port kismet to buildroot-ng

git-svn-id: svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/packages@4245 3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73
This commit is contained in:
nico 2006-07-24 07:07:41 +00:00
parent 7cdce09718
commit 343423af2b
10 changed files with 4500 additions and 0 deletions

net/kismet/Config.in Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
#menu "kismet............................ An 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system"
default n
prompt "kismet-client..................... The Kismet client"
default m if CONFIG_DEVEL
An 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system.
This package contains the kismet text interface client.
- libncurses
- libpcap
- uClibc++
prompt "kismet-drone...................... The Kismet drone"
default m if CONFIG_DEVEL
An 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system.
This package contains the kismet remote sniffing.and monitoring drone.
- libpcap
- uClibc++
prompt "kismet-server..................... The Kismet server"
default m if CONFIG_DEVEL
An 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system.
This package contains the kismet server.
- libpcap
- uClibc++

net/kismet/Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
# Copyright (C) 2006 OpenWrt.org
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.
# $Id$
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
PKG_BUILDDEP:=libpcap ncurses uclibc++
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
define Package/kismet-client
TITLE:=Kismet client
DEPENDS:=+libncurses +uclibc++
DESCRIPTION:=Kismet client.\\\
An 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion \\\
detection system.\\\
This package contains the kismet text interface client.
define Package/kismet-client/conffiles
define Package/kismet-drone
DEPENDS:=+libpcap +uclibc++
TITLE:=Kismet drone
DESCRIPTION:=Kismet drone.\\\
An 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion \\\
detection system.\\\
This package contains the kismet remote sniffing.and monitoring drone.
define Package/kismet-drone/conffiles
define Package/kismet-server
DEPENDS:=+libpcap +uclibc++
TITLE:=Kismet server
DESCRIPTION:=Kismet server.\\\
An 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion \\\
detection system.\\\
This package contains the kismet server.
define Package/kismet-server/conffiles
define Build/Configure
(cd $(PKG_BUILD_DIR); rm -rf config.cache; \
CXXFLAGS="$(TARGET_CFLAGS) -fno-builtin -fno-rtti -nostdinc++" \
CPPFLAGS="-I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include -I$(STAGING_DIR)/include -I$(LINUX_DIR)/include" \
LDFLAGS="-nodefaultlibs -L$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib -L$(STAGING_DIR)/lib" \
LIBS="-luClibc++ -lc -lm -lgcc" \
./configure \
--target=$(GNU_TARGET_NAME) \
--host=$(GNU_TARGET_NAME) \
--build=$(GNU_HOST_NAME) \
--program-prefix="" \
--program-suffix="" \
--prefix=/usr \
--exec-prefix=/usr \
--bindir=/usr/bin \
--datadir=/usr/share \
--includedir=/usr/include \
--infodir=/usr/share/info \
--libdir=/usr/lib \
--libexecdir=/usr/lib \
--localstatedir=/var \
--mandir=/usr/share/man \
--sbindir=/usr/sbin \
--sysconfdir=/etc/kismet \
--enable-syspcap=yes \
--disable-setuid \
--disable-wsp100 \
--disable-gpsmap \
define Build/Compile
LIBS="-luClibc++ -lc -lm -lgcc" \
#FIXME: remove this package?
define Package/kismet/install
install -d -m0755 $(1)/usr/bin/
install -m0755 $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/scripts/kismet $(1)/usr/bin/kismet
define Package/kismet-client/install
install -d -m0755 $(1)/etc/kismet/
install -m0644 ./files/ap_manuf $(1)/etc/kismet/
install -m0644 ./files/client_manuf $(1)/etc/kismet/
install -m0644 ./files/kismet.conf $(1)/etc/kismet/
install -m0644 ./files/kismet_ui.conf $(1)/etc/kismet/
install -d -m0755 $(1)/usr/bin
install -m0755 $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/kismet_client $(1)/usr/bin/
define Package/kismet-drone/install
install -d -m0755 $(1)/etc/kismet/
install -m0644 ./files/kismet_drone.conf $(1)/etc/kismet/
install -d -m0755 $(1)/usr/bin
install -m0755 $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/kismet_drone $(1)/usr/bin/
define Package/kismet-server/install
install -d -m0755 $(1)/etc/kismet/
install -m0644 ./files/ap_manuf $(1)/etc/kismet/
install -m0644 ./files/client_manuf $(1)/etc/kismet/
install -m0644 ./files/kismet.conf $(1)/etc/kismet/
install -d -m0755 $(1)/usr/bin
install -m0755 $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/kismet_server $(1)/usr/bin/
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,kismet-client))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,kismet-drone))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,kismet-server))

net/kismet/files/ap_manuf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
00:01:03:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 3Com Unknown 0
00:01:24:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 SMC Unknown default 6
00:01:24:24:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 SMC SMC7004AWBR default 6
00:02:2D:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Lucent Unknown 0
00:02:6F:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Senao Unknown 0
00:02:A5:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Compaq Unknown 0
00:03:2F:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Linksys Unknown 0
00:04:3A:3A:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Avaya ad-01444 0
00:04:5A:0E:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WAP11 linksys 6
00:04:5A:5A:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys BEFW11S4 linksys 6
00:04:5A:2E:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys BEFW11S4 linksys 6
00:04:5A:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Linksys Unknown linksys 6
00:04:75:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 3Com Unknown 0
00:04:75:75:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 3Com 3CRWE20096A AP2000 Version 1 3Com 0
00:04:E2:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 SMC Unknown 0
00:04:E2:E2:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 SMC 7004AWBR default 6
00:05:5D:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 D-Link Unknown default 6
00:05:5D:5D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DWL-1000AP default 6
00:06:25:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Linksys Unknown linksys 6
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys BEFW11S4 v2 linksys 6
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WET11 linksys 6
00:07:0E:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cisco Unknown 0
00:07:50:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cisco Unknown 0
00:08:21:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cisco Unknown 0
00:09:43:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cisco Unknown 0
00:09:5B:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Netgear Unknown 0
00:09:7C:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cisco Unknown 0
00:09:92:92:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Sweex LC000010 wireless 11
00:09:E8:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cisco Unknown 0
00:0A:41:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cisco Unknown 0
00:0A:8A:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cisco Unknown 0
00:0A:8A:8A:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-AP1200 0
00:30:65:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Apple Unknown 0
00:30:65:65:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Apple Snow Base Station 1
00:30:AB:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Netgear Unknown 0
00:30:AB:AB:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Netgear MR314NA Wireless 1
00:30:BD:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Belkin Unknown 0
00:30:BD:BD:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Belkin F5D6230-3 0
00:40:05:05:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DI-614+ default 6
00:40:05:05:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DWL-900AP+ default 6
00:40:26:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Buffalo Unknown 0
00:40:26:26:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Buffalo WLAR-L11G-L 0
00:40:96:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cisco Unknown tsunami 6
00:40:96:96:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-AP342E2R tsunami 6
00:40:96:96:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AP-350 tsunami 7
00:40:96:96:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco Aironet 350 tsunami 6
00:50:08:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Compaq Unknown 0
00:50:8B:8B:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Compaq WL400 - ETSI region compaq 11
00:50:DA:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 3Com Unknown 0
00:50:DA:DA:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 3Com 3CRWE747A 0
00:50:F2:F2:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Microsoft MN-500 MSHOME 6
00:60:01:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Lucent Unknown 0
00:60:1D:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Orinoco Unknown 0
00:60:1D:1D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Orinoco RG1000 0
00:60:6D:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cabletron Unknown 0
00:60:B3:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Proxim Unknown 0
00:80:37:37:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Ericsson A11 (AP-4121-105M-ER-EU) 0
00:80:C6:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 SOHOware Unknown
00:80:C6:C6:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 SOHOware NetBlaster II
00:90:4B:4B:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys BEFW11S4 linksys 6
00:90:D1:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 SMC Unknown WLAN 11
00:90:D1:D1:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 SMC SMC2652W WLAN 11
00:90:D1:D1:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 SMC SMC2682W BRIDGE 11
00:A0:04:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 3Com Unknown
00:A0:04:04:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 3Com 3CRWE51196
00:A0:F8:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Symbol Unknown
00:E0:29:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 OEM Unknown
08:00:46:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Sony Unknown
00:50:F2:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Microsoft Unknown MSHOME 6
00:09:5B:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Netgear Unknwon NETGEAR 11
00:30:BD:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Belkin Unknown WLAN 11
00:09:5B:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Netgear Unknown Wireless 11
00:30:BD:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Belkin Unknown belkin54g 11
00:0D:88:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 D-Link Unknown default 6
00:80:C8:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 D-Link Unknown default 6
00:40:05:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 ANI Unknown default 6
00:0C:41:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Linksys Unknown linksys 6
00:04:E2:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 SMC Unknown SMC 6
00:06:25:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Linksys Unknown linksys-g 6

View File

@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
00:00:22:22:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent Orinoco Silver 0
00:00:8F:8F:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 BreezeCOM Breezenet Pro SA-PC 0
00:01:03:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 3Com Unknown 0
00:01:03:03:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 3Com 3CRWE62092A
00:01:03:03:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 3Com 3CRWE777A 0
00:01:24:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 SMC Unknown default 6
00:01:F4:F4:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Entrasys CSIBD-AB-S Roamabout 0
00:02:2D:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Lucent Unknown 0
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Agere Orinoco Gold
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Agere PC24E-H-FC 0
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Avaya PC24E-H-ET
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Avaya PC24E-H-FC 0
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Avaya World Card Silver
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Buffalo WLI-PCM-L11
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Buffalo WLI-PCM-L11
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Buffalo WLI-PCM-L11GP 0
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Dell TrueMobile 1150
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Dell TrueMobile 1150 Mini-PCI 0
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Dell Truemobile 1150 0
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Dell true mobile 1150 0
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent Orinoco Gold
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent Orinoco Silver
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent Orinoco Silver
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent Orinoco Silver
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent Orinoco Silver
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent PC24E-H-FC 0
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent PC24E-H-FC 0
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent PC24E-H-FC 0
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent WaveLAN Silver 0
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent WaveLAN Silver (PC24E-H-FC) 0
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent WaveLAN-Silver
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent WaveLAN/IEEE Version 01.01 0
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Orinoco MiniPCI Card (embedded in Sony Laptop) 0
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Orinoco Orinoco Gold wireless 3
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Orinoco Orinoco Gold
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Orinoco Orinoco Mini PCI Card 0
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Orinoco PC Card T2 Extended ORiNOCO Europe 128RC4 Kit Gold 0
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Orinoco PC24E-H-ET
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Orinoco PC24E-H-FC 0
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Orinoco Silver
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Orinoco Silver
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Orinoco Silver
00:02:2D:2D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Orinoco Silver
00:02:6F:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Senao Unknown 0
00:02:6F:6F:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Senao SL-2011 CD
00:02:6F:6F:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Senao SL-2011CD 0
00:02:6F:6F:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Senao SL-2011CD
00:02:6F:6F:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Senao SL-2511CD PLUS EXT2(F200) 0
00:02:A5:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Compaq Unknown 0
00:02:A5:A5:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Compaq WL110
00:02:A5:A5:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Compaq WL110 REV.0A 0
00:02:B3:B3:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Intel WPC-2011BWW 0
00:03:2F:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Linksys Unknown 0
00:03:2F:2F:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WPC11 0
00:03:2F:2F:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WPC11
00:03:2F:2F:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Repotec GL241101
00:04:5A:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Linksys Unknown 0
00:04:5A:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Linksys Unknown Linksys 6
00:04:5A:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Linksys Unknown linksys 6
00:04:5A:5A:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys BEFW11S4 linksys 0
00:04:5A:5A:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WPC11
00:04:5A:5A:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WPC11
00:04:5A:5A:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WPC11
00:04:5A:5A:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WUSB11
00:04:75:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 3Com Unknown 0
00:04:75:75:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 3Com 3CRSHPW696 0
00:04:75:75:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 3Com 3CRWE62092B 0
00:04:75:75:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 3Com 3CRWE62092B
00:04:DB:DB:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Tellus TWL-C11 0
00:04:E2:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 SMC Unknown 0
00:04:E2:E2:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 SMC SMC2632W 0
00:04:E2:E2:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 SMC SMC2632W
00:04:E2:E2:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 SMC SMC2632W
00:04:E2:E2:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 SMC SMC2632W
00:04:E2:E2:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 SMC SMC2632W
00:05:3C:3C:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Intel Intel MiniPCI High Rate Wireless (ISL3874A) 0
00:05:5D:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 D-Link Unknown 0
00:05:5D:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 D-Link Unknown default 6
00:05:5D:5D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Compaq HNW-100 0
00:05:5D:5D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DCF-650W
00:05:5D:5D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DWL-650 0
00:05:5D:5D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DWL-650 0
00:05:5D:5D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DWL-650 0
00:05:5D:5D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DWL-650
00:05:5D:5D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DWL-650
00:05:5D:5D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DWL-650
00:05:5D:5D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DWL-650
00:05:5D:5D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DWL-650
00:05:5D:5D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DWL-650H
00:05:5D:5D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DWL-660 H/W:A1 F/W:4.04 0
00:06:25:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Linksys Unknown 0
00:06:25:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Linksys Unknown linksys 6
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-PCM340 0
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DCF-650W
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Dell True Mobile 1150 6
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys BEFW11S4 v2 linksys 6
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WCF11 0
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WCF11
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WCF12 0
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WCF12
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WCF12
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WMP11 0
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WMP11 v2.5 0
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WPC11 V.3 0
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WPC11 v2.5
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WPC11 v2.5
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WPC11 v3 0
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WPC11 v3 0
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WPC11 v3
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WPC11 v3
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WPC11 v3
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WPC11 v3
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WPC11 v3
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WPC11 v3
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WPC11 v3.0 0
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WPC11 ver.3 (FCC-ID: PKW-WPC11-V31[suggests V3.1]) 0
00:06:25:25:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Linksys WUSB11 v2.6 0
00:07:0E:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cisco Unknown 0
00:07:0E:0E:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-LMC352
00:07:0E:0E:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-PCM352
00:07:50:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cisco Unknown 0
00:07:50:50:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-LMC352
00:07:50:50:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-PCM350 0
00:08:21:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cisco Unknown 0
00:08:21:21:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-LMC352
00:08:21:21:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-LMC352
00:08:21:21:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-PCM352
00:08:21:21:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-PCM352
00:09:43:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cisco Unknown 0
00:09:43:43:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-LMC352
00:09:5B:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Netgear Unknown 0
00:09:5B:5B:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Netgear MA401 0
00:09:5B:5B:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Netgear MA401RA 0
00:09:5B:5B:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Netgear MA401RA
00:09:5B:5B:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Netgear MA701 0
00:09:5B:5B:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Netgear MA701
00:09:5B:5B:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Netgear ma101 0
00:09:5B:5B:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Netgear wab501 0
00:09:7C:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cisco Unknown 0
00:09:7C:7C:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-LMC352
00:09:7C:7C:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco Cisco Aironet 352 802.11b pcmcia card 0
00:09:92:92:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Sweex LC500010 ATMEL PCMCIA FastVNET (502A-D) 0
00:09:B7:B7:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-LMC352 0
00:09:B7:B7:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-LMC352 0
00:09:E8:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cisco Unknown 0
00:09:E8:E8:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-LMC352
00:0A:41:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cisco Unknown 0
00:0A:41:41:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-LMC352 0
00:0A:41:41:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-PCM352 0
00:0A:41:41:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-PCM352 0
00:0A:41:41:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-PCM352
00:0A:41:41:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-PCM352
00:0A:8A:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cisco Unknown 0
00:0A:8A:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cisco Unknown 0
00:0A:8A:8A:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-PCM352
00:0B:5F:5F:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-CB20A-A-K9 0
00:20:A6:A6:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Proxim Symphony (PC Card 4430) 0
00:20:D6:D6:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 BreezeCOM Breezenet Pro.11 SA-PCR 0
00:30:65:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Apple Unknown 0
00:30:65:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Apple Unknown 0
00:30:65:65:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Apple Airport Card 2002
00:30:AB:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Netgear Unknown 0
00:30:AB:AB:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Netgear MA401 0
00:30:AB:AB:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Netgear MA401
00:30:AB:AB:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Netgear MA401
00:30:AB:AB:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Netgear MA401
00:30:AB:AB:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Netgear MA401
00:30:AB:AB:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Netgear MR314 Wireless 1
00:30:AB:AB:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Netgear Netgear ma401 0
00:30:BD:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Belkin Unknown 0
00:30:BD:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Belkin Unknown 0
00:30:BD:BD:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Belkin F5D6020 0
00:30:BD:BD:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Belkin F5D6020 0
00:30:BD:BD:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Belkin F5D6020
00:30:BD:BD:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Belkin F5D6020
00:30:BD:BD:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Belkin F5D6020 (Version 01.02) 0
00:30:BD:BD:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Belkin F5D6020u 0
00:40:05:05:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DI-614+ default 6
00:40:05:05:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DI-614+ 22Mbps router/AP/switch default 6
00:40:05:05:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DWL-520+ 0
00:40:05:05:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DWL-650 0
00:40:05:05:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DWL-650 internet 8
00:40:05:05:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 D-Link DWL-650+ wireless 6
00:40:26:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Buffalo Unknown 0
00:40:96:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cisco Unknown 0
00:40:96:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cisco Unknown tsunami 6
00:40:96:96:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco 350
00:40:96:96:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-PC4800
00:40:96:96:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-PCM340 0
00:40:96:96:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-PCM340 0
00:40:96:96:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-PCM340
00:40:96:96:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-PCM340
00:40:96:96:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-PCM340
00:40:96:96:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-PCM340 (Dell Rebrand) 0
00:40:96:96:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-PCM352
00:40:96:96:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco AIR-PCM352
00:40:96:96:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cisco PC 4800 DS PCI Adapter 0
00:50:08:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Compaq Unknown 0
00:50:08:08:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Compaq WL100 0
00:50:08:08:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Compaq WL100
00:50:8B:8B:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Compaq Compaq WL100 compaq 0
00:50:8B:8B:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Compaq WL200 - ETSI region 0
00:50:DA:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 3Com Unknown 0
00:50:DA:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 3Com Unknown 0
00:50:DA:DA:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 3Com 3CRWE73796B
00:50:F2:F2:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Microsoft MN-510 0
00:50:F2:F2:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Microsoft Wireless Notebook Adapter MN-520 0
00:60:01:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Lucent Unknown 0
00:60:01:01:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent WaveLAN Silver
00:60:1D:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Lucent Unknown 0
00:60:1D:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Orinoco Unknown 0
00:60:1D:1D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent Lucent WaveLAN Turbo - Bronze, P/N: 011498/A 0
00:60:1D:1D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent Orinoco Gold
00:60:1D:1D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent PC24E-00-FC 0
00:60:1D:1D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent Silver
00:60:1D:1D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent WaveLAN Bronze
00:60:1D:1D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent WaveLAN Gold
00:60:1D:1D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Lucent Wavelan Turbo Bronze 0
00:60:6D:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Cabletron Unknown 0
00:60:6D:6D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cabletron CSIBB-AA
00:60:6D:6D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cabletron CSIBB-AA
00:60:6D:6D:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Cabletron RoamAbout 802.11DS 0
00:60:B3:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Proxim Unknown 0
00:60:B3:B3:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 3Com XI-815 0
00:60:B3:B3:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 3Com Zcom WL2000D 0
00:60:B3:B3:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Proxim RangeLAN DS 0
00:60:B3:B3:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Proxim RangeLan DS 8430
00:60:B3:B3:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 SMC SMC2642W
00:80:37:37:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Ericsson C11 (LA-4121-102M-ER-EU) 0
00:80:C6:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 SOHOware Unknown 0
00:90:4B:4B:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Dell 1180 True Mobile PCI 0
00:90:96:96:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Yakumo WLAN PCMCIA Card 11 Mbps 0
00:90:D1:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 LeArtery Unknown 0
00:90:D1:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 SMC Unknown WLAN 11
00:90:D1:D1:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 LeArtery SyncByAir LN101
00:90:D1:D1:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 SMC 2662W 0
00:90:D1:D1:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 SMC SMC2632W 0
00:A0:04:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 3Com Unknown 0
00:A0:65:65:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Nexland Zcom XI-300 0
00:A0:F8:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Symbol Unknown 0
00:A0:F8:F8:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Symbol Spectrum 24 High Rate 11MBps wireless LAN adapter 0
00:A0:F8:F8:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Symbol Spectrum24
00:C0:49:49:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 US Robotics USR1120 0
00:E0:29:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 OEM Unknown 0
00:E0:29:29:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 OEM OEM
00:E0:29:29:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 SMC 2632W 0
00:E0:29:29:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 SMC EZ-Connect Wireless 0
08:00:46:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 Sony Unknown 0
08:00:46:46:00:00/FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00 Sony PCWA-C100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
# Kismet config file
# Most of the "static" configs have been moved to here -- the command line
# config was getting way too crowded and cryptic. We want functionality,
# not continually reading --help!
# Version of Kismet config
# Name of server (Purely for organiational purposes)
# User to setid to (should be your normal user)
# Sources are defined as:
# source=cardtype,interface,name[,initialchannel]
# Card types and required drivers are listed in the README.
# The initial channel is optional, if hopping is not enabled it can be used
# to set the channel the interface listens on.
# For v1 hardware uncomment this:
# source=wrt54g,eth2,wireless
# Comma-separated list of sources to enable. This is only needed if you defined
# multiple sources and only want to enable some of them. By default, all defined
# sources are enabled.
# For example:
# enablesources=prismsource,ciscosource
# Do we channelhop?
# How many channels per second do we hop? (1-10)
# By setting the dwell time for channel hopping we override the channelvelocity
# setting above and dwell on each channel for the given number of seconds.
# Do we split channels between cards on the same spectrum? This means if
# multiple 802.11b capture sources are defined, they will be offset to cover
# the most possible spectrum at a given time. This also controls splitting
# fine-tuned sourcechannels lines which cover multiple interfaces (see below)
# Basic channel hopping control:
# These define the channels the cards hop through for various frequency ranges
# supported by Kismet. More finegrain control is available via the
# "sourcechannels" configuration option.
# Don't change the IEEE80211<x> identifiers or channel hopping won't work.
# Users outside the US might want to use this list:
# defaultchannels=IEEE80211b:1,7,13,2,8,3,14,9,4,10,5,11,6,12
# 802.11g uses the same channels as 802.11b...
# 802.11a channels are non-overlapping so sequential is fine. You may want to
# adjust the list depending on the channels your card actually supports.
# defaultchannels=IEEE80211a:36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,104,108,112,116,120,124,128,132,136,140,149,153,157,161,184,188,192,196,200,204,208,212,216
# Combo cards like Atheros use both 'a' and 'b/g' channels. Of course, you
# can also explicitly override a given source. You can use the script
# extras/listchan.pl to extract all the channels your card supports.
# Fine-tuning channel hopping control:
# The sourcechannels option can be used to set the channel hopping for
# specific interfaces, and to control what interfaces share a list of
# channels for split hopping. This can also be used to easily lock
# one card on a single channel while hopping with other cards.
# Any card without a sourcechannel definition will use the standard hopping
# list.
# sourcechannels=sourcename[,sourcename]:ch1,ch2,ch3,...chN
# ie, for us channels on the source 'prism2source' (same as normal channel
# hopping behavior):
# sourcechannels=prism2source:1,6,11,2,7,3,8,4,9,5,10
# Given two capture sources, "prism2a" and "prism2b", we want prism2a to stay
# on channel 6 and prism2b to hop normally. By not setting a sourcechannels
# line for prism2b, it will use the standard hopping.
# sourcechannels=prism2a:6
# To assign the same custom hop channel to multiple sources, or to split the
# same custom hop channel over two sources (if splitchannels is true), list
# them all on the same sourcechannels line:
# sourcechannels=prism2a,prism2b,prism2c:1,6,11
# Port to serve GUI data
# People allowed to connect, comma seperated IP addresses or network/mask
# blocks. Netmasks can be expressed as dotted quad (/ or as
# numbers (/24)
# Maximum number of concurrent GUI's
# Do we have a GPS?
# Host:port that GPSD is running on. This can be localhost OR remote!
# Do we lock the mode? This overrides coordinates of lock "0", which will
# generate some bad information until you get a GPS lock, but it will
# fix problems with GPS units with broken NMEA that report lock 0
# Packet filtering options:
# filter_tracker - Packets filtered from the tracker are not processed or
# recorded in any way.
# filter_dump - Packets filtered at the dump level are tracked, displayed,
# and written to the csv/xml/network/etc files, but not
# recorded in the packet dump
# filter_export - Controls what packets influence the exported CSV, network,
# xml, gps, etc files.
# All filtering options take arguments containing the type of address and
# addresses to be filtered. Valid address types are 'ANY', 'BSSID',
# 'SOURCE', and 'DEST'. Filtering can be inverted by the use of '!' before
# the address. For example,
# filter_tracker=ANY(!00:00:DE:AD:BE:EF)
# has the same effect as the previous mac_filter config file option.
# filter_tracker=...
# filter_dump=...
# filter_export=...
# Alerts to be reported and the throttling rates.
# alert=name,throttle/unit,burst
# The throttle/unit describes the number of alerts of this type that are
# sent per time unit. Valid time units are second, minute, hour, and day.
# Burst describes the number of alerts sent before throttling takes place.
# For example:
# alert=FOO,10/min,5
# Would allow 5 alerts through before throttling is enabled, and will then
# limit the number of alerts to 10 per minute.
# A throttle rate of 0 disables throttling of the alert.
# See the README for a list of alert types.
# Known WEP keys to decrypt, bssid,hexkey. This is only for networks where
# the keys are already known, and it may impact throughput on slower hardware.
# Multiple wepkey lines may be used for multiple BSSIDs.
# wepkey=00:DE:AD:C0:DE:00,FEEDFACEDEADBEEF01020304050607080900
# Is transmission of the keys to the client allowed? This may be a security
# risk for some. If you disable this, you will not be able to query keys from
# a client.
# How often (in seconds) do we write all our data files (0 to disable)
# Where do we get our manufacturer fingerprints from? Assumed to be in the
# default config directory if an absolute path is not given.
# Use metric measurements in the output?
# Do we write waypoints for gpsdrive to load? Note: This is NOT related to
# recent versions of GPSDrive's native support of Kismet.
# GPSMap waypoint file. This WILL be truncated.
# How many alerts do we backlog for new clients? Only change this if you have
# a -very- low memory system and need those extra bytes, or if you have a high
# memory system and a huge number of alert conditions.
# File types to log, comma seperated
# dump - raw packet dump
# network - plaintext detected networks
# csv - plaintext detected networks in CSV format
# xml - XML formatted network and cisco log
# weak - weak packets (in airsnort format)
# cisco - cisco equipment CDP broadcasts
# gps - gps coordinates
# Do we track probe responses and merge probe networks into their owners?
# This isn't always desireable, depending on the type of monitoring you're
# trying to do.
# Do we log "noise" packets that we can't decipher? I tend to not, since
# they don't have anything interesting at all in them.
# Do we log corrupt packets? Corrupt packets have enough header information
# to see what they are, but someting is wrong with them that prevents us from
# completely dissecting them. Logging these is usually not a bad idea.
# Do we log beacon packets or do we filter them out of the dumpfile
# Do we log PHY layer packets or do we filter them out of the dumpfile
# Do we mangle packets if we can decrypt them or if they're fuzzy-detected
# Do we do "fuzzy" crypt detection? (byte-based detection instead of 802.11
# frame headers)
# valid option: Comma seperated list of card types to perform fuzzy detection
# on, or 'all'
# What type of dump do we generate?
# valid option: "wiretap"
# Do we limit the size of dump logs? Sometimes ethereal can't handle big ones.
# 0 = No limit
# Anything else = Max number of packets to log to a single file before closing
# and opening a new one.
# Do we write data packets to a FIFO for an external data-IDS (such as Snort)?
# See the docs before enabling this.
# Default log title
# logtemplate - Filename logging template.
# This is, at first glance, really nasty and ugly, but you'll hardly ever
# have to touch it so don't complain too much.
# %n is replaced by the logging instance name
# %d is replaced by the current date as Mon-DD-YYYY
# %D is replaced by the current date as YYYYMMDD
# %t is replaced by the starting log time
# %i is replaced by the increment log in the case of multiple logs
# %l is replaced by the log type (dump, status, crypt, etc)
# %h is replaced by the home directory
# ie, "netlogs/%n-%d-%i.dump" called with a logging name of "Pok" could expand
# to something like "netlogs/Pok-Dec-20-01-1.dump" for the first instance and
# "netlogs/Pok-Dec-20-01-2.%l" for the second logfile generated.
# %h/netlots/%n-%d-%i.dump could expand to
# /home/foo/netlogs/Pok-Dec-20-01-2.dump
# Other possibilities: Sorting by directory
# logtemplate=%l/%n-%d-%i
# Would expand to, for example,
# dump/Pok-Dec-20-01-1
# crypt/Pok-Dec-20-01-1
# and so on. The "dump", "crypt", etc, dirs must exist before kismet is run
# in this case.
# Where do we store the pid file of the server?
# Where state info, etc, is stored. You shouldnt ever need to change this.
# This is a directory.
# cloaked SSID file. You shouldn't ever need to change this.
# Group map file. You shouldn't ever need to change this.
# IP range map file. You shouldn't ever need to change this.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
# Kismet drone config file
# Name of server (Purely for organiational purposes)
# User to setid to (should be your normal user)
# Port to serve packet data... This probably shouldn't be the same as the port
# you configured kismet_server for, or else you'll have problems running them
# on the same system.
# People allowed to connect, comma seperated IP addresses or network/mask
# blocks. Netmasks can be expressed as dotted quad (/ or as
# numbers (/24)
# Maximum number of concurrent stream attachments
# Packet sources:
# source=capture_cardtype,capture_interface,capture_name
# Card type - Specifies the type of device. It can be one of:
# cisco - Cisco card with Linux Kernel drivers
# cisco_cvs - Cisco card with CVS Linux drivers
# cisco_bsd - Cisco on *BSD
# prism2 - Prism2 using wlan-ng drivers with pcap support (all
# current versions support pcap)
# prism2_hostap - Prism2 using hostap drivers
# prism2_legacy - Prism2 using wlan-ng drivers without pcap support (0.1.9)
# prism2_bsd - Prism2 on *BSD
# orinoco - Orinoco cards using Snax's patched driers
# generic - Generic card with no specific support. You will have
# to put this into monitor mode yourself!
# wsp100 - WSP100 embedded remote sensor.
# wtapfile - Saved file of packets readable by libwiretap
# ar5k - ar5k 802.11a using the vt_ar5k drivers
# Capture interface - Specifies the network interface Kismet will watch for
# packets to come in on. Typically "ethX" or "wlanX". For the WSP100 capture
# engine, the WSP100 device sends packets via a UDP stream, so the capture
# interface should be in the form of host:port where 'host' is the WSP100 and
# 'port' is the local UDP port that it will send data to.
# Capture Name - The name Kismet uses for this capture source. This is the
# name used to specify what sources to enable.
# To enable multiple sources, specify a source line for each and then use the
# enablesources line to enable them. For example:
# source=prism2,wlan0,prism
# source=cisco,eth0,cisco
# For v1 hardware uncomment this:
# source=wrt54g,eth2,wireless
# Comma-separated list of sources to enable. This is only needed if you wish
# to selectively enable multiple sources.
# enablesources=prism,cisco
# Do we channelhop?
# How many channels per second do we hop? (1-10)
# By setting the dwell time for channel hopping we override the channelvelocity
# setting above and dwell on each channel for the given number of seconds.
# Do we split channels between cards on the same spectrum? This means if
# multiple 802.11b capture sources are defined, they will be offset to cover
# the most possible spectrum at a given time. This also controls splitting
# fine-tuned sourcechannels lines which cover multiple interfaces (see below)
# Basic channel hopping control:
# These define the channels the cards hop through for various frequency ranges
# supported by Kismet. More finegrain control is available via the
# "sourcechannels" configuration option.
# Don't change the IEEE80211<x> identifiers or channel hopping won't work.
# Users outside the US might want to use this list:
# defaultchannels=IEEE80211b:1,7,13,2,8,3,14,9,4,10,5,11,6,12
# 802.11g uses the same channels as 802.11b...
# 802.11a channels are non-overlapping so sequential is fine. You may want to
# adjust the list depending on the channels your card actually supports.
# defaultchannels=IEEE80211a:36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,104,108,112,116,120,124,128,132,136,140,149,153,157,161,184,188,192,196,200,204,208,212,216
# Combo cards like Atheros use both 'a' and 'b/g' channels. Of course, you
# can also explicitly override a given source. You can use the script
# extras/listchan.pl to extract all the channels your card supports.
# Fine-tuning channel hopping control:
# The sourcechannels option can be used to set the channel hopping for
# specific interfaces, and to control what interfaces share a list of
# channels for split hopping. This can also be used to easily lock
# one card on a single channel while hopping with other cards.
# Any card without a sourcechannel definition will use the standard hopping
# list.
# sourcechannels=sourcename[,sourcename]:ch1,ch2,ch3,...chN
# ie, for us channels on the source 'prism2source' (same as normal channel
# hopping behavior):
# sourcechannels=prism2source:1,6,11,2,7,3,8,4,9,5,10
# Given two capture sources, "prism2a" and "prism2b", we want prism2a to stay
# on channel 6 and prism2b to hop normally. By not setting a sourcechannels
# line for prism2b, it will use the standard hopping.
# sourcechannels=prism2a:6
# To assign the same custom hop channel to multiple sources, or to split the
# same custom hop channel over two sources (if splitchannels is true), list
# them all on the same sourcechannels line:
# sourcechannels=prism2a,prism2b,prism2c:1,6,11

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
# Kismet GUI config file
# Version of Kismet config
# Do we show the intro window?
# Gui type to use
# Valid types: curses, panel
# Server to connect to (host:port)
# Network traffic decay (active/recent/inactive) and packet click rate - increase
# this if you are doing prism2 channel hopping.
# What columns do we display? Comma seperated. Read the documentation for what
# columns are valid.
# What columns do we display for clients? Comma seperated.
# Do we auotmatically make a group for probed networks or do we show them
# amidst other networks?
# Do we autogroup data-only networks?
# Display battery status?
# Simple borders (use - and | instead of smooth vertical and horizontal
# lines. This is required on Zaurus, and might be needed elsewhere if your
# terminal doesn't display the border characters correctly.
# Colors (front, back) of text in the panel front. Valid colors are:
# black, red, yellow, green, blue, magenta, cyan, white
# optionally prefixed with "hi-" for bold/bright colors, ie
# hi-red, hi-yellow, hi-green, etc.
# Enable colors?
# Background
# Default text
# Window borders
# Titles
# GPS and APM info
# WEP network color
# Factory network color
# Open color
# Decloaked network color

View File

@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
diff -urN kismet.old/kis_packsources.cc kismet.dev/kis_packsources.cc
--- kismet.old/kis_packsources.cc 2005-08-16 03:22:51.000000000 +0200
+++ kismet.dev/kis_packsources.cc 2005-08-23 00:59:04.465379568 +0200
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
chancontrol_wlanng_avs, 1);
sourcetracker->RegisterPacketsource("wrt54g", 1, "na", 0,
- monitor_wrt54g, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ monitor_wrt54g, unmonitor_wrt54g, chancontrol_wext, 0);
REG_EMPTY_CARD(sourcetracker, "wlanng");
REG_EMPTY_CARD(sourcetracker, "wlanng_avs");
diff -urN kismet.old/packetsourcetracker.cc kismet.dev/packetsourcetracker.cc
--- kismet.old/packetsourcetracker.cc 2005-08-16 03:22:51.000000000 +0200
+++ kismet.dev/packetsourcetracker.cc 2005-08-23 00:59:39.969982048 +0200
@@ -986,6 +986,7 @@
chanpak.channel, errstr,
(void *) (meta_packsources[chanpak.meta_num]->capsource)) < 0) {
+#if 0
@@ -1007,6 +1008,7 @@
} else {
// Otherwise reset the error count
meta_packsources[chanpak.meta_num]->consec_errors = 0;
diff -urN kismet.old/pcapsource.cc kismet.dev/pcapsource.cc
--- kismet.old/pcapsource.cc 2005-08-16 03:22:51.000000000 +0200
+++ kismet.dev/pcapsource.cc 2005-08-23 01:03:45.652632608 +0200
@@ -115,6 +115,53 @@
u_char callback_data[MAX_PACKET_LEN];
// Open a source
+int PcapSourceWrt54g::OpenSource() {
+ channel = 0;
+ errstr[0] = '\0';
+ char *unconst = strdup("prism0");
+ pd = pcap_open_live(unconst, MAX_PACKET_LEN, 1, 1000, errstr);
+ #if defined (SYS_OPENBSD) || defined(SYS_NETBSD) && defined(HAVE_RADIOTAP)
+ /* Request desired DLT on multi-DLT systems that default to EN10MB. We do this
+ later anyway but doing it here ensures we have the desired DLT from the get go. */
+ pcap_set_datalink(pd, DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO);
+ #endif
+ free(unconst);
+ if (strlen(errstr) > 0)
+ return -1; // Error is already in errstr
+ paused = 0;
+ errstr[0] = '\0';
+ num_packets = 0;
+ if (DatalinkType() < 0)
+ return -1;
+ pcap_setnonblock(pd, 1, errstr);
+#elif !defined(SYS_OPENBSD)
+ // do something clever (Thanks to Guy Harris for suggesting this).
+ int save_mode = fcntl(pcap_get_selectable_fd(pd), F_GETFL, 0);
+ if (fcntl(pcap_get_selectable_fd(pd), F_SETFL, save_mode | O_NONBLOCK) < 0) {
+ snprintf(errstr, 1024, "fcntl failed, errno %d (%s)",
+ errno, strerror(errno));
+ }
+ if (strlen(errstr) > 0)
+ return -1; // Ditto
+ return 1;
+// Open a source
int PcapSource::OpenSource() {
channel = 0;
@@ -1928,63 +1975,32 @@
int monitor_wrt54g(const char *in_dev, int initch, char *in_err, void **in_if,
void *in_ext) {
char cmdline[2048];
- int mode;
- int wlmode = 0;
- vector<string> devbits = StrTokenize(in_dev, ":");
- if (devbits.size() < 2) {
- snprintf(cmdline, 2048, "/usr/sbin/wl monitor 1");
+ snprintf(cmdline, 2048, "/usr/sbin/iwpriv %s set_monitor 1", in_dev);
if (RunSysCmd(cmdline) < 0) {
- snprintf(in_err, 1024, "Unable to set mode using 'wl monitor 1'. Some "
- "custom firmware images require you to specify the origial "
+ snprintf(in_err, 1024, "Unable to set mode using 'iwpriv %s set_monitor 1'. "
+ "Some custom firmware images require you to specify the origial "
"device and a new dynamic device and use the iwconfig controls. "
"see the README for how to configure your capture source.");
return -1;
- } else {
- // Get the mode ... If this doesn't work, try the old wl method.
- if (Iwconfig_Get_Mode(devbits[0].c_str(), in_err, &mode) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Getting wireless mode via ioctls failed, "
- "defaulting to trying the 'wl' command.\n");
- wlmode = 1;
- }
- if (wlmode == 1) {
- snprintf(cmdline, 2048, "/usr/sbin/wl monitor 1");
- if (RunSysCmd(cmdline) < 0) {
- snprintf(in_err, 1024, "Unable to execute '%s'", cmdline);
- return -1;
- }
- } else if (mode != LINUX_WLEXT_MONITOR) {
- // Set it
- if (Iwconfig_Set_Mode(devbits[0].c_str(), in_err,
- snprintf(in_err, STATUS_MAX, "Unable to set iwconfig monitor "
- "mode. If you are using an older wrt54g, try specifying "
- "only the ethernet device, not ethX:prismX");
- return -1;
- }
+ return 1;
+int unmonitor_wrt54g(const char *in_dev, int initch, char *in_err, void **in_if,
+ void *in_ext) {
+ char cmdline[2048];
+ snprintf(cmdline, 2048, "/usr/sbin/iwpriv %s set_monitor 0", in_dev);
+ if (RunSysCmd(cmdline) < 0) {
+ snprintf(in_err, 1024, "Unable to set mode using 'iwpriv %s set_monitor 0'. "
+ "Some custom firmware images require you to specify the origial "
+ "device and a new dynamic device and use the iwconfig controls. "
+ "see the README for how to configure your capture source.");
+ return -1;
- }
- snprintf(cmdline, 2048, "/usr/sbin/wl monitor 1");
- if (RunSysCmd(cmdline) < 0) {
- snprintf(in_err, 1024, "Unable to set mode using 'wl monitor 1'. Some "
- "custom firmware images require you to specify the origial "
- "device and a new dynamic device and use the iwconfig controls. "
- "see the README for how to configure your capture source. "
- "Support for wireless extensions was not compiled in, so more "
- "advanced modes of setting monitor mode are not available.");
- return -1;
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Support for wireless extensions was not compiled "
- "into this binary. Using the iw* tools to set monitor mode will not "
- "be available. This may cause opening the source to fail on some "
- "firmware versions. To fix this, make sure wireless extensions are "
- "available and found by the configure script when building Kismet.");
return 1;
diff -urN kismet.old/pcapsource.h kismet.dev/pcapsource.h
--- kismet.old/pcapsource.h 2005-08-16 03:22:51.000000000 +0200
+++ kismet.dev/pcapsource.h 2005-08-23 01:04:26.057490136 +0200
@@ -265,6 +265,7 @@
PcapSourceWrt54g(string in_name, string in_dev) : PcapSource(in_name, in_dev) {
fcsbytes = 4;
+ int OpenSource();
int FetchPacket(kis_packet *packet, uint8_t *data, uint8_t *moddata);
carrier_type IEEE80211Carrier();
@@ -412,6 +413,7 @@
int monitor_wlanng_avs(const char *in_dev, int initch, char *in_err, void **in_if, void *in_ext);
// linksys wrt54g monitoring
int monitor_wrt54g(const char *in_dev, int initch, char *in_err, void **in_if, void *in_ext);
+int unmonitor_wrt54g(const char *in_dev, int initch, char *in_err, void **in_if, void *in_ext);
// This should be expanded to handle BSD...

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
diff -urN kismet-2005-04-R1.old/configfile.cc kismet-2005-04-R1.dev/configfile.cc
--- kismet-2005-04-R1.old/configfile.cc 2005-04-03 07:33:42.000000000 +0200
+++ kismet-2005-04-R1.dev/configfile.cc 2005-04-26 01:37:32.000000000 +0200
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
+#include <time.h>
#include "configfile.h"
#include "util.h"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff