# # Copyright (C) 2006 OpenWrt.org # # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. # See /LICENSE for more information. # # $Id$ include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk PKG_NAME:=sipp PKG_VERSION:=1.0 PKG_RELEASE:=1 PKG_SOURCE:=$(PKG_NAME).$(PKG_VERSION).tar.gz PKG_SOURCE_URL:=@SF/sipp PKG_MD5SUM:=8866e9af0d3bc29e91ebb6eab89a7f1f PKG_CAT:=zcat PKG_BUILD_DIR:=$(BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_NAME) include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk define Package/sipp SECTION:=net CATEGORY:=Network DEPENDS:=+uclibcxx +libpthread +libncurses TITLE:=test tool / traffic generator for the SIP protocol DESCRIPTION:=\ SIPp is a free Open Source test tool / traffic generator for the SIP protocol.\\\ It includes a few basic SipStone user agent scenarios (UAC and UAS) and\\\ establishes and releases multiple calls with the INVITE and BYE methods.\\\ URL:=http://sipp.sourceforge.net endef define Build/Compile $(MAKE) -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) \ $(TARGET_CONFIGURE_OPTS) \ CC_linux="$(TARGET_CC)" \ CPP_linux="$(TARGET_CC)" \ CCLINK_linux="$(TARGET_CC)" \ CFLAGS="$(TARGET_CFLAGS)" \ CPPFLAGS_linux="-I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include -I$(STAGING_DIR)/include -fno-builtin -nostdinc++" \ LFLAGS_linux="-nodefaultlibs -L$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib -L$(STAGING_DIR)/lib" \ LIBS="-luClibc++ -lc -lm -lgcc -lpthread -ldl -lncurses" \ all endef define Package/sipp/install install -d -m0755 $(1)/usr/sbin install -m0755 $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_NAME) $(1)/usr/sbin/ endef $(eval $(call BuildPackage,sipp))