 configure.py |  218 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 149 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

Index: PyQt-x11-gpl-4.7.4/configure.py
--- PyQt-x11-gpl-4.7.4.orig/configure.py	2010-07-12 12:41:15.000000000 +0200
+++ PyQt-x11-gpl-4.7.4/configure.py	2010-10-27 12:30:01.000000000 +0200
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 import glob
 import optparse
 import shutil
+import re
 import sipconfig
@@ -173,25 +174,17 @@
             metavar="PLUGIN", dest="staticplugins", help="add PLUGIN to the "
             "list be linked (if Qt is built as static libraries)")
-    if sys.platform != 'win32':
-        if sys.platform in ('linux2', 'darwin'):
-            pip_default = True
-            pip_default_str = "enabled"
-        else:
-            pip_default = False
-            pip_default_str = "disabled"
-        g.add_option("--protected-is-public", action="store_true",
-                default=pip_default, dest="prot_is_public",
-                help="enable building with 'protected' redefined as 'public' "
-                        "[default: %s]" % pip_default_str)
-        g.add_option("--protected-not-public", action="store_false",
-                dest="prot_is_public",
-                help="disable building with 'protected' redefined as 'public'")
-        g.add_option("-q", "--qmake", action="callback", metavar="FILE",
-                default=qmake, dest="qmake", callback=store_abspath_file,
-                type="string",
-                help="the pathname of qmake [default: %s]" % (qmake or "none"))
+    g.add_option("--protected-is-public", action="store_true",
+            default=True, dest="prot_is_public",
+            help="enable building with 'protected' redefined as 'public' "
+                    "[default: True]")
+    g.add_option("--protected-not-public", action="store_false",
+            dest="prot_is_public",
+            help="disable building with 'protected' redefined as 'public'")
+    g.add_option("-q", "--qmake", action="callback", metavar="FILE",
+            default=qmake, dest="qmake", callback=store_abspath_file,
+            type="string",
+            help="the pathname of qmake [default: %s]" % (qmake or "none"))
     g.add_option("-s", "--dbus", action="callback", metavar="DIR",
             dest="pydbusincdir", callback=store_abspath_dir, type="string",
@@ -199,13 +192,13 @@
             "[default: supplied by pkg-config]")
-    if sys.platform == 'darwin':
-        g = optparse.OptionGroup(p, title="MacOS X Configuration")
-        g.add_option("--use-arch", action="store", metavar="ARCH",
-                dest="use_arch", choices=["i386", "x86_64", "ppc"],
-                help="the architecture to use when running pyuic4 "
-                        "[default: system default]")
-        p.add_option_group(g)
+    g = optparse.OptionGroup(p, title="Arch Configuration")
+    g.add_option("--use-arch", action="store", metavar="ARCH",
+            dest="use_arch", choices=["", "i386", "x86_64", "ppc", "arm"],
+            default="",
+            help="the architecture to use when running pyuic4 "
+                    "[default: system default]")
+    p.add_option_group(g)
     # Installation.
     g = optparse.OptionGroup(p, title="Installation")
@@ -264,12 +257,42 @@
+    # Crosscompilation
+    g = optparse.OptionGroup(p, title="Crosscompilation")
+    g.add_option("--crosscompile", action="store_true",
+                 default=False, dest="crosscompile",
+                 help="Set, if cross-compiling")
+    g.add_option("--host-sip-bin", action="callback", metavar="FILE",
+                 default=None, dest="host_sip_bin", type="string",
+                 callback=store_abspath_file,
+                 help="Path to the host SIP binary")
+    g.add_option("--sipconfig-macros", action="callback", metavar="FILE",
+                 default=None, dest="sipconfig_macros", type="string",
+                 callback=store_abspath_file,
+                 help="Path to a file containing sipconfig macros")
+    g.add_option("--qmake-prefix", action="append",
+    		 default=[], dest="qmake_prefixes", type="string",
+		 help="Commandline prefix to qmake")
+    g.add_option("--qmake-spec", action="callback", metavar="FILE",
+                default=None, dest="qmake_spec", callback=store_abspath,
+                type="string",
+                help="the pathname to qmake spec file")
+    g.add_option("--qtdirs-file", action="callback", metavar="FILE",
+                 default=None, dest="qtdirs_file", callback=store_abspath_file,
+                 type="string",
+                 help="Path to a predefined qtdirs file")
+    g.add_option("--pydbus-installdir", action="callback", metavar="DIR",
+                 default=None, dest="pydbus_installdir", callback=store_abspath,
+                 type="string",
+                 help="Install dir for pydbus module")
+    p.add_option_group(g)
     return p
 class pyrccMakefile(sipconfig.ProgramMakefile):
     """This class implements the Makefile for pyrcc.  This is specialised so
-    that pyrcc is automatically run against the examples.
+    that pyrcc is automatically run against the examples, if not crosscompiling.
     def __init__(self):
@@ -282,6 +305,8 @@
     def generate_target_default(self, mfile):
         """Generate the default target."""
         sipconfig.ProgramMakefile.generate_target_default(self, mfile)
+        if opts.crosscompile:
+            return
         # The correct call to pyrcc depends on the Python version.
         if sys.hexversion >= 0x03000000:
@@ -772,7 +797,7 @@
-            run_command("%s %s %s" % (opts.qmake, qmake_args, wrapped_pro))
+            run_qmake("%s %s" % (qmake_args, wrapped_pro))
         sipconfig.inform("Creating QPy support libraries Makefile...")
@@ -825,12 +850,16 @@
         # not on Windows (so that normal console use will work).
         sipconfig.inform("Creating pyuic4 wrapper...")
-        if sys.platform == 'darwin':
-            gui = True
+        if opts.use_arch:
+            gui = False#FIXME
             use_arch = opts.use_arch
-            gui = False
-            use_arch = ''
+            if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+                gui = True
+                use_arch = opts.use_arch
+            else:
+                gui = False
+                use_arch = ''
         uicdir=os.path.join(pyqt_modroot, "uic")
         wrapper = sipconfig.create_wrapper(os.path.join(uicdir, "pyuic.py"), os.path.join("pyuic", "pyuic4"), gui, use_arch)
@@ -880,6 +909,7 @@
             py_major = sipcfg.py_version >> 16
             py_minor = (sipcfg.py_version >> 8) & 0x0ff
+            print "FIXME CROSSCOMPILE" #FIXME: Crosscompile
             if sys.platform == 'win32':
                 lib_dir_flag = quote("-L%s" % sipcfg.py_lib_dir)
                 link = "%s -lpython%d%d" % (lib_dir_flag, py_major, py_minor)
@@ -938,7 +968,7 @@
-                run_command("%s %s" % (opts.qmake, qmake_args))
+                run_qmake(qmake_args)
@@ -1056,6 +1086,14 @@
     sipconfig.create_config_module(module, template, content, macros)
+def run_qmake(args):
+    pfx = " ".join(opts.qmake_prefixes)
+    if opts.qmake_spec:
+        spec = "-spec \"" + opts.qmake_spec + "\""
+    else:
+        spec = ""
+    run_command(pfx + " " + opts.qmake + " " + spec + " " + args)
 def run_command(cmd):
     """Run a command and display the output if verbose mode is enabled.
@@ -1272,30 +1310,38 @@
     sipconfig.inform("Checking to see if the dbus support module should be built...")
-    sout = get_command_stdout("pkg-config --cflags-only-I --libs dbus-1")
-    iflags = sout.read().strip()
+    if opts.crosscompile and not opts.pydbusincdir:
+       sipconfig.inform("Crosscompiling but no dbus incdir specified. Disabling dbus.")
+       return
+    if not opts.crosscompile:
+        sout = get_command_stdout("pkg-config --cflags-only-I --libs dbus-1")
+        iflags = sout.read().strip()
+        if not iflags:
+            sipconfig.inform("DBus v1 does not seem to be installed.")
+            return
+        # Using str() means it will work with both Python v2 and v3.
+        for f in str(iflags).split():
+            if f.startswith("-I"):
+                dbusincdirs.append(f[2:])
+            elif f.startswith("-L"):
+                dbuslibdirs.append(f[2:])
+            elif f.startswith("-l"):
+                dbuslibs.append(f[2:])
-    if not iflags:
-        sipconfig.inform("DBus v1 does not seem to be installed.")
-        return
-    # Using str() means it will work with both Python v2 and v3.
-    for f in str(iflags).split():
-        if f.startswith("-I"):
-            dbusincdirs.append(f[2:])
-        elif f.startswith("-L"):
-            dbuslibdirs.append(f[2:])
-        elif f.startswith("-l"):
-            dbuslibs.append(f[2:])
-    try:
-        import dbus.mainloop
-    except:
-        sipconfig.inform("The Python dbus module doesn't seem to be installed.")
-        return
+        try:
+            import dbus.mainloop
+        except:
+            sipconfig.inform("The Python dbus module doesn't seem to be installed.")
+            return
     global pydbusmoddir
-    pydbusmoddir = dbus.mainloop.__path__[0]
+    if opts.pydbus_installdir:
+        pydbusmoddir = opts.pydbus_installdir
+    else:
+        pydbusmoddir = dbus.mainloop.__path__[0]
     # Try and find dbus-python.h.  We don't use pkg-config because it is broken
     # for dbus-python (at least for versions up to and including v0.81.0).
@@ -1381,6 +1427,7 @@
     pyqt is the configuration instance.
+    #FIXME: Needs some crosscompile fixes.
     # If we don't check for signed interpreters, we exclude the 'VendorID'
     # feature
     if not opts.vendorcheck:
@@ -1525,7 +1572,10 @@
             needed_qt_libs(mname, qt_libs)
     # Build the SIP command line.  Keyword argument support is enabled.
-    argv = ['"' + sipcfg.sip_bin + '"', '-k']
+    sip_bin = sipcfg.sip_bin
+    if opts.host_sip_bin:
+        sip_bin = opts.host_sip_bin
+    argv = ['"' + sip_bin + '"', '-k']
     if not opts.no_docstrings:
@@ -1779,6 +1829,8 @@
 def fix_qmake_args(args=""):
     """Make any platform specific adjustments to the arguments passed to qmake.
+    if opts.crosscompile:
+        return args
     if sys.platform == "darwin":
         # The Qt binary installer has macx-xcode as the default.
         args = "-spec %s %s" % (sipcfg.platform, args)
@@ -1930,7 +1982,7 @@
     # Create the makefile, first making sure it doesn't already exist.
-    run_command("%s %s %s" % (opts.qmake, qmake_args, pro_file))
+    run_qmake("%s %s" % (qmake_args, pro_file))
     if not os.access(make_file, os.F_OK):
         sipconfig.error("%s failed to create a makefile. %s" % (opts.qmake, MSG_CHECK_QMAKE))
@@ -1952,15 +2004,30 @@
     if not os.access(exe_file, os.X_OK):
         sipconfig.error("Failed to determine the layout of your Qt installation. Try again using the --verbose flag to see more detail about the problem.")
-    # Create the output file, first making sure it doesn't exist.
-    remove_file(out_file)
-    run_command(exe_file)
+    if opts.qtdirs_file:
+        # The user supplied a partial qtdirs.out file. We're probably crosscompiling.
+        # Do _not_ try to execute our qtdirs exe. Take the supplied qtdirs.out files
+        # instead and add the PyQt_... flags by grepping through the executable.
+        # This assumes the executable is not compiled with -O0.
+        read_qtdirs_file(opts.qtdirs_file)
+        global qt_xfeatures
+        print("Got %d features from qtdirs.out file: %s" % (len(qt_xfeatures), str(qt_xfeatures)))
+        found = re.findall(r'PyQt_[\w]+', file(exe_file, "r").read())
+        print("Grepped %d features from qtdirs.exe file: %s" % (len(found), str(found)))
+        qt_xfeatures.extend(found)
+    else:
+        # Create the output file, first making sure it doesn't exist.
+        remove_file(out_file)
+        run_command(exe_file)
+        if not os.access(out_file, os.F_OK):
+            sipconfig.error("%s failed to create %s. Make sure your Qt v4 installation is correct." % (exe_file, out_file))
-    if not os.access(out_file, os.F_OK):
-        sipconfig.error("%s failed to create %s. Make sure your Qt v4 installation is correct." % (exe_file, out_file))
+        # Read the directories.
+        read_qtdirs_file(out_file)
-    # Read the directories.
-    f = open(out_file, "r")
+def read_qtdirs_file(filename):
+    f = open(filename, "r")
     lines = f.read().strip().split("\n")
@@ -2022,6 +2089,24 @@
             sipconfig.error("Qt has been built as static libraries so either the -g or -k argument should be used.")
+def load_sipconfig_macros(filename):
+    macros = {}
+    fd = file(filename, "r")
+    for line in fd.readlines():
+        line = line.split()
+        try:
+            key = line[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            sipconfig.error("Invalid sipconfig macros file format")
+        value = ""
+        try:
+            value = " ".join(line[1:])
+        except IndexError:
+            pass
+        macros[key] = value
+    return macros
 def main():
     """Create the configuration module module.
@@ -2036,7 +2121,7 @@
     opts, args = p.parse_args()
     # Provide defaults for platform-specific options.
-    if sys.platform == 'win32':
+    if sys.platform == 'win32' and not opts.crosscompile:
         opts.qmake = find_default_qmake()
         opts.prot_is_public = False
@@ -2069,12 +2154,14 @@
             # Install the API file if the default directory exists.
             opts.api = os.path.isdir(opts.qscidir)
-    # Replace the existing build macros with the ones from the Qt installation.
-    macros = get_build_macros(args)
-    if macros is None:
-        p.print_help()
-        sys.exit(2)
+    if opts.sipconfig_macros:
+        macros = load_sipconfig_macros(opts.sipconfig_macros)
+    else:
+        # Replace the existing build macros with the ones from the Qt installation.
+        macros = get_build_macros(args)
+        if macros is None:
+            p.print_help()
+            sys.exit(2)