2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
# Copyright (C) 2008-2010 OpenWrt.org
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.
2010-08-20 16:00:37 +00:00
# - test/add xcb support
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
# - handle plugins in a granular way (find out which packages should provide which plugins)
i n c l u d e $( TOPDIR ) / r u l e s . m k
PKG_NAME := qt4
2010-09-25 00:34:38 +00:00
PKG_VERSION := 4.7.0
2010-06-22 10:04:25 +00:00
2010-09-25 00:34:38 +00:00
PKG_MD5SUM := 3a2f25b9b115037277f4fb759194a7a5
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
PKG_SOURCE := qt-everywhere-opensource-src-$( PKG_VERSION) .tar.gz
PKG_SOURCE_URL := ftp://ftp.qt.nokia.com/qt/source
PKG_BUILD_DIR = $( BUILD_DIR) /qt-everywhere-opensource-src-$( PKG_VERSION)
2010-08-18 15:25:41 +00:00
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
2010-08-18 16:27:49 +00:00
2010-08-19 13:13:48 +00:00
2010-08-20 16:00:37 +00:00
2010-08-18 16:27:49 +00:00
CONFIG_PACKAGE_qt4-demos \
2010-08-18 19:02:38 +00:00
CONFIG_PACKAGE_qt4-examples \
CONFIG_PACKAGE_qt4-qt3support \
CONFIG_PACKAGE_qt4-phonon \
CONFIG_PACKAGE_qt4-sqlite \
2011-02-12 19:27:01 +00:00
CONFIG_PACKAGE_qt4-mysql \
2010-08-18 16:27:49 +00:00
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
i n c l u d e $( INCLUDE_DIR ) / p a c k a g e . m k
2010-08-20 16:14:48 +00:00
- i n c l u d e $( if $ ( DUMP ) ,,./files /qmake .mk )
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
2010-07-20 00:27:39 +00:00
# this should be moved to a more generic place later, as other packages are configured different as well depending on available nptl support
i f e q ( $( CONFIG_USE_GLIBC ) , y )
NPTL:= y
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( CONFIG_USE_EGLIBC ) , y )
NPTL:= y
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( CONFIG_UCLIBC_VERSION_ 0_ 9_ 32) , y )
NPTL:= y
e n d i f
2010-08-19 13:13:48 +00:00
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 / c o n f i g
source " $( SOURCE) /Config.in "
e n d e f
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 / D e f a u l t
SECTION:= xorg-framework
SUBMENU:= framework
TITLE:= qt4
2010-11-02 16:56:14 +00:00
DEFAULT:= m if PACKAGE_qt4-gui && ALL
2010-03-23 04:33:24 +00:00
URL:= http://qt.nokia.com/
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4
$( call Package/qt4/Default)
2010-11-02 16:56:14 +00:00
DEPENDS:= +zlib +libstdcpp +libsqlite3
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - g u i
$( call Package/qt4/Default)
2010-11-02 16:56:14 +00:00
2010-09-08 22:51:49 +00:00
DEPENDS += +libpng +libtiff +libjpeg +libfreetype +qt4-network \
+FEATURE_drawing-backend_DirectFB:directfb \
+FEATURE_drawing-backend_libX11:libX11 \
2010-11-02 16:56:14 +00:00
+FEATURE_drawing-backend_libX11:libXext @DISPLAY_SUPPORT
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
TITLE += ( gui)
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - d e m o s
$( call Package/qt4/Default)
TITLE += ( demos)
DEPENDS += +qt4-gui
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - e x a m p l e s
$( call Package/qt4/Default)
TITLE += ( examples)
2010-08-18 19:02:38 +00:00
DEPENDS += +qt4-gui +qt4-svg
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - n e t w o r k
$( call Package/qt4/Default)
TITLE += ( network)
e n d e f
2010-04-15 11:23:11 +00:00
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - s q l i t e
$( call Package/qt4/Default)
TITLE += ( sqlite)
DEPENDS += +libsqlite3
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - m y s q l
$( call Package/qt4/Default)
TITLE += ( mysql)
DEPENDS += +libmysqlclient
e n d e f
2011-02-12 19:27:01 +00:00
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - o p e n s s l
$( call Package/qt4/Default)
TITLE += ( openssl)
DEPENDS += +libopenssl
e n d e f
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
#define Package/qt4-multimedia
# $(call Package/qt4/Default)
# TITLE+=(multimedia)
#define Package/qt4-audio-backend
# $(call Package/qt4/Default)
# TITLE+=(audio-backend)
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - p h o n o n
$( call Package/qt4/Default)
TITLE += ( phonon)
2010-07-17 17:43:43 +00:00
DEPENDS += +qt4-gui +qt4-xml +qt4-dbus +qt4-network
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
e n d e f
#define Package/qt4-phonon-backend
# $(call Package/qt4/Default)
# TITLE+=(phonon-backend)
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - s v g
$( call Package/qt4/Default)
TITLE += ( svg)
2010-07-17 17:43:43 +00:00
DEPENDS += +qt4-gui +qt4-network
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - w e b k i t
$( call Package/qt4/Default)
TITLE += ( webkit)
2010-07-17 17:43:43 +00:00
DEPENDS += @USE_GLIBC|| @USE_EGLIBC|| @UCLIBC_VERSION_0_9_32 +libsqlite3 +qt4-phonon +qt4-dbus +qt4-xml +qt4-gui +qt4-network # versions of uclibc prior 0.9.32 do not have nptl support
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - s c r i p t
$( call Package/qt4/Default)
TITLE += ( script)
2010-06-22 10:04:20 +00:00
DEPENDS += @USE_GLIBC|| @USE_EGLIBC|| @UCLIBC_VERSION_0_9_32 # versions of uclibc prior 0.9.32 do not have nptl support
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - s c r i p t t o o l s
$( call Package/qt4/Default)
TITLE += ( scripttools)
2010-07-17 17:43:43 +00:00
DEPENDS += +qt4-script +qt4-gui +qt4-network
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
e n d e f
#define Package/qt4-accessibility
# $(call Package/qt4/Default)
# TITLE+=(accessibility)
#define Package/qt4-javascript-jit
# $(call Package/qt4/Default)
# TITLE+=(javascript-jit)
#define Package/qt4-cups
# $(call Package/qt4/Default)
# TITLE+=(cups)
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - d b u s
$( call Package/qt4/Default)
TITLE += ( dbus)
2010-07-17 17:43:43 +00:00
DEPENDS += +libdbus +qt4-xml
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
e n d e f
#define Package/qt4-gtkstyle
# $(call Package/qt4/Default)
# TITLE+=(gtkstyle)
#define Package/qt4-glib
# $(call Package/qt4/Default)
# TITLE+=(glib)
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - q t 3 s u p p o r t
$( call Package/qt4/Default)
TITLE += ( qt3support)
2010-07-17 17:43:43 +00:00
DEPENDS += +qt4-gui +qt4-xml
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
e n d e f
2010-06-22 10:04:43 +00:00
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - d e c l a r a t i v e
$( call Package/qt4/Default)
TITLE += ( declarative)
2010-07-17 17:43:43 +00:00
DEPENDS += +qt4-script +qt4-xml +qt4-gui +qt4-network
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - x m l
$( call Package/qt4/Default)
TITLE += ( xml)
2010-06-22 10:04:43 +00:00
e n d e f
2010-08-01 15:53:50 +00:00
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - d r i v e r s - m o u s e / D e f a u l t
$( call Package/qt4/Default)
TITLE += mousedrivers
2010-08-20 16:00:37 +00:00
2010-08-01 15:53:50 +00:00
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - d r i v e r s - m o u s e - t p m o u s e d r i v e r
$( call Package/qt4-drivers-mouse/Default)
TITLE += tpmousedriver
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - d r i v e r s - m o u s e - p c m o u s e d r i v e r
$( call Package/qt4-drivers-mouse/Default)
TITLE += pcmousedriver
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - d r i v e r s - m o u s e - t s l i b m o u s e d r i v e r
$( call Package/qt4-drivers-mouse/Default)
TITLE += tslibmousedriver
2010-10-09 19:43:36 +00:00
DEPENDS += +tslib
2010-08-01 15:53:50 +00:00
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - d r i v e r s - g f x / D e f a u l t
$( call Package/qt4/Default)
TITLE += gfxdrivers
2010-08-20 16:00:37 +00:00
2010-08-01 15:53:50 +00:00
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - d r i v e r s - g f x - d i r e c t f b
$( call Package/qt4-drivers-gfx/Default)
TITLE += directfb
2010-08-20 16:00:37 +00:00
DEPENDS += @FEATURE_drawing-backend_DirectFB +FEATURE_drawing-backend_DirectFB:directfb
2010-08-01 15:53:50 +00:00
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - d r i v e r s - g f x - l i n u x f b
$( call Package/qt4-drivers-gfx/Default)
TITLE += linuxfb
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - d r i v e r s - k b d / D e f a u l t
$( call Package/qt4/Default)
TITLE += kbddrivers
2010-08-20 16:00:37 +00:00
2010-08-01 15:53:50 +00:00
e n d e f
2010-08-01 15:53:32 +00:00
TARGET_INCDIRS += $( STAGING_DIR) /include $( STAGING_DIR) /usr/include $( TOOLCHAIN_DIR) /include $( TOOLCHAIN_DIR) /usr/include
TARGET_LDFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath-link= $( STAGING_DIR) /usr/lib,-rpath-link= $( PKG_BUILD_DIR) /lib
TARGET_CFLAGS += -I$( STAGING_DIR) /usr/include/freetype2 -I$( PKG_BUILD_DIR) /include
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
2010-08-19 13:13:48 +00:00
i f e q ( $( CONFIG_QT 4_WS_QWS ) , y )
FILEPFX:= qws-
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( CONFIG_QT 4_WS_X 11) , y )
FILEPFX:= x11-
e n d i f
2010-08-27 16:12:57 +00:00
i f e q ( $( CONFIG_PACKAGE_qt 4-gui ) , )
# If GUI is disabled, we use the X11 prefix. That's good enough, for now.
# The X11 files also work for non-GUI.
FILEPFX:= x11-
e n d i f
2010-08-19 13:13:48 +00:00
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
d e f i n e B u i l d / C o n f i g u r e
2010-07-17 17:43:43 +00:00
# demos/examples: which demos are going to be built depends on which features are going to to be compiled into qt
# linuxfb/directfb: since directfb is not much overhead compared to plain framebuffer, force using directfb
# do not use fontconfig as it doesn't work anyway for qte
# bindir: bindir is where the host tools (qmake, moc, rcc, uic) will get installed into - they are just used on the host and not goig to be packaged
2010-08-20 16:00:37 +00:00
mkdir -p $( PKG_BUILD_DIR) /mkspecs/$( QMAKE_PLATFORM_PREFIX) linux-openwrt-g++
$( CP) ./files/$( FILEPFX) qmake.conf $( PKG_BUILD_DIR) /mkspecs/$( QMAKE_PLATFORM_PREFIX) linux-openwrt-g++/qmake.conf
$( CP) ./files/$( FILEPFX) qplatformdefs.h $( PKG_BUILD_DIR) /mkspecs/$( QMAKE_PLATFORM_PREFIX) linux-openwrt-g++/qplatformdefs.h
2010-08-01 15:53:32 +00:00
( cd $( PKG_BUILD_DIR) ; \
TARGET_CC = " $( TARGET_CROSS) gcc " \
TARGET_AR = " $( TARGET_CROSS) ar cqs " \
STAGING_DIR_HOST = " $( STAGING_DIR) /../host " \
./configure \
2010-08-20 16:00:37 +00:00
-arch $( ARCH) \
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
-prefix $( CONFIGURE_PREFIX) \
-bindir $( CONFIGURE_PREFIX) /bin \
-libdir $( CONFIGURE_PREFIX) /lib \
-datadir $( CONFIGURE_PREFIX) /share/Qt \
-plugindir $( CONFIGURE_PREFIX) /lib/Qt/plugins \
-demosdir $( CONFIGURE_PREFIX) /share/Qt/demos \
-examplesdir $( CONFIGURE_PREFIX) /share/Qt/examples \
-sysconfdir /etc/Qt \
-no-rpath \
-force-pkg-config \
-nomake tools \
2010-08-18 16:27:49 +00:00
$( if $( CONFIG_PACKAGE_qt4-demos) ,-make,-nomake) demos \
$( if $( CONFIG_PACKAGE_qt4-examples) ,-make,-nomake) examples \
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
-nomake docs \
-nomake translations \
2010-08-20 16:00:37 +00:00
-xplatform $( QMAKE_PLATFORM_PREFIX) linux-openwrt-g++ \
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
-platform linux-g++ \
2010-08-27 16:12:57 +00:00
$( if $( CONFIG_QT4_WS_X11) ,-x11,-embedded) \
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
-release \
2010-08-01 15:53:32 +00:00
-confirm-license \
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
-opensource \
-no-mmx \
-no-3dnow \
-no-sse \
-no-sse2 \
-system-zlib \
-system-libtiff \
-system-libpng \
-system-libjpeg \
-system-freetype \
-system-sqlite \
2010-08-18 19:02:38 +00:00
$( if $( CONFIG_PACKAGE_qt4-sqlite) ,-plugin-sql-sqlite) \
$( if $( CONFIG_PACKAGE_qt4-mysql) ,-plugin-sql-mysql) \
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
-no-decoration-styled \
-no-decoration-windows \
-no-decoration-default \
-verbose \
2010-07-17 17:43:36 +00:00
-no-multimedia \
-no-audio-backend \
2010-08-18 19:02:38 +00:00
$( if $( CONFIG_PACKAGE_qt4-phonon) ,-phonon,-no-phonon) \
2010-07-17 17:43:36 +00:00
-no-phonon-backend \
2010-08-18 19:02:38 +00:00
$( if $( CONFIG_PACKAGE_qt4-svg) ,-svg,-no-svg) \
2010-08-18 14:03:37 +00:00
$( if $( NPTL) ,-webkit,-no-webkit) \
2010-06-22 10:04:43 +00:00
-no-javascript-jit \
2010-08-18 14:03:37 +00:00
$( if $( NPTL) ,-script,-no-script) \
$( if $( NPTL) ,-scripttools,-no-scripttools) \
2010-07-17 17:43:36 +00:00
-no-accessibility \
2010-08-18 14:03:37 +00:00
$( if $( NPTL) ,-declarative,-no-declarative) \
2011-02-12 19:27:01 +00:00
$( if $( CONFIG_PACKAGE_qt4-openssl) ,-openssl -I $( STAGING_DIR) /usr/include,-no-openssl) \
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
-no-nis \
2010-07-17 17:43:36 +00:00
-no-cups \
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
-no-iconv \
2010-08-18 19:02:38 +00:00
$( if $( CONFIG_PACKAGE_qt4-dbus) ,-dbus,-no-dbus) \
2010-07-17 17:43:36 +00:00
-no-gtkstyle \
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
-no-nas-sound \
-no-opengl \
-no-openvg \
-no-sm \
-no-xshape \
2010-08-20 16:00:37 +00:00
$( if $( CONFIG_QT4_WS_X11) ,-no-xsync,-xsync) \
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
-no-xinerama \
2010-08-20 16:00:37 +00:00
$( if $( CONFIG_QT4_WS_X11) ,-no-xcursor,-xcursor) \
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
-no-xfixes \
-no-xrandr \
-no-xrender \
2010-10-02 22:07:25 +00:00
-no-mitshm \
2010-08-20 16:00:37 +00:00
$( if $( CONFIG_QT4_WS_X11) ,-no-fontconfig,-fontconfig) \
$( if $( CONFIG_QT4_WS_X11) ,-no-xinput,-xinput) \
$( if $( CONFIG_QT4_WS_X11) ,-no-xkb,-xkb) \
2010-07-17 17:43:36 +00:00
-no-glib \
2010-08-18 19:02:38 +00:00
$( if $( CONFIG_PACKAGE_qt4-qt3support) ,-qt3support,-no-qt3support) \
2010-08-01 15:53:32 +00:00
-no-gfx-transformed \
-no-gfx-qvfb \
-no-gfx-vnc \
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
-no-gfx-multiscreen \
2010-08-01 15:53:32 +00:00
-no-gfx-qnx \
2010-08-20 16:00:37 +00:00
$( if $( CONFIG_PACKAGE_directfb) ,-plugin-gfx-directfb) \
2010-08-01 15:53:32 +00:00
-plugin-gfx-linuxfb \
-no-mouse-qvfb \
-no-mouse-qnx \
-qt-mouse-linuxinput \
-plugin-mouse-linuxtp \
-plugin-mouse-pc \
-plugin-mouse-tslib \
-no-kbd-qvfb \
-no-kbd-qnx \
-qt-kbd-tty \
2011-04-14 12:36:15 +00:00
-qt-kbd-linuxinput \
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
e n d e f
d e f i n e B u i l d / C o m p i l e
2010-06-22 10:04:49 +00:00
# just passing <make install> results in not building 3rdparty/webkit/JavaScriptCore
2010-08-01 15:53:32 +00:00
# unfortunately in this particular case, <make> makes further <qmake> calls, therewith
# uses the qmake.conf which needs get the cross-compiling vars passed once again
TARGET_CC = " $( TARGET_CROSS) gcc " \
TARGET_AR = " $( TARGET_CROSS) ar cqs " \
STAGING_DIR_HOST = " $( STAGING_DIR) /../host " \
2010-08-18 15:25:41 +00:00
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
2010-07-20 00:27:39 +00:00
$( MAKE) -C $( PKG_BUILD_DIR) install
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
e n d e f
d e f i n e B u i l d / I n s t a l l D e v
2010-07-17 17:43:39 +00:00
# host tools (qmake, moc, rcc, uic)
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/bin/{ qmake,moc,rcc,uic} \
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
2010-08-01 15:53:32 +00:00
$( 1) /mk \
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
$( 1) /usr/share/mkspecs \
$( 1) /usr/lib/pkgconfig \
$( 1) /usr/lib \
$( 1) /usr/include \
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins
2010-08-01 15:53:32 +00:00
$( CP) \
./files/qmake.mk \
$( 1) /mk/
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/share/Qt/mkspecs/* \
$( 1) /usr/share/mkspecs/
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/pkgconfig/* \
$( 1) /usr/lib/pkgconfig/
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/include/* \
$( 1) /usr/include/
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/*.so* \
$( 1) /usr/lib/
#$(CP) \
# $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/Qt/plugins/* \
# $(1)/usr/lib/Qt/plugins/
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/lib \
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/libQtCore.so* \
$( 1) /usr/lib/
#$(CP) \
# $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/Qt/plugins/codecs/*.so \
# $(1)/usr/lib/Qt/plugins/codecs/
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - g u i / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/lib \
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/libQtGui.so* \
$( 1) /usr/lib/
#HACK: Qt4 requires having truetype fonts stored in /usr/lib/fonts - no subdirectories allowed, so use the dejavue set by default
ln -s \
/usr/share/fonts/ttf-dejavu \
$( 1) /usr/lib/fonts
# we use the dejavue font package instead
# $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/fonts/*.ttf \
# $(1)/usr/lib/fonts/
#$(CP) \
# $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/Qt/plugins/accessible \
# $(1)/usr/lib/Qt/plugins/
#$(CP) \
# $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/Qt/plugins/imageformats \
# $(1)/usr/lib/Qt/plugins/
#$(CP) \
# $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/Qt/plugins/inputmethods \
# $(1)/usr/lib/Qt/plugins/
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - d e m o s / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/share/Qt
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/share/Qt/demos \
$( 1) /usr/share/Qt/
$( FIND) \
$( 1) \
-name "*.cpp" -o \
-name "*.h" -o \
-name "*.pro" \
| $( XARGS) rm
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - e x a m p l e s / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/share/Qt
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/share/Qt/examples \
$( 1) /usr/share/Qt/
$( FIND) \
$( 1) \
-name "*.cpp" -o \
-name "*.h" -o \
-name "*.pro" \
| $( XARGS) rm
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - n e t w o r k / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/lib
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/libQtNetwork.so* \
$( 1) /usr/lib/
e n d e f
2010-04-15 11:23:11 +00:00
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - s q l i t e / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/sqldrivers
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/libQtSql.so* \
$( 1) /usr/lib/
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlite.so \
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/sqldrivers/
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - m y s q l / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/sqldrivers
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/libQtSql.so* \
$( 1) /usr/lib/
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlmysql.so \
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/sqldrivers/
e n d e f
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
#define Package/qt4-multimedia/install
# $(1)/usr/bin
# $(CP) \
# $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin/examples/* \
# $(1)/usr/bin/
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - p h o n o n / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/lib
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/libphonon.so* \
$( 1) /usr/lib/
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - s v g / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/lib \
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/libQtSvg.so* \
$( 1) /usr/lib/
#$(CP) \
# $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/Qt/plugins/iconengines \
# $(1)/usr/lib/Qt/plugins/
#$(CP) \
# $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/Qt/plugins/imageformats \
# $(1)/usr/lib/Qt/plugins/
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - w e b k i t / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/lib \
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/libQtWebKit.so* \
$( 1) /usr/lib/
#$(CP) \
# $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/Qt/plugins/designer \
# $(1)/usr/lib/Qt/plugins/
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - s c r i p t / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/lib \
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/libQtScript.so* \
$( 1) /usr/lib/
#$(CP) \
# $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/Qt/plugins/script \
# $(1)/usr/lib/Qt/plugins/
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - s c r i p t t o o l s / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/lib
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/libQtScriptTools.so* \
$( 1) /usr/lib/
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - d b u s / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/lib
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/libQtDBus.so* \
$( 1) /usr/lib/
#$(CP) \
# $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin/qdbus \
# $(1)/usr/bin/
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - q t 3 - s u p p o r t / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/lib \
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/libQt3Support.so* \
$( 1) /usr/lib/
#$(CP) \
# $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/Qt/plugins/accessible \
# $(1)/usr/lib/Qt/plugins/
e n d e f
2010-06-22 10:04:43 +00:00
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - d e c l a r a t i v e / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/lib
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/libQtDeclarative.so* \
$( 1) /usr/lib/
e n d e f
2010-07-17 17:43:43 +00:00
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - x m l / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/lib
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/libQtXml.so* \
$( 1) /usr/lib/
e n d e f
2010-08-01 15:53:50 +00:00
# plugins
# mouse drivers
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - d r i v e r s - m o u s e - t p m o u s e d r i v e r / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/mousedrivers
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/mousedrivers/libqlinuxtpmousedriver.so \
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/mousedrivers/
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - d r i v e r s - m o u s e - p c m o u s e d r i v e r / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/mousedrivers
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/mousedrivers/libqpcmousedriver.so \
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/mousedrivers/
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - d r i v e r s - m o u s e - t s l i b m o u s e d r i v e r / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/mousedrivers
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/mousedrivers/libqtslibmousedriver.so \
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/mousedrivers/
e n d e f
# graphics drivers
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - d r i v e r s - g f x - d i r e c t f b / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/gfxdrivers
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/gfxdrivers/libqdirectfbscreen.so \
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/gfxdrivers/
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / q t 4 - d r i v e r s - g f x - l i n u x f b / i n s t a l l
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/gfxdrivers
$( CP) \
$( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/gfxdrivers/libqscreenlinuxfb.so \
$( 1) /usr/lib/Qt/plugins/gfxdrivers/
e n d e f
# keyboard drivers
2010-07-17 17:43:43 +00:00
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-gui ) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-demos ) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-examples ) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-network ) )
2010-04-15 11:23:11 +00:00
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-sqlite ) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-mysql ) )
2011-02-12 19:27:01 +00:00
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-openssl ) )
2010-03-22 17:15:21 +00:00
#$(eval $(call BuildPackage,qt4-multimedia))
#$(eval $(call BuildPackage,qt4-audio-backend))
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-phonon ) )
#$(eval $(call BuildPackage,qt4-phonon-backend))
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-svg ) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-webkit ) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-script ) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-scripttools ) )
#$(eval $(call BuildPackage,qt4-accessibility))
#$(eval $(call BuildPackage,qt4-javascript-jit))
#$(eval $(call BuildPackage,qt4-cups))
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-dbus ) )
#$(eval $(call BuildPackage,qt4-gtkstyle))
#$(eval $(call BuildPackage,qt4-glib))
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-qt 3support ) )
2010-06-22 10:04:43 +00:00
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-declarative ) )
2010-07-17 17:43:43 +00:00
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-xml ) )
2010-08-01 15:53:50 +00:00
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-drivers -mouse -tpmousedriver ) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-drivers -mouse -pcmousedriver ) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-drivers -mouse -tslibmousedriver ) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-drivers -gfx -directfb ) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,qt 4-drivers -gfx -linuxfb ) )