% % anyremote configuration file for sound management. (Server-mode) % prerequisites: amixer utility % % STATUS stable % XTEST no % SOUND mixer % ENV no % Uncomment if needed %AutoRepeat=false %Baudrate=19200 Device=bluetooth:19 %Log=true Screen=true GuiAppName=Sound volume test GuiAppIcon=sound.png GuiAppType=Example GuiAppBinary=true % 1 - increase sound volume % 2 - mute/unmute % 3 - increase sound volume % 5 - show list of available controls [Aliases] % Aliases for AverMedia IR remote VOLUMEDOWN=1 MIN_INTERESTING=2 VOLUMEUP=3 TEXT=* [End] [Keys] (Init) =Macro(SET_CARD);Macro(TEST_MIXER);Macro(INIT_CONTROL); (Connect)=Set(parameter,debug,on);\ Set(icons,SoundControl,1,minus,2,mute,3,plus,4,default,5,configure,6,default,7,default,8,default,9,default,0,default,*,question,#,default);\ Macro(SET_VIEW); SET_CARD =Make(var,mixer_card,echo 'if [ -f $HOME/.anyRemote/amixer.card ]; then cat $HOME/.anyRemote/amixer.card; else true; fi;'|bash -f -s); TEST_MIXER =Exec(echo 'TEST=`amixer $(mixer_card) sget Master,0`;U=`echo $TEST|grep "Usage: amixer" |wc -l`;KD=`which kdialog|grep kdialog|grep -v not|wc -l`;if [ "x$KD" == "x1" ]; then M="kdialog --msgbox"; else M="echo";fi;if [ "x$U" != "x0" ]; then $M "ERROR: You have to correct example according to Your system configuration !"; fi;'|bash -f -s); INIT_CONTROL=Exec(echo 'if [ -f $HOME/.anyRemote/amixer.control ]; then true; else echo "Master@0" > $HOME/.anyRemote/amixer.control; fi;'|bash -f -s) SET_VIEW =Set(menu,add,Controls);ExecAndSet(title,cat $HOME/.anyRemote/amixer.control|sed "s/@/,/"); Cancel=Exit Controls=ExecAndSet(list,replace,Mixer Controls,amixer scontrols|sed 's/Simple mixer control //;s/,/@/;s/$/,/');Set(menu,replace,Choose); Choose($$)=Exec(echo $(Param) > $HOME/.anyRemote/amixer.control);Set(list,close);Macro(SET_VIEW); Back=Set(text,close);Macro(SET_VIEW); Back($$)=Set(list,close);Macro(SET_VIEW); 1=Exec(amixer $(mixer_card) sset `cat $HOME/.anyRemote/amixer.control|sed "s/@/,/"` 5%- -q) 2=Exec(amixer $(mixer_card) sset `cat $HOME/.anyRemote/amixer.control|sed "s/@/,/"` toggle -q) 3=Exec(amixer $(mixer_card) sset `cat $HOME/.anyRemote/amixer.control|sed "s/@/,/"` 5%+ -q) 5=Macro(Controls); * *=Set(text,replace,Help,1 - Vol-\n2 - Mute/Unmute\n3 - Vol+\n5 - Choose mixer control) [End]