thepeople a931d77737 A new package smtptrapd to provide a (secondary) SMTP server returning 4xx soft error. Signed-off-by: Lubos Stanek (lubek) <>
git-svn-id: svn:// 3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73
2008-05-08 00:57:21 +00:00

145 lines
3.5 KiB

#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright (C) 2008
EXTRA_COMMANDS="list status exconf"
EXTRA_HELP=" list Lists available configurations
status Prints status of the service
exconf Shows an example config file
The actions start, stop, restart, reload, status operate
globally on all configurations unless the particular
configuration has been provided as the next parameter.
check_req() {
if [ -x "$DAEMON" ]; then
return 0
echo "The daemon binary is missing!"
return 1
check_section() {
echo "$1" | grep -vq '^cfg[[:xdigit:]]\{6\}$'
start_service() {
local cfg="$1"
local named="$2"
check_section "$cfg" || return 1
[ "$named" != "" -a "$cfg" != "$named" ] && return 0
local args listen_ip banner_host username num_threads listen_port accept_queue_len
config_get listen_ip "$cfg" listen_ip
[ -n "$listen_ip" ] && append args "-l $listen_ip"
config_get listen_port "$cfg" listen_port
[ -n "$listen_port" ] && append args "-p $listen_port"
config_get username "$cfg" username
[ -n "$username" ] && append args "-u $username"
config_get banner_host "$cfg" banner_host
[ -n "$banner_host" ] && append args "-b \"$banner_host\""
config_get num_threads "$cfg" num_threads
[ -n "$num_threads" ] && append args "-t $num_threads"
config_get accept_queue_len "$cfg" accept_queue_len
[ -n "$accept_queue_len" ] && append args "-m $accept_queue_len"
append args "-f ${RUN_D}/${NAME}-${cfg}.pid"
eval "$DAEMON $args"
stop_service() {
local cfg="$1"
local named="$2"
check_section "$cfg" || return 1
[ "$named" != "" -a "$cfg" != "$named" ] && return 0
local PID_F="${RUN_D}/${NAME}-${cfg}.pid"
[ -f $PID_F ] && {
local ppid=$(cat $PID_F)
ps | grep "^[[:space:]]*$ppid[[:space:]]" | grep -q "[s]mtptrapd\>" && kill $ppid
rm -f $PID_F
status_service() {
local cfg="$1"
local named="$2"
check_section "$cfg" || return 1
[ "$named" != "" -a "$cfg" != "$named" ] && return 0
local PID_F="${RUN_D}/${NAME}-${cfg}.pid"
[ -f $PID_F ] && {
local ppid=$(cat $PID_F)
if ps | grep "^[[:space:]]*$ppid[[:space:]]" | grep -q "[s]mtptrapd\>"; then
echo "$cfg (pid $ppid) is running"
echo "$cfg is not running (stale pid file exists)"
list_service() {
local cfg="$1"
check_section "$cfg" || return 1
echo " $cfg"
start() {
local svc_cfg="$1"
check_req || return 1
[ ! -d $RUN_D ] && mkdir -p $RUN_D
config_load "$NAME"
config_foreach start_service "$NAME" "$svc_cfg"
stop() {
local svc_cfg="$1"
check_req || return 1
config_load "/etc/config/$NAME"
if [ -n "$svc_cfg" ]; then
config_foreach stop_service "$NAME" "$svc_cfg"
config_foreach stop_service "$NAME"
local pf
for pf in $(ls ${RUN_D}/${NAME}*.pid 2>/dev/null); do
local ppid=$(cat $pf)
ps | grep "^[[:space:]]*$ppid[[:space:]]" | grep -q "[s]mtptrapd\>" && kill "$ppid"
rm -f $pf
status() {
local svc_cfg="$1"
check_req || return 1
config_load "$NAME"
config_foreach status_service "$NAME" "$svc_cfg"
list() {
check_req || return 1
echo "Available $NAME configurations:"
config_load "$NAME"
config_foreach list_service "$NAME"
exconf() {
echo "An example configuration in /etc/config/$NAME:" >&2
cat <<EOF
config '$NAME' 'myfailhost'
option 'num_threads' '1'
# The init script operates only with named sections
# All options (default values)
# option 'banner_host' '<hostname>'
# option 'username' 'nobody'
# option 'listen_ip' '<all addresses>'
# option 'listen_port' '25'
# option 'num_threads' '10'
# option 'accept_queue_len' '100'