Static NAT64 entries should really belong to firewall config and could be also processed by firewall code. Currently tayga only processes ipv4_addr and ipv6_addr options, this is the mapping itself. ipv4_addr is taken from dynamic pool and is not accessable from anywhere. In addition, firewall code may add DNAT/SNAT rules to map it to address from WAN interface and permit access from WAN zone using selected ports/protocols. Furthermore, firewall may allow or deny access to ipv6_addr from 4-to-6 translated addresses. Example: config nat64 option ipv4_addr option ipv6_addr 2001:db8::31 Signed-off-by: Alexey I. Froloff <raorn@altlinux.org> git-svn-id: svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/packages@30582 3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73
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# tayga.sh - NAT64 backend
find_tayga_wanif4() {
local if=$(ip -4 r l e; if="${if#default* dev }"; if="${if%% *}"
[ -n "$if" ] && grep -qs "^ *$if:" /proc/net/dev && echo "$if"
find_tayga_wanip4() {
local ip=$(ip -4 a s dev "$1"); ip="${ip#*inet }"
echo "${ip%%[^0-9.]*}"
find_tayga_wanif6() {
local if=$(ip -6 r l e ::/0); if="${if#default* dev }"; if="${if%% *}"
[ -n "$if" ] && grep -qs "^ *$if:" /proc/net/dev && echo "$if"
find_tayga_wanip6() {
local ip=$(ip -6 a s dev "$1"); ip="${ip#*inet6 }"
echo "${ip%%[^0-9A-Fa-f:]*}"
# Hook into scan_interfaces() to synthesize a .device option
# This is needed for /sbin/ifup to properly dispatch control
# to setup_interface_tayga() even if no .ifname is set in
# the configuration.
scan_tayga() {
config_set "$1" device "tayga-$1"
coldplug_interface_tayga() {
setup_interface_tayga "tayga-$1" "$1"
tayga_add_static_mappings() {
local tmpconf="$1"
. /etc/functions.sh
config_load firewall
tayga_map_rule_add() {
local cfg="$1"
local tmpconf="$2"
local ipv4_addr ipv6_addr
config_get ipv4_addr "$cfg" ipv4_addr ""
config_get ipv6_addr "$cfg" ipv6_addr ""
[ -n "$ipv4_addr" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_addr" ] &&
echo "map $ipv4_addr $ipv6_addr" >>$tmpconf
config_foreach tayga_map_rule_add nat64 "$tmpconf"
setup_interface_tayga() {
local iface="$1"
local cfg="$2"
local link="tayga-$cfg"
local ipv4_addr ipv6_addr prefix dynamic_pool
config_get ipv4_addr "$cfg" ipv4_addr
config_get ipv6_addr "$cfg" ipv6_addr
config_get prefix "$cfg" prefix
config_get dynamic_pool "$cfg" dynamic_pool
local args
include /lib/network
local wanip4=$(uci_get network "$cfg" ipv4addr)
local wanip6=$(uci_get network "$cfg" ipv6addr)
local wanif4=$(find_tayga_wanif4)
local wanif6=$(find_tayga_wanif6)
[ -z "$wanip4" ] && {
[ -n "$wanif4" ] && {
wanip4=$(find_tayga_wanip4 "$wanif4")
uci_set_state network "$cfg" wan4_device "$wanif4"
[ -z "$wanip6" ] && {
[ -n "$wanif6" ] && {
wanip6=$(find_tayga_wanip6 "$wanif6")
uci_set_state network "$cfg" wan6_device "$wanif6"
[ -n "$wanip4" ] && [ -n "$wanip6" ] || {
echo "Cannot determine local IPv4 and IPv6 addressed for tayga NAT64 $cfg - skipping"
return 1
local tmpconf="/var/etc/tayga-$cfg.conf"
args="-c $tmpconf"
mkdir -p /var/etc
mkdir -p /var/run/tayga/$cfg
echo "tun-device $link" >$tmpconf
echo "ipv4-addr $ipv4_addr" >>$tmpconf
[ -n "$ipv6_addr" ] &&
echo "ipv6-addr $ipv6_addr" >>$tmpconf
[ -n "$prefix" ] &&
echo "prefix $prefix" >>$tmpconf
tayga_add_static_mappings "$tmpconf"
[ -n "$dynamic_pool" ] &&
echo "dynamic-pool $dynamic_pool" >>$tmpconf
echo "data-dir /var/run/tayga/$cfg" >>$tmpconf
# creating the tunnel below will trigger a net subsystem event
# prevent it from touching or iface by disabling .auto here
uci_set_state network "$cfg" ifname $link
uci_set_state network "$cfg" auto 0
# here we create TUN device and check configuration
tayga $args --mktun || return 1
ip link set "$link" up
ip addr add "$wanip4" dev "$link"
ip addr add "$wanip6" dev "$link"
[ -n "$dynamic_pool" ] &&
ip -4 route add "$dynamic_pool" dev "$link"
[ -n "$prefix" ] &&
ip -6 route add "$prefix" dev "$link"
start-stop-daemon -S -x tayga -- $args -p /var/run/$link.pid
env -i ACTION="ifup" DEVICE="$link" INTERFACE="$cfg" PROTO="tayga" \
/sbin/hotplug-call iface
stop_interface_tayga() {
local cfg="$1"
local link="tayga-$cfg"
env -i ACTION="ifdown" DEVICE="$link" INTERFACE="$cfg" PROTO="tayga" \
/sbin/hotplug-call iface
service_kill tayga "/var/run/$link.pid"
ip link set "$link" down
ip addr flush dev "$link"
ip route flush dev "$link"