--- a/logrotate.c
+++ b/logrotate.c
@@ -567,9 +567,14 @@ int findNeedRotating(struct logInfo *log
 	    /* rotate if:
 	       1) the current weekday is before the weekday of the
 	       last rotation
+	       1) the day of the week is the same as the day of the week of
+	       the previous rotation but not the same day of the year
+	       this will rotate it on the same day every week, but not
+	       twice a day.
 	       2) more then a week has passed since the last
 	       rotation */
-	    state->doRotate = ((now.tm_wday < state->lastRotated.tm_wday)
+	    state->doRotate = ((now.tm_wday == state->lastRotated.tm_wday
+			             && now.tm_yday != state->lastRotated.tm_yday)
 			       ((mktime(&now) -
 				 mktime(&state->lastRotated)) >