<configuration name="xml_cdr.conf" description="XML CDR CURL logger">
    <!-- the url to post to if blank web posting is disabled  -->
    <!-- <param name="url" value="http://localhost/cdr_curl/post.php"/> -->

    <!-- optional: credentials to send to web server -->
    <!--    <param name="cred" value="user:pass"/> -->

    <!-- the total number of retries (not counting the first 'try') to post to webserver incase of failure -->
    <!-- <param name="retries" value="2"/> -->

    <!-- delay between retries in seconds, default is 5 seconds -->
    <!-- <param name="delay" value="1"/> -->

    <!-- Log via http and on disk, default is false -->
    <!-- <param name="log-http-and-disk" value="true"/> -->

    <!-- optional: if not present we do not log every record to disk -->
    <!-- either an absolute path, a relative path assuming ${prefix}/logs or a blank value will default to ${prefix}/logs/xml_cdr -->
    <param name="log-dir" value=""/>

    <!-- optional: if not present we do log the b leg -->
    <!-- true or false if we should create a cdr for the b leg of a call-->
    <param name="log-b-leg" value="false"/>
    <!-- optional: if not present, all filenames are the uuid of the call -->
    <!-- true or false if a leg files are prefixed "a_" -->
    <param name="prefix-a-leg" value="true"/>

    <!-- encode the post data may be 'true' for url encoding, 'false' for no encoding or 'base64' for base64 encoding -->
    <param name="encode" value="true"/>

    <!-- optional: set to true to disable Expect: 100-continue lighttpd requires this setting --> 
    <!--<param name="disable-100-continue" value="true"/>--> 
    <!-- optional: full path to the error log dir for failed web posts if not specified its the same as log-dir -->
    <!-- either an absolute path, a relative path assuming ${prefix}/logs or a blank or omitted value will default to ${prefix}/logs/xml_cdr -->
    <!-- <param name="err-log-dir" value="/tmp"/> -->

    <!-- which auhtentification scheme to use. Supported values are: basic, digest, NTLM, GSS-NEGOTIATE or "any" for automatic detection -->
    <!--<param name="auth-scheme" value="basic"/>--> 

    <!-- optional: this will enable the CA root certificate check by libcurl to
         verify that the certificate was issued by a major Certificate Authority.
         note: default value is disabled. only enable if you want this! -->
    <!--<param name="enable-cacert-check" value="true"/>-->
    <!-- optional: verify that the server is actually the one listed in the cert -->
    <!-- <param name="enable-ssl-verifyhost" value="true"/> -->

    <!-- optional: these options can be used to specify custom SSL certificates
         to use for HTTPS communications. Either use both options or neither.
         Specify your public key with 'ssl-cert-path' and the private key with
         'ssl-key-path'. If your private key has a password, specify it with
         'ssl-key-password'. -->
    <!-- <param name="ssl-cert-path" value="$${base_dir}/conf/certs/public_key.pem"/> -->
    <!-- <param name="ssl-key-path" value="$${base_dir}/conf/certs/private_key.pem"/> -->
    <!-- <param name="ssl-key-password" value="MyPrivateKeyPassword"/> -->

    <!-- optional: use a custom CA certificate in PEM format to verify the peer
         with. This is useful if you are acting as your own certificate authority.
         note: only makes sense if used in combination with "enable-cacert-check." -->
    <!-- <param name="ssl-cacert-file" value="$${base_dir}/conf/certs/cacert.pem"/> -->

    <!-- optional: specify the SSL version to force HTTPS to use. Valid options are
         "SSLv3" and "TLSv1". Otherwise libcurl will auto-negotiate the version. -->
    <!-- <param name="ssl-version" value="TLSv1"/> -->

    <!-- optional: enables cookies and stores them in the specified file. -->
    <!-- <param name="cookie-file" value="/tmp/cookie-mod_xml_curl.txt"/> -->