2590 lines
62 KiB

/* $Xorg: Intrinsic.h,v 1.4 2001/02/09 02:03:55 xorgcvs Exp $ */
Copyright 1987, 1988 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts,
All Rights Reserved
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
supporting documentation, and that the name Digital not be
used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
software without specific, written prior permission.
Copyright 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998 The Open Group
Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be
used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.
/* $XFree86: xc/lib/Xt/Intrinsic.h,v 3.8 2001/12/14 19:56:22 dawes Exp $ */
#ifndef _XtIntrinsic_h
#define _XtIntrinsic_h
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xresource.h>
#include <X11/Xfuncproto.h>
#ifdef XT_BC
#include <X11/Xos.h> /* for R4 compatibility */
#include <X11/Xosdefs.h>
#include <string.h> /* for XtNewString */
#endif /* XT_BC else */
#define XtSpecificationRelease 6
typedef char *String;
/* We do this in order to get "const" declarations to work right. We
* use _XtString instead of String so that C++ applications can
* #define String to something else if they choose, to avoid conflicts
* with other C++ libraries.
#define _XtString char*
/* _Xt names are private to Xt implementation, do not use in client code */
#if NeedWidePrototypes
#define _XtBoolean int
#define _XtDimension unsigned int
#define _XtKeyCode unsigned int
#define _XtPosition int
#define _XtXtEnum unsigned int
#define _XtBoolean Boolean
#define _XtDimension Dimension
#define _XtKeyCode KeyCode
#define _XtPosition Position
#define _XtXtEnum XtEnum
#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
#include <stddef.h>
#ifdef VMS
#define externalref globalref
#define externaldef(psect) globaldef {"psect"} noshare
#define externalref extern
#define externaldef(psect)
#endif /* VMS */
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
#define XtNumber(arr) ((Cardinal) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0])))
typedef struct _WidgetRec *Widget;
typedef Widget *WidgetList;
typedef struct _WidgetClassRec *WidgetClass;
typedef struct _CompositeRec *CompositeWidget;
typedef struct _XtActionsRec *XtActionList;
typedef struct _XtEventRec *XtEventTable;
typedef struct _XtAppStruct *XtAppContext;
typedef unsigned long XtValueMask;
typedef unsigned long XtIntervalId;
typedef unsigned long XtInputId;
typedef unsigned long XtWorkProcId;
typedef unsigned long XtSignalId;
typedef unsigned int XtGeometryMask;
typedef unsigned long XtGCMask; /* Mask of values that are used by widget*/
typedef unsigned long Pixel; /* Index into colormap */
typedef int XtCacheType;
#define XtCacheNone 0x001
#define XtCacheAll 0x002
#define XtCacheByDisplay 0x003
#define XtCacheRefCount 0x100
* System Dependent Definitions; see spec for specific range
* requirements. Do not assume every implementation uses the
* same base types!
* XtArgVal ought to be a union of XtPointer, char *, long, int *, and proc *
* but casting to union types is not really supported.
* So the typedef for XtArgVal should be chosen such that
* sizeof (XtArgVal) >= sizeof(XtPointer)
* sizeof(char *)
* sizeof(long)
* sizeof(int *)
* sizeof(proc *)
* ArgLists rely heavily on the above typedef.
#ifdef CRAY
typedef long Boolean;
typedef char* XtArgVal;
typedef long XtEnum;
typedef char Boolean;
typedef long XtArgVal;
typedef unsigned char XtEnum;
typedef unsigned int Cardinal;
typedef unsigned short Dimension; /* Size in pixels */
typedef short Position; /* Offset from 0 coordinate */
typedef void* XtPointer;
/* The type Opaque is NOT part of the Xt standard, do NOT use it. */
/* (It remains here only for backward compatibility.) */
typedef XtPointer Opaque;
#include <X11/Core.h>
#include <X11/Composite.h>
#include <X11/Constraint.h>
#include <X11/Object.h>
#include <X11/RectObj.h>
typedef struct _TranslationData *XtTranslations;
typedef struct _TranslationData *XtAccelerators;
typedef unsigned int Modifiers;
typedef void (*XtActionProc)(
Widget /* widget */,
XEvent* /* event */,
String* /* params */,
Cardinal* /* num_params */
typedef XtActionProc* XtBoundActions;
typedef struct _XtActionsRec{
String string;
XtActionProc proc;
} XtActionsRec;
typedef enum {
/* address mode parameter representation */
/* ------------ ------------------------ */
XtAddress, /* address */
XtBaseOffset, /* offset */
XtImmediate, /* constant */
XtResourceString, /* resource name string */
XtResourceQuark, /* resource name quark */
XtWidgetBaseOffset, /* offset from ancestor */
XtProcedureArg /* procedure to invoke */
} XtAddressMode;
typedef struct {
XtAddressMode address_mode;
XtPointer address_id;
Cardinal size;
} XtConvertArgRec, *XtConvertArgList;
typedef void (*XtConvertArgProc)(
Widget /* widget */,
Cardinal* /* size */,
XrmValue* /* value */
typedef struct {
XtGeometryMask request_mode;
Position x, y;
Dimension width, height, border_width;
Widget sibling;
int stack_mode; /* Above, Below, TopIf, BottomIf, Opposite, DontChange */
} XtWidgetGeometry;
/* Additions to Xlib geometry requests: ask what would happen, don't do it */
#define XtCWQueryOnly (1 << 7)
/* Additions to Xlib stack modes: don't change stack order */
#define XtSMDontChange 5
typedef void (*XtConverter)( /* obsolete */
XrmValue* /* args */,
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValue* /* from */,
XrmValue* /* to */
typedef Boolean (*XtTypeConverter)(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValue* /* args */,
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValue* /* from */,
XrmValue* /* to */,
XtPointer* /* converter_data */
typedef void (*XtDestructor)(
XtAppContext /* app */,
XrmValue* /* to */,
XtPointer /* converter_data */,
XrmValue* /* args */,
Cardinal* /* num_args */
typedef Opaque XtCacheRef;
typedef Opaque XtActionHookId;
typedef void (*XtActionHookProc)(
Widget /* w */,
XtPointer /* client_data */,
String /* action_name */,
XEvent* /* event */,
String* /* params */,
Cardinal* /* num_params */
typedef unsigned long XtBlockHookId;
typedef void (*XtBlockHookProc)(
XtPointer /* client_data */
typedef void (*XtKeyProc)(
Display* /* dpy */,
_XtKeyCode /* keycode */,
Modifiers /* modifiers */,
Modifiers* /* modifiers_return */,
KeySym* /* keysym_return */
typedef void (*XtCaseProc)(
Display* /* display */,
KeySym /* keysym */,
KeySym* /* lower_return */,
KeySym* /* upper_return */
typedef void (*XtEventHandler)(
Widget /* widget */,
XtPointer /* closure */,
XEvent* /* event */,
Boolean* /* continue_to_dispatch */
typedef unsigned long EventMask;
typedef enum {XtListHead, XtListTail } XtListPosition;
typedef unsigned long XtInputMask;
#define XtInputNoneMask 0L
#define XtInputReadMask (1L<<0)
#define XtInputWriteMask (1L<<1)
#define XtInputExceptMask (1L<<2)
typedef void (*XtTimerCallbackProc)(
XtPointer /* closure */,
XtIntervalId* /* id */
typedef void (*XtInputCallbackProc)(
XtPointer /* closure */,
int* /* source */,
XtInputId* /* id */
typedef void (*XtSignalCallbackProc)(
XtPointer /* closure */,
XtSignalId* /* id */
typedef struct {
String name;
XtArgVal value;
} Arg, *ArgList;
typedef XtPointer XtVarArgsList;
typedef void (*XtCallbackProc)(
Widget /* widget */,
XtPointer /* closure */, /* data the application registered */
XtPointer /* call_data */ /* callback specific data */
typedef struct _XtCallbackRec {
XtCallbackProc callback;
XtPointer closure;
} XtCallbackRec, *XtCallbackList;
typedef enum {
} XtCallbackStatus;
typedef enum {
XtGeometryYes, /* Request accepted. */
XtGeometryNo, /* Request denied. */
XtGeometryAlmost, /* Request denied, but willing to take replyBox. */
XtGeometryDone /* Request accepted and done. */
} XtGeometryResult;
typedef enum {XtGrabNone, XtGrabNonexclusive, XtGrabExclusive} XtGrabKind;
typedef struct {
Widget shell_widget;
Widget enable_widget;
} XtPopdownIDRec, *XtPopdownID;
typedef struct _XtResource {
String resource_name; /* Resource name */
String resource_class; /* Resource class */
String resource_type; /* Representation type desired */
Cardinal resource_size; /* Size in bytes of representation */
Cardinal resource_offset;/* Offset from base to put resource value */
String default_type; /* representation type of specified default */
XtPointer default_addr; /* Address of default resource */
} XtResource, *XtResourceList;
typedef void (*XtResourceDefaultProc)(
Widget /* widget */,
int /* offset */,
XrmValue* /* value */
typedef String (*XtLanguageProc)(
Display* /* dpy */,
String /* xnl */,
XtPointer /* client_data */
typedef void (*XtErrorMsgHandler)(
String /* name */,
String /* type */,
String /* class */,
String /* default */,
String* /* params */,
Cardinal* /* num_params */
typedef void (*XtErrorHandler)(
String /* msg */
typedef void (*XtCreatePopupChildProc)(
Widget /* shell */
typedef Boolean (*XtWorkProc)(
XtPointer /* closure */ /* data the application registered */
typedef struct {
char match;
String substitution;
} SubstitutionRec, *Substitution;
typedef Boolean (*XtFilePredicate)(
String /* filename */
typedef XtPointer XtRequestId;
typedef Boolean (*XtConvertSelectionProc)(
Widget /* widget */,
Atom* /* selection */,
Atom* /* target */,
Atom* /* type_return */,
XtPointer* /* value_return */,
unsigned long* /* length_return */,
int* /* format_return */
typedef void (*XtLoseSelectionProc)(
Widget /* widget */,
Atom* /* selection */
typedef void (*XtSelectionDoneProc)(
Widget /* widget */,
Atom* /* selection */,
Atom* /* target */
typedef void (*XtSelectionCallbackProc)(
Widget /* widget */,
XtPointer /* closure */,
Atom* /* selection */,
Atom* /* type */,
XtPointer /* value */,
unsigned long* /* length */,
int* /* format */
typedef void (*XtLoseSelectionIncrProc)(
Widget /* widget */,
Atom* /* selection */,
XtPointer /* client_data */
typedef void (*XtSelectionDoneIncrProc)(
Widget /* widget */,
Atom* /* selection */,
Atom* /* target */,
XtRequestId* /* receiver_id */,
XtPointer /* client_data */
typedef Boolean (*XtConvertSelectionIncrProc)(
Widget /* widget */,
Atom* /* selection */,
Atom* /* target */,
Atom* /* type */,
XtPointer* /* value */,
unsigned long* /* length */,
int* /* format */,
unsigned long* /* max_length */,
XtPointer /* client_data */,
XtRequestId* /* receiver_id */
typedef void (*XtCancelConvertSelectionProc)(
Widget /* widget */,
Atom* /* selection */,
Atom* /* target */,
XtRequestId* /* receiver_id */,
XtPointer /* client_data */
typedef Boolean (*XtEventDispatchProc)(
XEvent* /* event */
typedef void (*XtExtensionSelectProc)(
Widget /* widget */,
int* /* event_types */,
XtPointer* /* select_data */,
int /* count */,
XtPointer /* client_data */
* Exported Interfaces
extern Boolean XtConvertAndStore(
Widget /* widget */,
_Xconst _XtString /* from_type */,
XrmValue* /* from */,
_Xconst _XtString /* to_type */,
XrmValue* /* to_in_out */
extern Boolean XtCallConverter(
Display* /* dpy */,
XtTypeConverter /* converter */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */,
Cardinal /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* from */,
XrmValue* /* to_in_out */,
XtCacheRef* /* cache_ref_return */
extern Boolean XtDispatchEvent(
XEvent* /* event */
extern Boolean XtCallAcceptFocus(
Widget /* widget */,
Time* /* time */
extern Boolean XtPeekEvent( /* obsolete */
XEvent* /* event_return */
extern Boolean XtAppPeekEvent(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
XEvent* /* event_return */
extern Boolean XtIsSubclass(
Widget /* widget */,
WidgetClass /* widgetClass */
extern Boolean XtIsObject(
Widget /* object */
extern Boolean _XtCheckSubclassFlag( /* implementation-private */
Widget /* object */,
_XtXtEnum /* type_flag */
extern Boolean _XtIsSubclassOf( /* implementation-private */
Widget /* object */,
WidgetClass /* widget_class */,
WidgetClass /* flag_class */,
_XtXtEnum /* type_flag */
extern Boolean XtIsManaged(
Widget /* rectobj */
extern Boolean XtIsRealized(
Widget /* widget */
extern Boolean XtIsSensitive(
Widget /* widget */
extern Boolean XtOwnSelection(
Widget /* widget */,
Atom /* selection */,
Time /* time */,
XtConvertSelectionProc /* convert */,
XtLoseSelectionProc /* lose */,
XtSelectionDoneProc /* done */
extern Boolean XtOwnSelectionIncremental(
Widget /* widget */,
Atom /* selection */,
Time /* time */,
XtConvertSelectionIncrProc /* convert_callback */,
XtLoseSelectionIncrProc /* lose_callback */,
XtSelectionDoneIncrProc /* done_callback */,
XtCancelConvertSelectionProc /* cancel_callback */,
XtPointer /* client_data */
extern XtGeometryResult XtMakeResizeRequest(
Widget /* widget */,
_XtDimension /* width */,
_XtDimension /* height */,
Dimension* /* width_return */,
Dimension* /* height_return */
extern void XtTranslateCoords(
Widget /* widget */,
_XtPosition /* x */,
_XtPosition /* y */,
Position* /* rootx_return */,
Position* /* rooty_return */
extern KeySym* XtGetKeysymTable(
Display* /* dpy */,
KeyCode* /* min_keycode_return */,
int* /* keysyms_per_keycode_return */
extern void XtKeysymToKeycodeList(
Display* /* dpy */,
KeySym /* keysym */,
KeyCode** /* keycodes_return */,
Cardinal* /* keycount_return */
extern void XtStringConversionWarning( /* obsolete */
_Xconst _XtString /* from_value */,
_Xconst _XtString /* to_type */
extern void XtDisplayStringConversionWarning(
Display* /* dpy */,
_Xconst _XtString /* from_value */,
_Xconst _XtString /* to_type */
externalref XtConvertArgRec const colorConvertArgs[];
externalref XtConvertArgRec const screenConvertArg[];
extern void XtAppAddConverter( /* obsolete */
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
_Xconst _XtString /* from_type */,
_Xconst _XtString /* to_type */,
XtConverter /* converter */,
XtConvertArgList /* convert_args */,
Cardinal /* num_args */
extern void XtAddConverter( /* obsolete */
_Xconst _XtString /* from_type */,
_Xconst _XtString /* to_type */,
XtConverter /* converter */,
XtConvertArgList /* convert_args */,
Cardinal /* num_args */
extern void XtSetTypeConverter(
_Xconst _XtString /* from_type */,
_Xconst _XtString /* to_type */,
XtTypeConverter /* converter */,
XtConvertArgList /* convert_args */,
Cardinal /* num_args */,
XtCacheType /* cache_type */,
XtDestructor /* destructor */
extern void XtAppSetTypeConverter(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
_Xconst _XtString /* from_type */,
_Xconst _XtString /* to_type */,
XtTypeConverter /* converter */,
XtConvertArgList /* convert_args */,
Cardinal /* num_args */,
XtCacheType /* cache_type */,
XtDestructor /* destructor */
extern void XtConvert( /* obsolete */
Widget /* widget */,
_Xconst _XtString /* from_type */,
XrmValue* /* from */,
_Xconst _XtString /* to_type */,
XrmValue* /* to_return */
extern void XtDirectConvert( /* obsolete */
XtConverter /* converter */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */,
Cardinal /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* from */,
XrmValue* /* to_return */
* Translation Management
extern XtTranslations XtParseTranslationTable(
_Xconst _XtString /* table */
extern XtAccelerators XtParseAcceleratorTable(
_Xconst _XtString /* source */
extern void XtOverrideTranslations(
Widget /* widget */,
XtTranslations /* translations */
extern void XtAugmentTranslations(
Widget /* widget */,
XtTranslations /* translations */
extern void XtInstallAccelerators(
Widget /* destination */,
Widget /* source */
extern void XtInstallAllAccelerators(
Widget /* destination */,
Widget /* source */
extern void XtUninstallTranslations(
Widget /* widget */
extern void XtAppAddActions(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
XtActionList /* actions */,
Cardinal /* num_actions */
extern void XtAddActions( /* obsolete */
XtActionList /* actions */,
Cardinal /* num_actions */
extern XtActionHookId XtAppAddActionHook(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
XtActionHookProc /* proc */,
XtPointer /* client_data */
extern void XtRemoveActionHook(
XtActionHookId /* id */
extern void XtGetActionList(
WidgetClass /* widget_class */,
XtActionList* /* actions_return */,
Cardinal* /* num_actions_return */
extern void XtCallActionProc(
Widget /* widget */,
_Xconst _XtString /* action */,
XEvent* /* event */,
String* /* params */,
Cardinal /* num_params */
extern void XtRegisterGrabAction(
XtActionProc /* action_proc */,
_XtBoolean /* owner_events */,
unsigned int /* event_mask */,
int /* pointer_mode */,
int /* keyboard_mode */
extern void XtSetMultiClickTime(
Display* /* dpy */,
int /* milliseconds */
extern int XtGetMultiClickTime(
Display* /* dpy */
extern KeySym XtGetActionKeysym(
XEvent* /* event */,
Modifiers* /* modifiers_return */
* Keycode and Keysym procedures for translation management
extern void XtTranslateKeycode(
Display* /* dpy */,
_XtKeyCode /* keycode */,
Modifiers /* modifiers */,
Modifiers* /* modifiers_return */,
KeySym* /* keysym_return */
extern void XtTranslateKey(
Display* /* dpy */,
_XtKeyCode /* keycode */,
Modifiers /* modifiers */,
Modifiers* /* modifiers_return */,
KeySym* /* keysym_return */
extern void XtSetKeyTranslator(
Display* /* dpy */,
XtKeyProc /* proc */
extern void XtRegisterCaseConverter(
Display* /* dpy */,
XtCaseProc /* proc */,
KeySym /* start */,
KeySym /* stop */
extern void XtConvertCase(
Display* /* dpy */,
KeySym /* keysym */,
KeySym* /* lower_return */,
KeySym* /* upper_return */
* Event Management
/* XtAllEvents is valid only for XtRemoveEventHandler and
* XtRemoveRawEventHandler; don't use it to select events!
#define XtAllEvents ((EventMask) -1L)
extern void XtAddEventHandler(
Widget /* widget */,
EventMask /* event_mask */,
_XtBoolean /* nonmaskable */,
XtEventHandler /* proc */,
XtPointer /* closure */
extern void XtRemoveEventHandler(
Widget /* widget */,
EventMask /* event_mask */,
_XtBoolean /* nonmaskable */,
XtEventHandler /* proc */,
XtPointer /* closure */
extern void XtAddRawEventHandler(
Widget /* widget */,
EventMask /* event_mask */,
_XtBoolean /* nonmaskable */,
XtEventHandler /* proc */,
XtPointer /* closure */
extern void XtRemoveRawEventHandler(
Widget /* widget */,
EventMask /* event_mask */,
_XtBoolean /* nonmaskable */,
XtEventHandler /* proc */,
XtPointer /* closure */
extern void XtInsertEventHandler(
Widget /* widget */,
EventMask /* event_mask */,
_XtBoolean /* nonmaskable */,
XtEventHandler /* proc */,
XtPointer /* closure */,
XtListPosition /* position */
extern void XtInsertRawEventHandler(
Widget /* widget */,
EventMask /* event_mask */,
_XtBoolean /* nonmaskable */,
XtEventHandler /* proc */,
XtPointer /* closure */,
XtListPosition /* position */
extern XtEventDispatchProc XtSetEventDispatcher(
Display* /* dpy */,
int /* event_type */,
XtEventDispatchProc /* proc */
extern Boolean XtDispatchEventToWidget(
Widget /* widget */,
XEvent* /* event */
extern void XtInsertEventTypeHandler(
Widget /* widget */,
int /* type */,
XtPointer /* select_data */,
XtEventHandler /* proc */,
XtPointer /* closure */,
XtListPosition /* position */
extern void XtRemoveEventTypeHandler(
Widget /* widget */,
int /* type */,
XtPointer /* select_data */,
XtEventHandler /* proc */,
XtPointer /* closure */
extern EventMask XtBuildEventMask(
Widget /* widget */
extern void XtRegisterExtensionSelector(
Display* /* dpy */,
int /* min_event_type */,
int /* max_event_type */,
XtExtensionSelectProc /* proc */,
XtPointer /* client_data */
extern void XtAddGrab(
Widget /* widget */,
_XtBoolean /* exclusive */,
_XtBoolean /* spring_loaded */
extern void XtRemoveGrab(
Widget /* widget */
extern void XtProcessEvent( /* obsolete */
XtInputMask /* mask */
extern void XtAppProcessEvent(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
XtInputMask /* mask */
extern void XtMainLoop( /* obsolete */
extern void XtAppMainLoop(
XtAppContext /* app_context */
extern void XtAddExposureToRegion(
XEvent* /* event */,
Region /* region */
extern void XtSetKeyboardFocus(
Widget /* subtree */,
Widget /* descendent */
extern Widget XtGetKeyboardFocusWidget(
Widget /* widget */
extern XEvent* XtLastEventProcessed(
Display* /* dpy */
extern Time XtLastTimestampProcessed(
Display* /* dpy */
* Event Gathering Routines
extern XtIntervalId XtAddTimeOut( /* obsolete */
unsigned long /* interval */,
XtTimerCallbackProc /* proc */,
XtPointer /* closure */
extern XtIntervalId XtAppAddTimeOut(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
unsigned long /* interval */,
XtTimerCallbackProc /* proc */,
XtPointer /* closure */
extern void XtRemoveTimeOut(
XtIntervalId /* timer */
extern XtInputId XtAddInput( /* obsolete */
int /* source */,
XtPointer /* condition */,
XtInputCallbackProc /* proc */,
XtPointer /* closure */
extern XtInputId XtAppAddInput(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
int /* source */,
XtPointer /* condition */,
XtInputCallbackProc /* proc */,
XtPointer /* closure */
extern void XtRemoveInput(
XtInputId /* id */
extern XtSignalId XtAddSignal(
XtSignalCallbackProc /* proc */,
XtPointer /* closure */);
extern XtSignalId XtAppAddSignal(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
XtSignalCallbackProc /* proc */,
XtPointer /* closure */
extern void XtRemoveSignal(
XtSignalId /* id */
extern void XtNoticeSignal(
XtSignalId /* id */
extern void XtNextEvent( /* obsolete */
XEvent* /* event */
extern void XtAppNextEvent(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
XEvent* /* event_return */
#define XtIMXEvent 1
#define XtIMTimer 2
#define XtIMAlternateInput 4
#define XtIMSignal 8
#define XtIMAll (XtIMXEvent | XtIMTimer | XtIMAlternateInput | XtIMSignal)
extern Boolean XtPending( /* obsolete */
extern XtInputMask XtAppPending(
XtAppContext /* app_context */
extern XtBlockHookId XtAppAddBlockHook(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
XtBlockHookProc /* proc */,
XtPointer /* client_data */
extern void XtRemoveBlockHook(
XtBlockHookId /* id */
* Random utility routines
#define XtIsRectObj(object) (_XtCheckSubclassFlag(object, (XtEnum)0x02))
#define XtIsWidget(object) (_XtCheckSubclassFlag(object, (XtEnum)0x04))
#define XtIsComposite(widget) (_XtCheckSubclassFlag(widget, (XtEnum)0x08))
#define XtIsConstraint(widget) (_XtCheckSubclassFlag(widget, (XtEnum)0x10))
#define XtIsShell(widget) (_XtCheckSubclassFlag(widget, (XtEnum)0x20))
#undef XtIsOverrideShell
extern Boolean XtIsOverrideShell(Widget /* object */);
#define XtIsOverrideShell(widget) \
(_XtIsSubclassOf(widget, (WidgetClass)overrideShellWidgetClass, \
(WidgetClass)shellWidgetClass, (XtEnum)0x20))
#define XtIsWMShell(widget) (_XtCheckSubclassFlag(widget, (XtEnum)0x40))
#undef XtIsVendorShell
extern Boolean XtIsVendorShell(Widget /* object */);
#define XtIsVendorShell(widget) \
(_XtIsSubclassOf(widget, (WidgetClass)vendorShellWidgetClass, \
(WidgetClass)wmShellWidgetClass, (XtEnum)0x40))
#undef XtIsTransientShell
extern Boolean XtIsTransientShell(Widget /* object */);
#define XtIsTransientShell(widget) \
(_XtIsSubclassOf(widget, (WidgetClass)transientShellWidgetClass, \
(WidgetClass)wmShellWidgetClass, (XtEnum)0x40))
#define XtIsTopLevelShell(widget) (_XtCheckSubclassFlag(widget, (XtEnum)0x80))
#undef XtIsApplicationShell
extern Boolean XtIsApplicationShell(Widget /* object */);
#define XtIsApplicationShell(widget) \
(_XtIsSubclassOf(widget, (WidgetClass)applicationShellWidgetClass, \
(WidgetClass)topLevelShellWidgetClass, (XtEnum)0x80))
#undef XtIsSessionShell
extern Boolean XtIsSessionShell(Widget /* object */);
#define XtIsSessionShell(widget) \
(_XtIsSubclassOf(widget, (WidgetClass)sessionShellWidgetClass, \
(WidgetClass)topLevelShellWidgetClass, (XtEnum)0x80))
extern void XtRealizeWidget(
Widget /* widget */
void XtUnrealizeWidget(
Widget /* widget */
extern void XtDestroyWidget(
Widget /* widget */
extern void XtSetSensitive(
Widget /* widget */,
_XtBoolean /* sensitive */
extern void XtSetMappedWhenManaged(
Widget /* widget */,
_XtBoolean /* mapped_when_managed */
extern Widget XtNameToWidget(
Widget /* reference */,
_Xconst _XtString /* names */
extern Widget XtWindowToWidget(
Display* /* display */,
Window /* window */
extern XtPointer XtGetClassExtension(
WidgetClass /* object_class */,
Cardinal /* byte_offset */,
XrmQuark /* type */,
long /* version */,
Cardinal /* record_size */
* Arg lists
#define XtSetArg(arg, n, d) \
((void)( (arg).name = (n), (arg).value = (XtArgVal)(d) ))
extern ArgList XtMergeArgLists(
ArgList /* args1 */,
Cardinal /* num_args1 */,
ArgList /* args2 */,
Cardinal /* num_args2 */
* Vararg lists
#define XtVaNestedList "XtVaNestedList"
#define XtVaTypedArg "XtVaTypedArg"
extern XtVarArgsList XtVaCreateArgsList(
XtPointer /*unused*/, ...
* Information routines
#ifndef _XtIntrinsicP_h
/* We're not included from the private file, so define these */
extern Display *XtDisplay(
Widget /* widget */
extern Display *XtDisplayOfObject(
Widget /* object */
extern Screen *XtScreen(
Widget /* widget */
extern Screen *XtScreenOfObject(
Widget /* object */
extern Window XtWindow(
Widget /* widget */
extern Window XtWindowOfObject(
Widget /* object */
extern String XtName(
Widget /* object */
extern WidgetClass XtSuperclass(
Widget /* object */
extern WidgetClass XtClass(
Widget /* object */
extern Widget XtParent(
Widget /* widget */
#endif /*_XtIntrinsicP_h*/
#undef XtMapWidget
extern void XtMapWidget(Widget /* w */);
#define XtMapWidget(widget) XMapWindow(XtDisplay(widget), XtWindow(widget))
#undef XtUnmapWidget
extern void XtUnmapWidget(Widget /* w */);
#define XtUnmapWidget(widget) \
XUnmapWindow(XtDisplay(widget), XtWindow(widget))
extern void XtAddCallback(
Widget /* widget */,
_Xconst _XtString /* callback_name */,
XtCallbackProc /* callback */,
XtPointer /* closure */
extern void XtRemoveCallback(
Widget /* widget */,
_Xconst _XtString /* callback_name */,
XtCallbackProc /* callback */,
XtPointer /* closure */
extern void XtAddCallbacks(
Widget /* widget */,
_Xconst _XtString /* callback_name */,
XtCallbackList /* callbacks */
extern void XtRemoveCallbacks(
Widget /* widget */,
_Xconst _XtString /* callback_name */,
XtCallbackList /* callbacks */
extern void XtRemoveAllCallbacks(
Widget /* widget */,
_Xconst _XtString /* callback_name */
extern void XtCallCallbacks(
Widget /* widget */,
_Xconst _XtString /* callback_name */,
XtPointer /* call_data */
extern void XtCallCallbackList(
Widget /* widget */,
XtCallbackList /* callbacks */,
XtPointer /* call_data */
extern XtCallbackStatus XtHasCallbacks(
Widget /* widget */,
_Xconst _XtString /* callback_name */
* Geometry Management
extern XtGeometryResult XtMakeGeometryRequest(
Widget /* widget */,
XtWidgetGeometry* /* request */,
XtWidgetGeometry* /* reply_return */
extern XtGeometryResult XtQueryGeometry(
Widget /* widget */,
XtWidgetGeometry* /* intended */,
XtWidgetGeometry* /* preferred_return */
extern Widget XtCreatePopupShell(
_Xconst _XtString /* name */,
WidgetClass /* widgetClass */,
Widget /* parent */,
ArgList /* args */,
Cardinal /* num_args */
extern Widget XtVaCreatePopupShell(
_Xconst _XtString /* name */,
WidgetClass /* widgetClass */,
Widget /* parent */,
extern void XtPopup(
Widget /* popup_shell */,
XtGrabKind /* grab_kind */
extern void XtPopupSpringLoaded(
Widget /* popup_shell */
extern void XtCallbackNone(
Widget /* widget */,
XtPointer /* closure */,
XtPointer /* call_data */
extern void XtCallbackNonexclusive(
Widget /* widget */,
XtPointer /* closure */,
XtPointer /* call_data */
extern void XtCallbackExclusive(
Widget /* widget */,
XtPointer /* closure */,
XtPointer /* call_data */
extern void XtPopdown(
Widget /* popup_shell */
extern void XtCallbackPopdown(
Widget /* widget */,
XtPointer /* closure */,
XtPointer /* call_data */
extern void XtMenuPopupAction(
Widget /* widget */,
XEvent* /* event */,
String* /* params */,
Cardinal* /* num_params */
extern Widget XtCreateWidget(
_Xconst _XtString /* name */,
WidgetClass /* widget_class */,
Widget /* parent */,
ArgList /* args */,
Cardinal /* num_args */
extern Widget XtCreateManagedWidget(
_Xconst _XtString /* name */,
WidgetClass /* widget_class */,
Widget /* parent */,
ArgList /* args */,
Cardinal /* num_args */
extern Widget XtVaCreateWidget(
_Xconst _XtString /* name */,
WidgetClass /* widget */,
Widget /* parent */,
extern Widget XtVaCreateManagedWidget(
_Xconst _XtString /* name */,
WidgetClass /* widget_class */,
Widget /* parent */,
extern Widget XtCreateApplicationShell( /* obsolete */
_Xconst _XtString /* name */,
WidgetClass /* widget_class */,
ArgList /* args */,
Cardinal /* num_args */
extern Widget XtAppCreateShell(
_Xconst _XtString /* application_name */,
_Xconst _XtString /* application_class */,
WidgetClass /* widget_class */,
Display* /* display */,
ArgList /* args */,
Cardinal /* num_args */
extern Widget XtVaAppCreateShell(
_Xconst _XtString /* application_name */,
_Xconst _XtString /* application_class */,
WidgetClass /* widget_class */,
Display* /* display */,
* Toolkit initialization
extern void XtToolkitInitialize(
extern XtLanguageProc XtSetLanguageProc(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
XtLanguageProc /* proc */,
XtPointer /* client_data */
extern void XtDisplayInitialize(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
Display* /* dpy */,
_Xconst _XtString /* application_name */,
_Xconst _XtString /* application_class */,
XrmOptionDescRec* /* options */,
Cardinal /* num_options */,
int* /* argc */,
char** /* argv */
extern Widget XtOpenApplication(
XtAppContext* /* app_context_return */,
_Xconst _XtString /* application_class */,
XrmOptionDescList /* options */,
Cardinal /* num_options */,
int* /* argc_in_out */,
String* /* argv_in_out */,
String* /* fallback_resources */,
WidgetClass /* widget_class */,
ArgList /* args */,
Cardinal /* num_args */
extern Widget XtVaOpenApplication(
XtAppContext* /* app_context_return */,
_Xconst _XtString /* application_class */,
XrmOptionDescList /* options */,
Cardinal /* num_options */,
int* /* argc_in_out */,
String* /* argv_in_out */,
String* /* fallback_resources */,
WidgetClass /* widget_class */,
extern Widget XtAppInitialize( /* obsolete */
XtAppContext* /* app_context_return */,
_Xconst _XtString /* application_class */,
XrmOptionDescList /* options */,
Cardinal /* num_options */,
int* /* argc_in_out */,
String* /* argv_in_out */,
String* /* fallback_resources */,
ArgList /* args */,
Cardinal /* num_args */
extern Widget XtVaAppInitialize( /* obsolete */
XtAppContext* /* app_context_return */,
_Xconst _XtString /* application_class */,
XrmOptionDescList /* options */,
Cardinal /* num_options */,
int* /* argc_in_out */,
String* /* argv_in_out */,
String* /* fallback_resources */,
extern Widget XtInitialize( /* obsolete */
_Xconst _XtString /* shell_name */,
_Xconst _XtString /* application_class */,
XrmOptionDescRec* /* options */,
Cardinal /* num_options */,
int* /* argc */,
char** /* argv */
extern Display *XtOpenDisplay(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
_Xconst _XtString /* display_string */,
_Xconst _XtString /* application_name */,
_Xconst _XtString /* application_class */,
XrmOptionDescRec* /* options */,
Cardinal /* num_options */,
int* /* argc */,
char** /* argv */
extern XtAppContext XtCreateApplicationContext(
extern void XtAppSetFallbackResources(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
String* /* specification_list */
extern void XtDestroyApplicationContext(
XtAppContext /* app_context */
extern void XtInitializeWidgetClass(
WidgetClass /* widget_class */
extern XtAppContext XtWidgetToApplicationContext(
Widget /* widget */
extern XtAppContext XtDisplayToApplicationContext(
Display* /* dpy */
extern XrmDatabase XtDatabase(
Display* /* dpy */
extern XrmDatabase XtScreenDatabase(
Screen* /* screen */
extern void XtCloseDisplay(
Display* /* dpy */
extern void XtGetApplicationResources(
Widget /* widget */,
XtPointer /* base */,
XtResourceList /* resources */,
Cardinal /* num_resources */,
ArgList /* args */,
Cardinal /* num_args */
extern void XtVaGetApplicationResources(
Widget /* widget */,
XtPointer /* base */,
XtResourceList /* resources */,
Cardinal /* num_resources */,
extern void XtGetSubresources(
Widget /* widget */,
XtPointer /* base */,
_Xconst _XtString /* name */,
_Xconst _XtString /* class */,
XtResourceList /* resources */,
Cardinal /* num_resources */,
ArgList /* args */,
Cardinal /* num_args */
extern void XtVaGetSubresources(
Widget /* widget */,
XtPointer /* base */,
_Xconst _XtString /* name */,
_Xconst _XtString /* class */,
XtResourceList /* resources */,
Cardinal /* num_resources */,
extern void XtSetValues(
Widget /* widget */,
ArgList /* args */,
Cardinal /* num_args */
extern void XtVaSetValues(
Widget /* widget */,
extern void XtGetValues(
Widget /* widget */,
ArgList /* args */,
Cardinal /* num_args */
extern void XtVaGetValues(
Widget /* widget */,
extern void XtSetSubvalues(
XtPointer /* base */,
XtResourceList /* resources */,
Cardinal /* num_resources */,
ArgList /* args */,
Cardinal /* num_args */
extern void XtVaSetSubvalues(
XtPointer /* base */,
XtResourceList /* resources */,
Cardinal /* num_resources */,
extern void XtGetSubvalues(
XtPointer /* base */,
XtResourceList /* resources */,
Cardinal /* num_resources */,
ArgList /* args */,
Cardinal /* num_args */
extern void XtVaGetSubvalues(
XtPointer /* base */,
XtResourceList /* resources */,
Cardinal /* num_resources */,
extern void XtGetResourceList(
WidgetClass /* widget_class */,
XtResourceList* /* resources_return */,
Cardinal* /* num_resources_return */
extern void XtGetConstraintResourceList(
WidgetClass /* widget_class */,
XtResourceList* /* resources_return */,
Cardinal* /* num_resources_return */
#define XtUnspecifiedPixmap ((Pixmap)2)
#define XtUnspecifiedShellInt (-1)
#define XtUnspecifiedWindow ((Window)2)
#define XtUnspecifiedWindowGroup ((Window)3)
#define XtCurrentDirectory "XtCurrentDirectory"
#define XtDefaultForeground "XtDefaultForeground"
#define XtDefaultBackground "XtDefaultBackground"
#define XtDefaultFont "XtDefaultFont"
#define XtDefaultFontSet "XtDefaultFontSet"
#if defined(CRAY)
#define XtOffset(p_type,field) _Offsetof(p_type,field)
#else /* ! CRAY */
#define XtOffset(p_type,field) \
((Cardinal) (((char *) (&(((p_type)NULL)->field))) - ((char *) NULL)))
#endif /* !CRAY */
#ifdef offsetof
#define XtOffsetOf(s_type,field) offsetof(s_type,field)
#define XtOffsetOf(s_type,field) XtOffset(s_type*,field)
* Session Management
typedef struct _XtCheckpointTokenRec {
int save_type;
int interact_style;
Boolean shutdown;
Boolean fast;
Boolean cancel_shutdown;
int phase;
int interact_dialog_type; /* return */
Boolean request_cancel; /* return */
Boolean request_next_phase; /* return */
Boolean save_success; /* return */
int type; /* implementation private */
Widget widget; /* implementation private */
} XtCheckpointTokenRec, *XtCheckpointToken;
XtCheckpointToken XtSessionGetToken(
Widget /* widget */
void XtSessionReturnToken(
XtCheckpointToken /* token */
* Error Handling
extern XtErrorMsgHandler XtAppSetErrorMsgHandler(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
XtErrorMsgHandler /* handler */
extern void XtSetErrorMsgHandler( /* obsolete */
XtErrorMsgHandler /* handler */
extern XtErrorMsgHandler XtAppSetWarningMsgHandler(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
XtErrorMsgHandler /* handler */
extern void XtSetWarningMsgHandler( /* obsolete */
XtErrorMsgHandler /* handler */
extern void XtAppErrorMsg(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
_Xconst _XtString /* name */,
_Xconst _XtString /* type */,
_Xconst _XtString /* class */,
_Xconst _XtString /* default */,
String* /* params */,
Cardinal* /* num_params */
extern void XtErrorMsg( /* obsolete */
_Xconst _XtString /* name */,
_Xconst _XtString /* type */,
_Xconst _XtString /* class */,
_Xconst _XtString /* default */,
String* /* params */,
Cardinal* /* num_params */
extern void XtAppWarningMsg(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
_Xconst _XtString /* name */,
_Xconst _XtString /* type */,
_Xconst _XtString /* class */,
_Xconst _XtString /* default */,
String* /* params */,
Cardinal* /* num_params */
extern void XtWarningMsg( /* obsolete */
_Xconst _XtString /* name */,
_Xconst _XtString /* type */,
_Xconst _XtString /* class */,
_Xconst _XtString /* default */,
String* /* params */,
Cardinal* /* num_params */
extern XtErrorHandler XtAppSetErrorHandler(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
XtErrorHandler /* handler */
extern void XtSetErrorHandler( /* obsolete */
XtErrorHandler /* handler */
extern XtErrorHandler XtAppSetWarningHandler(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
XtErrorHandler /* handler */
extern void XtSetWarningHandler( /* obsolete */
XtErrorHandler /* handler */
extern void XtAppError(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
_Xconst _XtString /* message */
extern void XtError( /* obsolete */
_Xconst _XtString /* message */
extern void XtAppWarning(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
_Xconst _XtString /* message */
extern void XtWarning( /* obsolete */
_Xconst _XtString /* message */
extern XrmDatabase *XtAppGetErrorDatabase(
XtAppContext /* app_context */
extern XrmDatabase *XtGetErrorDatabase( /* obsolete */
extern void XtAppGetErrorDatabaseText(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
_Xconst _XtString /* name */,
_Xconst _XtString /* type */,
_Xconst _XtString /* class */,
_Xconst _XtString /* default */,
String /* buffer_return */,
int /* nbytes */,
XrmDatabase /* database */
extern void XtGetErrorDatabaseText( /* obsolete */
_Xconst _XtString /* name */,
_Xconst _XtString /* type */,
_Xconst _XtString /* class */,
_Xconst _XtString /* default */,
String /* buffer_return */,
int /* nbytes */
* Memory Management
extern char *XtMalloc(
Cardinal /* size */
extern char *XtCalloc(
Cardinal /* num */,
Cardinal /* size */
extern char *XtRealloc(
char* /* ptr */,
Cardinal /* num */
extern void XtFree(
char* /* ptr */
extern char *_XtMalloc( /* implementation-private */
Cardinal /* size */,
char * /* file */,
int /* line */
extern char *_XtRealloc( /* implementation-private */
char * /* ptr */,
Cardinal /* size */,
char * /* file */,
int /* line */
extern char *_XtCalloc( /* implementation-private */
Cardinal /* num */,
Cardinal /* size */,
char * /* file */,
int /* line */
extern void _XtFree( /* implementation-private */
char * /* ptr */
#define XtMalloc(size) _XtMalloc(size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define XtRealloc(ptr,size) _XtRealloc(ptr, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define XtCalloc(num,size) _XtCalloc(num, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define XtFree(ptr) _XtFree(ptr)
#endif /* ifdef XTTRACEMEMORY */
#define XtNew(type) ((type *) XtMalloc((unsigned) sizeof(type)))
#undef XtNewString
extern String XtNewString(String /* str */);
#define XtNewString(str) \
((str) != NULL ? (strcpy(XtMalloc((unsigned)strlen(str) + 1), str)) : NULL)
* Work procs
extern XtWorkProcId XtAddWorkProc( /* obsolete */
XtWorkProc /* proc */,
XtPointer /* closure */
extern XtWorkProcId XtAppAddWorkProc(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
XtWorkProc /* proc */,
XtPointer /* closure */
extern void XtRemoveWorkProc(
XtWorkProcId /* id */
* Graphic Context Management
extern GC XtGetGC(
Widget /* widget */,
XtGCMask /* valueMask */,
XGCValues* /* values */
extern GC XtAllocateGC(
Widget /* widget */,
Cardinal /* depth */,
XtGCMask /* valueMask */,
XGCValues* /* values */,
XtGCMask /* dynamicMask */,
XtGCMask /* unusedMask */
/* This implementation of XtDestroyGC differs from the formal specification
* for historic backwards compatibility reasons. As other implementations
* may conform to the spec, use of XtReleaseGC is strongly encouraged.
extern void XtDestroyGC( /* obsolete */
GC /* gc */
extern void XtReleaseGC(
Widget /* object */,
GC /* gc */
extern void XtAppReleaseCacheRefs(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
XtCacheRef* /* cache_ref */
extern void XtCallbackReleaseCacheRef(
Widget /* widget */,
XtPointer /* closure */, /* XtCacheRef */
XtPointer /* call_data */
extern void XtCallbackReleaseCacheRefList(
Widget /* widget */,
XtPointer /* closure */, /* XtCacheRef* */
XtPointer /* call_data */
extern void XtSetWMColormapWindows(
Widget /* widget */,
Widget* /* list */,
Cardinal /* count */
extern String XtFindFile(
_Xconst _XtString /* path */,
Substitution /* substitutions */,
Cardinal /* num_substitutions */,
XtFilePredicate /* predicate */
extern String XtResolvePathname(
Display* /* dpy */,
_Xconst _XtString /* type */,
_Xconst _XtString /* filename */,
_Xconst _XtString /* suffix */,
_Xconst _XtString /* path */,
Substitution /* substitutions */,
Cardinal /* num_substitutions */,
XtFilePredicate /* predicate */
* Selections
#define XT_CONVERT_FAIL (Atom)0x80000001
extern void XtDisownSelection(
Widget /* widget */,
Atom /* selection */,
Time /* time */
extern void XtGetSelectionValue(
Widget /* widget */,
Atom /* selection */,
Atom /* target */,
XtSelectionCallbackProc /* callback */,
XtPointer /* closure */,
Time /* time */
extern void XtGetSelectionValues(
Widget /* widget */,
Atom /* selection */,
Atom* /* targets */,
int /* count */,
XtSelectionCallbackProc /* callback */,
XtPointer* /* closures */,
Time /* time */
extern void XtAppSetSelectionTimeout(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
unsigned long /* timeout */
extern void XtSetSelectionTimeout( /* obsolete */
unsigned long /* timeout */
extern unsigned long XtAppGetSelectionTimeout(
XtAppContext /* app_context */
extern unsigned long XtGetSelectionTimeout( /* obsolete */
extern XSelectionRequestEvent *XtGetSelectionRequest(
Widget /* widget */,
Atom /* selection */,
XtRequestId /* request_id */
extern void XtGetSelectionValueIncremental(
Widget /* widget */,
Atom /* selection */,
Atom /* target */,
XtSelectionCallbackProc /* selection_callback */,
XtPointer /* client_data */,
Time /* time */
extern void XtGetSelectionValuesIncremental(
Widget /* widget */,
Atom /* selection */,
Atom* /* targets */,
int /* count */,
XtSelectionCallbackProc /* callback */,
XtPointer* /* client_data */,
Time /* time */
extern void XtSetSelectionParameters(
Widget /* requestor */,
Atom /* selection */,
Atom /* type */,
XtPointer /* value */,
unsigned long /* length */,
int /* format */
extern void XtGetSelectionParameters(
Widget /* owner */,
Atom /* selection */,
XtRequestId /* request_id */,
Atom* /* type_return */,
XtPointer* /* value_return */,
unsigned long* /* length_return */,
int* /* format_return */
extern void XtCreateSelectionRequest(
Widget /* requestor */,
Atom /* selection */
extern void XtSendSelectionRequest(
Widget /* requestor */,
Atom /* selection */,
Time /* time */
extern void XtCancelSelectionRequest(
Widget /* requestor */,
Atom /* selection */
extern Atom XtReservePropertyAtom(
Widget /* widget */
extern void XtReleasePropertyAtom(
Widget /* widget */,
Atom /* selection */
extern void XtGrabKey(
Widget /* widget */,
_XtKeyCode /* keycode */,
Modifiers /* modifiers */,
_XtBoolean /* owner_events */,
int /* pointer_mode */,
int /* keyboard_mode */
extern void XtUngrabKey(
Widget /* widget */,
_XtKeyCode /* keycode */,
Modifiers /* modifiers */
extern int XtGrabKeyboard(
Widget /* widget */,
_XtBoolean /* owner_events */,
int /* pointer_mode */,
int /* keyboard_mode */,
Time /* time */
extern void XtUngrabKeyboard(
Widget /* widget */,
Time /* time */
extern void XtGrabButton(
Widget /* widget */,
int /* button */,
Modifiers /* modifiers */,
_XtBoolean /* owner_events */,
unsigned int /* event_mask */,
int /* pointer_mode */,
int /* keyboard_mode */,
Window /* confine_to */,
Cursor /* cursor */
extern void XtUngrabButton(
Widget /* widget */,
unsigned int /* button */,
Modifiers /* modifiers */
extern int XtGrabPointer(
Widget /* widget */,
_XtBoolean /* owner_events */,
unsigned int /* event_mask */,
int /* pointer_mode */,
int /* keyboard_mode */,
Window /* confine_to */,
Cursor /* cursor */,
Time /* time */
extern void XtUngrabPointer(
Widget /* widget */,
Time /* time */
extern void XtGetApplicationNameAndClass(
Display* /* dpy */,
String* /* name_return */,
String* /* class_return */
extern void XtRegisterDrawable(
Display* /* dpy */,
Drawable /* drawable */,
Widget /* widget */
extern void XtUnregisterDrawable(
Display* /* dpy */,
Drawable /* drawable */
extern Widget XtHooksOfDisplay(
Display* /* dpy */
typedef struct {
String type;
Widget widget;
ArgList args;
Cardinal num_args;
} XtCreateHookDataRec, *XtCreateHookData;
typedef struct {
String type;
Widget widget;
XtPointer event_data;
Cardinal num_event_data;
} XtChangeHookDataRec, *XtChangeHookData;
typedef struct {
Widget old, req;
ArgList args;
Cardinal num_args;
} XtChangeHookSetValuesDataRec, *XtChangeHookSetValuesData;
typedef struct {
String type;
Widget widget;
XtGeometryMask changeMask;
XWindowChanges changes;
} XtConfigureHookDataRec, *XtConfigureHookData;
typedef struct {
String type;
Widget widget;
XtWidgetGeometry* request;
XtWidgetGeometry* reply;
XtGeometryResult result;
} XtGeometryHookDataRec, *XtGeometryHookData;
typedef struct {
String type;
Widget widget;
} XtDestroyHookDataRec, *XtDestroyHookData;
extern void XtGetDisplays(
XtAppContext /* app_context */,
Display*** /* dpy_return */,
Cardinal* /* num_dpy_return */
extern Boolean XtToolkitThreadInitialize(
extern void XtAppSetExitFlag(
XtAppContext /* app_context */
extern Boolean XtAppGetExitFlag(
XtAppContext /* app_context */
extern void XtAppLock(
XtAppContext /* app_context */
extern void XtAppUnlock(
XtAppContext /* app_context */
* Predefined Resource Converters
/* String converters */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToAcceleratorTable(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToAtom(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* Display */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToBool(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToBoolean(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToCommandArgArray(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToCursor(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* Display */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToDimension(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToDirectoryString(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToDisplay(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToFile(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToFloat(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToFont(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* Display */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToFontSet(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* Display, locale */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToFontStruct(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* Display */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToGravity(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */,
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToInitialState(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToInt(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToPixel(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* Screen, Colormap */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
#define XtCvtStringToPosition XtCvtStringToShort
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToRestartStyle(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToShort(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToTranslationTable(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToUnsignedChar(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtStringToVisual(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* Screen, depth */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
/* int converters */
extern Boolean XtCvtIntToBool(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtIntToBoolean(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtIntToColor(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* Screen, Colormap */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
#define XtCvtIntToDimension XtCvtIntToShort
extern Boolean XtCvtIntToFloat(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtIntToFont(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtIntToPixel(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtIntToPixmap(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
#define XtCvtIntToPosition XtCvtIntToShort
extern Boolean XtCvtIntToShort(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
extern Boolean XtCvtIntToUnsignedChar(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
/* Color converter */
extern Boolean XtCvtColorToPixel(
Display* /* dpy */,
XrmValuePtr /* args */, /* none */
Cardinal* /* num_args */,
XrmValuePtr /* fromVal */,
XrmValuePtr /* toVal */,
XtPointer* /* closure_ret */
/* Pixel converter */
#define XtCvtPixelToColor XtCvtIntToColor
#endif /*_XtIntrinsic_h*/