From: Gerrit Renker <>
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2011 19:32:56 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Configuration screen: memorize last active line

Configuration screen: memorize last active line

This fixes a bug in the configuration menu - the last active line was not
reset properly when switching back from another window. Changed it in such
a way that it now memorizes the last active position, which is handy when
trying out different values for a given parameter.

diff --git a/conf_scr.c b/conf_scr.c
index b9aba23..a338771 100644
--- a/conf_scr.c
+++ b/conf_scr.c
@@ -165,9 +165,11 @@ void scr_conf_init(void)
 	w_conf    = newwin_title(0, WAV_HEIGHT, "Preferences", false);
 	w_confpad = newpad(num_items + 1, CONF_SCREEN_WIDTH);
-	while ((item = ll_get(conf_items, active_item)) && item->type == t_sep)
-		active_item++;
-	first_item = active_item;
+	if (first_item)			/* already initialized */
+		return;
+	while ((item = ll_get(conf_items, first_item)) && item->type == t_sep)
+		first_item++;
+	active_item = first_item;
 int scr_conf_loop(WINDOW *w_menu)