INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: client mode configuration cannot be done in /etc/config/network anymore (at least for this release). It will be added back in the near future. git-svn-id: svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/packages@27932 3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73
78 lines
1.8 KiB
78 lines
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append_bool() {
local section="$1"
local option="$2"
local value="$3"
local _loctmp
config_get_bool _loctmp "$section" "$option" 0
[ "$_loctmp" -gt 0 ] && append args "$value"
append_parm() {
local section="$1"
local option="$2"
local switch="$3"
local _loctmp
config_get _loctmp "$section" "$option"
[ -z "$_loctmp" ] && return 0
append args "$switch $_loctmp"
append_stmt() {
local name="$1"
local switch="$2"
append args "-C '$switch $name'"
append_opt_stmt() {
local section="$1"
local option="$2"
local switch="$3"
local _loctmp
config_get _loctmp "$section" "$option"
[ -z "$_loctmp" ] && return 0
append args "-C '$switch $_loctmp'"
ahcp_addif() {
local ifname=$(uci_get_state network "$1" ifname "$1")
append interfaces "$ifname"
ahcp_server() {
local cfg="$1"
append_opt_stmt "$cfg" 'mode' 'mode'
append_opt_stmt "$cfg" 'lease_dir' 'lease-dir'
config_list_foreach "$cfg" 'prefix' append_stmt 'prefix'
config_list_foreach "$cfg" 'name_server' append_stmt 'name-server'
config_list_foreach "$cfg" 'ntp_server' append_stmt 'ntp-server'
append_parm "$cfg" 'id_file' '-i'
append_parm "$cfg" 'log_file' '-L'
ahcp_config() {
local cfg="$1"
config_list_foreach "$cfg" 'interface' ahcp_addif
append_bool "$cfg" 'ipv4_only' '-4'
append_bool "$cfg" 'ipv6_only' '-6'
append_bool "$cfg" 'no_dns' '-N'
append_parm "$cfg" 'multicast_address' '-m'
append_parm "$cfg" 'port' '-p'
append_parm "$cfg" 'lease_time' '-t'
append_parm "$cfg" 'debug' '-d'
append_parm "$cfg" 'conf_file' '-c'
append_parm "$cfg" 'script' '-s'
setup_interface_ahcp() {
local interface="$1"
local config="$2"
echo "WARNING: ahcp client cannot be configured in /etc/config/network anymore."
echo "Please add $interface to /etc/config/ahcpd instead."