(luci.sys.net.ip4mac(remote_addr))
local mac = XQLanWanUtil.getLanWanInfo("wan").mac
<%include ("web/inc/head")%>
<title>路由器状态 - 小米路由器</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%=resource%>/web/css/page.index.css?v=<%=ver%>">
<div id="doc" class="hidden">
<%include ("web/inc/header")%>
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<div id="nav">
var navCurrent = '.home';
<%include ("web/inc/nav")%>
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<div id="bd" class="dft">
<div id="netdetecte" class="mod-sect mod-net-check net-check-warn" style="display:none;">
<p class="msg"><i class="ico ico-check-tips"></i><span class="con">不正常,请检测。</span></p>
<a href="<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url("web", "detecte")%>" class="action" target="_blank">立即检测</a>
<div class="mod-sect mod-router-info">
<td width="273">
<div class="pic"><img src="<%=resource%>/web/img/v2/pic_rt.png" alt=""></div>
<div class="main">
<ul class="list">
<!-- <li>内存:8GB</li> -->
<li>运行时长:<span id="upTime"></span></li>
<li>连接终端:<span id="devicesNum"></span>台</li>
<li class="last">MAC地址:<%=mac%></li>
<div class="disk" style="display:none;">
<p><!-- 总空间:<span class="disk-total">1TB</span> -->可用空间:<span class="disk-available">111GB</span></p>
<div class="used-bar">
<div class="s0"></div>
<!-- <div class="s1"></div>
<div class="s2"></div>
<div class="s3"></div> -->
<!-- <ul class="used-type">
<li><i class="type type-1"></i>视频:12.3G</li>
<li><i class="type type-2"></i>图片:12.3G</li>
<li><i class="type type-3"></i>音乐:12.3G</li>
<li><i class="type type-4"></i>其他:12.3G</li>
</ul> -->
<div class="mod-sect mod-net-status">
<div class="hd">
<div class="bd">
<div class="traffic" id="trafficChart" style="width:570px; height:370px;">
<p class="currval">当前下载速度: <b id="downSpeed">2.87KB/S</b></p>
<div class="grid">
<div class="label-y">
<div class="line canvas"></div>
<td width="220">
<div class="status">
<i class="ico ico-st-1"></i>
<p><b id="averageSpeed">...</b></p>
<p class="muted">平均下载</p>
<i class="ico ico-st-2"></i>
<p><b id="maxSpeed">...</b></p>
<p class="muted">最快下载</p>
<i class="ico ico-st-3"></i>
<p><b id="totalDownload">...</b></p>
<p class="muted">总下载量</p>
<li class="last">
<i class="ico ico-st-4"></i>
<p><b id="totalUpload">...</b></p>
<p class="muted">总上传量</p>
<div class="mod-sect mod-devices-status">
<div class="hd">
<div class="bd">
<div class="chart" id="piechart" style="width:334px; height:334px; margin:0 70px 0 26px"></div>
<div id="piecharttable" class="charttable"></div>
<%include ("web/inc/footer")%>
<%include ("web/inc/g.js.base")%>
<script src="<%=resource%>/web/js/raphael.js?v=<%=ver%>"></script>
<script src="<%=resource%>/web/js/class.linechart.js?v=<%=ver%>"></script>
<script src="<%=resource%>/web/js/class.pie.js?v=<%=ver%>"></script>
global_event.needBind = false;
global_event.mustBind = false;
<%include ("web/inc/g.js")%>
global_event.lineData = [];
$(global_event).on('status:get', function(evt, data){
$.getJSON('<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url("api", "xqsystem","status")%>', {}, function(rsp){
if (rsp.code != 0) {
$(global_event).trigger("chart:pie_update", rsp);
$(global_event).trigger('status:uploadcount', rsp);
$(global_event).trigger('status:downloadcount', rsp);
$(global_event).trigger('status:maxSpeed', rsp);
$(global_event).trigger('status:downSpeed', rsp);
$(global_event).trigger('status:online', rsp);
$(global_event).trigger('status:devices', rsp);
global_event.lineData = (function(){
var speedHistory = rsp.wanStatistics.history,
arr = [],
fill = [],
if (speedHistory && $.isArray(speedHistory) && speedHistory.length > 0) {
for(var i = 0, len = speedHistory.length; i < len; i ++){
arr.push(parseInt(speedHistory[i], 10));
len = arr.length;
for (var i = 0; i < 30 - len; i++) {
return fill.concat(arr);
$(global_event).trigger('chart:lineUpdate', rsp);
$(global_event).on('chart:pie_init', function(evt, data){
var pieConfig = {
id : 'piechart',
wt : 167 * 2,
ht : 167 * 2,
r : 158,
stroke : '#fff',
datas: [{value : 1, label : 't1'}],
count : {value : 0,label : 'KB'}
global_event.pieChart = new PieChart(pieConfig);
$(global_event).on('chart:pie_update', function(evt, data){
var colorMap = ['#099ede','#10c7be','#4ec213','#ffcc00','#ff7700','#d24747','#bf5ef0','#7d74e3'];
var datas = data.devStatistics;
if (datas.length == 0) {
var icon_map = [];
var conf_datas = [];
var count = {};
count.value = 0;
count.label = 'MB';
for (var i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) {
var value = parseInt(datas[i].download, 10);
var value2 = parseInt(datas[i].downspeed, 10);
var item = {
value : value,
value2 : value2,
label : datas[i].devname,
color : colorMap[i]
if(value != 0){
count.value += item.value;
var totalCount = (function(val){
var ret = byteFormat(val, 10, true);
return {
value : ret[0],
label : ret[1]
global_event.pieChart.update(conf_datas, totalCount);
$(global_event).on('chart:lineInit',function(evt, data){
global_event.chartLine = new Linechart({
id: '#trafficChart',
maxYval: 10 * 1024 * 1024,
maxYnum: 5
$(global_event).on('chart:lineUpdate',function(evt, data){
var speed = data.wanStatistics.downspeed || 0;
speed = parseInt(speed, 10),
maxspeed = parseInt(data.wanStatistics.maxdownloadspeed, 10);
var len = global_event.lineData.length;
var lineData = global_event.lineData.slice(len - 30);
$(global_event).trigger('status:averageSpeed', {lineData: lineData});
global_event.chartLine.update(lineData, maxspeed);
//wifi devices count
$(global_event).on('status:devices', function(evt, data){
var devices = data.count;
$(global_event).on('status:online', function(evt, data){
var online = data.upTime;
console.log('status:online', online);
$('#upTime').html(secondToDate(online, true));
$(global_event).on('status:downSpeed', function(evt, data){
var speed = data.wanStatistics.downspeed || 0;
var speedfmt = byteFormat(speed);
$(global_event).on('status:averageSpeed', function(evt, data){
var speed,
lineData = data.lineData;
if (lineData.length > 0) {
speed = (function(db){
var total = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < db.length; i++) {
total += parseInt(db[i], 10);
return total / db.length;
speed = 0;
var speedfmt = byteFormat(speed);
$(global_event).on('status:maxSpeed', function(evt, data){
var maxspeed = data.wanStatistics.maxdownloadspeed;
var maxspeedfmt = byteFormat(maxspeed);
$(global_event).on('status:uploadcount', function(evt, data){
var total = data.wanStatistics.upload;
total = byteFormat(total);
$(global_event).on('status:downloadcount', function(evt, data){
var total = data.wanStatistics.download;
total = byteFormat(total);
$(global_event).on('status:disk',function(evt, data){
type: "POST",
url: '<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url("api", "xqdatacenter","request")%>',
data: {payload:'{"api":26}'},
dataType: 'json'
.done(function(rsp) {
if (rsp.code == 0) {
$('.used-bar .s0').css({width: ((rsp.capacity - rsp.free) / rsp.capacity * 100) + '%'});
$(global_event).on('netdetecte', function(evt, data){
var timer = null;
function detecte(){
$.getJSON('<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url("api", "xqnetdetect","sys_status")%>', {}, function(rsp){
if (rsp.code == 0) {
if (rsp.status != 0) {
var msg = {
'1': '发现有'+ rsp.count +'个问题需要处理',
'2': '上网连接失败,请立即处理'
var classname = 'mod-sect mod-net-check ';
classname += rsp.status == 1 ? 'net-check-warn' : 'net-check-err';
$('#netdetecte')[0].className = classname;
timer = window.setInterval(function(){
}, 5000);
var timer = null,
getBdWidth = function(){
return document.getElementById('bd').offsetWidth;
pageLoad = function(){
preWidth = getBdWidth();
if (preWidth < 1200) {
$('#trafficChart').css({width:360, height:370});
$('#trafficChart').css({width:570, height:370});
isoldie = $('html').hasClass('oldie');
console.log('isoldie', isoldie);
if ( !isoldie ) {
timer = window.setTimeout(function(){
var timerInterval = null;
timerInterval = window.setInterval(function(){
$.getJSON('<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url("api", "xqsystem","status")%>', {}, function(rsp){
if (rsp.code != 0) {
$(global_event).trigger('chart:lineUpdate', rsp);
$(global_event).trigger('status:uploadcount', rsp);
$(global_event).trigger('status:downloadcount', rsp);
$(global_event).trigger('status:maxSpeed', rsp);
$(global_event).trigger('status:downSpeed', rsp);
} , 6000);
</html> |