# example verbose tinydns data file # from http://www.pjvenda.org/linux/doc/tinydns/ # Copyright (C) 2001-2009 by Pedro Venda # licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License # # REVERSE ZONE # # (reverse) dns servers: primary and secondary Z45.168.192.in-addr.arpa:ns.example.net:hostmaster.example.net:::::::: # NS records &45.168.192.in-addr.arpa::ns.example.net::: &45.168.192.in-addr.arpa::ns2.example.net::: # MX handlers @45.168.192.in-addr.arpa::relay.example.net:10 @45.168.192.in-addr.arpa::relay2.example.net:20 # # FORWARD ZONE: # # SOA record: primary nameserver is ns.example.net and hostmaster # mail address is hostmaster@example.net # (the 'Z' configuration line is the only one that # allows specifying the hostmaster mail address) Zexample.net:ns.example.net:hostmaster.example.net:::::::: # NS records: primary and secondary nameservers &example.net::ns.example.net::: &example.net::ns2.example.net::: # MX records: relay.example.net, distance = 10 # relay2.example.net, distance = 20 @example.net::relay.example.net:10 @example.net::relay2.example.net:20 # A records: ns.example.net, ns2.example.net =ns.example.net: =ns2.example.net: # PTR records: relays are in the same hosts as dns servers +relay.example.net: +relay2.example.net: # more A records: gateway.example.net =gateway.example.net: # CNAME record: nscache.example.net is alias to gateway.example.net Cnscache.example.net:gateway.example.net::: # # SUB DOMAIN DELEGATION # # NS record &dmz.example.net::ns.dmz.example.net::: # A/PTR record for nameserver =ns.dmz.example.net: