146 lines
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Raw Normal View History

scan_wing() {
config_set "$1" device "wing-$1"
coldplug_interface_wing() {
setup_interface_wing "wing-$1" "$1"
stop_interface_wing() {
local config="$1"
local iface="wing-$config"
env -i ACTION="ifdown" INTERFACE="$config" DEVICE="$iface" PROTO=wing /sbin/hotplug-call "iface"&
[ -f "/var/run/$iface.pid" ]&& {
kill -9 $(cat /var/run/$iface.pid)
rm /var/run/$iface.pid
setup_interface_wing() {
local iface="$1"
local config="$2"
local hwmodes=""
local freqs=""
local ifnames=""
local hwaddrs=""
config_load wireless
config_foreach wing_list_interfaces wifi-iface
# start click router
if [ "$hwmodes" = "" -o "$freqs" = "" -o "$ifnames" = "" -o "$hwaddrs" = "" ]; then
logger -t "$config" "No raw interfaces available. Exiting."
exit 1
local profile rc ls prefix debug
config_get profile $config profile "bulk"
config_get rc $config rc "static"
config_get ls $config ls "fcfs"
config_get metric $config metric "wcett"
config_get prefix $config prefix "6"
config_get period $config period "10000"
config_get tau $config tau "100000"
config_get_bool debug $config debug "False"
local hwaddr=$(echo $hwaddrs | sed 's/ .*//');
local ipaddr=$(printf "$prefix.%d.%d.%d" $(echo $hwaddr | awk -F: '{printf "0x%s 0x%s 0x%s",$4,$5,$6}'))
local netmask=
if ! wing_template_available "profile" "$profile" "bulk"; then
logger -t "$config" "Unable to configure router. Exiting."
exit 1
if ! wing_template_available "rc" "$rc" "static"; then
logger -t "$config" "Unable to configure rate control. Exiting."
exit 1
if ! wing_template_available "ls" "$ls" "radiotap"; then
logger -t "$config" "Unable to configure link scheduler. Exiting."
exit 1
if [ "$profile" = "" -o "$rc" = "" ]; then
logger -t "$config" "Unable to generate template. Exiting."
exit 1
[ "$debug" == 0 ]&& dbg="" || dbg="-d"
/usr/bin/click_config -p $profile -r $rc -s $ls -l $metric \
-m "$hwmodes" -c "$freqs" -n "$ifnames" -a "$hwaddrs" $dbg \
| sed -e "s/__XR_IFNAME__/$iface/g" \
| sed -e "s/__XR_IP__/$ipaddr/g" \
| sed -e "s/__XR_NM__/$netmask/g" \
| sed -e "s/__XR_PERIOD__/$period/g" \
| sed -e "s/__XR_TAU__/$tau/g"> /tmp/$iface.click
/usr/bin/click-align /tmp/$iface.click> /tmp/$iface-aligned.click 2>/var/log/$iface.log
[ ! -c /dev/net/tun ]&& {
mkdir -p /dev/net/
mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200
if [ ! -c /dev/net/tun ]; then
logger -t "$config" "Device not available (/dev/net/tun). Exiting."
exit 1
# creating the tun interface below will trigger a net subsystem event
# prevent it from touching iface by disabling .auto here
uci_set_state network "$config" auto 0
(/usr/bin/click /tmp/$iface-aligned.click>> /var/log/$iface.log 2>&1&)&
sleep 2
ps | grep /usr/bin/click | grep -q -v grep || {
logger -t "$config" "Unable to start click. Exiting."
exit 1
ps | grep /usr/bin/click | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'> /var/run/$iface.pid
ifconfig "$iface" "$ipaddr" netmask "$netmask"
uci_set_state network $config ipaddr "$ipaddr"
uci_set_state network $config netmask "$netmask"
env -i ACTION="ifup" INTERFACE="$config" DEVICE="$iface" PROTO=wing /sbin/hotplug-call "iface"&
wing_template_available() { # prefix, template, default
local template="/etc/wing/$1.$2.click"
[ ! -f $template ]&& {
[ ! -f $template ]&& {
return 1
return 0
wing_list_interfaces() {
local channel freq hwmode hwaddr ifname mode
config_get ifname $1 ifname
config_get mode $1 mode
config_get device $1 device
config_get_bool up $1 up
[ "$up" = "1" -a "$mode" = "monitor" ] || return 0
config_get hwmode $device hwmode "11b"
config_get channel $device channel "1"
freq=$(iwlist $ifname freq | sed -n "s/^.*Channel 0*$channel : \([0-9.]*\).*/\1/p" | awk '{print $1*1000}')
hwaddr=$(/sbin/ifconfig $ifname 2>&1 | sed -n 's/^.*HWaddr \([0-9A-Za-z\-]*\).*/\1/p' | sed -e 's/\-/:/g' | cut -c1-17)
freqs=${freqs:+"$freqs "}$freq
hwmodes=${hwmodes:+"$hwmodes "}$hwmode
hwaddrs=${hwaddrs:+"$hwaddrs "}$hwaddr
ifnames=${ifnames:+"$ifnames "}$ifname
/sbin/ifconfig $ifname mtu 1900
/sbin/ifconfig $ifname txqueuelen 5
/sbin/ifconfig $ifname up