--- a/lib/quagga/Makefile
+++ b/lib/quagga/Makefile
@@ -40,21 +40,19 @@
 PLUGIN_NAME =	olsrd_quagga
 PLUGIN_VER =	0.2.2
-TOPDIR= ../..
+TOPDIR = ../..
 include $(TOPDIR)/Makefile.inc
 CFLAGS += -g
-#uncomment the following line only if you are sure what you're doing, it will 
-#probably break things! 
 ifeq ($(OS),win32)
 default_target install clean:
-	@echo "**** Quagga not supportet on Windows (so it would be pointless to build the Quagga Plugin)"
+	@echo "*** Quagga not supported on Windows (so it would be pointless to build the Quagga plugin)"
 default_target: $(PLUGIN_FULLNAME)
 $(PLUGIN_FULLNAME): $(OBJS) version-script.txt
@@ -66,4 +64,5 @@
 		rm -f $(OBJS) $(SRCS:%.c=%.d) $(PLUGIN_FULLNAME)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/quagga/patches/quagga-0.98.6.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,860 @@
+diff -Nur quagga-0.98.6/bgpd/bgp_vty.c quagga-0.98.6.patched/bgpd/bgp_vty.c
+--- quagga-0.98.6/bgpd/bgp_vty.c	2006-03-30 18:12:25.000000000 +0200
++++ quagga-0.98.6.patched/bgpd/bgp_vty.c	2007-12-30 14:18:22.000000000 +0200
+@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
+ This file is part of GNU Zebra.
++This file was modified from the original on 30/12/2007
++by Vasilis Tsiligiannis <acinonyxs@yahoo.gr>
+ GNU Zebra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+@@ -7793,8 +7796,12 @@
+       else if (strncmp (str, "r", 1) == 0)
+ 	return ZEBRA_ROUTE_RIP;
+-      else if (strncmp (str, "o", 1) == 0)
++      else if (strncmp (str, "ol", 2) == 0)
++      else if (strncmp (str, "os", 2) == 0)
++      else if (strncmp (str, "ba", 2) == 0)
+     }
+   if (afi == AFI_IP6)
+     {
+@@ -7806,21 +7813,28 @@
+       else if (strncmp (str, "r", 1) == 0)
+-      else if (strncmp (str, "o", 1) == 0)
++      else if (strncmp (str, "os", 2) == 0)
+ 	return ZEBRA_ROUTE_OSPF6;
++      else if (strncmp (str, "ol", 2) == 0)
++      else if (strncmp (str, "ba", 2) == 0)
+     }
+   return 0;
+ }
+ DEFUN (bgp_redistribute_ipv4,
+        bgp_redistribute_ipv4_cmd,
+-       "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static)",
++       "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static|olsr|batman)",
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPF)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+-       "Static routes\n")
++       "Static routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
++       )
+ {
+   int type;
+@@ -7835,13 +7849,15 @@
+ DEFUN (bgp_redistribute_ipv4_rmap,
+        bgp_redistribute_ipv4_rmap_cmd,
+-       "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static) route-map WORD",
++       "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static|olsr|batman) route-map WORD",
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPF)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Route map reference\n"
+        "Pointer to route-map entries\n")
+ {
+@@ -7860,13 +7876,15 @@
+ DEFUN (bgp_redistribute_ipv4_metric,
+        bgp_redistribute_ipv4_metric_cmd,
+-       "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static) metric <0-4294967295>",
++       "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static|olsr|batman) metric <0-4294967295>",
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPF)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Metric for redistributed routes\n"
+        "Default metric\n")
+ {
+@@ -7887,13 +7905,15 @@
+ DEFUN (bgp_redistribute_ipv4_rmap_metric,
+        bgp_redistribute_ipv4_rmap_metric_cmd,
+-       "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static) route-map WORD metric <0-4294967295>",
++       "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static|olsr|batman) route-map WORD metric <0-4294967295>",
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPF)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Route map reference\n"
+        "Pointer to route-map entries\n"
+        "Metric for redistributed routes\n"
+@@ -7917,13 +7937,15 @@
+ DEFUN (bgp_redistribute_ipv4_metric_rmap,
+        bgp_redistribute_ipv4_metric_rmap_cmd,
+-       "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static) metric <0-4294967295> route-map WORD",
++       "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static|olsr|batman) metric <0-4294967295> route-map WORD",
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPF)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Metric for redistributed routes\n"
+        "Default metric\n"
+        "Route map reference\n"
+@@ -7947,14 +7969,17 @@
+ DEFUN (no_bgp_redistribute_ipv4,
+        no_bgp_redistribute_ipv4_cmd,
+-       "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static)",
++       "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static|olsr|batman)",
+        NO_STR
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPF)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+-       "Static routes\n")
++       "Static routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
++       )
+ {
+   int type;
+@@ -7970,7 +7995,7 @@
+ DEFUN (no_bgp_redistribute_ipv4_rmap,
+        no_bgp_redistribute_ipv4_rmap_cmd,
+-       "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static) route-map WORD",
++       "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static|olsr|batman) route-map WORD",
+        NO_STR
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+@@ -7978,6 +8003,8 @@
+        "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPF)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Route map reference\n"
+        "Pointer to route-map entries\n")
+ {
+@@ -7996,7 +8023,7 @@
+ DEFUN (no_bgp_redistribute_ipv4_metric,
+        no_bgp_redistribute_ipv4_metric_cmd,
+-       "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static) metric <0-4294967295>",
++       "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static|olsr|batman) metric <0-4294967295>",
+        NO_STR
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+@@ -8004,6 +8031,8 @@
+        "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPF)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Metric for redistributed routes\n"
+        "Default metric\n")
+ {
+@@ -8022,7 +8051,7 @@
+ DEFUN (no_bgp_redistribute_ipv4_rmap_metric,
+        no_bgp_redistribute_ipv4_rmap_metric_cmd,
+-       "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static) route-map WORD metric <0-4294967295>",
++       "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static|olsr|batman) route-map WORD metric <0-4294967295>",
+        NO_STR
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+@@ -8030,6 +8059,8 @@
+        "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPF)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Route map reference\n"
+        "Pointer to route-map entries\n"
+        "Metric for redistributed routes\n"
+@@ -8051,7 +8082,7 @@
+ ALIAS (no_bgp_redistribute_ipv4_rmap_metric,
+        no_bgp_redistribute_ipv4_metric_rmap_cmd,
+-       "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static) metric <0-4294967295> route-map WORD",
++       "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf|rip|static|olsr|batman) metric <0-4294967295> route-map WORD",
+        NO_STR
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+@@ -8059,6 +8090,8 @@
+        "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPF)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Metric for redistributed routes\n"
+        "Default metric\n"
+        "Route map reference\n"
+@@ -8067,13 +8100,16 @@
+ #ifdef HAVE_IPV6
+ DEFUN (bgp_redistribute_ipv6,
+        bgp_redistribute_ipv6_cmd,
+-       "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static)",
++       "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static|olsr|batman)",
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPFv3)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIPng)\n"
+-       "Static routes\n")
++       "Static routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
++       )
+ {
+   int type;
+@@ -8089,13 +8125,15 @@
+ DEFUN (bgp_redistribute_ipv6_rmap,
+        bgp_redistribute_ipv6_rmap_cmd,
+-       "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static) route-map WORD",
++       "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static|olsr|batman) route-map WORD",
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPFv3)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIPng)\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Route map reference\n"
+        "Pointer to route-map entries\n")
+ {
+@@ -8114,13 +8152,15 @@
+ DEFUN (bgp_redistribute_ipv6_metric,
+        bgp_redistribute_ipv6_metric_cmd,
+-       "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static) metric <0-4294967295>",
++       "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static|olsr|batman) metric <0-4294967295>",
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPFv3)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIPng)\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Metric for redistributed routes\n"
+        "Default metric\n")
+ {
+@@ -8141,13 +8181,15 @@
+ DEFUN (bgp_redistribute_ipv6_rmap_metric,
+        bgp_redistribute_ipv6_rmap_metric_cmd,
+-       "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static) route-map WORD metric <0-4294967295>",
++       "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static|olsr|batman) route-map WORD metric <0-4294967295>",
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPFv3)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIPng)\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Route map reference\n"
+        "Pointer to route-map entries\n"
+        "Metric for redistributed routes\n"
+@@ -8171,13 +8213,15 @@
+ DEFUN (bgp_redistribute_ipv6_metric_rmap,
+        bgp_redistribute_ipv6_metric_rmap_cmd,
+-       "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static) metric <0-4294967295> route-map WORD",
++       "redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static|olsr|batman) metric <0-4294967295> route-map WORD",
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPFv3)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIPng)\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Metric for redistributed routes\n"
+        "Default metric\n"
+        "Route map reference\n"
+@@ -8201,14 +8245,17 @@
+ DEFUN (no_bgp_redistribute_ipv6,
+        no_bgp_redistribute_ipv6_cmd,
+-       "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static)",
++       "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static|olsr|batman)",
+        NO_STR
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPFv3)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIPng)\n"
+-       "Static routes\n")
++       "Static routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
++      )
+ {
+   int type;
+@@ -8224,7 +8271,7 @@
+ DEFUN (no_bgp_redistribute_ipv6_rmap,
+        no_bgp_redistribute_ipv6_rmap_cmd,
+-       "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static) route-map WORD",
++       "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static|olsr|batman) route-map WORD",
+        NO_STR
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+@@ -8232,6 +8279,8 @@
+        "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPFv3)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIPng)\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Route map reference\n"
+        "Pointer to route-map entries\n")
+ {
+@@ -8250,7 +8299,7 @@
+ DEFUN (no_bgp_redistribute_ipv6_metric,
+        no_bgp_redistribute_ipv6_metric_cmd,
+-       "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static) metric <0-4294967295>",
++       "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static|olsr|batman) metric <0-4294967295>",
+        NO_STR
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+@@ -8258,6 +8307,8 @@
+        "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPFv3)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIPng)\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Metric for redistributed routes\n"
+        "Default metric\n")
+ {
+@@ -8276,7 +8327,7 @@
+ DEFUN (no_bgp_redistribute_ipv6_rmap_metric,
+        no_bgp_redistribute_ipv6_rmap_metric_cmd,
+-       "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static) route-map WORD metric <0-4294967295>",
++       "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static|olsr|batman) route-map WORD metric <0-4294967295>",
+        NO_STR
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+@@ -8284,6 +8335,8 @@
+        "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPFv3)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIPng)\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Route map reference\n"
+        "Pointer to route-map entries\n"
+        "Metric for redistributed routes\n"
+@@ -8305,7 +8358,7 @@
+ ALIAS (no_bgp_redistribute_ipv6_rmap_metric,
+        no_bgp_redistribute_ipv6_metric_rmap_cmd,
+-       "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static) metric <0-4294967295> route-map WORD",
++       "no redistribute (connected|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static|olsr|batman) metric <0-4294967295> route-map WORD",
+        NO_STR
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+@@ -8313,6 +8366,8 @@
+        "Open Shurtest Path First (OSPFv3)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIPng)\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Metric for redistributed routes\n"
+        "Default metric\n"
+        "Route map reference\n"
+@@ -8325,7 +8380,7 @@
+ {
+   int i;
+   const char *str[] = { "system", "kernel", "connected", "static", "rip",
+-		  "ripng", "ospf", "ospf6", "isis", "bgp"};
++		  "ripng", "ospf", "ospf6", "isis", "bgp", "hsls", "olsr", "batman"};
+   /* Unicast redistribution only.  */
+   if (safi != SAFI_UNICAST)
+diff -Nur quagga-0.98.6/lib/zebra.h quagga-0.98.6.patched/lib/zebra.h
+--- quagga-0.98.6/lib/zebra.h	2005-06-15 14:54:18.000000000 +0300
++++ quagga-0.98.6.patched/lib/zebra.h	2007-12-30 14:18:22.000000000 +0200
+@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
+ This file is part of GNU Zebra.
++This file was modified from the original on 30/12/2007
++by Vasilis Tsiligiannis <acinonyxs@yahoo.gr>
+ GNU Zebra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+@@ -378,7 +381,9 @@
+ #define ZEBRA_ROUTE_ISIS                 8
+ #define ZEBRA_ROUTE_BGP                  9
+ #define ZEBRA_ROUTE_HSLS		 10
+-#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_MAX                  11
++#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_OLSR		 11
++#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_BATMAN		 12
++#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_MAX                  13
+ /* Zebra's family types. */
+ #define ZEBRA_FAMILY_IPV4                1
+diff -Nur quagga-0.98.6/ospfd/ospf_vty.c quagga-0.98.6.patched/ospfd/ospf_vty.c
+--- quagga-0.98.6/ospfd/ospf_vty.c	2006-03-30 17:41:20.000000000 +0200
++++ quagga-0.98.6.patched/ospfd/ospf_vty.c	2007-12-30 14:18:22.000000000 +0200
+@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
+  *
+  * This file is part of GNU Zebra.
+  *
++ * This file was modified from the original on 30/12/2007
++ * by Vasilis Tsiligiannis <acinonyxs@yahoo.gr>
++ *
+  * GNU Zebra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+  * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+@@ -106,11 +109,15 @@
+     *source = ZEBRA_ROUTE_STATIC;
+   else if (strncmp (str, "r", 1) == 0)
+     *source = ZEBRA_ROUTE_RIP;
+-  else if (strncmp (str, "b", 1) == 0)
++  else if (strncmp (str, "bg", 2) == 0)
+     *source = ZEBRA_ROUTE_BGP;
++  else if (strncmp (str, "ol", 2) == 0)
++    *source = ZEBRA_ROUTE_OLSR;
++  else if (strncmp (str, "ba", 2) == 0)
++    *source = ZEBRA_ROUTE_BATMAN;
+   else
+     return 0;
+   return 1;
+ }
+@@ -5302,13 +5309,15 @@
+ DEFUN (ospf_redistribute_source_metric_type,
+        ospf_redistribute_source_metric_type_routemap_cmd,
+-       "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric <0-16777214> metric-type (1|2) route-map WORD",
++       "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp|olsr|batman) metric <0-16777214> metric-type (1|2) route-map WORD",
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+        "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Metric for redistributed routes\n"
+        "OSPF default metric\n"
+        "OSPF exterior metric type for redistributed routes\n"
+@@ -5346,13 +5355,15 @@
+ ALIAS (ospf_redistribute_source_metric_type,
+        ospf_redistribute_source_metric_type_cmd,
+-       "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric <0-16777214> metric-type (1|2)",
++       "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp|olsr|batman) metric <0-16777214> metric-type (1|2)",
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+        "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Metric for redistributed routes\n"
+        "OSPF default metric\n"
+        "OSPF exterior metric type for redistributed routes\n"
+@@ -5361,25 +5372,29 @@
+ ALIAS (ospf_redistribute_source_metric_type,
+        ospf_redistribute_source_metric_cmd,
+-       "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric <0-16777214>",
++       "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp|olsr|batman) metric <0-16777214>",
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+        "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Metric for redistributed routes\n"
+        "OSPF default metric\n")
+ DEFUN (ospf_redistribute_source_type_metric,
+        ospf_redistribute_source_type_metric_routemap_cmd,
+-       "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric-type (1|2) metric <0-16777214> route-map WORD",
++       "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp|olsr|batman) metric-type (1|2) metric <0-16777214> route-map WORD",
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+        "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "OSPF exterior metric type for redistributed routes\n"
+        "Set OSPF External Type 1 metrics\n"
+        "Set OSPF External Type 2 metrics\n"
+@@ -5417,13 +5432,15 @@
+ ALIAS (ospf_redistribute_source_type_metric,
+        ospf_redistribute_source_type_metric_cmd,
+-       "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric-type (1|2) metric <0-16777214>",
++       "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp|olsr|batman) metric-type (1|2) metric <0-16777214>",
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+        "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "OSPF exterior metric type for redistributed routes\n"
+        "Set OSPF External Type 1 metrics\n"
+        "Set OSPF External Type 2 metrics\n"
+@@ -5432,7 +5449,7 @@
+ ALIAS (ospf_redistribute_source_type_metric,
+        ospf_redistribute_source_type_cmd,
+-       "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric-type (1|2)",
++       "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp|olsr|batman) metric-type (1|2)",
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+@@ -5440,28 +5457,35 @@
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+        "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)\n"
+        "OSPF exterior metric type for redistributed routes\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Set OSPF External Type 1 metrics\n"
+        "Set OSPF External Type 2 metrics\n")
+ ALIAS (ospf_redistribute_source_type_metric,
+        ospf_redistribute_source_cmd,
+-       "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp)",
++       "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp|olsr|batman)",
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+-       "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)\n")
++       "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
++	)
+ DEFUN (ospf_redistribute_source_metric_routemap,
+        ospf_redistribute_source_metric_routemap_cmd,
+-       "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric <0-16777214> route-map WORD",
++       "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp|olsr|batman) metric <0-16777214> route-map WORD",
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+        "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Metric for redistributed routes\n"
+        "OSPF default metric\n"
+        "Route map reference\n"
+@@ -5490,13 +5514,15 @@
+ DEFUN (ospf_redistribute_source_type_routemap,
+        ospf_redistribute_source_type_routemap_cmd,
+-       "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) metric-type (1|2) route-map WORD",
++       "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp|olsr|batman) metric-type (1|2) route-map WORD",
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+        "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "OSPF exterior metric type for redistributed routes\n"
+        "Set OSPF External Type 1 metrics\n"
+        "Set OSPF External Type 2 metrics\n"
+@@ -5526,13 +5552,15 @@
+ DEFUN (ospf_redistribute_source_routemap,
+        ospf_redistribute_source_routemap_cmd,
+-       "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp) route-map WORD",
++       "redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp|olsr|batman) route-map WORD",
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+        "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Route map reference\n"
+        "Pointer to route-map entries\n")
+ {
+@@ -5553,14 +5581,17 @@
+ DEFUN (no_ospf_redistribute_source,
+        no_ospf_redistribute_source_cmd,
+-       "no redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp)",
++       "no redistribute (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp|olsr|batman)",
+        NO_STR
+        "Redistribute information from another routing protocol\n"
+        "Kernel routes\n"
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+-       "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)\n")
++       "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
++       )
+ {
+   struct ospf *ospf = vty->index;
+   int source;
+@@ -5574,7 +5605,7 @@
+ DEFUN (ospf_distribute_list_out,
+        ospf_distribute_list_out_cmd,
+-       "distribute-list WORD out (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp)",
++       "distribute-list WORD out (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp|olsr|batman)",
+        "Filter networks in routing updates\n"
+        "Access-list name\n"
+        OUT_STR
+@@ -5582,7 +5613,10 @@
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+-       "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)\n")
++       "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+ {
+   struct ospf *ospf = vty->index;
+   int source;
+@@ -5596,7 +5630,7 @@
+ DEFUN (no_ospf_distribute_list_out,
+        no_ospf_distribute_list_out_cmd,
+-       "no distribute-list WORD out (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp)",
++       "no distribute-list WORD out (kernel|connected|static|rip|bgp|olsr|batman)",
+        NO_STR
+        "Filter networks in routing updates\n"
+        "Access-list name\n"
+@@ -5605,7 +5639,10 @@
+        "Connected\n"
+        "Static routes\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
+-       "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)\n")
++       "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+ {
+   struct ospf *ospf = vty->index;
+   int source;
+@@ -7121,7 +7158,8 @@
+ const char *distribute_str[] = { "system", "kernel", "connected", "static",
+-				"rip", "ripng", "ospf", "ospf6", "isis", "bgp"};
++				"rip", "ripng", "ospf", "ospf6", "isis", "bgp",
++				"hsls","olsr","batman"};
+ int
+ config_write_ospf_redistribute (struct vty *vty, struct ospf *ospf)
+ {
+diff -Nur quagga-0.98.6/zebra/redistribute.c quagga-0.98.6.patched/zebra/redistribute.c
+--- quagga-0.98.6/zebra/redistribute.c	2005-06-15 14:54:51.000000000 +0300
++++ quagga-0.98.6.patched/zebra/redistribute.c	2007-12-30 14:18:22.000000000 +0200
+@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
+  *
+  * This file is part of GNU Zebra.
+  *
++ * This file was modified from the original on 30/12/2007
++ * by Vasilis Tsiligiannis <acinonyxs@yahoo.gr>
++ *
+  * GNU Zebra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+  * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+@@ -253,6 +256,8 @@
+     case ZEBRA_ROUTE_OSPF:
+     case ZEBRA_ROUTE_OSPF6:
+     case ZEBRA_ROUTE_BGP:
++    case ZEBRA_ROUTE_OLSR:
+       if (! client->redist[type])
+ 	{
+ 	  client->redist[type] = 1;
+@@ -281,6 +286,8 @@
+     case ZEBRA_ROUTE_OSPF:
+     case ZEBRA_ROUTE_OSPF6:
+     case ZEBRA_ROUTE_BGP:
++    case ZEBRA_ROUTE_OLSR:
+       client->redist[type] = 0;
+       break;
+     default:
+diff -Nur quagga-0.98.6/zebra/zebra_vty.c quagga-0.98.6.patched/zebra/zebra_vty.c
+--- quagga-0.98.6/zebra/zebra_vty.c	2004-12-18 18:03:29.000000000 +0200
++++ quagga-0.98.6.patched/zebra/zebra_vty.c	2007-12-30 14:25:48.000000000 +0200
+@@ -53,6 +53,10 @@
+       return "isis";
+     case ZEBRA_ROUTE_BGP:
+       return "bgp";
++    case ZEBRA_ROUTE_OLSR:
++      return "olsr";
++      return "batman";
+     default:
+       return "unknown";
+     }
+@@ -84,6 +88,12 @@
+       return 'I';
+     case ZEBRA_ROUTE_BGP:
+       return 'B';
++    case ZEBRA_ROUTE_HSLS:
++      return 'H';
++    case ZEBRA_ROUTE_OLSR:
++      return 'L';
++      return 'M';
+     default:
+       return '?';
+     }
+@@ -755,8 +765,8 @@
+ }
+ #define SHOW_ROUTE_V4_HEADER "Codes: K - kernel route, C - connected, " \
+-  "S - static, R - RIP, O - OSPF,%s       I - ISIS, B - BGP, " \
+-  "> - selected route, * - FIB route%s%s"
++  "S - static, R - RIP, O - OSPF,%s       I - ISIS, B - BGP, H - HSLS, " \
++  "L - OLSR, M - BATMAN, > - selected route, * - FIB route%s%s"
+ DEFUN (show_ip_route,
+        show_ip_route_cmd,
+@@ -874,7 +884,7 @@
+ DEFUN (show_ip_route_protocol,
+        show_ip_route_protocol_cmd,
+-       "show ip route (bgp|connected|isis|kernel|ospf|rip|static)",
++       "show ip route (bgp|connected|isis|kernel|ospf|rip|olsr|batman|static)",
+        SHOW_STR
+        IP_STR
+        "IP routing table\n"
+@@ -884,6 +894,8 @@
+        "Kernel\n"
+        "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Static routes\n")
+ {
+   int type;
+@@ -892,13 +904,13 @@
+   struct rib *rib;
+   int first = 1;
+-  if (strncmp (argv[0], "b", 1) == 0)
++  if (strncmp (argv[0], "bg", 2) == 0)
+     type = ZEBRA_ROUTE_BGP;
+   else if (strncmp (argv[0], "c", 1) == 0)
+   else if (strncmp (argv[0], "k", 1) ==0)
+     type = ZEBRA_ROUTE_KERNEL;
+-  else if (strncmp (argv[0], "o", 1) == 0)
++  else if (strncmp (argv[0], "os", 2) == 0)
+     type = ZEBRA_ROUTE_OSPF;
+   else if (strncmp (argv[0], "i", 1) == 0)
+     type = ZEBRA_ROUTE_ISIS;
+@@ -906,6 +918,10 @@
+     type = ZEBRA_ROUTE_RIP;
+   else if (strncmp (argv[0], "s", 1) == 0)
+     type = ZEBRA_ROUTE_STATIC;
++  else if (strncmp (argv[0], "ol", 2) == 0)
++    type = ZEBRA_ROUTE_OLSR;
++  else if (strncmp (argv[0], "ba", 2) == 0)
++    type = ZEBRA_ROUTE_BATMAN;
+   else 
+     {
+       vty_out (vty, "Unknown route type%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+@@ -1732,7 +1748,7 @@
+ DEFUN (show_ipv6_route_protocol,
+        show_ipv6_route_protocol_cmd,
+-       "show ipv6 route (bgp|connected|isis|kernel|ospf6|ripng|static)",
++       "show ipv6 route (bgp|connected|isis|kernel|ospf6|ripng|olsr|batman|static)",
+        SHOW_STR
+        IP_STR
+        "IP routing table\n"
+@@ -1742,6 +1758,8 @@
+        "Kernel\n"
+        "Open Shortest Path First (OSPFv3)\n"
+        "Routing Information Protocol (RIPng)\n"
++       "Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)\n"
++       "Better Approach to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (BATMAN)\n"
+        "Static routes\n")
+ {
+   int type;
+@@ -1750,13 +1768,13 @@
+   struct rib *rib;
+   int first = 1;
+-  if (strncmp (argv[0], "b", 1) == 0)
++  if (strncmp (argv[0], "bg", 2) == 0)
+     type = ZEBRA_ROUTE_BGP;
+   else if (strncmp (argv[0], "c", 1) == 0)
+   else if (strncmp (argv[0], "k", 1) ==0)
+     type = ZEBRA_ROUTE_KERNEL;
+-  else if (strncmp (argv[0], "o", 1) == 0)
++  else if (strncmp (argv[0], "os", 2) == 0)
+     type = ZEBRA_ROUTE_OSPF6;
+   else if (strncmp (argv[0], "i", 1) == 0)
+     type = ZEBRA_ROUTE_ISIS;
+@@ -1764,7 +1782,11 @@
+     type = ZEBRA_ROUTE_RIPNG;
+   else if (strncmp (argv[0], "s", 1) == 0)
+     type = ZEBRA_ROUTE_STATIC;
+-  else 
++  else if (strncmp (argv[0], "ol", 2) == 0)
++     type = ZEBRA_ROUTE_OLSR;
++  else if (strncmp (argv[0], "ba", 2) == 0)
++     type = ZEBRA_ROUTE_BATMAN;
++  else
+     {
+       vty_out (vty, "Unknown route type%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+       return CMD_WARNING;
--- a/lib/quagga/README_QUAGGA
+++ b/lib/quagga/README_QUAGGA
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
 by Immo 'FaUl' Wehrenberg <immo@chaostreff-dortmund.de>
+addittions by:	Sven-Ola Tuecke <sven-ola-aet-gmx.de>
+	 	Vasilis Tsiligiannis <acinonyxs@yahoo.gr>
-This is the Quagga Plugin for the OLSRD. 
-It allowes olsrd to redistribute from various quagga-protocols 
+This is the Quagga Plugin for OLSRd. 
+It allows olsrd to redistribute from various quagga-protocols 
 as well as to export olsr-routes to quagga so that they can be
 redistributed by the quagga-routing-daemons.
-Note Sven-Ola: You also need a source distribution of quagga-0.98.5
-or quagga-0.98.6 (that is the current stable). The quagga source tree 
-needs to be patched with quagga-0.98.6-olsr.diff, compiled and installed
-via 'make install'. Because many people will otherwise have compile
-probs, I've added 2 include files in lib/quagga/src/quagga. If you
-want to use another version of quagga, make sure to remove these
-before you compile the olsrd_quagga plugin.
+You also need a source distribution of quagga-0.98.5 or quagga-0.98.6
+(that is the current stable). The quagga source tree needs to be
+patched with quagga-0.98.6.diff, compiled and installed via
+'make install'.
@@ -27,22 +27,22 @@
 	May be used more then once
 PlParam "ExportRoutes" "<only/both>"
-	exportes olsr-routes to quagga or to both, quagga and kernel
+	exports olsr-routes to quagga or to both, quagga and kernel
 	no routes are exported to quagga (normal behaviour) if not set.
-PlParam "LocalPref" "true"
+PlParam "LocalPref" "<true/false>"
         sets the Zebra SELECTED-flag on the routes exported to zebra
 	which means these routes are prefered in any case.
 PlParam "Distance" "0-255"
-        allowes to set the administrative distance to routes exported 
-	to Zebra.
+        allows to set the administrative distance to routes exported 
+	to zebra.
-add in /etc/olsrd.conf:
+add in /usr/local/etc/olsrd.conf:
 LoadPlugin "olsrd_quagga.so.0.2.2"
@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@
-EOF / 8.5.2006
+EOF / 29.12.2008
--- a/lib/quagga/src/olsrd_plugin.c
+++ b/lib/quagga/src/olsrd_plugin.c
@@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
+ * OLSRd Quagga plugin
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Immo 'FaUl' Wehrenberg <immo@chaostreff-dortmund.de>
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Vasilis Tsiligiannis <acinonyxs@yahoo.gr>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation or - at your option - under
+ * the terms of the GNU General Public Licence version 2 but can be
+ * linked to any BSD-Licenced Software with public available sourcecode
+ *
+ */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * File               : olsrd_plugin.c
+ * Description        : functions to setup plugin
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- projekt              : olsrd-quagga
- file                 : olsrd_plugin.c
- usage                : olsrd-plugin-handler-stuff
- copyright            : (C) 2006 by Immo 'FaUl' Wehrenberg
- e-mail               : immo@chaostreff-dortmund.de
- ***************************************************************************/
- *                                                                         *
- *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
- *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as     *
- *   published by the Free Software Foundation.                            *
- *                                                                         *
- ***************************************************************************/
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>
@@ -24,7 +27,6 @@
 #include "scheduler.h"
 #include "defs.h"
 #include "quagga.h"
-#include "kernel_routes.h"
 #include "net_olsr.h"
 #define PLUGIN_NAME    "OLSRD quagga plugin"
@@ -41,120 +43,94 @@
 static set_plugin_parameter set_distance;
 static set_plugin_parameter set_localpref;
-static export_route_function orig_addroute_function;
-static export_route_function orig_delroute_function;
+int olsrd_plugin_interface_version (void) {
 static const struct olsrd_plugin_parameters plugin_parameters[] = {
-  {.name = "redistribute",.set_plugin_parameter = &set_redistribute,},
-  {.name = "ExportRoutes",.set_plugin_parameter = &set_exportroutes,},
-  {.name = "Distance",.set_plugin_parameter = &set_distance,},
-  {.name = "LocalPref",.set_plugin_parameter = &set_localpref,},
+  { .name = "redistribute", .set_plugin_parameter = &set_redistribute, },
+  { .name = "ExportRoutes", .set_plugin_parameter = &set_exportroutes, },
+  { .name = "Distance",     .set_plugin_parameter = &set_distance,     },
+  { .name = "LocalPref",    .set_plugin_parameter = &set_localpref,    },
-olsrd_get_plugin_parameters(const struct olsrd_plugin_parameters **params, int *size)
+void olsrd_get_plugin_parameters (const struct olsrd_plugin_parameters **params,
+				  int *size) {
   *params = plugin_parameters;
-  *size = sizeof plugin_parameters / sizeof *plugin_parameters;
+  *size = ARRAYSIZE(plugin_parameters);
-static int
-set_redistribute(const char *value, void *data __attribute__ ((unused)), set_plugin_parameter_addon addon __attribute__ ((unused)))
-  const char *zebra_route_types[] = { "system", "kernel", "connect",
-    "static", "rip", "ripng", "ospf",
-    "ospf6", "isis", "bgp", "hsls"
-  };
+static int set_redistribute (const char *value,
+			     void *data __attribute__((unused)),
+			     set_plugin_parameter_addon addon __attribute__((unused))) {
+  const char *zebra_route_types[] = {"system","kernel","connect",
+					      "static","rip","ripng","ospf",
+					      "ospf6","isis","bgp","hsls"};
   unsigned int i;
   for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(zebra_route_types); i++) {
-    if (!strcmp(value, zebra_route_types[i])) {
-      zebra_redistribute(i);
-      return 0;
-    }
+    if (!strcmp(value, zebra_route_types[i]))
+      if (zebra_redistribute (i)) return 1;
-  return 1;
+  return 0;
-static int
-set_exportroutes(const char *value, void *data __attribute__ ((unused)), set_plugin_parameter_addon addon __attribute__ ((unused)))
+static int set_exportroutes (const char *value,
+			     void *data __attribute__((unused)),
+			     set_plugin_parameter_addon addon __attribute__((unused))) {
   if (!strcmp(value, "only")) {
-    orig_addroute_function = NULL;
-    orig_delroute_function = NULL;
-    olsr_addroute_function = zebra_add_olsr_v4_route;
-    olsr_delroute_function = zebra_del_olsr_v4_route;
+    olsr_addroute_function = zebra_add_route;
+    olsr_delroute_function = zebra_del_route;
-  } else if (!strcmp(value, "additional")) {
-    orig_addroute_function = olsr_addroute_function;
-    orig_delroute_function = olsr_delroute_function;
-    olsr_addroute_function = zebra_add_olsr_v4_route;
-    olsr_delroute_function = zebra_del_olsr_v4_route;
+  }
+  else if (!strcmp(value, "additional")) {
+    olsr_addroute_function = zebra_add_route;
+    olsr_delroute_function = zebra_del_route;
-  } else
-    zebra_export_routes(0);
+  }
+  else zebra_export_routes(0);
   return 0;
-static int
-set_distance(const char *value, void *data __attribute__ ((unused)), set_plugin_parameter_addon addon __attribute__ ((unused)))
+static int set_distance(const char *value, void *data __attribute__((unused)),
+			set_plugin_parameter_addon addon __attribute__((unused))) {
   int distance;
-  if (set_plugin_int(value, &distance, addon))
-    return 1;
-  if (distance < 0 || distance > 255)
-    return 1;
+  if (set_plugin_int(value, &distance, addon)) return 1;
+  if (distance < 0 || distance > 255) return 1;
   return 0;
-static int
-set_localpref(const char *value, void *data __attribute__ ((unused)), set_plugin_parameter_addon addon __attribute__ ((unused)))
+static int set_localpref(const char *value, void *data __attribute__((unused)),
+			 set_plugin_parameter_addon addon __attribute__((unused))) {
   int b;
-  if (set_plugin_boolean(value, &b, addon))
-    return 1;
-  if (b)
-    zebra_olsr_localpref();
+  if (set_plugin_boolean(value, &b, addon)) return 1;
+  if (b) zebra_olsr_localpref();
   return 0;
-  if (olsr_cnf->ip_version != AF_INET) {
-    fputs("see the source - ipv6 so far not supported\n", stderr);
+int olsrd_plugin_init(void) {
+  if(olsr_cnf->ip_version != AF_INET) {
+    fputs("see the source - ipv6 so far not supported\n" ,stderr);
     return 1;
-  olsr_start_timer(1 * MSEC_PER_SEC, 0, OLSR_TIMER_PERIODIC, &zebra_check, NULL, 0);
+  olsr_start_timer(1 * MSEC_PER_SEC, 0, OLSR_TIMER_PERIODIC,
+                   &zebra_parse, NULL, 0);
   return 0;
-static void
+static void my_init(void) {
-static void
+static void my_fini(void) {
- * Local Variables:
- * c-basic-offset: 2
- * indent-tabs-mode: nil
- * End:
- */
--- a/lib/quagga/src/quagga/zassert.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- */
-extern void _zlog_assert_failed(const char *assertion, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *function)
-  __attribute__ ((noreturn));
-#if defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
-#define __ASSERT_FUNCTION    __func__
-#elif defined(__GNUC__)
-#define zassert(EX) ((void)((EX) ?  0 :	\
-			    (_zlog_assert_failed(#EX, __FILE__, __LINE__, \
-						 __ASSERT_FUNCTION), 0)))
-#undef assert
-#define assert(EX) zassert(EX)
-#endif /* _QUAGGA_ASSERT_H */
- * Local Variables:
- * c-basic-offset: 2
- * indent-tabs-mode: nil
- * End:
- */
--- a/lib/quagga/src/quagga/zebra.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,503 +0,0 @@
-/* Zebra common header.
-   Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Kunihiro Ishiguro
-This file is part of GNU Zebra.
-GNU Zebra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
-later version.
-GNU Zebra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GNU Zebra; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-02111-1307, USA.  */
-#ifndef _ZEBRA_H
-#define _ZEBRA_H
-#include "config.h"
-#endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
-#ifdef SUNOS_5
-#define _XPG4_2
-#define __EXTENSIONS__
-typedef unsigned int u_int32_t;
-typedef unsigned short u_int16_t;
-typedef unsigned char u_int8_t;
-#endif /* SUNOS_5 */
-typedef int socklen_t;
-#endif /* HAVE_SOCKLEN_T */
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <pwd.h>
-#include <grp.h>
-#include <stropts.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_STROPTS_H */
-#include <sys/fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/select.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H */
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/sysctl.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_SYS_SYSCTL_H */
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/conf.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_SYS_CONF_H */
-#include <sys/ksym.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_SYS_KSYM_H */
-#include <syslog.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <sys/uio.h>
-#include <sys/utsname.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_RUSAGE */
-#include <limits.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_LIMITS_H */
-/* machine dependent includes */
-#ifdef SUNOS_5
-#include <strings.h>
-#endif /* SUNOS_5 */
-/* machine dependent includes */
-#include <linux/version.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_LINUX_VERSION_H */
-#include <asm/types.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_ASM_TYPES_H */
-/* misc include group */
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#if !(defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L)
-/* Not C99; do we need to define va_copy? */
-#ifndef va_copy
-#ifdef __va_copy
-#define va_copy(DST,SRC) __va_copy(DST,SRC)
-/* Now we are desperate; this should work on many typical platforms.
-   But this is slightly dangerous, because the standard does not require
-   va_copy to be a macro. */
-#define va_copy(DST,SRC) memcpy(&(DST), &(SRC), sizeof(va_list))
-#warning "Not C99 and no va_copy macro available, falling back to memcpy"
-#endif /* __va_copy */
-#endif /* !va_copy */
-#endif /* !C99 */
-#ifdef HAVE_LCAPS
-#include <sys/capability.h>
-#include <sys/prctl.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_LCAPS */
-/* network include group */
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/sockio.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_SYS_SOCKIO_H */
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_NETINET_IN_H */
-#include <netinet/in_systm.h>
-#include <netinet/ip.h>
-#include <netinet/tcp.h>
-#include <net/netopt.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_NET_NETOPT_H */
-#include <net/if.h>
-#ifdef HAVE_NET_IF_DL_H
-#include <net/if_dl.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_NET_IF_DL_H */
-#include <net/if_var.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_NET_IF_VAR_H */
-#include <net/route.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_NET_ROUTE_H */
-#include <linux/netlink.h>
-#include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
-#define RT_TABLE_MAIN		0
-#endif /* HAVE_NETLINK */
-#ifdef HAVE_NETDB_H
-#include <netdb.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_NETDB_H */
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <arpa/telnet.h>
-#ifdef HAVE_INET_ND_H
-#include <inet/nd.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_INET_ND_H */
-#include <netinet/in_var.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_NETINET_IN_VAR_H */
-#include <netinet6/in6_var.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_NETINET6_IN6_VAR_H */
-#include <netinet/in6_var.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_NETINET_IN6_VAR_H */
-#include <netinet6/in.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_NETINET6_IN_H */
-#include <netinet6/ip6.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_NETINET6_IP6_H */
-#include <netinet/icmp6.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_NETINET_ICMP6_H */
-#include <netinet6/nd6.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_NETINET6_ND6_H */
-/* Some systems do not define UINT32_MAX */
-#ifndef UINT32_MAX
-#endif /* UINT32_MAX */
-#include <libutil.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_LIBUTIL_H */
-#include <execinfo.h>
-#ifdef BSDI_NRL
-#include <netinet6/in6.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_NETINET6_IN6_H */
-#ifdef NRL
-#include <netinet6/in6.h>
-#endif /* NRL */
-#endif /* BSDI_NRL */
-/* Local includes: */
-#if !(defined(__GNUC__) || defined(VTYSH_EXTRACT_PL))
-#define __attribute__(x)
-#endif /* !__GNUC__ || VTYSH_EXTRACT_PL */
-#include "zassert.h"
-/* This bug is present in Solaris 8 and pre-patch Solaris 9 <sys/socket.h>;
-   please refer to http://bugzilla.quagga.net/show_bug.cgi?id=142 */
-/* Check that msg_controllen is large enough. */
-#define ZCMSG_FIRSTHDR(mhdr) \
-  (((size_t)((mhdr)->msg_controllen) >= sizeof(struct cmsghdr)) ? \
-   CMSG_FIRSTHDR(mhdr) : (struct cmsghdr *)NULL)
-#warning "CMSG_FIRSTHDR is broken on this platform, using a workaround"
- * RFC 3542 defines several macros for using struct cmsghdr.
- * Here, we define those that are not present
- */
- * Internal defines, for use only in this file.
- * These are likely wrong on other than ILP32 machines, so warn.
- */
-#define _CMSG_DATA_ALIGN(n)           (((n) + 3) & ~3)
-#endif /* _CMSG_DATA_ALIGN */
-#ifndef _CMSG_HDR_ALIGN
-#define _CMSG_HDR_ALIGN(n)            (((n) + 3) & ~3)
-#endif /* _CMSG_HDR_ALIGN */
- * CMSG_SPACE and CMSG_LEN are required in RFC3542, but were new in that
- * version.
- */
-#ifndef CMSG_SPACE
-#define CMSG_SPACE(l)       (_CMSG_DATA_ALIGN(sizeof(struct cmsghdr)) + \
-                              _CMSG_HDR_ALIGN(l))
-#warning "assuming 4-byte alignment for CMSG_SPACE"
-#endif /* CMSG_SPACE */
-#ifndef CMSG_LEN
-#define CMSG_LEN(l)         (_CMSG_DATA_ALIGN(sizeof(struct cmsghdr)) + (l))
-#warning "assuming 4-byte alignment for CMSG_LEN"
-#endif /* CMSG_LEN */
-/*  The definition of struct in_pktinfo is missing in old version of
-    GLIBC 2.1 (Redhat 6.1).  */
-#if defined (GNU_LINUX) && ! defined (HAVE_INPKTINFO)
-struct in_pktinfo {
-  int ipi_ifindex;
-  struct in_addr ipi_spec_dst;
-  struct in_addr ipi_addr;
- * OSPF Fragmentation / fragmented writes
- *
- * ospfd can support writing fragmented packets, for cases where
- * kernel will not fragment IP_HDRINCL and/or multicast destined
- * packets (ie TTBOMK all kernels, BSD, SunOS, Linux). However,
- * SunOS, probably BSD too, clobber the user supplied IP ID and IP
- * flags fields, hence user-space fragmentation will not work.
- * Only Linux is known to leave IP header unmolested.
- * Further, fragmentation really should be done the kernel, which already
- * supports it, and which avoids nasty IP ID state problems.
- *
- * Fragmentation of OSPF packets can be required on networks with router
- * with many many interfaces active in one area, or on networks with links
- * with low MTUs.
- */
-#ifdef GNU_LINUX
- * IP_HDRINCL / struct ip byte order
- *
- * Linux: network byte order
- * *BSD: network, except for length and offset. (cf Stevens)
- * SunOS: nominally as per BSD. but bug: network order on LE.
- * OpenBSD: network byte order, apart from older versions which are as per
- *          *BSD
- */
-#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__)\
-   || (defined(__OpenBSD__) && (OpenBSD < 200311)) \
-   || (defined(SUNOS_5) && defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN))
-/* MAX / MIN are not commonly defined, but useful */
-#ifndef MAX
-#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
-#ifndef MIN
-#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
-/* For old definition. */
-#endif /* IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL */
-/* Zebra message types. */
-#define ZEBRA_INTERFACE_ADD                1
-#define ZEBRA_INTERFACE_DELETE             2
-#define ZEBRA_INTERFACE_UP                 5
-#define ZEBRA_INTERFACE_DOWN               6
-#define ZEBRA_IPV4_ROUTE_ADD               7
-#define ZEBRA_IPV4_ROUTE_DELETE            8
-#define ZEBRA_IPV6_ROUTE_ADD               9
-#define ZEBRA_IPV6_ROUTE_DELETE           10
-#define ZEBRA_REDISTRIBUTE_ADD            11
-#define ZEBRA_IPV4_NEXTHOP_LOOKUP         15
-#define ZEBRA_IPV6_NEXTHOP_LOOKUP         16
-#define ZEBRA_IPV4_IMPORT_LOOKUP          17
-#define ZEBRA_IPV6_IMPORT_LOOKUP          18
-#define ZEBRA_INTERFACE_RENAME            19
-#define ZEBRA_ROUTER_ID_ADD               20
-#define ZEBRA_ROUTER_ID_DELETE            21
-#define ZEBRA_ROUTER_ID_UPDATE            22
-#define ZEBRA_MESSAGE_MAX                 23
-/* Zebra route's types. */
-#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_SYSTEM               0
-#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_KERNEL               1
-#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_CONNECT              2
-#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_STATIC               3
-#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_RIP                  4
-#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_RIPNG                5
-#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_OSPF                 6
-#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_OSPF6                7
-#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_ISIS                 8
-#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_BGP                  9
-#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_HSLS		 10
-#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_OLSR		 11
-#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_MAX                  12
-/* Zebra's family types. */
-#define ZEBRA_FAMILY_IPV4                1
-#define ZEBRA_FAMILY_IPV6                2
-#define ZEBRA_FAMILY_MAX                 3
-/* Error codes of zebra. */
-#define ZEBRA_ERR_RTEXIST               -1
-#define ZEBRA_ERR_RTUNREACH             -2
-#define ZEBRA_ERR_EPERM                 -3
-#define ZEBRA_ERR_RTNOEXIST             -4
-/* Zebra message flags */
-#define ZEBRA_FLAG_INTERNAL           0x01
-#define ZEBRA_FLAG_SELFROUTE          0x02
-#define ZEBRA_FLAG_BLACKHOLE          0x04
-#define ZEBRA_FLAG_IBGP               0x08
-#define ZEBRA_FLAG_SELECTED           0x10
-#define ZEBRA_FLAG_CHANGED            0x20
-#define ZEBRA_FLAG_STATIC             0x40
-#define ZEBRA_FLAG_REJECT             0x80
-/* Zebra nexthop flags. */
-#define ZEBRA_NEXTHOP_IFINDEX            1
-#define ZEBRA_NEXTHOP_IFNAME             2
-#define ZEBRA_NEXTHOP_IPV4               3
-#define ZEBRA_NEXTHOP_IPV4_IFNAME        5
-#define ZEBRA_NEXTHOP_IPV6               6
-#define ZEBRA_NEXTHOP_IPV6_IFNAME        8
-#define ZEBRA_NEXTHOP_BLACKHOLE          9
-#define	INADDR_LOOPBACK	0x7f000001      /* Internet address  */
-/* Address family numbers from RFC1700. */
-#define AFI_IP                    1
-#define AFI_IP6                   2
-#define AFI_MAX                   3
-/* Subsequent Address Family Identifier. */
-#define SAFI_UNICAST              1
-#define SAFI_MULTICAST            2
-#define SAFI_MPLS_VPN             4
-#define SAFI_MAX                  5
-/* Filter direction.  */
-#define FILTER_IN                 0
-#define FILTER_OUT                1
-#define FILTER_MAX                2
-/* Default Administrative Distance of each protocol. */
-/* Flag manipulation macros. */
-#define CHECK_FLAG(V,F)      ((V) & (F))
-#define SET_FLAG(V,F)        (V) = (V) | (F)
-#define UNSET_FLAG(V,F)      (V) = (V) & ~(F)
-/* AFI and SAFI type. */
-typedef u_int16_t afi_t;
-typedef u_int8_t safi_t;
-/* Zebra types. */
-typedef u_int16_t zebra_size_t;
-typedef u_int8_t zebra_command_t;
-/* FIFO -- first in first out structure and macros.  */
-struct fifo {
-  struct fifo *next;
-  struct fifo *prev;
-#define FIFO_INIT(F)                                  \
-  do {                                                \
-    struct fifo *Xfifo = (struct fifo *)(F);          \
-    Xfifo->next = Xfifo->prev = Xfifo;                \
-  } while (0)
-#define FIFO_ADD(F,N)                                 \
-  do {                                                \
-    struct fifo *Xfifo = (struct fifo *)(F);          \
-    struct fifo *Xnode = (struct fifo *)(N);          \
-    Xnode->next = Xfifo;                              \
-    Xnode->prev = Xfifo->prev;                        \
-    Xfifo->prev = Xfifo->prev->next = Xnode;          \
-  } while (0)
-#define FIFO_DEL(N)                                   \
-  do {                                                \
-    struct fifo *Xnode = (struct fifo *)(N);          \
-    Xnode->prev->next = Xnode->next;                  \
-    Xnode->next->prev = Xnode->prev;                  \
-  } while (0)
-#define FIFO_HEAD(F)                                  \
-  ((((struct fifo *)(F))->next == (struct fifo *)(F)) \
-  ? NULL : (F)->next)
-#define FIFO_EMPTY(F)                                 \
-  (((struct fifo *)(F))->next == (struct fifo *)(F))
-#define FIFO_TOP(F)                                   \
-  (FIFO_EMPTY(F) ? NULL : ((struct fifo *)(F))->next)
-#endif /* _ZEBRA_H */
- * Local Variables:
- * c-basic-offset: 2
- * indent-tabs-mode: nil
- * End:
- */
--- a/lib/quagga/src/quagga.c
+++ b/lib/quagga/src/quagga.c
@@ -1,866 +1,555 @@
+ * OLSRd Quagga plugin
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Immo 'FaUl' Wehrenberg <immo@chaostreff-dortmund.de>
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Vasilis Tsiligiannis <acinonyxs@yahoo.gr>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation or - at your option - under
+ * the terms of the GNU General Public Licence version 2 but can be
+ * linked to any BSD-Licenced Software with public available sourcecode
+ *
+ */
- projekt              : olsrd-quagga
- file                 : quagga.c
- usage                : communication with the zebra-daemon
- copyright            : (C) 2006 by Immo 'FaUl' Wehrenberg
- e-mail               : immo@chaostreff-dortmund.de
- ***************************************************************************/
- *                                                                         *
- *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
- *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as     *
- *   published by the Free Software Foundation.                            *
- *                                                                         *
- ***************************************************************************/
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * File               : quagga.c
+ * Description        : functions to interface to the zebra daemon
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#ifdef MY_DEBUG
-#include <stdio.h>
+#include "quagga.h"
+#include "olsr.h" /* olsr_exit
+                     olsr_malloc */
+#include "log.h" /* olsr_syslog */
 #include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "quagga.h"
-#include "olsr.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "routing_table.h"
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <sys/un.h>
-#define ZEBRA_SOCKET "/var/run/quagga/zserv.api"
-#define ZEBRA_IPV4_ROUTE_ADD		7
-#define ZEBRA_MESSAGE_MAX		23
-#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_OLSR		11
-#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_MAX			12
-#define ZEBRA_FLAG_SELECTED		0x10
-#define ZEBRA_NEXTHOP_IPV4		3
-#define ZAPI_MESSAGE_METRIC   0x08
-#define BUFSIZE 1024
-#define OPTION_EXPORT 1
+/* prototypes intern */
 static struct {
-  char status;                         // internal status
-  char options;                        // internal options
-  int sock;                            // Socket to zebra...
+  char status; // internal status
+  char options; // internal options
+  int sock; // Socket to zebra...
   char redistribute[ZEBRA_ROUTE_MAX];
   char distance;
   char flags;
-  struct ipv4_route *v4_rt;            // routes currently exportet to zebra
+  struct zebra_route *v4_rt; // routes currently exportet to zebra
 } zebra;
-/* prototypes intern */
-static unsigned char *try_read(ssize_t *);
-static unsigned char *zebra_route_packet(struct ipv4_route r, ssize_t *);
-static int parse_interface_add(unsigned char *, size_t);
-static int parse_interface_delete(unsigned char *, size_t);
-static int parse_interface_up(unsigned char *, size_t);
-static int parse_interface_down(unsigned char *, size_t);
-static int parse_interface_address_add(unsigned char *, size_t);
-static int parse_interface_address_delete(unsigned char *, size_t);
-static int parse_ipv4_route(unsigned char *, size_t, struct ipv4_route *);
-static int ipv4_route_add(unsigned char *, size_t);
-static int ipv4_route_delete(unsigned char *, size_t);
-static int parse_ipv6_route_add(unsigned char *, size_t);
-static void zebra_reconnect(void);
-static void zebra_connect(void);
-static void free_ipv4_route(struct ipv4_route);
-static void update_olsr_zebra_routes (struct ipv4_route*, struct ipv4_route*);
-static struct ipv4_route *zebra_create_ipv4_route_table_entry (uint32_t,
-							       uint32_t,
-							       uint32_t);
-static struct ipv4_route *zebra_create_ipv4_route_table (void);
-static void zebra_free_ipv4_route_table (struct ipv4_route*);
-/*static uint8_t masktoprefixlen (uint32_t);*/
-#ifdef MY_DEBUG
-static void
-dump_ipv4_route(struct ipv4_route r, char *c)
-  int i = 0, x = 0;
-  puts(c);
-  printf("type: %d\n", r.type);
-  puts("flags:");
-  printf("  Internal: %s\n", r.flags & ZEBRA_FLAG_INTERNAL ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("  Selfroute %s\n", r.flags & ZEBRA_FLAG_SELFROUTE ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("  Blackhole %s\n", r.flags & ZEBRA_FLAG_BLACKHOLE ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("  IBGP: %s\n", r.flags & ZEBRA_FLAG_IBGP ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("  Selected: %s\n", r.flags & ZEBRA_FLAG_SELECTED ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("  Changed: %s\n", r.flags & ZEBRA_FLAG_CHANGED ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("  static: %s\n", r.flags & ZEBRA_FLAG_STATIC ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("  reject: %s\n", r.flags & ZEBRA_FLAG_REJECT ? "yes" : "no");
-  puts("message:");
-  printf("  nexthop: %s\n", r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_NEXTHOP ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("  ifindex: %s\n", r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_IFINDEX ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("  distance: %s\n", r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_DISTANCE ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("  metric: %s\n", r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_METRIC ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("Prefixlen: %d\n", r.prefixlen);
-  printf("Prefix: %d", (unsigned char)r.prefix);
-  c = (char *)&r.prefix;
-  while (++i < (r.prefixlen / 8 + (r.prefixlen % 8 ? 1 : 0)))
-    printf(".%d", (unsigned char)*(c + i));
-  while (i++ < 4)
-    printf(".0");
-  puts("");
-  i = 0;
-  if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_NEXTHOP) {
-    printf("nexthop-count: %d\n", r.nh_count);
-    while (i++ < r.nh_count) {
-      if (r.nexthops[i].type == ZEBRA_NEXTHOP_IPV4) {
-        c = (unsigned char *)&r.nexthops[i].payload.v4;
-        printf("Nexthop %d: %d", i, (unsigned char)*c);
-        while (++x < 4) {
-          printf(".%d", (unsigned char)c[x]);
-        }
-        puts("");
-      }
-    }
-    i = 0;
-  }
-  if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_IFINDEX) {
-    printf("index-number: %d\n", r.ind_num);
-    while (i++ < r.ind_num)
-      printf("Index: %d: %d\n", i, r.index[i]);
-    i = 0;
-    if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_DISTANCE)
-      printf("Distance: %d\n", r.distance);
-    if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_METRIC)
-      printf("Metric: %d\n", r.metric);
-    puts("\n");
-  }
+static void *my_realloc (void *, size_t, const char *);
+static void zebra_connect (void);
+static unsigned char *try_read (ssize_t *);
+static int zebra_send_command (unsigned char *);
+static unsigned char* zebra_route_packet (uint16_t, struct zebra_route *);
+static unsigned char *zebra_redistribute_packet (unsigned char, unsigned char);
+static struct zebra_route *zebra_parse_route (unsigned char *);
+#if 0
+static void zebra_reconnect (void);
+static void free_ipv4_route (struct zebra_route *);
-void *
-my_realloc(void *buf, size_t s, const char *c)
-  buf = realloc(buf, s);
+static void *my_realloc (void *buf, size_t s, const char *c) {
+  buf = realloc (buf, s);
   if (!buf) {
-    OLSR_PRINTF(1, "(QUAGGA) OUT OF MEMORY: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+    OLSR_PRINTF (1, "(QUAGGA) OUT OF MEMORY: %s\n", strerror(errno));
     olsr_syslog(OLSR_LOG_ERR, "olsrd: out of memory!: %m\n");
     olsr_exit(c, EXIT_FAILURE);
   return buf;
+void init_zebra (void) {
-  if (!(zebra.status & STATUS_CONNECTED))
-    olsr_exit("(QUAGGA) AIIIII, could not connect to zebra! is zebra running?", EXIT_FAILURE);
+  if (!(zebra.status&STATUS_CONNECTED))
+    olsr_exit ("(QUAGGA) AIIIII, could not connect to zebra! is zebra running?",
+	       EXIT_FAILURE);
+void zebra_cleanup (void) {
   int i;
   struct rt_entry *tmp;
   if (zebra.options & OPTION_EXPORT) {
-      zebra_del_olsr_v4_route(tmp);
-    }
+      zebra_del_route(tmp);
   for (i = 0; i < ZEBRA_ROUTE_MAX; i++)
-    if (zebra.redistribute[i])
-      zebra_disable_redistribute(i + 1);
+    if (zebra.redistribute[i]) zebra_disable_redistribute(i);
-static void
+#if 0
+static void zebra_reconnect (void) {
   struct rt_entry *tmp;
   int i;
-  if (!(zebra.status & STATUS_CONNECTED))
-    return;                     // try again next time
+  if (!(zebra.status & STATUS_CONNECTED)) return; // try again next time
   if (zebra.options & OPTION_EXPORT) {
-      zebra_add_olsr_v4_route(tmp);
-    }
+      zebra_add_route (tmp);
   for (i = 0; i < ZEBRA_ROUTE_MAX; i++)
-    if (zebra.redistribute[i])
-      zebra_redistribute(i + 1);
+    if (zebra.redistribute[i]) zebra_redistribute(i + 1);
   /* Zebra sends us all routes of type it knows after
      zebra_redistribute(type) */
 /* Connect to the zebra-daemon, returns a socket */
-static void
+static void zebra_connect (void) {
   int ret;
   struct sockaddr_in i;
-  if (close(zebra.sock) < 0)
-    olsr_exit("(QUAGGA) Could not close socket!", EXIT_FAILURE);
+  if (close (zebra.sock) < 0) olsr_exit ("(QUAGGA) Could not close socket!", EXIT_FAILURE);
-  zebra.sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+  zebra.sock = socket (AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM, 0);
   struct sockaddr_un i;
-  if (close(zebra.sock) < 0)
-    olsr_exit("(QUAGGA) Could not close socket!", EXIT_FAILURE);
+  if (close (zebra.sock) < 0) olsr_exit ("(QUAGGA) Could not close socket!", EXIT_FAILURE);
-  zebra.sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+  zebra.sock = socket (AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM, 0);
-  if (zebra.sock < 0)
+  if (zebra.sock <0 )
     olsr_exit("(QUAGGA) Could not create socket!", EXIT_FAILURE);
-  memset(&i, 0, sizeof i);
+  memset (&i, 0, sizeof i);
   i.sin_family = AF_INET;
-  i.sin_port = htons(ZEBRA_PORT);
-  i.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
+  i.sin_port = htons (ZEBRA_PORT);
+  i.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (INADDR_LOOPBACK);
   i.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
-  strscpy(i.sun_path, ZEBRA_SOCKET, sizeof(i.sun_path));
+  strcpy (i.sun_path, ZEBRA_SOCKET);
-  ret = connect(zebra.sock, (struct sockaddr *)&i, sizeof i);
-  if (ret < 0)
-    zebra.status &= ~STATUS_CONNECTED;
-  else
-    zebra.status |= STATUS_CONNECTED;
+  ret = connect (zebra.sock, (struct sockaddr *)&i, sizeof i);
+  if  (ret < 0) zebra.status &= ~STATUS_CONNECTED;
+  else zebra.status |= STATUS_CONNECTED;
 /* Sends a command to zebra, command is
    the command defined in zebra.h, options is the packet-payload,
    optlen the length, of the payload */
-unsigned char
-zebra_send_command(unsigned char command, unsigned char *options, int optlen)
+static int zebra_send_command (unsigned char *options) {
-  char *p, *pnt;
+  unsigned char *pnt;
   uint16_t len;
   int ret;
-  uint16_t cmd;
-  uint16_t length = optlen + 6;        /* length of option + command + packet_length +
-                                          marker + zserv-version */
-  uint16_t length = optlen + 3;        // length of option + command + packet_length
-  if (!(zebra.status & STATUS_CONNECTED))
-    return 0;
-  p = olsr_malloc(length, "zebra_send_command");
-  pnt = p;
-  len = htons(length);
+  if (!(zebra.status & STATUS_CONNECTED)) return 0;
-  memcpy(p, &len, 2);
+  pnt = options;
+  memcpy (&len, pnt, 2);
-  p[3] = ZSERV_VERSION;
-  cmd = htons(command);
-  memcpy(p + 4, &cmd, 2);
-  p[2] = command;
-  memcpy(p + length - optlen, options, optlen);
-  errno = 0;
+  len = ntohs(len);
   do {
-    ret = write(zebra.sock, p, length);
+    ret = write (zebra.sock, pnt, len);
     if (ret < 0) {
-      if (errno == EINTR) {
-        errno = 0;
-        continue;
-      } else {
-        olsr_printf(1, "(QUAGGA) Disconnected from zebra\n");
-        zebra.status &= ~STATUS_CONNECTED;
-        free(pnt);
-        return -1;
+      if ((errno == EINTR) || (errno == EAGAIN)) {
+	errno = 0;
+        ret = 0;
+	continue;
+      }
+      else {
+	OLSR_PRINTF (1, "(QUAGGA) Disconnected from zebra\n");
+	zebra.status &= ~STATUS_CONNECTED;
+	free (options);
+	return -1;
-    p = p + ret;
-  }
-  while ((length -= ret));
-  free(pnt);
+    pnt = pnt+ret;
+  } while ((len -= ret));
+  free (options);
   return 0;
 /* Creates a Route-Packet-Payload, needs address, netmask, nexthop,
    distance, and a pointer of an size_t */
-static unsigned char *
-zebra_route_packet(struct ipv4_route r, ssize_t * optlen)
+static unsigned char* zebra_route_packet (uint16_t cmd, struct zebra_route *r) {
   int count;
+  uint8_t len;
+  uint16_t size;
+  uint32_t ind, metric;
   unsigned char *cmdopt, *t;
-  *optlen = 4;                  // first: type, flags, message, prefixlen
-  *optlen += r.prefixlen / 8 + (r.prefixlen % 8 ? 1 : 0);       // + prefix
-  if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_NEXTHOP) {
-    if (r.nexthops->type == ZEBRA_NEXTHOP_IPV4 || r.nexthops->type == ZEBRA_NEXTHOP_IPV4_IFINDEX) {
-      *optlen += (sizeof r.nexthops->payload.v4 + sizeof r.nexthops->type) * r.nh_count + 1;
-    } else if (r.nexthops->type == 0)
-      *optlen += 5;
-  }
-  if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_IFINDEX)
-    *optlen += r.ind_num * sizeof *r.index + 1;
-  if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_DISTANCE)
-    (*optlen)++;
-  if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_METRIC)
-    *optlen += sizeof r.metric;
-  cmdopt = olsr_malloc(*optlen, "zebra add_v4_route");
-  t = cmdopt;
-  *t++ = r.type;
-  *t++ = r.flags;
-  *t++ = r.message;
-  *t++ = r.prefixlen;
-  for (count = 0; count < r.prefixlen / 8 + (r.prefixlen % 8 ? 1 : 0); count++) {
-    *t++ = *((char *)&r.prefix + count);        /* this is so sick!! */
-  }
-  if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_NEXTHOP) {
-    *t++ = r.nh_count;
-    *t++ = r.nexthops->type;
-    if (r.nexthops->type == ZEBRA_NEXTHOP_IPV4 || r.nexthops->type == ZEBRA_NEXTHOP_IPV4_IFINDEX) {
-      for (count = 0; count != r.nh_count; count++) {
-        memcpy(t, &r.nexthops[count].payload.v4, sizeof r.nexthops->payload.v4);
-        t += sizeof r.nexthops->payload.v4;
-      }
-    } else if (r.nexthops->type == 0) {
-      *t++ = 0;
-      *t++ = 0;
-      *t++ = 0;
-    }
-  }
-  if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_IFINDEX) {
-    *t++ = r.ind_num;
-    memcpy(t, r.index, sizeof *r.index * r.ind_num);
-    t += sizeof r.index * r.ind_num;
-  }
-  if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_DISTANCE)
-    *t++ = r.distance;
-  if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_METRIC) {
-    memcpy(t, &r.metric, sizeof r.metric);
-    t += sizeof r.metric;
-  }
-  return cmdopt;
-/* adds a route to zebra-daemon */
-zebra_add_v4_route(const struct ipv4_route r)
-  unsigned char *cmdopt;
-  ssize_t optlen;
-  int retval;
+  cmdopt = olsr_malloc (ZEBRA_MAX_PACKET_SIZ , "zebra add_v4_route");
-  cmdopt = zebra_route_packet(r, &optlen);
+  t = &cmdopt[2];
+  *t++ = cmd;
+  *t++ = r->type;
+  *t++ = r->flags;
+  *t++ = r->message;
+  *t++ = r->prefixlen;
+  len = (r->prefixlen + 7) / 8;
+  memcpy (t, &r->prefix.v4.s_addr, len);
+  t = t + len;
-  retval = zebra_send_command(ZEBRA_IPV4_ROUTE_ADD, cmdopt, optlen);
-  free(cmdopt);
-  return retval;
+  if (r->message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_NEXTHOP) {
+    *t++ = r->nexthop_num + r->ifindex_num;
+      for (count = 0; count < r->nexthop_num; count++)
+	{
+	  *t++ = ZEBRA_NEXTHOP_IPV4;
+	  memcpy (t, &r->nexthop[count].v4.s_addr,
+		  sizeof r->nexthop[count].v4.s_addr);
+	  t += sizeof r->nexthop[count].v4.s_addr;
+	}
+      for (count = 0; count < r->ifindex_num; count++)
+	{
+          ind = htonl(r->ifindex[count]);
+	  memcpy (t, &ind, sizeof ind);
+	  t += sizeof ind;
+	}
+    }
+  if ((r->message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_DISTANCE) > 0)
+    *t++ = r->distance;
+  if ((r->message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_METRIC) > 0)
+    {
+      metric = htonl (r->metric);
+      memcpy (t, &metric, sizeof metric);
+      t += sizeof metric;
+    }
+  size = htons (t - cmdopt);
+  memcpy (cmdopt, &size, 2);
+  return cmdopt;
-/* deletes a route from the zebra-daemon */
-zebra_delete_v4_route(struct ipv4_route r)
-  unsigned char *cmdopt;
-  ssize_t optlen;
-  int retval;
-  cmdopt = zebra_route_packet(r, &optlen);
-  retval = zebra_send_command(ZEBRA_IPV4_ROUTE_DELETE, cmdopt, optlen);
-  free(cmdopt);
-  return retval;
 /* Check wether there is data from zebra aviable */
-zebra_check(void *foo __attribute__ ((unused)))
+void zebra_parse (void* foo __attribute__((unused))) {
   unsigned char *data, *f;
-  ssize_t len, ret;
+  unsigned char command;
+  uint16_t length;
+  ssize_t len;
+  struct zebra_route *route;
   if (!(zebra.status & STATUS_CONNECTED)) {
-    zebra_reconnect();
+//    zebra_reconnect();
-  data = try_read(&len);
+  data = try_read (&len);
   if (data) {
     f = data;
     do {
-      ret = zebra_parse_packet(f, len);
-      if (!ret)                 // something wired happened
-        olsr_exit("(QUAGGA) Zero message length??? ", EXIT_FAILURE);
-      f += ret;
-    }
-    while ((f - data) < len);
-    free(data);
+      memcpy (&length, f, sizeof length);
+      length = ntohs (length);
+      if (!length) // something wired happened
+	olsr_exit ("(QUAGGA) Zero message length??? ", EXIT_FAILURE);
+      command = f[2];
+      switch (command) {
+        case ZEBRA_IPV4_ROUTE_ADD:
+          route = zebra_parse_route(f);
+          ip_prefix_list_add(&olsr_cnf->hna_entries, &route->prefix, route->prefixlen);
+          free_ipv4_route (route);
+          free (route);
+          break;
+        case ZEBRA_IPV4_ROUTE_DELETE:
+          route = zebra_parse_route(f);
+          ip_prefix_list_remove(&olsr_cnf->hna_entries, &route->prefix, route->prefixlen);
+          free_ipv4_route (route);
+          free (route);
+          break;
+        default:
+          break;
+      }
+      f += length;
+    } while ((f - data) < len);
+    free (data);
 // tries to read a packet from zebra_socket
 // if there is something to read - make sure to read whole packages
-static unsigned char *
-try_read(ssize_t * len)
-  unsigned char *buf = NULL;
-  ssize_t ret = 0, bsize = 0;
-  uint16_t length = 0, l = 0;
-  int sockstate;
-  *len = 0;
-  sockstate = fcntl(zebra.sock, F_GETFL, 0);
-  fcntl(zebra.sock, F_SETFL, sockstate | O_NONBLOCK);
+static unsigned char *try_read (ssize_t *size) {
+  unsigned char *buf;
+  ssize_t bytes, bufsize;
+  uint16_t length, offset;
+  int sockstatus;
+  /* initialize variables */
+  buf = NULL;
+  offset = 0;
+  *size = 0;
+  bufsize = 0;
+  /* save socket status and set non-blocking for read */
+  sockstatus = fcntl (zebra.sock, F_GETFL);
+  fcntl (zebra.sock, F_SETFL, sockstatus|O_NONBLOCK);
+  /* read whole packages */
   do {
-    if (*len == bsize) {
-      bsize += BUFSIZE;
-      buf = my_realloc(buf, bsize, "Zebra try_read");
+  /* (re)allocate buffer */
+    if (*size == bufsize) {
+      bufsize += BUFSIZE;
+      buf = my_realloc (buf, bufsize, "Zebra try_read");
-    ret = read(zebra.sock, buf + l, bsize - l);
-    if (!ret) {                 // nothing more to read, packet is broken, discard!
-      free(buf);
+  /* read from socket */
+    bytes = read (zebra.sock, buf + *size, bufsize - *size);
+  /* handle broken packet */
+    if (!bytes) {
+      free (buf);
       return NULL;
-    if (ret < 0) {
-      if (errno != EAGAIN) {    // oops - we got disconnected
-        olsr_printf(1, "(QUAGGA) Disconnected from zebra\n");
+  /* handle no data available */
+    if (bytes < 0) {
+  /* handle disconnect */
+      if (errno != EAGAIN) { // oops - we got disconnected
+        OLSR_PRINTF (1, "(QUAGGA) Disconnected from zebra\n");
         zebra.status &= ~STATUS_CONNECTED;
-      free(buf);
+      free (buf);
       return NULL;
-    *len += ret;
-    while ((*len - l) > length) {
-      l += length;
-      memcpy(&length, buf + l, 2);
-      length = ntohs(length);
-    }
-    if (((*len) - l) == length)
-      break;                    // GOT FULL PACKAGE!!
-    if (*len < l) {
-      fcntl(zebra.sock, F_SETFL, sockstate);
-      continue;
-    }
-  }
-  while (1);
-  fcntl(zebra.sock, F_SETFL, sockstate);
-  return buf;
-/* Parse a packet recived from zebra */
-zebra_parse_packet(unsigned char *packet, ssize_t maxlen)
-  uint16_t command;
-  int skip;
-  /* Array of functions */
-  int (*foo[ZEBRA_MESSAGE_MAX]) (unsigned char *, size_t) = {
-  parse_interface_add, parse_interface_delete, parse_interface_address_add, parse_interface_address_delete, parse_interface_up,
-      parse_interface_down, ipv4_route_add, ipv4_route_delete, parse_ipv6_route_add};
-  uint16_t length;
-  int ret;
-#ifdef MY_DEBUG
-  puts("DEBUG: zebra_parse_packet");
-  memcpy(&length, packet, 2);
-  length = ntohs(length);
-  if (maxlen < length) {
-    olsr_printf(1, "(QUAGGA) maxlen = %lu, packet_length = %d\n", (unsigned long)maxlen, length);
-    olsr_exit("(QUAGGA) programmer is an idiot", EXIT_FAILURE);
-  }
-  if (packet[2] == 255) {       // found header marker!!
-    //packet[3] == ZSERV_VERSION: FIXME: HANDLE THIS!
-    memcpy(&command, packet + 4, sizeof command);       // two bytes command now!
-    command = ntohs(command) - 1;
-    skip = 6;
-  }
-  command = packet[2] - 1;
-  skip = 3;
-  if (command < ZEBRA_MESSAGE_MAX && foo[command]) {
-    if (!(ret = foo[command] (packet + skip, length - skip)))
-      return length;
-    else
-      olsr_printf(1, "(QUAGGA) Parse error: %d\n", ret);
-  } else
-    olsr_printf(1, "(QUAGGA) Unknown packet type: %d\n", packet[2]);
-  olsr_printf(1, "(Quagga) RECIVED PACKET FROM ZEBRA THAT I CAN'T PARSE");
-  return length;
-static int
-parse_interface_add(unsigned char *opt __attribute__ ((unused)), size_t len __attribute__ ((unused)))
-  //todo
-  return 0;
-static int
-parse_interface_delete(unsigned char *opt __attribute__ ((unused)), size_t len __attribute__ ((unused)))
-  //todo
-  return 0;
-static int
-parse_interface_address_add(unsigned char *opt __attribute__ ((unused)), size_t len __attribute__ ((unused)))
-  //todo
-  return 0;
-static int
-parse_interface_up(unsigned char *opt __attribute__ ((unused)), size_t len __attribute__ ((unused)))
+    *size += bytes;
-  //todo
-  return 0;
+  /* detect zebra packet fragmentation */
+    do {
+      memcpy (&length, buf + offset, sizeof length);
+      length = ntohs (length);
+      offset += length;
+    } while (*size >= (ssize_t) (offset + sizeof length));
+  /* set blocking socket on fragmented packet */
+    if (*size != offset)
+      fcntl (zebra.sock, F_SETFL, sockstatus);
+  } while (*size != offset);
-static int
-parse_interface_down(unsigned char *opt __attribute__ ((unused)), size_t len __attribute__ ((unused)))
+  /* restore socket status */
+  fcntl (zebra.sock, F_SETFL, sockstatus);
-  //todo
-  return 0;
+  return buf;
-static int
-parse_interface_address_delete(unsigned char *opt __attribute__ ((unused)), size_t len __attribute__ ((unused)))
-  //todo
-  return 0;
 /* Parse an ipv4-route-packet recived from zebra
-static int
-parse_ipv4_route(unsigned char *opt, size_t len, struct ipv4_route *r)
+static struct zebra_route *zebra_parse_route (unsigned char *opt) {
+  struct zebra_route *r;
   int c;
-  if (len < 4)
-    return -1;
-  r->type = *opt++;
-  r->flags = *opt++;
-  r->message = *opt++;
-  r->prefixlen = *opt++;
-  len -= 4;
-  r->prefix = 0;
-  if ((int)len < r->prefixlen / 8 + (r->prefixlen % 8 ? 1 : 0))
-    return -1;
-  memcpy(&r->prefix, opt, r->prefixlen / 8 + (r->prefixlen % 8 ? 1 : 0));
-  opt += r->prefixlen / 8 + (r->prefixlen % 8 ? 1 : 0);
+  size_t size;
+  uint16_t length;
+  unsigned char *pnt;
+  memcpy (&length, opt, sizeof length);
+  length = ntohs (length);
+  r = olsr_malloc (sizeof *r , "zebra_parse_route");
+  pnt = &opt[3];
+  r->type = *pnt++;
+  r->flags = *pnt++;
+  r->message = *pnt++;
+  r->prefixlen = *pnt++;
+  r->prefix.v4.s_addr = 0;
+  size = (r->prefixlen + 7) / 8;
+  memcpy (&r->prefix.v4.s_addr, pnt, size);
+  pnt += size;
   if (r->message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_NEXTHOP) {
-    if (len < 1)
-      return -1;
-    r->nh_count = *opt++;
-    len--;
-    if (len < (sizeof(uint32_t) + 1) * r->nh_count)
-      return -1;
-    r->nexthops =
-      olsr_malloc((sizeof r->nexthops->type + sizeof r->nexthops->payload) * r->nh_count, "quagga: parse_ipv4_route_add");
-    for (c = 0; c < r->nh_count; c++) {
-      r->nexthops[c].type = *opt++;
-      memcpy(&r->nexthops[c].payload.v4, opt, sizeof(uint32_t));
-      opt += sizeof(uint32_t);
-      len -= sizeof(uint32_t) + 1;
+    r->nexthop_num = *pnt++;
+    r->nexthop = olsr_malloc ((sizeof *r->nexthop) * r->nexthop_num,
+        "quagga: zebra_parse_route");
+    for (c = 0; c < r->nexthop_num; c++) {
+      memcpy (&r->nexthop[c].v4.s_addr, pnt, sizeof r->nexthop[c].v4.s_addr);
+      pnt += sizeof r->nexthop[c].v4.s_addr;
   if (r->message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_IFINDEX) {
-    if (len < 1)
-      return -1;
-    r->ind_num = *opt++;
-    if (len < sizeof(uint32_t) * r->ind_num)
-      return -1;
-    r->index = olsr_malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * r->ind_num, "quagga: parse_ipv4_route_add");
-    memcpy(r->index, opt, r->ind_num * sizeof(uint32_t));
-    opt += sizeof(uint32_t) * r->ind_num;
-    len -= sizeof(uint32_t) * r->ind_num;
+    r->ifindex_num = *pnt++;
+    r->ifindex = olsr_malloc (sizeof (uint32_t) * r->ifindex_num,
+                            "quagga: zebra_parse_route");
+    for (c = 0; c < r->ifindex_num; c++) {
+      memcpy (&r->ifindex[c], pnt, sizeof r->ifindex[c]);
+      r->ifindex[c] = ntohl (r->ifindex[c]);
+      pnt += sizeof r->ifindex[c];
+    }
   if (r->message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_DISTANCE) {
-    if (len < 1)
-      return -1;
-    r->distance = *opt++;
-    len--;
+    r->distance = *pnt++;
-  if (r->message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_METRIC) {
-    if (len < sizeof(uint32_t))
-      return -1;
-    memcpy(&r->metric, opt, sizeof(uint32_t));
-  }
+// Quagga v0.98.6 BUG workaround: metric is always sent by zebra
+// even without ZAPI_MESSAGE_METRIC message.
+//  if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_METRIC) {
+    memcpy (&r->metric, pnt, sizeof (uint32_t));
+    r->metric = ntohl (r->metric);
+      pnt += sizeof r->metric;
+//  }
+    if (pnt - opt != length) { olsr_exit ("(QUAGGA) length does not match ??? ", EXIT_FAILURE);
+     }
-  return 0;
+  return r;
-static int
-ipv4_route_add(unsigned char *opt, size_t len)
-  struct ipv4_route r;
-  int f;
+static unsigned char *zebra_redistribute_packet (unsigned char cmd, unsigned char type) {
+  unsigned char *data, *pnt;
+  uint16_t size;
-  f = parse_ipv4_route(opt, len, &r);
-  if (f < 0)
-    return f;
+  data = olsr_malloc (ZEBRA_MAX_PACKET_SIZ , "zebra_redistribute_packet");
-  return add_hna4_route(r);
-static int
-ipv4_route_delete(unsigned char *opt, size_t len)
-  struct ipv4_route r;
-  int f;
-  f = parse_ipv4_route(opt, len, &r);
-  if (f < 0)
-    return f;
-  return delete_hna4_route(r);
+  pnt = &data[2];
+  *pnt++ = cmd;
+  *pnt++ = type;
+  size = htons (pnt - data);
+  memcpy (data, &size, 2);
+  return data;
-static int
-parse_ipv6_route_add(unsigned char *opt __attribute__ ((unused)), size_t len __attribute__ ((unused)))
-  //todo
-  return 0;
 /* start redistribution FROM zebra */
-zebra_redistribute(unsigned char type)
-  if (type > ZEBRA_ROUTE_MAX)
-    return -1;
-  zebra.redistribute[type - 1] = 1;
-  return zebra_send_command(ZEBRA_REDISTRIBUTE_ADD, &type, 1);
-/* end redistribution FROM zebra */
-zebra_disable_redistribute(unsigned char type)
-  if (type > ZEBRA_ROUTE_MAX)
-    return -1;
-  zebra.redistribute[type - 1] = 0;
+int zebra_redistribute (unsigned char type) {
-  return zebra_send_command(ZEBRA_REDISTRIBUTE_DELETE, &type, 1);
+      if (zebra_send_command(zebra_redistribute_packet (ZEBRA_REDISTRIBUTE_ADD, type)) < 0)
+        olsr_exit("(QUAGGA) could not send redistribute add command", EXIT_FAILURE);
+  if (type > ZEBRA_ROUTE_MAX-1) return -1;
+  zebra.redistribute[type] = 1;
-add_hna4_route(struct ipv4_route r)
-  union olsr_ip_addr net;
-#ifdef MY_DEBUG
-  dump_ipv4_route(r, "add_hna4_route");
-  net.v4.s_addr = r.prefix;
-  ip_prefix_list_add(&olsr_cnf->hna_entries, &net, r.prefixlen);
-  free_ipv4_route(r);
   return 0;
-delete_hna4_route(struct ipv4_route r)
-  union olsr_ip_addr net;
+/* end redistribution FROM zebra */
+int zebra_disable_redistribute (unsigned char type) {
-#ifdef MY_DEBUG
-  dump_ipv4_route(r, "delete_hna4_route");
+      if (zebra_send_command(zebra_redistribute_packet (ZEBRA_REDISTRIBUTE_DELETE, type)) < 0)
+        olsr_exit("(QUAGGA) could not send redistribute delete command", EXIT_FAILURE);
-  net.v4.s_addr = r.prefix;
+  if (type > ZEBRA_ROUTE_MAX-1) return -1;
+  zebra.redistribute[type] = 0;
-  ip_prefix_list_remove(&olsr_cnf->hna_entries, &net, r.prefixlen) ? 0 : -1;
-  free_ipv4_route(r);
   return 0;
-static void
-free_ipv4_route(struct ipv4_route r)
-  if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_IFINDEX && r.ind_num)
-    free(r.index);
-  if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_NEXTHOP && r.nh_count)
-    free(r.nexthops);
-static uint8_t masktoprefixlen (uint32_t mask) {
-  uint8_t prefixlen = 0;
-  mask = htonl (mask);
+static void free_ipv4_route (struct zebra_route *r) {
-  if (mask) while (mask << ++prefixlen && prefixlen < 32);
-  return prefixlen;
+  if(r->ifindex_num) free(r->ifindex);
+  if(r->nexthop_num) free(r->nexthop);
-zebra_add_olsr_v4_route(const struct rt_entry *r)
-  struct ipv4_route route;
+int zebra_add_route (const struct rt_entry *r) {
+  struct zebra_route route;
   int retval;
-  route.index = NULL;
-  route.distance = 0;
-  route.type = ZEBRA_ROUTE_OLSR;        // OLSR
-  route.message = ZAPI_MESSAGE_METRIC;
+  route.type = ZEBRA_ROUTE_OLSR;
   route.flags = zebra.flags;
   route.prefixlen = r->rt_dst.prefix_len;
-  route.prefix = r->rt_dst.prefix.v4.s_addr;
-  if ((r->rt_best->rtp_nexthop.gateway.v4.s_addr == r->rt_dst.prefix.v4.s_addr && route.prefixlen == 32)) {
-    route.ind_num = 1;
-    route.index = olsr_malloc(sizeof *route.index, "zebra_add_olsr_v4_route");
-    *route.index = htonl(r->rt_best->rtp_nexthop.iif_index);
-    route.nexthops = olsr_malloc(sizeof route.nexthops->type + sizeof route.nexthops->payload, "zebra_add_olsr_v4_route");
-    route.nh_count = 1;
-    route.nexthops->type = 0;
-  } else {
-    route.message |= ZAPI_MESSAGE_NEXTHOP;
-    route.nh_count = 1;
-    route.nexthops =
-      olsr_malloc(route.nh_count * (sizeof route.nexthops->type + sizeof route.nexthops->payload), "zebra_add_olsr_v4_route");
-    route.nexthops->type = ZEBRA_NEXTHOP_IPV4;
-    route.nexthops->payload.v4 = r->rt_best->rtp_nexthop.gateway.v4.s_addr;
+  route.prefix.v4.s_addr = r->rt_dst.prefix.v4.s_addr;
+  route.ifindex_num = 0;
+  route.ifindex = NULL;
+  route.nexthop_num = 0;
+  route.nexthop = NULL;
+  if (r->rt_best->rtp_nexthop.gateway.v4.s_addr == r->rt_dst.prefix.v4.s_addr &&
+       route.prefixlen == 32) {
+    return 0;			/* Quagga BUG workaround: don't add routes with destination = gateway
+				   see http://lists.olsr.org/pipermail/olsr-users/2006-June/001726.html */
+    route.ifindex_num++;
+    route.ifindex = olsr_malloc (sizeof *route.ifindex,
+			       "zebra_add_route");
+    *route.ifindex = r->rt_best->rtp_nexthop.iif_index;
+  }
+  else {
+    route.nexthop_num++;
+    route.nexthop = olsr_malloc (sizeof *route.nexthop, "zebra_add_route");
+    route.nexthop->v4.s_addr = r->rt_best->rtp_nexthop.gateway.v4.s_addr;
   route.metric = r->rt_best->rtp_metric.hops;
-  route.metric = htonl(route.metric);
   if (zebra.distance) {
     route.message |= ZAPI_MESSAGE_DISTANCE;
     route.distance = zebra.distance;
-  retval = zebra_add_v4_route(route);
-  free_ipv4_route(route);
+  retval = zebra_send_command (zebra_route_packet (ZEBRA_IPV4_ROUTE_ADD, &route));
   return retval;
-zebra_del_olsr_v4_route(const struct rt_entry *r)
+int zebra_del_route (const struct rt_entry *r) {
-  struct ipv4_route route;
+  struct zebra_route route;
   int retval;
-  route.index = NULL;
-  route.distance = 0;
-  route.type = ZEBRA_ROUTE_OLSR;        // OLSR
-  route.message = ZAPI_MESSAGE_METRIC;
+  route.type = ZEBRA_ROUTE_OLSR;
   route.flags = zebra.flags;
   route.prefixlen = r->rt_dst.prefix_len;
-  route.prefix = r->rt_dst.prefix.v4.s_addr;
-  if ((r->rt_nexthop.gateway.v4.s_addr == r->rt_dst.prefix.v4.s_addr && route.prefixlen == 32)) {
-    route.message |= ZAPI_MESSAGE_IFINDEX;
-    route.ind_num = 1;
-    route.index = olsr_malloc(sizeof *route.index, "zebra_add_olsr_v4_route");
-    *route.index = htonl(r->rt_nexthop.iif_index);
-    route.nexthops = olsr_malloc(sizeof route.nexthops->type + sizeof route.nexthops->payload, "zebra_add_olsr_v4_route");
-    route.nh_count = 1;
-    route.nexthops->type = 0;
-  } else {
-    route.message |= ZAPI_MESSAGE_NEXTHOP;
-    route.nh_count = 1;
-    route.nexthops =
-      olsr_malloc(route.nh_count * (sizeof route.nexthops->type + sizeof route.nexthops->payload), "zebra_add_olsr_v4_route");
-    route.nexthops->type = ZEBRA_NEXTHOP_IPV4;
-    route.nexthops->payload.v4 = r->rt_nexthop.gateway.v4.s_addr;
+  route.prefix.v4.s_addr = r->rt_dst.prefix.v4.s_addr;
+  route.ifindex_num = 0;
+  route.ifindex = NULL;
+  route.nexthop_num = 0;
+  route.nexthop = NULL;
+  if (r->rt_nexthop.gateway.v4.s_addr == r->rt_dst.prefix.v4.s_addr &&
+       route.prefixlen == 32){
+    return 0;			/* Quagga BUG workaround: don't delete routes with destination = gateway
+				   see http://lists.olsr.org/pipermail/olsr-users/2006-June/001726.html */
+    route.ifindex_num++;
+    route.ifindex = olsr_malloc (sizeof *route.ifindex,
+			       "zebra_del_route");
+    *route.ifindex = r->rt_nexthop.iif_index;
+  }
+  else {
+    route.nexthop_num++;
+    route.nexthop = olsr_malloc (sizeof *route.nexthop, "zebra_del_route");
+    route.nexthop->v4.s_addr = r->rt_nexthop.gateway.v4.s_addr;
   route.metric = 0;
   if (zebra.distance) {
@@ -868,36 +557,23 @@
     route.distance = zebra.distance;
-  retval = zebra_delete_v4_route(route);
-  free_ipv4_route(route);
+  retval = zebra_send_command (zebra_route_packet (ZEBRA_IPV4_ROUTE_DELETE, &route));
   return retval;
-zebra_olsr_distance(unsigned char dist)
+void zebra_olsr_distance (unsigned char dist) {
   zebra.distance = dist;
+void zebra_olsr_localpref (void) {
   zebra.flags &= ZEBRA_FLAG_SELECTED;
-zebra_export_routes(unsigned char t)
+void zebra_export_routes (unsigned char t) {
   if (t)
     zebra.options |= OPTION_EXPORT;
     zebra.options &= ~OPTION_EXPORT;
- * Local Variables:
- * c-basic-offset: 2
- * indent-tabs-mode: nil
- * End:
- */
--- a/lib/quagga/src/quagga.h
+++ b/lib/quagga/src/quagga.h
@@ -1,77 +1,102 @@
+ * OLSRd Quagga plugin
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Immo 'FaUl' Wehrenberg <immo@chaostreff-dortmund.de>
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Vasilis Tsiligiannis <acinonyxs@yahoo.gr>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation or - at your option - under
+ * the terms of the GNU General Public Licence version 2 but can be
+ * linked to any BSD-Licenced Software with public available sourcecode
+ *
+ */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * File               : quagga.h
+ * Description        : header file for quagga.c
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- projekt              : olsrd-quagga
- file                 : quagga.h
- usage                : header for quagga.c
- copyright            : (C) 2006 by Immo 'FaUl' Wehrenberg
- e-mail               : immo@chaostreff-dortmund.de
- ***************************************************************************/
- *                                                                         *
- *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
- *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as     *
- *   published by the Free Software Foundation.                            *
- *                                                                         *
- ***************************************************************************/
+#include "routing_table.h" /* rt_entry */
+#include "olsr_types.h" /* olsr_ip_addr */
 #include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "routing_table.h"
+/* Zebra port */
 #ifndef ZEBRA_PORT
 #define ZEBRA_PORT 2600
+/* Zebra version */
 #define ZSERV_VERSION 1
-struct ipv4_route {
-  uint8_t type;
-  uint8_t flags;
-  uint8_t message;
-  uint8_t prefixlen;
-  uint32_t prefix;
-  uint8_t nh_count;
-  struct {
-    uint8_t type;
-    union {
-      uint32_t v4;
-    } payload;
-  } *nexthops;
-  uint8_t ind_num;
-  uint32_t *index;
+/* Zebra socket */
+#define ZEBRA_SOCKET "/var/run/quagga/zserv.api"
+/* Zebra packet size */
+#define ZEBRA_MAX_PACKET_SIZ          4096
+/* Zebra message types */
+#define ZEBRA_IPV4_ROUTE_ADD		7
+#define ZEBRA_MESSAGE_MAX		23
+/* Zebra route types */
+#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_OLSR		11
+#define ZEBRA_ROUTE_MAX			13
+/* Zebra flags */
+#define ZEBRA_FLAG_SELECTED		0x10
+/* Zebra nexthop flags */
+#define ZEBRA_NEXTHOP_IPV4		3
+/* Zebra message flags */
+#define ZAPI_MESSAGE_METRIC   0x08
+/* Buffer size */
+#define BUFSIZE 1024
+/* Quagga plugin flags */
+#define OPTION_EXPORT 1
+struct zebra_route {
+  unsigned char type;
+  unsigned char flags;
+  unsigned char message;
+  unsigned char prefixlen;
+  union olsr_ip_addr prefix;
+  unsigned char nexthop_num;
+  union olsr_ip_addr *nexthop;
+  unsigned char ifindex_num;
+  uint32_t *ifindex;
   uint32_t metric;
   uint8_t distance;
-  struct ipv4_route *next;
-void init_zebra(void);
-void zebra_cleanup(void);
-unsigned char zebra_send_command(unsigned char, unsigned char *, int);
-int zebra_add_v4_route(const struct ipv4_route r);
-int zebra_delete_v4_route(const struct ipv4_route r);
-void zebra_check(void *);
-int zebra_parse_packet(unsigned char *, ssize_t);
-int zebra_redistribute(unsigned char);
-int zebra_disable_redistribute(unsigned char);
-int add_hna4_route(struct ipv4_route);
-int delete_hna4_route(struct ipv4_route);
-void *my_realloc(void *, size_t, const char *);
-int zebra_add_olsr_v4_route(const struct rt_entry *);
-int zebra_del_olsr_v4_route(const struct rt_entry *);
-void zebra_olsr_localpref(void);
-void zebra_olsr_distance(unsigned char);
+void init_zebra (void);
+void zebra_cleanup (void);
+void zebra_parse (void*);
+int zebra_redistribute (unsigned char);
+int zebra_disable_redistribute (unsigned char);
+int zebra_add_route (const struct rt_entry *);
+int zebra_del_route (const struct rt_entry *);
+void zebra_olsr_localpref (void);
+void zebra_olsr_distance (unsigned char);
 void zebra_export_routes(unsigned char);
- * Local Variables:
- * c-basic-offset: 2
- * indent-tabs-mode: nil
- * End:
- */
--- a/lib/quagga/test/foo.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#include "quagga.h"
-  init_zebra();
-  zebra_redistribute(2);
-  //  zebra_redistribute (1);
-  while (!sleep(1))
-    zebra_check();
-  return 0;
- * Local Variables:
- * c-basic-offset: 2
- * indent-tabs-mode: nil
- * End:
- */
--- a/lib/quagga/test/foo.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-use IO::Socket;
-$command = 11; # 11 = redistribute_add , 13 = redistribute_default_add
-$proto = 2; # connected 
-$remote = IO::Socket::INET->new (Proto => "tcp",
-                                 PeerAddr => "",
-                                 PeerPort => "2600",
-                                 );
-$remote->autoflush (1);
-#print $remote pack ("nc", 3, 13);
-print $remote pack ("nc",3,1);
-print $remote pack ("ncc", 4,$command,2);
-print $remote pack ("ncccccNcNcNN", 25, 7, 10, 16, 11, 25, 0xc0a80206, 0, 0, 1, 5, 1);
-print <$remote>;
-close $remote
--- a/lib/quagga/test/quagga.try1.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,728 +0,0 @@
- *  (C) 2006 by Immo 'FaUl' Wehrenberg <immo@chaostreff-dortmund.de>
- *
- *  This code is covered by the GPLv2
- *
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#ifdef MY_DEBUG
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <quagga/zebra.h>
-#include "quagga.h"
-#include "olsr.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "local_hna_set.h"
-#define ZAPI_MESSAGE_METRIC   0x08
-#define BUFSIZE 1024
-static char status = 0;
-static int zsock;                      // Socket to zebra...
-struct ipv4_route *quagga_routes = 0;  // routes currently exportet to zebra
-/* prototypes ntern */
-static char *try_read(ssize_t *);
-static char *zebra_route_packet(struct ipv4_route r, ssize_t *);
-static int parse_interface_add(char *, size_t);
-static int parse_interface_delete(char *, size_t);
-static int parse_interface_up(char *, size_t);
-static int parse_interface_down(char *, size_t);
-static int parse_interface_address_add(char *, size_t);
-static int parse_interface_address_delete(char *, size_t);
-static int parse_ipv4_route(char *, size_t, struct ipv4_route *);
-static int ipv4_route_add(char *, size_t);
-static int ipv4_route_delete(char *, size_t);
-static int parse_ipv6_route_add(char *, size_t);
-static uint32_t prefixlentomask(uint8_t);
-static void free_ipv4_route(struct ipv4_route);
-static void update_olsr_zebra_routes(struct ipv4_route *, struct ipv4_route *);
-static struct ipv4_route *zebra_create_ipv4_route_table_entry(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t);
-static struct ipv4_route *zebra_create_ipv4_route_table(void);
-static void zebra_free_ipv4_route_table(struct ipv4_route *);
-static uint8_t masktoprefixlen(uint32_t);
-#ifdef MY_DEBUG
-static void
-dump_ipv4_route(struct ipv4_route r, char *c)
-  int i = 0, x = 0;
-  puts(c);
-  printf("type: %d\n", r.type);
-  puts("flags:");
-  printf("  Internal: %s\n", r.flags & ZEBRA_FLAG_INTERNAL ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("  Selfroute %s\n", r.flags & ZEBRA_FLAG_SELFROUTE ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("  Blackhole %s\n", r.flags & ZEBRA_FLAG_BLACKHOLE ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("  IBGP: %s\n", r.flags & ZEBRA_FLAG_IBGP ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("  Selected: %s\n", r.flags & ZEBRA_FLAG_SELECTED ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("  Changed: %s\n", r.flags & ZEBRA_FLAG_CHANGED ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("  static: %s\n", r.flags & ZEBRA_FLAG_STATIC ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("  reject: %s\n", r.flags & ZEBRA_FLAG_REJECT ? "yes" : "no");
-  puts("message:");
-  printf("  nexthop: %s\n", r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_NEXTHOP ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("  ifindex: %s\n", r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_IFINDEX ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("  distance: %s\n", r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_DISTANCE ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("  metric: %s\n", r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_METRIC ? "yes" : "no");
-  printf("Prefixlen: %d\n", r.prefixlen);
-  printf("Prefix: %d", (unsigned char)r.prefix);
-  c = (char *)&r.prefix;
-  while (++i < (r.prefixlen / 8 + (r.prefixlen % 8 ? 1 : 0)))
-    printf(".%d", (unsigned char)*(c + i));
-  while (i++ < 4)
-    printf(".0");
-  puts("");
-  i = 0;
-  if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_NEXTHOP) {
-    printf("nexthop-count: %d\n", r.nh_count);
-    while (i++ < r.nh_count) {
-      c = (unsigned char *)&r.nexthops[i];
-      printf("Nexthop %d: %d", i, (unsigned char)*c);
-      while (++x < 4) {
-        printf(".%d", (unsigned char)c[x]);
-      }
-      puts("");
-    }
-    i = 0;
-  }
-  if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_IFINDEX) {
-    printf("index-number: %d\n", r.ind_num);
-    while (i++ < r.ind_num)
-      printf("Index: %d: %d\n", i, r.index[i]);
-    i = 0;
-    if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_DISTANCE)
-      printf("Distance: %d\n", r.distance);
-    if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_METRIC)
-      printf("Metric: %d\n", r.metric);
-    puts("\n");
-  }
-void *
-my_realloc(void *buf, size_t s, const char *c)
-  buf = realloc(buf, s);
-  if (!buf) {
-    OLSR_PRINTF(1, "OUT OF MEMORY: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-    olsr_syslog(OLSR_LOG_ERR, "olsrd: out of memory!: %m\n");
-    olsr_exit(c, EXIT_FAILURE);
-    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-  }
-  return buf;
-#ifndef OLSR_PLUGIN
-void *
-olsr_malloc(size_t f, const char *c)
-  void *v = malloc(f);
-  return v;
-/* Connect to the zebra-daemon, returns a socket */
-  struct sockaddr_in i;
-  int ret;
-  zsock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
-  if (zsock < 0)                // TODO: Could not create socket
-    return -1;
-  memset(&i, 0, sizeof i);
-  i.sin_family = AF_INET;
-  i.sin_port = htons(ZEBRA_PORT);
-  //  i.sin_len = sizeof i;
-  i.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
-  ret = connect(zsock, (struct sockaddr *)&i, sizeof i);
-  if (ret < 0) {
-    close(zsock);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  status |= STATUS_CONNECTED;
-  return zsock;
-/* Sends a command to zebra, command is
-   the command defined in zebra.h, options is the packet-payload,
-   optlen the length, of the payload */
-zebra_send_command(unsigned char command, char *options, int optlen)
-  char *p = olsr_malloc(optlen + 3, "zebra send_command");
-  uint16_t length = optlen + 3;        // length of option + command + packet_length
-  int ret;
-  uint16_t len = htons(length);
-  memcpy(p, &len, 2);
-  p[2] = command;
-  memcpy(p + 3, options, optlen);
-  do {
-    ret = write(zsock, p, length);
-    if (ret < 0) {
-      if (errno == EINTR)
-        continue;
-    } else
-      return -1;
-    p = p + ret;
-  }
-  while ((length -= ret));
-  return 0;
-/* Creates a Route-Packet-Payload, needs address, netmask, nexthop,
-   distance, and a pointer of an size_t */
-static char *
-zebra_route_packet(struct ipv4_route r, ssize_t * optlen)
-  char *cmdopt, *t;
-  *optlen = 9;                  // first: type, flags, message, prefixlen, nexthop number, nexthop)
-  *optlen += r.prefixlen / 8 + (r.prefixlen % 8 ? 1 : 0);
-  cmdopt = olsr_malloc(*optlen, "zebra add_v4_route");
-  t = cmdopt;
-  *t++ = 10;                    // Type: olsr
-  *t++ = r.flags;               // flags
-  *t++ = r.message;             // message: contains nexthop
-  *t++ = r.prefixlen;
-  memcpy(t, &r.prefix, r.prefixlen / 8 + (r.prefixlen % 8 ? 1 : 0));
-  *t += r.prefixlen / 8 + (r.prefixlen % 8 ? 1 : 0);
-  *t++ = r.nh_count;
-  memcpy(t, r.nexthops, r.nh_count * sizeof *r.nexthops);
-  return cmdopt;
-/* adds a route to zebra-daemon (needs socket from zebra,
-   address = prefix of the route
-   mask = netmask of the route
-   nexthop = nexthop of the route
-   distance = distance-value of the route
-zebra_add_v4_route(struct ipv4_route r)
-  char *cmdopt;
-  ssize_t optlen;
-  cmdopt = zebra_route_packet(r, &optlen);
-  puts("DEBUG: zebra_route_packet returned");
-  return zebra_send_command(ZEBRA_IPV4_ROUTE_ADD, cmdopt, optlen);
-/* deletes a route from the zebra-daemon (
-   needs socket from zebra,
-   address = prefix of the route
-   mask = netmask of the route
-   nexthop = nexthop of the route
-   distance = distance-value of the route
-zebra_delete_v4_route(struct ipv4_route r)
-  char *cmdopt;
-  ssize_t optlen;
-  cmdopt = zebra_route_packet(r, &optlen);
-  return zebra_send_command(ZEBRA_IPV4_ROUTE_DELETE, cmdopt, optlen);
-/* Check wether there is data from zebra aviable */
-zebra_check(void *foo)
-  char *data, *f;
-  ssize_t len, ret;
-  if (!status & STATUS_CONNECTED) {
-  }
-  data = try_read(&len);
-  if (data) {
-    f = data;
-    do {
-      ret = zebra_parse_packet(f, len);
-      if (!ret) {               //something wired happened
-        puts("DEBUG: IIIIIIIIIIRGS");
-        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-      }
-      f += ret;
-    }
-    while ((f - data) < len);
-    free(data);
-  }
-// tries to read a packet from zebra_socket
-// if there is something to read - make sure to read whole packages
-static char *
-try_read(ssize_t * len)
-  char *buf = NULL;
-  ssize_t ret = 0, bsize = 0;
-  uint16_t length = 0, l = 0;
-  int sockstate;
-  *len = 0;
-  sockstate = fcntl(zsock, F_GETFL, 0);
-  fcntl(zsock, F_SETFL, sockstate | O_NONBLOCK);
-  do {
-    if (*len == bsize) {
-      bsize += BUFSIZE;
-      buf = my_realloc(buf, bsize, "Zebra try_read");
-    }
-    ret = read(zsock, buf + l, bsize - l);
-    if (ret <= 0) {
-      if (errno == EAGAIN) {
-        errno = 0;
-      } else {
-        // TODO: errorhandling
-        ;
-      }
-      free(buf);
-      return NULL;
-    }
-    *len += ret;
-    while ((*len - l) > length) {
-      //      printf ("DEBUG: *len -l > length - %d - %d > %d\n", *len, l, length);
-      l += length;
-      memcpy(&length, buf + l, 2);
-      length = ntohs(length);
-    }
-    //    printf ("DEBUG: *len, l, length: %d,%d,%d\n", *len, l, length);
-    if (((*len) - l) == length)
-      break;                    // GOT FULL PACKAGE!!
-    if (*len < l) {
-      //      printf ("DEBUG: *len, l, length: %d,%d,%d\n", *len, l, length);
-      fcntl(zsock, F_SETFL, sockstate);
-      continue;
-    }
-  }
-  while (1);
-  fcntl(zsock, F_SETFL, sockstate);
-  return buf;
-/* Parse a packet recived from zebra */
-zebra_parse_packet(char *packet, ssize_t maxlen)
-  /* Array of functions */
-  int (*foo[ZEBRA_MESSAGE_MAX]) (char *, size_t) = {
-  parse_interface_add, parse_interface_delete, parse_interface_address_add, parse_interface_address_delete, parse_interface_up,
-      parse_interface_down, ipv4_route_add, ipv4_route_delete, parse_ipv6_route_add};
-  puts("DEBUG: zebra_parse_packet");
-  uint16_t length;
-  int ret;
-  memcpy(&length, packet, 2);
-  length = ntohs(length);
-  if (maxlen < length) {
-    puts("Error: programmer is an idiot");
-    printf("DEBUG: maxlen = %d, packet_length = %d\n", maxlen, length);
-    return maxlen;
-  }
-  if (packet[2] - 1 < ZEBRA_MESSAGE_MAX && foo[packet[2] - 1]) {
-    if (!(ret = foo[packet[2] - 1] (packet + 3, length - 3)))
-      return length;
-    else
-      printf("DEBUG: Parse error: %d\n", ret);
-  } else
-    printf("Unknown packet type: %d\n", packet[2]);
-  return length;
-static int
-parse_interface_add(char *opt, size_t len)
-  //todo
-  return 0;
-static int
-parse_interface_delete(char *opt, size_t len)
-  //todo
-  return 0;
-static int
-parse_interface_address_add(char *opt, size_t len)
-  //todo
-  return 0;
-static int
-parse_interface_up(char *opt, size_t len)
-  //todo
-  return 0;
-static int
-parse_interface_down(char *opt, size_t len)
-  //todo
-  return 0;
-static int
-parse_interface_address_delete(char *opt, size_t len)
-  //todo
-  return 0;
-/* Parse an ipv4-route-packet recived from zebra
- */
-static int
-parse_ipv4_route(char *opt, size_t len, struct ipv4_route *r)
-  //  puts ("DEBUG: parse_ipv4_route");
-  if (len < 4)
-    return -1;
-  r->type = *opt++;
-  r->flags = *opt++;
-  r->message = *opt++;
-  r->prefixlen = *opt++;
-  len -= 4;
-  r->prefix = 0;
-  if ((int)len < r->prefixlen / 8 + (r->prefixlen % 8 ? 1 : 0))
-    return -1;
-  memcpy(&r->prefix, opt, r->prefixlen / 8 + (r->prefixlen % 8 ? 1 : 0));
-  opt += r->prefixlen / 8 + (r->prefixlen % 8 ? 1 : 0);
-  if (r->message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_NEXTHOP) {
-    if (len < 1)
-      return -1;
-    r->nh_count = *opt++;
-    if (len < sizeof(uint32_t) * r->nh_count)
-      return -1;
-    r->nexthops = olsr_malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * r->nh_count, "quagga: parse_ipv4_route_add");
-    memcpy(r->nexthops, opt, sizeof(uint32_t) * r->nh_count);
-    opt += sizeof(uint32_t) * r->nh_count;
-    len -= sizeof(uint32_t) * r->nh_count + 1;
-  }
-  if (r->message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_IFINDEX) {
-    if (len < 1)
-      return -2;
-    r->ind_num = *opt++;
-    if (len < sizeof(uint32_t) * r->ind_num)
-      return -3;
-    r->index = olsr_malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * r->ind_num, "quagga: parse_ipv4_route_add");
-    memcpy(r->index, opt, r->ind_num * sizeof(uint32_t));
-    opt += sizeof(uint32_t) * r->ind_num;
-    len -= sizeof(uint32_t) * r->ind_num;
-  }
-  if (r->message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_DISTANCE)
-    // todo
-    ;
-  if (r->message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_METRIC) {
-    if (len < sizeof(uint32_t))
-      return -4;
-    memcpy(&r->metric, opt, sizeof(uint32_t));
-  }
-  return 0;
-static int
-ipv4_route_add(char *opt, size_t len)
-  struct ipv4_route r;
-  int f;
-  //  puts ("DEBUG: ipv4_route_add");
-  f = parse_ipv4_route(opt, len, &r);
-  if (f < 0) {
-    printf("parse-error: %d\n", f);
-    return f;
-  }
-  add_hna4_route(r);
-  return 0;
-static int
-ipv4_route_delete(char *opt, size_t len)
-  struct ipv4_route r;
-  int f;
-  f = parse_ipv4_route(opt, len, &r);
-  if (f < 0)
-    return f;
-  return delete_hna4_route(r);
-  // OK, now delete that foo
-static int
-parse_ipv6_route_add(char *opt, size_t len)
-  //todo
-  return 0;
-/* start redistribution FROM zebra */
-zebra_redistribute(unsigned char type)
-  return zebra_send_command(ZEBRA_REDISTRIBUTE_ADD, &type, 1);
-/* end redistribution FROM zebra */
-zebra_disable_redistribute(unsigned char type)
-  return zebra_send_command(ZEBRA_REDISTRIBUTE_DELETE, &type, 1);
-static uint32_t
-prefixlentomask(uint8_t prefix)
-  uint32_t mask;
-  mask = prefix_to_netmask4(prefix);
-  mask = ntohl(mask);
-  return mask;
-add_hna4_route(struct ipv4_route r)
-  union olsr_ip_addr net, mask;
-#ifdef MY_DEBUG
-  dump_ipv4_route(r, "add_hna4_route");
-  mask.v4 = prefixlentomask(r.prefixlen);
-  net.v4 = r.prefix;
-  add_local_hna4_entry(&net, &mask);
-  free_ipv4_route(r);
-  return 0;
-delete_hna4_route(struct ipv4_route r)
-  union olsr_ip_addr net, mask;
-#ifdef MY_DEBUG
-  dump_ipv4_route(r, "delete_hna4_route");
-  mask.v4 = prefixlentomask(r.prefixlen);
-  net.v4 = r.prefix;
-  return remove_local_hna4_entry(&net, &mask) ? 0 : -1;
-  free_ipv4_route(r);
-  return 0;
-static void
-free_ipv4_route(struct ipv4_route r)
-  if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_IFINDEX && r.ind_num)
-    free(r.index);
-  if (r.message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_NEXTHOP && r.nh_count)
-    free(r.nexthops);
-  struct ipv4_route *t;
-  t = quagga_routes;
-  while (t) {
-    zebra_delete_v4_route(*t);
-    t = t->next;
-  }
-  zebra_free_ipv4_route_table(quagga_routes);
-  quagga_routes = NULL;
-zebra_update_hna(void *f)
-  struct ipv4_route *a = zebra_create_ipv4_route_table();
-  update_olsr_zebra_routes(a, quagga_routes);
-  zebra_free_ipv4_route_table(quagga_routes);
-  quagga_routes = a;
-static struct ipv4_route *
-  struct ipv4_route *r = 0, *t = 0 /* make compiler happy */ ;
-  int i;
-  struct hna_entry *e;
-  struct hna_net *n;
-  for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) {
-    e = hna_set[i].next;
-    for (; e != &hna_set[i]; e = e->next) {
-      n = e->networks.next;
-      for (; n != &e->networks; n = n->next) {
-        if (!r) {
-          r = zebra_create_ipv4_route_table_entry(n->A_network_addr.v4, n->A_netmask.v4, e->A_gateway_addr.v4);
-          t = r;
-        } else {
-          t->next = zebra_create_ipv4_route_table_entry(n->A_network_addr.v4, n->A_netmask.v4, e->A_gateway_addr.v4);
-          t = t->next;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return r;
-static struct ipv4_route *
-zebra_create_ipv4_route_table_entry(uint32_t addr, uint32_t mask, uint32_t gw)
-  struct ipv4_route *r;
-  r = olsr_malloc(sizeof *r, "zebra_create_ipv4_route_table_entry");
-  memset(r, 0, sizeof *r);
-  r->prefix = addr;
-  r->prefixlen = masktoprefixlen(mask);
-  r->message |= ZAPI_MESSAGE_NEXTHOP;
-  r->nh_count = 1;
-  r->nexthops = olsr_malloc(sizeof(uint32_t), "zebra_create_ipv4_route_table_entry");
-  *r->nexthops = gw;
-  r->next = NULL;
-  return r;
-static uint8_t
-masktoprefixlen(uint32_t mask)
-  uint8_t prefixlen = 0;
-while (mask & (1 << ++prefixlen && prefixlen < 32); return prefixlen;}
-       static void update_olsr_zebra_routes(struct ipv4_route *a, struct ipv4_route *r) {
-       struct ipv4_route * t; if (!r) {
-       puts("no quagga_routing_table aviable"); for (; a; a = a->next) {
-       dump_ipv4_route(*a, "adding this route");
-       //      zebra_add_v4_route(*r);
-       }
-       return;}
-       while (a) {
-       for (t = r; t; t = t->next) {
-       if (a->prefix == t->prefix) if (a->prefixlen == t->prefixlen) if (*a->nexthops == *t->nexthops) {
-       goto foo;}
-       }
-       dump_ipv4_route(*a, "adding this route");
-       //zebra_add_v4_route(*a);
-  foo:
-       a = a->next;}
-       while (r) {
-       for (t = a; t; t = t->next) {
-       if (r->prefix == t->prefix) if (r->prefixlen == t->prefixlen) if (*r->nexthops == *t->nexthops) {
-       goto bar;}
-       }
-       dump_ipv4_route(*r, "deleting this route");
-       //zebra_delete_v4_route(*r);
-  bar:
-       r = r->next;}
-       }
-       static void zebra_free_ipv4_route_table(struct ipv4_route *r) {
-       struct ipv4_route * n; if (!r) return; while ((n = r->next)) {
-       if (r->message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_NEXTHOP) free(r->nexthops); if (r->message & ZAPI_MESSAGE_IFINDEX) free(r->index); free(r);
-       r = n;}
-       }
- * Local Variables:
- * c-basic-offset: 2
- * indent-tabs-mode: nil
- * End:
- */