# # Copyright (C) 2006 OpenWrt.org # # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. # See /LICENSE for more information. # # $Id$ include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk PKG_NAME:=net-snmp PKG_VERSION:=5.1.2 PKG_RELEASE:=2.1 PKG_BUILD_DIR:=$(BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION) PKG_SOURCE:=$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION).tar.gz PKG_SOURCE_URL:=@SF/net-snmp PKG_MD5SUM:=8080555ab3f90011f25d5122042d9a8d PKG_CAT:=zcat PKG_INSTALL_DIR:=$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ipkg-install SNMP_MIB_MODULES_INCLUDED = \ host/hr_device \ host/hr_disk \ host/hr_filesys \ host/hr_network \ host/hr_partition \ host/hr_proc \ host/hr_storage \ host/hr_system \ mibII/at \ mibII/icmp \ mibII/interfaces \ mibII/ip \ mibII/snmp_mib \ mibII/sysORTable \ mibII/system_mib \ mibII/tcp \ mibII/udp \ mibII/vacm_context \ mibII/vacm_vars \ snmpv3/snmpEngine \ snmpv3/snmpMPDStats \ snmpv3/usmStats \ snmpv3/usmUser \ snmpv3mibs \ tunnel \ ucd-snmp/disk \ ucd-snmp/dlmod \ ucd-snmp/extensible \ ucd-snmp/loadave \ ucd-snmp/memory \ ucd-snmp/pass \ ucd-snmp/proc \ ucd-snmp/vmstat \ util_funcs \ utilities/execute \ SNMP_MIB_MODULES_EXCLUDED = \ agent_mibs \ agentx \ host \ ieee802dot11 \ mibII \ notification \ snmpv3mibs \ target \ ucd_snmp \ utilities \ SNMP_TRANSPORTS_INCLUDED = Callback UDP SNMP_TRANSPORTS_EXCLUDED = TCP TCPv6 UDPv6 Unix PKG_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS = \ --enable-shared \ --enable-static \ --with-endianness=little \ --with-logfile=/var/log/snmpd.log \ --with-persistent-directory=/usr/lib/snmp/ \ --with-default-snmp-version=1 \ --with-sys-contact=root@localhost \ --with-sys-location=Unknown \ --enable-applications \ --disable-debugging \ --disable-ipv6 \ --disable-manuals \ --disable-mib-loading \ --disable-mibs \ --disable-scripts \ --with-out-mib-modules="$(SNMP_MIB_MODULES_EXCLUDED)" \ --with-mib-modules="$(SNMP_MIB_MODULES_INCLUDED)" \ --with-out-transports="$(SNMP_TRANSPORTS_EXCLUDED)" \ --with-transports="$(SNMP_TRANSPORTS_INCLUDED)" \ --without-opaque-special-types \ --without-openssl \ --without-libwrap \ --without-rpm \ --without-zlib \ include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk define Package/libnetsnmp SECTION:=libs CATEGORY:=Libraries DEPENDS:=+libelf TITLE:=Open source SNMP implementation (librairies) DESCRIPTION:=Open source SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) implementation (libraries).\\\ Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a widely used \\\ protocol for monitoring the health and welfare of network \\\ equipment (eg. routers), computer equipment and even devices \\\ like UPSs. Net-SNMP is a suite of applications used to implement \\\ SNMP v1, SNMP v2c and SNMP v3 using both IPv4 and IPv6.\\\ \\\ This package contains shared libraries, needed by other programs. URL:=http://www.net-snmp.org/ endef define Package/snmp-utils SECTION:=net CATEGORY:=Network DEPENDS:=+libnetsnmp TITLE:=Open source SNMP implementation (utilities) DESCRIPTION:=Open source SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) implementation (utilities).\\\ Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a widely used \\\ protocol for monitoring the health and welfare of network \\\ equipment (eg. routers), computer equipment and even devices \\\ like UPSs. Net-SNMP is a suite of applications used to implement \\\ SNMP v1, SNMP v2c and SNMP v3 using both IPv4 and IPv6.\\\ \\\ This package contains SNMP client utilities. URL:=http://www.net-snmp.org/ endef define Package/snmpd SECTION:=net CATEGORY:=Network DEPENDS:=+libnetsnmp TITLE:=Open source SNMP implementation (daemon) DESCRIPTION:=Open source SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) implementation (daemon).\\\ Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a widely used \\\ protocol for monitoring the health and welfare of network \\\ equipment (eg. routers), computer equipment and even devices \\\ like UPSs. Net-SNMP is a suite of applications used to implement \\\ SNMP v1, SNMP v2c and SNMP v3 using both IPv4 and IPv6.\\\ \\\ This package contains the SNMP agent, dynamically linked. URL:=http://www.net-snmp.org/ endef define Package/snmpd/conffiles /etc/default/snmpd /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf endef define Package/snmpd-static SECTION:=net CATEGORY:=Network TITLE:=Open source SNMP implementation (daemon) DESCRIPTION:=Open source SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) implementation (daemon).\\\ Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a widely used \\\ protocol for monitoring the health and welfare of network \\\ equipment (eg. routers), computer equipment and even devices \\\ like UPSs. Net-SNMP is a suite of applications used to implement \\\ SNMP v1, SNMP v2c and SNMP v3 using both IPv4 and IPv6.\\\ \\\ This package contains the SNMP agent, statically linked. URL:=http://www.net-snmp.org/ endef define Package/snmpd-static/conffiles /etc/default/snmpd /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf endef define Build/Configure (cd $(PKG_BUILD_DIR); rm -f config.cache; \ $(TARGET_CONFIGURE_OPTS) \ CFLAGS="$(TARGET_CFLAGS)" \ CPPFLAGS="-I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include -I$(STAGING_DIR)/include" \ LDFLAGS="-L$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib -L$(STAGING_DIR)/lib" \ ac_cv_header_pcap_h=no \ ./configure \ --target=$(GNU_TARGET_NAME) \ --host=$(GNU_TARGET_NAME) \ --build=$(GNU_HOST_NAME) \ --program-prefix="" \ --program-suffix="" \ --prefix=/usr \ --exec-prefix=/usr \ --bindir=/usr/bin \ --datadir=/usr/share \ --includedir=/usr/include \ --infodir=/usr/share/info \ --libdir=/usr/lib \ --libexecdir=/usr/lib \ --localstatedir=/var \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --sbindir=/usr/sbin \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ $(DISABLE_LARGEFILE) \ $(DISABLE_NLS) \ $(PKG_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS) \ ); endef define Build/Compile rm -rf $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR) mkdir -p $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR) $(MAKE) -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) \ INSTALL_PREFIX="$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)" \ all install ( cd $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR); mv ./usr/sbin/snmpd ./usr/sbin/snmpd-shared; ) ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_snmpd-static),) ( cd $(PKG_BUILD_DIR); rm -f agent/snmpd; ) $(MAKE) -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) \ LDFLAGS="-L$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib -L$(STAGING_DIR)/lib -static" \ INSTALL_PREFIX="$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)" \ all install ( cd $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR); mv ./usr/sbin/snmpd ./usr/sbin/snmpd-static; ) endif endef define Package/libnetsnmp/install install -d -m0755 $(1)/usr/lib $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/libnetsnmp{,agent,helpers,mibs}.so.* $(1)/usr/lib/ endef define Package/snmpd/install install -d -m0755 $(1)/etc/snmp install -m0644 ./files/snmpd.conf $(1)/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf install -d -m0755 $(1)/etc/default install -m0644 ./files/snmpd.default $(1)/etc/default/snmpd install -d -m0755 $(1)/etc/init.d install -m0755 ./files/snmpd.init $(1)/etc/init.d/snmpd install -d -m0755 $(1)/usr/sbin install -m0755 $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/sbin/snmpd-shared $(1)/usr/sbin/snmpd endef define Package/snmpd-static/install install -d -m0755 $(1)/etc/snmp install -m0644 ./files/snmpd.conf $(1)/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf install -d -m0755 $(1)/etc/default install -m0644 ./files/snmpd.default $(1)/etc/default/snmpd install -d -m0755 $(1)/etc/init.d install -m0755 ./files/snmpd.init $(1)/etc/init.d/snmpd install -d -m0755 $(1)/usr/sbin install -m0755 $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/sbin/snmpd-static $(1)/usr/sbin/snmpd endef define Package/snmp-utils/install install -d -m0755 $(1)/usr/bin $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin/snmp{get,set,status,test,trap,walk} $(1)/usr/bin/ endef define Build/InstallDev mkdir -p $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/bin $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin/net-snmp-config $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/bin/ mkdir -p $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/include/net-snmp $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/ mkdir -p $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/libnetsnmp{,agent,helpers,mibs}.{a,so*} $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/ endef define Build/UninstallDev rm -rf \ $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/bin/net-snmp-config \ $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/net-snmp \ $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/libnetsnmp{,agent,helpers,mibs}.{a,so*} endef $(eval $(call BuildPackage,libnetsnmp)) $(eval $(call BuildPackage,snmp-utils)) $(eval $(call BuildPackage,snmpd)) $(eval $(call BuildPackage,snmpd-static))