config dhcrelay ipv4
	option 'enabled' '0'

	# IP address of the server
	option 'dhcpserver' ''

	# network interfaces to listen on (e.g. lan or wan)
	option 'interfaces' ''

	# What to do about packets that already have a relay option:
	# 'append': Forward and append our own relay option
	# 'replace': Forward, but replace theirs with ours (default)
	# 'forward': Forward without changes
	# 'discard': Don't forward
	option 'relay_mode' ''

	# enable RFC3527 link selection sub-option and use the IP address of
	# the specified network interface as "uplink" IP address (e.g. wan)
	option 'link_selection' ''

config dhcrelay ipv6
#	option dhcpserver '2001:db8:1::1'
	option upper 'eth1'
	list lower 'eth0.2'
	list lower 'eth0.3'