#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright (C) 2010 OpenWrt.org



start_daemon() {
	local cfg="$1"

	config_get_bool loop "$cfg" loop
	config_get ifname "$cfg" ifname
	config_get rootfs "$cfg" rootfs
	config_get kernel "$cfg" kernel
	config_get ubnt "$cfg" ubnt
	[ "$loop" != "1" ] && loop=0
	if [ -n "$ifname" -a -n "$rootfs" -a -n "$kernel" ] || \
	   [ -n "$ifname" -a -n "$ubnt" ]; then
	   	PID="`cat /var/run/$NAME.sh-$ifname.pid 2> /dev/null`"
	   	[ -z "`ps | grep "^.[ ]*$PID "`" ] && \
	   		rm /var/run/$NAME.sh-$ifname.pid
		[ -n "`ls /var/run/$NAME.sh-$ifname.pid 2> /dev/null`" ] && {
			echo "Can't start more than one ap51-flash for interface $ifname!"
			return 0
		start-stop-daemon -S -b -m -p /var/run/$NAME.sh-$ifname.pid -n $NAME.sh \
			-x /usr/lib/ap51-flash/$NAME.sh -- "$loop" "$ifname" "$rootfs" "$kernel" "$ubnt"

start() {
	config_load ap51-flash
	config_foreach start_daemon flash

stop() {
	# Terminating all ap51-flash processes
	echo "WARNING: Going to teminate all ap51-flash processes! (hope you made sure that they're not flashing right now)"
	echo "OR you can stop this with Ctrl+c within 10 seconds"
	sleep 10
	local pidfile
	for pidfile in `ls /var/run/${NAME}.sh-*.pid 2> /dev/null`; do
		start-stop-daemon -K -s TERM -p "${pidfile}" -n "${NAME}.sh" >/dev/null
		rm -f "${pidfile}"
	for pidfile in `ls /var/run/${NAME}-*.pid 2> /dev/null`; do
		start-stop-daemon -K -s TERM -p "${pidfile}" -n "${NAME}" >/dev/null
		rm -f "${pidfile}"