[packages] sshtunnel: update to version 2

git-svn-id: svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/packages@23263 3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73
This commit is contained in:
nunojpg 2010-10-05 21:51:46 +00:00
parent 0c8a8a5434
commit 1a7a3dc9cd
4 changed files with 120 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -8,21 +8,22 @@
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
define Package/sshtunnel
TITLE:=Manages Local and Remote openssh ssh(1) tunnels
MAINTAINER:=Nuno Goncalves <nunojpg@gmail.com>
define Package/sshtunnel/description
Creates openssh ssh(1) Local and Remote tunnels configured in UCI file. Can be user to allow remote connections, possibly over NATed connections or without public IP/DNS
Creates openssh ssh(1) Local and Remote tunnels configured in UCI file. Can be used to allow remote connections, possibly over NATed connections or without public IP/DNS
define Package/sshtunnel/conffiles

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@ -1,30 +1,44 @@
# only authentication supported is public key with indentity file specified
# password authentication is not possible, publick key authentication must be used.
# set "option IdentityFile" to he file from which the identity (private key) for RSA or DSA authentication is read.
# The default is ~/.ssh/identity for protocol version 1, and ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/id_dsa for protocol version 2.
# ssh will also try to load certificate information from the filename obtained by appending -cert.pub to identity filenames.
# pkcs11 support soon
config server disney
option user mourinho
option hostname server.disney.com
# option port 22
# option retrydelay 1
# option CheckHostIP yes
# option Compression no
# option CompressionLevel 6
# option IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# option LogLevel INFO
# option ServerAliveCountMax 3
# option ServerAliveInterval 0
# option StrictHostKeyChecking ask
# option TCPKeepAlive yes
# option VerifyHostKeyDNS yes
# tunnelR(emote) - when the connection will be initiated to the R(emote) endpoint at
# remoteaddress:remoteport and then forward to localaddress:localport
config tunnelR http
option user mourinho
option hostname server.disney.com
option identity /root/.ssh/id_rsa
option server disney
option remoteaddress *
option remoteport 9009
option localaddress
option localport 80
option options '-o ServerAliveCountMax=3 -o ServerAliveInterval=20 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=false'
# tunnelL(ocal) - when the connection will be initiated to the L(ocal) endpoint at
# localaddress:localport and then forward to remoteaddress:remoteport
config tunnelL test
option user mourinho
option hostname server.disney.com
option identity /root/.ssh/id_rsa
option server disney
option localaddress *
option localport 1022
option remoteaddress secretserver.disney.com
option remoteport 22
option options '-o ServerAliveCountMax=3 -o ServerAliveInterval=20 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=false'

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@ -5,40 +5,82 @@ STOP=01
load_server() {
config_get user $1 user
config_get hostname $1 hostname
config_get debuglevel $1 debuglevel "0"
config_get retrydelay $1 retrydelay "10"
config_get CheckHostIP $1 CheckHostIP
config_get Compression $1 Compression
config_get CompressionLevel $1 CompressionLevel
config_get IdentityFile $1 IdentityFile
config_get LogLevel $1 LogLevel
config_get ServerAliveCountMax $1 ServerAliveCountMax
config_get ServerAliveInterval $1 ServerAliveInterval
config_get StrictHostKeyChecking $1 StrictHostKeyChecking
config_get TCPKeepAlive $1 TCPKeepAlive
config_get VerifyHostKeyDNS $1 VerifyHostKeyDNS
[ -n "$user" ] || error="user is not set"
[ -n "$hostname" ] || error="${error:+$error; }hostname is not set"
[ "$retrydelay" -ge 0 ] || error="${error:+$error; }retrydelay must be a positive integer"
#[ -f "$IdentityFile" ] || error="${error:+$error; }IdentityFile $IdentityFile not accessible"
#add validation for the rest of the parameters
[ -n "$error" ] && { logger -p user.err -t "sshtunnel" "tunnels to $server not started - $error"; return; }
config_foreach load_tunnel tunnelR && config_foreach load_tunnel tunnelL
[ -n "$error" ] && { logger -p user.err -t "sshtunnel" "tunnels to $server not started - $error"; return; }
[ "$count" -eq 0 ] && { logger -p user.err -t "sshtunnel" "tunnels to $server not started - no tunnels defined"; return; }
cmd="${CheckHostIP:+-o CheckHostIP=$CheckHostIP }"
cmd="$cmd${CheckHostIP:+-o CheckHostIP=$CheckHostIP }"
cmd="$cmd${Compression:+-o Compression=$Compression }"
cmd="$cmd${CompressionLevel:+-o CompressionLevel=$CompressionLevel }"
cmd="$cmd${IdentityFile:+-o IdentityFile=$IdentityFile }"
cmd="$cmd${LogLevel:+-o LogLevel=$LogLevel }"
cmd="$cmd${ServerAliveCountMax:+-o ServerAliveCountMax=$ServerAliveCountMax }"
cmd="$cmd${ServerAliveInterval:+-o ServerAliveInterval=$ServerAliveInterval }"
cmd="$cmd${StrictHostKeyChecking:+-o StrictHostKeyChecking=$StrictHostKeyChecking }"
cmd="$cmd${TCPKeepAlive:+-o TCPKeepAlive=$TCPKeepAlive }"
cmd="$cmd${VerifyHostKeyDNS:+-o VerifyHostKeyDNS=$VerifyHostKeyDNS }"
cmd="$cmd""-o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -o BatchMode=yes -nN $tunnels_cmd $user@$hostname"
/usr/bin/sshtunnel.sh "$cmd" "$retrydelay" "$server" &
echo $! >> "$PIDFILE".pids
logger -p user.info -t "sshtunnel" "started tunnels to $server (pid=$!;retrydelay=$retrydelay)"
load_tunnel() {
config_get user $1 user
config_get hostname $1 hostname
config_get identity $1 identity
config_get remoteport $1 remoteport
config_get localport $1 localport
config_get options $1 options '-o ServerAliveCountMax=3 -o ServerAliveInterval=20 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=false'
config_get retrydelay $1 retrydelay "10"
config_get section_server $1 server
[ "$server" = "$section_server" ] || return 0 # continue to read next section if this is not for the current server
let count++ # count nr of valid sections to make sure there are at least one
config_get remoteport $1 remoteport
config_get localport $1 localport
[ "$cfgtype" = "tunnelL" ] && {
config_get localaddress $1 localaddress ""
config_get localaddress $1 localaddress "*"
config_get remoteaddress $1 remoteaddress
[ "$cfgtype" = "tunnelR" ] && {
config_get localaddress $1 localaddress
config_get remoteaddress $1 remoteaddress "*"
[ "$cfgtype" = "tunnelR" ] && {
config_get localaddress $1 localaddress "*"
config_get remoteaddress $1 remoteaddress ""
local error
[ -f "$identity" ] || error="Identity file $identity not accessible"
[ -n "$user" ] || error="please set user option"
[ -n "$hostname" ] || error="please set hostname option"
[ "$remoteport" -gt 0 -a "$localport" -gt 0 -a "$retrydelay" -ge 0 ] || error="invalid configuration"
[ -n "$error" ] && { logger -p user.err -t "sshtunnel" "$cfgtype $1 not started - $error"; return; }
[ "$remoteport" -gt 0 ] || error="remoteport must be a positive integer"
[ "$localport" -gt 0 ] || error="${error:+$error; }localpost must be a positive integer"
[ -n "$error" ] && return 1
[ "$cfgtype" = "tunnelL" ] && {
args="-N -i $identity -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes $options -L $localaddress:$localport:$remoteaddress:$remoteport $user@$hostname"
tunnels_cmd="${tunnels_cmd:+$tunnels_cmd }-L $localaddress:$localport:$remoteaddress:$remoteport"
[ "$cfgtype" = "tunnelR" ] && {
args="-N -i $identity -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes $options -R $remoteaddress:$remoteport:$localaddress:$localport $user@$hostname"
tunnels_cmd="${tunnels_cmd:+$tunnels_cmd }-R $remoteaddress:$remoteport:$localaddress:$localport"
/usr/bin/sshtunnel.sh "$args" "$retrydelay" &
echo $! >> "$PIDFILE".pids
logger -p user.info -t "sshtunnel" "started new $cfgtype $1 (pid=$!;retrydelay=$retrydelay)"
stop() {
@ -51,9 +93,10 @@ stop() {
start-stop-daemon -K -p "$PIDFILE"_"$pid".pid
kill $pid
logger -p daemon.info -t "sshtunnel[$pid]" "tunnel stopped"
rm "$PIDFILE"_"$pid".pid
done < "$PIDFILE".pids
rm "$PIDFILE".pids
rm "$PIDFILE".pids
logger -p user.info -t "sshtunnel" "all tunnels stopped"
@ -64,11 +107,13 @@ stop() {
start() {
[ -f "$PIDFILE".pids ] && stop
logger -p user.info -t "sshtunnel" "starting all tunnels"
config_load sshtunnel
config_foreach load_tunnel tunnelR
config_foreach load_tunnel tunnelL
logger -p user.info -t "sshtunnel" "all tunnels started"
config_load sshtunnel
if [ -n "$(uci show sshtunnel.@server[0])" ] # at least one server section exists
logger -p user.info -t "sshtunnel" "starting all tunnels"
config_foreach load_server server
logger -p user.info -t "sshtunnel" "all tunnels started"
logger -p user.info -t "sshtunnel" "no servers defined"

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@ -2,18 +2,19 @@
while true
logger -p daemon.info -t "sshtunnel[$$]" "connecting: ssh $args"
logger -p daemon.info -t "sshtunnel[$$][$server]" "connection started"
start-stop-daemon -S -p "$PIDFILE"_"$$".pid -mx ssh -- $args &>/tmp/log/sshtunnel_$$
logger -p daemon.err -t "sshtunnel[$$]" < /tmp/log/sshtunnel_$$
rm /tmp/log/sshtunnel_$$
logger -p daemon.info -t "sshtunnel[$$]" "ssh exited with code $?, retrying in $retrydelay seconds"
logger -p daemon.err -t "sshtunnel[$$][$server]" < /tmp/log/sshtunnel_$$
rm /tmp/log/sshtunnel_$$
logger -p daemon.info -t "sshtunnel[$$][$server]" "ssh exited with code $?, retrying in $retrydelay seconds"
sleep "$retrydelay" & wait